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  1. K

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    An item that just adds a pussy to your tail. The pussy equivalent of injecting Dicksprout into your tail. Even just adding tail injection as an option to Pussybloom. With the addition of Twilit, there are now two ways to get a non-parasitic tail pussy (the other is Tentatool), and both of...
  2. K

    Fixed [0.9.116-BACKER#5525] Snake Shake With Boba bugs

    The leg transformation still gives you two snake tails instead of Slyveren legs. The tail transformation completely removes your existing tail, and you can not grow a new one by using the Snake Shake With Boba again. The "hermaphroditic Slyveren pussy" still completely removes your existing...
  3. K

    CoC2 Save Editor

    As in where is it listed in the save file? Pc.wyldmark does not exist in the save file, at least as far as this editor shows. The only way to get at it is to use the browser console? Also what wiki are you talking about? There's no number codes listed for anything on the wiki.
  4. K

    CoC2 Save Editor

    Does anyone know where a character's Wyld Mark is stored?
  5. K

    Fixed [[0.9.111-BACKER#5420]] Snake Shake (with Bobas) isssues

    These are still here as of [0.9.114-BACKER#5489].
  6. K

    Issue with getting a specific TF to proc (Wyld Wine)

    Where is the Wyld Mark even stored in the character data? Their character started as human, so I dug around in the save to see if they did already have a sip of Wine at some point before, but I couldn't find anything about Wyld Marks. Checked on my own Wyld Elf, and still couldn't find...
  7. K

    Confirmation of Oral with Cousin on Train

    There's also a chance that your save did not get the "Danced with Cousin" flag set correctly. It happened with mine, where I had danced with them way back when the Dhaal Party was first implemented. When I checked the flags last week to find this scene, that flag was undefined.
  8. K

    If I sell my soul, can I no longer follow the redemption path for Kassyra?

    Just in case you aren't fully aware of his nonsense. Everything about Tychris in that post is a lie.
  9. K

    Where to play? Select your swf file by clicking the button at the top of the page, then load it up. Obviously recommend using save-to-file when playing.
  10. K

    Bugged [0.7.26] Valkyrie soulbind, and Keros being a no-show

    Soul-binds are mutually exclusive, so if you already did one you're not going to get offers for a different one. Likely just an oversight on Keros's offer having other scenes locked behind seeing it, since the kitsunes and Keros are encountered much earlier (and were in the game for years...
  11. K

    What content would you like added?

    I want flat, and A-cup, male-identifying characters, with low or zero tone, to be able to use the feminine chest descriptors, instead of it always mentioning "pectoral muscles" and "pecs". Flat-chested female-identifying characters, with low or zero tone, do not have "pectoral muscles" or...
  12. K

    What content would you like added?

    The ability for the chest parser to use the feminine chest descriptors even if your gender is set as male. It's weird that a Maximum Femboy character with 100% femininity, 0% tone, and 49% thickness still has their chest only described as "pectoral muscles". Even getting A-cups still uses...
  13. K

    Morality debate, is Starting a Bimbo Cult really evil?

    If your cult is based around forcing or tricking people to be bimbos, then yes. That's all there is to it. If those mental and physical changes are forced on people, it's evil. If people drink the juice willingly but aren't told exactly what it will do to them, it's evil.
  14. K

    So just for the hell of it, I made a Champ who looks like Kasyrra.

    It's not either or. You get both sets.
  15. K

    So just for the hell of it, I made a Champ who looks like Kasyrra.

    You can get a set of hip dragon wings from making the corrupted dragonsblood by using Nash's ashen cinderleaf instead of regular cinderleaf. It's a chance proc if you already have the primary dragon wings and scaled skin or scaled arms. I've got them on my pink bimbo dragon.
  16. K

    Ryn's dick

    She also likes using her dick on you, if you let her, at least as Full LoverRyn. She even has a wakeup sex scene where she fucks you.
  17. K

    What content would you like added?

    Well yeah, there's a difference between being forced into it and just being a giant subby/switchy slut who would explode out of their own clothes the moment a big dommy lady expresses interest.
  18. K

    What content would you like added?

    Yeah, Alissa's a completely evil selfish person. Everything she did to Ryn was out of an extremely twisted form of romantic love, and was started yeeeeeaaaarrrrrrrs before Kass came knocking. I just want her to add another target, but one who is willing this time.
  19. K

    What content would you like added?

    Gimme an Alissa "romantic" path, where she starts showing the same sadistic possessiveness towards you that she feels towards Ryn if you indulge her enough. Let her funnel her anger and jealousy over Ryn loving you into a lusty obsession. Instead of you "shamefully" leaving after a single...
  20. K

    Your Gripes With CoC2

    I'm a Boomer fan, but that's mostly through his two-mouths blowjob scene with Ryn and the old old old tease of him leaving the mercs and mentoring under Cait.