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  1. Raindrops

    Wings and possible Evasion Effects in Combat?

    It is deliberatly not implemented in battle scenes. If having wings gave a combat advantage, that means that everyone would feel pressured (if not straight up forced) to have wings, even if they don't want to.
  2. Raindrops

    Is it possible to be bald in TiTS?

    Holy shit I thought the "Shave" option was just for beards... Thank you!
  3. Raindrops

    Is it possible to be bald in TiTS?

    It's quite annoying to have made a draconic dude, only to have him have hair instead of bald scaly awesome head
  4. Raindrops

    What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?

    Yeah, thankfully breastsize mostly just plays into the images. So some, like say Stella, have waaaay too large breasts on their images, but others kinda make it work. It's easy to ignore ridiculous breast sizes if it isn't explicitly brought up in the text, y'know? And yes, I do love me some...
  5. Raindrops

    What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?

    Them's fightin' words :P As for me, generally any full female that has proportions that aren't hyper are going to be a plus in my book... Anno I think is my fav though As for dudes, I like my manly men, and that they *don't* have human cocks. Seriously, human cocks look weird, whenever I start...
  6. Raindrops

    Question about the Ghost Dream

    Welcome to the forum! If you stick around a bit, please do read the date on the last posted reply so you don't necro threads... This thread was last active in November 2017, and thus has been dead for months It's much better to make a new thread if you want to restart a topic
  7. Raindrops

    What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?

    Honestly, it's mainly the association that gets me. However, I forgot to add that "bimbos" is also a turnoff for me, so... yeah. NT is not a fun place for me. The only reason I ever go there is to train up my stats and eat food to get the perfect bodytype. I guess the taur shopkeep is hot (I do...
  8. Raindrops

    What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?

    Just to add to my rant a little here (seriously, this is very cathartic!): I don't like the myr, because insectoids are gross, and I don't like NT, because bovines are also gross Good lord this shrinks my options, doesn't it? And yeah, I'm playing this game because the straight or gay scenes...
  9. Raindrops

    What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?

    I personally am soooo tired of finding out that that one hot female is actually futa I know there's nothing I can do to really do anything about it, but it's just nice to vent that 99% of futa is just not fun, so finding it everywhere is extremely annoying It's even more annoying when they...
  10. Raindrops

    TiTs and CoC Character Description here!

    That's metal as fuck
  11. Raindrops

    TiTs and CoC Character Description here!

    What *is* an "adremmalex" anyway?
  12. Raindrops

    Is there a possibility we might see Cyberpunk themed gear/accessories in the future?

    Holy shit yes I *need* this hairstyle for Steele (And also V, but that's gonna have to wait a while, since the game is not even in alpha yet...)
  13. Raindrops

    Can you go Exclusive with Cait?

    How could you possibly be sluttier than a devotee of a deity that demands you fuck anyone you want as much as possible
  14. Raindrops

    Dual wielding gonna be a thing?

    There'll probably be some handaxes or something added later that are axes, but light weapons.
  15. Raindrops

    Dual wielding gonna be a thing?

    I'm pretty sure I've seen mention of dual weilding being a thing, but it's probably not implemented yet Check the combat doc to see if it's mentioned there
  16. Raindrops

    Status Effect Checks

    Isn't the appearance section all placeholder code anyway?
  17. Raindrops

    CoC2 Wiki

  18. Raindrops

    Hello! My name is B.

    Then she is wrong
  19. Raindrops

    Revisted helping hand

    This is unlikely to ever be approved. Extra arms are banned for a reason; namely that if they exist, suddenly every single author has to write their stuff without being able to guarantee that the player has 2 and only 2 arms. That causes a lot of fuckery. This includes if they are only...