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  1. TheHappiestMerchantMan

    Ice Palace Thread [SPOILERS, OBVIOUSLY]

    So does Kas's sex scenes change based on if you fucked her or got fucked by her during the tutorial/other times? or is it always ride her, dual blow, or get doggy'd.
  2. TheHappiestMerchantMan

    William's Wall

    Aye, will report in the proper place then ta Will
  3. TheHappiestMerchantMan

    William's Wall

    So, im a bit confused by Bianca as is in this patch. I appear unable to get her to 50%, which I understand to be a major turning point. she's been locked at 49% for a while now (tested in titsed). Is 50%+Cuddle and future in the xpac as well, or am I dumb and mising something here?
  4. TheHappiestMerchantMan

    Lust Doll (Completed Game!)

    odd. i went and have about 30 or so toilet masturbation's dohne (at one point, doing 7 in one go!) and still no police scene. is it females only?
  5. TheHappiestMerchantMan

    Lust Doll (Completed Game!)

    hm, thanks for the tips. Is there a functioning wiki up yet? I've still not for the life of me fiugred out how to proc the police scenes, though that may be a bug as i cant even get her dialogue/portrait up when i walk over her space.
  6. TheHappiestMerchantMan

    Lust Doll (Completed Game!)

    Would it be posible to get a list of where you can increase each stat? I know the rack and the gym allow fight and nimble increases, and the rack further offers senses, and that allure is gained through trasing. but where does one 'grind' tolerance, empathy, and mystic?
  7. TheHappiestMerchantMan

    Meme War!

    Hi i hear this is where the dankest freshest memes get produced
  8. TheHappiestMerchantMan

    Fallout 4 Hype

    Think that's bad? "The fuck you hidin bitch?" Enjoy the raiders!
  9. TheHappiestMerchantMan

    Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    I think Myrellion is worse then NT in that aspect because while NT is completely optional and you never need set foot in bimboland, Myrellion is legitimately required for you to go through in order to get to later content, on account of the probes, which then ties into the problem of gating...
  10. TheHappiestMerchantMan

    Halloween Feedback

    Seducing/persuading Dane away from rival fukin when
  11. TheHappiestMerchantMan

    Fallout 4 Hype

    hey there folks, sure is a nice game you got there
  12. TheHappiestMerchantMan

    How do you think TiTs will end?

    Search your feelings, you know it to be true!
  13. TheHappiestMerchantMan

    How do you think TiTs will end?

    It's going to end half finished and with the writers burnt out from waifus.
  14. TheHappiestMerchantMan

    Halloween Feedback

    You overdid the bimbo stuff, but I like Samus so it's an equal trade. i really liked the centaurification though. There's like 2 items that are ready for coding that do so. I think one got subsumed by the other though. either way, it's deffo on the list of things Soon™ afaik
  15. TheHappiestMerchantMan

    Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    I can't be the only one wishing we could just move past Myrellion and leave it behind, right?
  16. TheHappiestMerchantMan


    You guessed it. Fen's big 2 things are Bimbos and Horsecocks. Either one is a surefire way of getting your submission in game quick. Usually, anyways.
  17. TheHappiestMerchantMan


    It's a wonder Fen hasn't coded it in yet. Aren't demons one of his Big Yes fetishes?
  18. TheHappiestMerchantMan

    The Grand Galactic Credit Theory

    Just because society isn't down with Living Steel doesn't mean they're all cool with flash cloning either. "Growing" a living sex toy is a far cry from growing an actual entire person. That said, the tech probably does exist in the form of black market organ farms and the like. Keep in mind if...
  19. TheHappiestMerchantMan

    What're you? [Male/Female]

    Tits are a man's hopes and dreams. they're soft stress balls to knead and poke and nuzzle and shit man something something biological imperative something something maternal memories etc etc. tits are great man, is what i'm sayin. yeah. tits.
  20. TheHappiestMerchantMan

    Will we be able to put Hand So into Bess/Ben?

    Bess is/was the Ember of TiTs afaict, in terms of absolute customizability. Don't expect anything near that level again. Unless one of the Pink Titles™ decides to be masochistic.