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  1. Furiae

    Your Gripes With CoC2

    OMG, it's like the Goku vs Superman fights on y2k-era GameFAQs all over again. Sephiroth is obviously stronger!!1 (seriously though, you're comparing the MC of a finished game to an unfinished game, not even their final form, etc etc etc) also Wait, what are "traditional Western RPGs" if not...
  2. Furiae

    Things that are either extremely unlikely or impossible to happen in CoC 2

    That's what I mean. After all the freaking out about it Salwah did/the sheer volume of references to people's brands being like fantasy usenet nerd code in the temple scenes, it seemed like it would be pretty controversial for a temple matron not to be sporting the "right" one. I also found...
  3. Furiae

    [Submitted] Orshug the orc thane

    on my way offline, so no time to go through it now, but as someone who is into dudes, just wanted to say I salute your endeavors. o7
  4. Furiae

    Things that are either extremely unlikely or impossible to happen in CoC 2

    I'm never gonna stop pouting, though. At least for Mallach, he's my favorite dammit:catstare: I actually have the reverse question: will she be able to get a proper one put ON? She's (optionally) a Temple Matron now, after all! Did you ever see the COC1 xianxia mod? they tried it, and the...
  5. Furiae

    Your Gripes With CoC2

    Whoa whoa whoa, let's not go totally crazy and say shit we can't take back. (also now I know you're not really the pope) I mean, I am still butthurt I can't choose to champion the druids or become a magical catgirl, but it's hard for me to say this game is inferior. I've replayed through coc1...
  6. Furiae


    This is handy (and I'm intrigued by the 'other'), but the real issue isn't 'sexable' variety so much as 'fleshed out and sexable,' IMO. I dunno how that stacks for the purefems since it's not my scene, but for dudes there's Brint and Tetsuya, the hope that BubbleLord eventually adds the...
  7. Furiae

    Is there really any difference between a Marefolk cock and a Minotaur cock?

    knock yourself out, buddy but yeah, actual bull penises look more like something you'd use when you lock your keys in the car
  8. Furiae

    typhoon cancelled and i just found out cm punk got fired. today rules

    typhoon cancelled and i just found out cm punk got fired. today rules
  9. Furiae

    submission update: rearranged things, changed backstories, changed dangly bits, back to 50k...

    submission update: rearranged things, changed backstories, changed dangly bits, back to 50k again :toot:
  10. Furiae

    Your Gripes With CoC2

    ...You've hit a new low in stupid posts, son. Berry was removed in the July 26, 2022 patch, and a quick look at my profile will show I joined here on Jan 7, 2021. So even if we ignore the simple fact Emerald pointed out, this is embarrassing. For what it's worth, I've played on and off since...
  11. Furiae

    your character's proportions

    90% of my champs are low-thickness catboys with curly hair, a huge ass, and a dick under 4 inches. Some of them have a-cups, some of them are swole af, but that's my usual template.
  12. Furiae

    Your Gripes With CoC2

    man, every time I see the name "Wynne" I still throw up in my mouth a little bit. Anyway, I think if he'd ever gotten another set he'd have been fine. I used him a lot when he was around. More than I use Viv now, at least. For what it's worth, Cait, Brint, and Arona are my top 3. I like Ryn...
  13. Furiae

    What content would you like added?

    She's a girl-boss in TiTS, if you didn't know. The goblin population is a lot higher in general, actually... What, marefolk shaman stole your job and framed you for a crime you didn't commit? ...but I do agree with this. It's especially infuriating when you're, say, trying to find Viv's stupid...
  14. Furiae

    The attitude of in-world cultures towards incest?

    Leothran twins, too, iirc. The one I'm most curious about is the Mallachites. if anybody has an official incest policy, i'd figure it's them.
  15. Furiae

    Redeeming Kasyrra

    I'm always shocked when other people don't have pages of save slots preceding every little thing. I guess all those 90s adventure games conditioned me. Anyway, just wanted to mention that if you put the difficulty on "story," don't worry too much about reading, and only do required content...
  16. Furiae

    What content would you like added?

    Barney was right all along, Cait better apologize :catstare:
  17. Furiae

    i just discovered that zoomers think Utena is feminist, and wonder who's gonna let em know that...

    i just discovered that zoomers think Utena is feminist, and wonder who's gonna let em know that it only exists because the director thinks 14 year old girls kissing is hot
  18. Furiae

    Was best Girl Zhara this entire time?!

    The anti-Kiyoko would be a childfree dickgirl that loves pussy and whose family are really friendly and accepting of you
  19. Furiae

    What content would you like added?

    Holy shit you cracked the code! they even take your soul out of your body and go all "idk what you're so freaked out about, here's a dumb analogy to a cupcow." seriously tho, if Mallach can poof me into a magical girl half as cute as that bear girl from the last ep, i'm in. that's the kind of...
  20. Furiae

    Soul Bind Reveal to Kass

    i... i was joking...:negativeman: