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  1. N

    Target transformatives

    Honestly I feel your pain because the game made me have an eggnancy fetish and the only way to get the perk is first use the egg elixir you buy from Kelly after assisting shelly once then will you are pregnant with the eggs get 4 bird racial score or 6 reptilian score with the chance of getting...
  2. N

    Trouble with reducing stats

    I just realized this thread is supposed to be in the "bugs" Sub forum not in the TiTS x.x wonder if they will disregard it since it's not through the right hoop
  3. N

    Save Game Request

    Mayhaps they just don't have the time for some reason I find myself starting over when I get into "TiTS" space and then I like spend an hour alone farming First 14 get to other things if I am lucky. I think it's that when I get into the space I like everything to feel fresh. Habit I got to break
  4. N

    Trouble with reducing stats

    Really I just didn't want to be a bother about it because if people pester things like this might make those that can fix it not want to fix it or something like that, I was thinking on when to make a new post about it but then I found this one and put my reply. Also who knows maybe someone saw...
  5. N

    Trouble with reducing stats

    Is my favorite mechanic in the game so when an update comes out I load a save and test it with a dumbfuck I have in the inventory then don't touch the game til the next update if is still broken. I made a post like this before but it got burried and it's been like 10 updates since. Lets hope...
  6. N

    Dumbfuck sneezes didn't reduce stats

    Bugger I was going to try and check it today thanks for doing that ahead of me the dumbfuck is one of my favorite things and it's holding me back from playing it xD
  7. N

    Dumbfuck sneezes didn't reduce stats

    Thanks for testingout the other things treatment has somewhat lost my interest since it's rarely ever what I wanted to be unless I did the cheat command and save scumming it and also the transformations are a bit more than I prefer
  8. N

    Dumbfuck sneezes didn't reduce stats

    I used Dumbfuck and went through all 20 orgasms/sneezes and intelligence and willpower didn't decrease. I haven't used the treatment so I do not know if it has the same bug or not I'll keep posted if I do