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  1. N

    CoC edit file loading issue

    How do I load an edited CoC file? I've tried saving it in slot format and save as file format but any time I try to load either file it says it can't find the file, make sure it's in the same directory as the swf file, and that I can't load files when playing directly on a website such as...
  2. N

    2nd Sheila Encounter? (Nevermind, found her)

    How tf do I meet her again? The last time I played (which was years ago) she ended up having a couple of kids with my character but now there's nothing. I've spent like 2 in game weeks trying to find her all throughout the plains to no avail. I just keep running into level 14 Satyrs, an Easter...
  3. N

    I am confusion. Where TF is the Recreation Deck??

    I did that already, hence mentioning having the next set of coordinates. :) So there's a floor above where the Sidewinder and Teyaal (I think they're on the 3rd floor??) are then? Hmmm... Looks like I'm gonna have to really take my time with that station then and really look; I've been all over...
  4. N

    I am confusion. Where TF is the Recreation Deck??

    As per the title- where tf is the recreation deck. Ran into Minuet on Zheng Shi and she said to meet her there. Per wiki info, it's supposed to be on the station. I've already got the next set of coordinates. Been all over the station and nada. Thanks in advance. Unrelated to Zheng Shi- My...
  5. N

    Zheng Shi Questions

    I coulda swore I got weapons from him... Hmmm... Now I gotta take a look at his menu again (the next time I'm over that way) to see what it is I thought were weapons or whatever. lol I assumed Megrez didn't sell anything when he said he doesn't sell ships and just repairs them, but it's great to...
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    Zheng Shi Questions

    To be honest... I'm prolly gonna forget to do that.
  7. N

    Zheng Shi Questions

    1. Awesome. Thank you. 2. Where's the best place for that?
  8. N

    Zheng Shi Questions

    1. I can return there like I can Mhen'ga, Myrellion and Tarkus (I disarmed the bomb) after getting the probe right? 2. If I wanted to wait till later so I could get a junk ship (cuz I might forget to get one first), could I? Or would it have to be immediately after ?
  9. N

    WTF moment: Einar???

    Ok, that makes sense! That's what I thought but wasn't 100% sure. I know what does. lol I was just curious as to how Broodmother would work with prescripted kids like Mirrin's. I assumed the wiki was at least half accurate, but wanted to have clarification since both Mirrin and I are pregnant...
  10. N

    WTF moment: Einar???

    Ahh. Ok. That explains why it changed to Torri when I looked at my stats to check my pregnancy timer. Uuuhhhh.... What happens if there's a third kid? I was trying out the editor and I have something (I think it's a perk but I can't remember; I'm too lazy to check the editor) that maximizes...
  11. N

    WTF moment: Einar???

    I was looking through the stats portion of my codex for shiggles (shits and giggles) and came upon an update (of sorts) in my pregnancy status. My second womb holds Mirrin's little ones but now, instead of it just saying "Mirrin" it says "Mirrin (Einar?)". I was wondering if Einar was related to...
  12. N

    Breedwell Question

    Oookay. Thanks for clearing that up. I figured it hadn't been implemented yet, and I'm excited for when it is. :D
  13. N

    Breedwell Question

    So theen... Steeles with super fast preg speeds also get an hour before Rahn births or do they just have minutes? I'm at 200% incubation speed/modifier so I'm trying to figure out how much time I have before popping out the Rahn if I do maternity.
  14. N

    (Bothrioc) Pidemme Question

    Huh... Well that explains why I got 3 babies out of 16 eggs the second time I tried. Oh nice! I was about to ask that next so thanks for letting me know.
  15. N

    (Bothrioc) Pidemme Question

    Damn it. Welp. Just gonna have to keep trying (of course). But now I'm thinking about what you said earlier... Do you remember of any of your fertilized Bothrioc eggnancies were anal? Or were they all vaginal? I'm wondering if the oriface the eggs are carried in makes a difference. Thank you...
  16. N

    (Bothrioc) Pidemme Question

    Yeah, but that doesn't tell me if the eggs are gonna dissolve or not by the time I'm supposed to deliver (unfortunately). How can I tell what my oil addiction is? I've looked everywhere in the codex and it's not there... Am I only able to view the addiction level if I'm currently pregnant?
  17. N

    Breedwell Question

    Huh! I had no clue it stopped 5 mins before on custom time. I like to stop a day ahead for most of my births, or when Aina's pregnant because I don't wat to miss the birth of the baby. I'll definitely be making use of the full custom time for some of my pregnancies now! :D Will it be 5 minutes...
  18. N

    (Bothrioc) Pidemme Question

    Is there any way to tell beforehand if the eggs are gonna be fertile or not? And do I have to worry about an oil addiction from multiple pregnancies?
  19. N

    (Bothrioc) Pidemme Question

    I am confusion. I won against a Pidemme down in the Deep Caves on Myrellion and let them lay their eggs in my (character's) rear and I just got a notice that the eggs dissolved and faded away. I'm trying to have kids with and by everyone in the game that I can and am confused as to why the...
  20. N

    Breedwell Question

    Ok... So if I'm understanding this correctly, and please correct me if I'm wrong, I got the warning from Quaelle because of the 2 Rahn I got pregnant with when I saw to Flahne's needs while under the contract (and didn't give them to the Tamani drone)? Or am I misunderstanding? Ok. I'll...