The attitude of in-world cultures towards incest?

Nov 9, 2021
Before anyone gets exasperated with me, no, this is not a request to put incest in the game. As the title indicates, I am asking "what attitude/position do the various in-game cultures canonically take towards incest?" IRL, different cultures have different positions on incest, and different ideas about what counts as incest. E.g. In some cultures, marriage between 1st cousins is fairly common, while in others, sexual relations between 2nd cousins are strictly forbidden. I would assume the various in-game cultures of CoC2 would likewise vary.
By way of example, Minotaurs (Brienne & Rina), Tanuki (Senja & Meira), and Kitsune (Miko & Mai) don't seem to have issues with engaging in sexual acts with siblings, though in all the list examples, the siblings were of the same gender in a threesome with a 3rd party (the player). (I always turn Brint into Brienne at the earliest opportunity, so I'm not as familiar with his attitude towards the subject). The Vesparans (Azyrran and Nyzerrah) seem to have a similar attitude towards threesomes involving a mother and daughter. Do those examples reflect the values of those culture? Or do they merely reflect the attitudes of the specific individuals involved?
In contrast, the half-siblings Garret and Solveig attempted to have sex before they knew of their relationship, but Garret couldn't get it up that day, indicating that Lupines have an instinctive opposition towards incest, at least between different gendered siblings. If true, this apparently doesn't stop the townsfolk from spreading rumors early on that Garret was the one how got his sister (Gwyneth) pregnant, indicating at least that outsiders have a different perception of Lupine culture. It also doesn't stop Gwyneth from having a major Daddy complex, though this is implied to be a personal thing.
As another example, it is fairly well known that in the original CoC, Harpies (Sophie) and Goblins (Tamani) actually encouraged the players to have sex with their daughters. Are the Harpies and Goblins of CoC2 similar? (Personal opinion: I hope not. I want my wholesome bundle of cuteness Mitra to stay that way).
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Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
In regards to the lupine thing being an instinctual avoidance (and I can't speak for the whole culture, I am only sharing observations and what might be wildly misinterpretations). I don't think there's an instinctual lupine 'sense' (beyond their normal keen senses). Otherwise, the rumors that Garth or Garret were the father of Gwyn's first litter would never have been a real issue. Someone could claim it, but it wouldn't have gotten the traction it seemed that Sanders and Garth had to... forcefully shut it down. If it was such a case that most couldn't even 'get it up' in normal circumstances, that probably be general knowledge.

Having said that, Garret seems to have very keen senses (sniffs out your pregnancy and knows its his very quickly), so as an individual, he might actually have an instinctual sense, but I think that's just him specifically.

As for Salamanders, Prince Anders and Princess Phyria seem to be friendly enough with each other. I can't tell if that's just a royal decadence or a cultural thing among high nobles (I don't think it is, but even IRL that's where it's been most notable). I would probably think that was just their own relationship and isn't common in their culture or city (I think their station and power would have prevented any real issue even if they didn't hide it).


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2021
Leothran twins, too, iirc.
The one I'm most curious about is the Mallachites. if anybody has an official incest policy, i'd figure it's them.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
Let's not forget the Centaur siblings in the caravan, you can literally pay to watch them fuck.