The Grand Galactic Credit Theory


Active Member
Oct 5, 2015
I don't think it's a good idea to try and fit in 'X credits equals X money' right alongside with 'items on later planets are more expensive because game'. That leads to people like MerchantMan twisting their brains into pretzels in order to figure out how the fictional economy of a scifi porn game works (it doesn't).

Either credits have a value or they don't. Right now they do, except when they don't.

I fully agree, but hey Word of Fen is Word of Fen. It's my choice to take that and pretzel my brain around into sensible numbers. Good thing I love pretzels right?


New Member
Aug 29, 2015
Just reading Merchant talk about these numbers is getting me hot and bothered, I think I have found a new fetish for myself guys.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
If anyone's read the first page of the Poe A planet content, the first page when you arrive there states that Steele sees ships that are probably worth as much as the planet.

One has to remember that ships in TiTS are like cars to us. The average ship price to them would be comparable to the average car price to us, although likely a bit more expensive with all the extra components. There's probably billions of ships in the galaxy anyway.

Makes me wonder how one of these planet costing ships are made.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If anyone's read the first page of the Poe A planet content, the first page when you arrive there states that Steele sees ships that are probably worth as much as the planet.

One has to remember that ships in TiTS are like cars to us. The average ship price to them would be comparable to the average car price to us, although likely a bit more expensive with all the extra components. There's probably billions of ships in the galaxy anyway.

Makes me wonder how one of these planet costing ships are made.

Branding, of course. Everybody wants a Tamani-brand dildo ship.

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
One has to remember that ships in TiTS are like cars to us.

That doesn't seem like a useful or accurate analogy. In fact, I'm going to call bullshit. The average middle-class household in TiTS does not have, and could not afford, a starship. Starships aren't something most of the people would even need to use regularly.

A ship might be more accurate. Most people don't own one, or need one, and most of the people who actually own them are people who make their living with them (and even they usually don't own the whole ship on their own), or rich fucks that just want to show off.


Active Member
Oct 16, 2015
Yeah, space ship to sea ship is the comparison that comes most immediately to mind for me. Largely because they don't actually make cars of a comparable size to, say, a freighter that would actually prove economical on an interplanetary scale. That plus the whole pirates, navy, and docks thing really draws the mind to nautical things.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah, space ship to sea ship is the comparison that comes most immediately to mind for me. Largely because they don't actually make cars of a comparable size to, say, a freighter that would actually prove economical on an interplanetary scale. That plus the whole pirates, navy, and docks thing really draws the mind to nautical things.

That's probably a much better example than mine actually. Although there would definitely be a lot more Space-ships in game than Sea Ships at any time in history. I wouldn't be surprised if there was billions, there's that many planets and races.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Yep. Down to ordinary people being able to afford yachts or fishing boat analogues, if that's their thing and they're able to save up/sell their bodies.

That reminds me, in a weird way, of a question I had for a while. Why exactly TiTS verse doesn't have massive Transmetropolitan-style cloning farms and all the delicious forms of enterprises they allow for. The technology is there, and considering how much crap gets through the loopholes in U.G.C. laws and the state of artificial sentience rights, it should be technically or fully legal.


Active Member
Oct 5, 2015
That reminds me, in a weird way, of a question I had for a while. Why exactly TiTS verse doesn't have massive Transmetropolitan-style cloning farms and all the delicious forms of enterprises they allow for. The technology is there, and considering how much crap gets through the loopholes in U.G.C. laws and the state of artificial sentience rights, it should be technically or fully legal.

Just because society isn't down with Living Steel doesn't mean they're all cool with flash cloning either. "Growing" a living sex toy is a far cry from growing an actual entire person. That said, the tech probably does exist in the form of black market organ farms and the like. Keep in mind if clones were widespread and legal, you can imagine that no one but clones would work the sex industry due to intense competition from clone-using brothels. why pay ~80-150 creds for an actual whore when you can pay like 15 for a clone 'doll'? Discounting the ultrarich and their eccentricities of course.

The "spacecraft are just sea-ships" view is what I took from it too. Passenger ships for commercial travel and large freighters are widespread, but privately owned ships like Steele and Saendra have? You're either Warbucks Jr (Steele, and even then ours is considered a rustbucket) or make your living with it (Saendra)

Then again I take an overall dystopian view of the TiTSverse. Spacepunk rather then Space opera, y'know?


Active Member
Oct 16, 2015
Pretty sure Steele's ship just looks like a rustbucket. It does have brand new engines and computers, so it's probably pretty nice as far as personal ships go. Also, Steele apparently prefers to use it over hotels even if they're floating in cash, so it's likely pretty posh inside as well.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Also, Steele apparently prefers to use it over hotels even if they're floating in cash, so it's likely pretty posh inside as well.

Personally, I prefer sleeping in Taivra's chambers. And the bunk area of Tavros was described to be pretty run down themselves.