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  1. TheShepard256

    Tech Ideas

    Some points regarding the Dragon Shielding upgrade and associated comments: Shield Defense acts as damage reduction: each attack your ship's shields sustain has its damage reduced by your ship's Shield Defense, to a minimum of 1. There's already an upgrade that increases max Shields (Shield...
  2. TheShepard256

    A list of unrelated questions

    It's a somewhat random chance based on Steele's willpower and libido: specifically, libido/2 + 1d20 < willpower/2 + 1d20 to win. Also, she's a half-gryvain.
  3. TheShepard256

    Buying orgasmender and the buttslitinator

    Yes, Kiro has to be fully bimbofied.
  4. TheShepard256

    turning the Goo race into a racial prefix/sufix thing

    Ah. It's been a long time since I ever played a goo character, so I didn't know that. Flags would have to be restricted/allowed on a case-by-case basis to avoid problems; any given body part type would not have access to certain flags and may even have one or more flags that can't be removed...
  5. TheShepard256

    Observation post of the Observer.

    Not me, on both counts. The worst I'd do is "Kinu, please don't encourage the poor fool. … Well, if you're going to encourage him anyway, at least teach him how to write poetry that isn't terrible." Raphael, on the other hand...
  6. TheShepard256

    Breedwell Help?

    Ah. I was just gong off the wiki, and I assumed "tier-ordered transformations" meant "to be eligible for TFs from one tier, you must have all the TFs from all lower tiers". What you said makes much more sense, especially for minor things like masculinity. I know. The actual threshold is 150...
  7. TheShepard256

    Looking for Editors and Critique [Luca Cum Addiction Alpha Scene]

    While monogamy is certainly possible if you don't mind missing out on sex-gated content for every character who's not your lover, as I said, this is a porn game. It's both expected and fitting that the protagonist of such a game would be promiscuous (unless the premise is that the protagonist is...
  8. TheShepard256

    turning the Goo race into a racial prefix/sufix thing

    The game already kind of does the same thing with tauric versions of non-tauric species (e.g. ausar-taur), so I don't see why it's not possible. Whether it's practical is another issue. Racial score relies heavily on body part types, so you'd need to have some way of telling what race you...
  9. TheShepard256

    Breedwell Help?

    If you have external testicles, 'Nuki Nutbutter can also help. Using it once gives you the 'Nuki Nuts perk, which allows you to continue producing cum when your balls would otherwise be full, and using it a second time gives the Cum Cascade perk, which greatly increases cum production upon...
  10. TheShepard256

    What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?

    The "definitions" I gave in my original post were based off how I felt on each of them, and it was those feelings that caused me to be annoyed. There's a Wikipedia article on psionics, and based on that, it seems the term 'psionic' was primarily used in 50's & 60's science fiction as an...
  11. TheShepard256

    What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?

    Possibly. I guess I just prefer consistent terminology, and I feel that more mystical terms (like psychic) are a better fit for fantasy settings while less mystical ones (like psionic) are more appropriate for sci-fi ones. I'd find it less of an issue if the 'psionic' <-> 'psychic' synonymy was...
  12. TheShepard256

    What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?

    'Psychic' being used as a synonym for 'psionic'. For me at least: 'Psychic' carries connotations of actual magic, including not only what we see psionics do but also things like predicting the future (non-scientifically, of course), communicating with the dead, etc. that don't belong in TiTS...
  13. TheShepard256


    Or Astra finding out that she's Steele's half-niece if [pc.heShe]'s in a relationship with Shade - or Astra, if she becomes sexable in the future. Things would get even more convoluted/fun if baby-making gets involved, which is a non-zero possibility since Savin once stated that his stance on...
  14. TheShepard256

    TiTSEd for Cold Korgonne Restore

    The only way I think this could happen is if the file you're editing is actually an earlier one than you think it is. As for the rest of it, I've no idea, since I'm not an expert on save file editing. I've used TiTsEd for cosmetic changes, but loading the edited file didn't seem to be any...
  15. TheShepard256

    TiTSEd for Cold Korgonne Restore

    I think the proper way would be to set almost all of Ula's flags to undefined (i.e. delete the values and leave them blank), which should reset her in-game state and make her available again. The only flag you don't have to do this with is ULA_CAVE, which specifies which cave Ula was in when you...
  16. TheShepard256


    Blame or praise Savin, depending on personal preference (mine goes to praise). He's the one who wrote all of them and their stories, and I'm certain that what's currently in-game isn't the end for any of them. Also, Shade and Amara aren't married, it's just that of all the mothers of Amara's...
  17. TheShepard256

    Possible BBC Interracial additions?

    If we're considering racial connotations, I don't think so. The term 'race' in CoC2, like in most other sci-fi and fantasy works, refers to species rather than ethnicity, so the stereotype 'dark-skinned people have larger cocks than light-skinned ones' (off which BBC content is based) probably...
  18. TheShepard256

    Hypotheses Regarding Taint and Tainted Space

    Remember that the four main novellas - Talon Rogue, The Gene-Stealer, The Treatment and Downtime - were written very early in TiTS's development, and some changes that have been made since then have rendered some portions non-canonical, including (but not necessarily limited to): The name of...
  19. TheShepard256

    Quick couple of questions.

    One of the things that wasn't done so well in both CoC and TiTS is that there are certain TF types that the PC could undergo, but were not supported well in the majority of scenes. These include non-bipeds, bros, tail-genitals and neuters. As part of an effort to make CoC2 easier to write for...
  20. TheShepard256

    Will there ever be an option to remove Etheryns dick? (replacing it with a vagina)

    My interpretation is that it was indeed a guess, and one that's at least partially wrong; the very next paragraph states that half-sexed can impregnate females. At most, half-sexed might be less virile than males, but not to such an extent that they could be considered sterile. In the absence of...