since change log 0.7.182 announced Hp battle related penalties in taking greater damage with negative evasion scores, ive had the question of is Wings contributed at all to Evasion.
My current iteration of Steele as Avian Wings and the Hollow Bones perk from amber seed transformatives. the most ive seen Flying take place at all as a result is with a few select individual scenes- which, frankly, fair. no need to rewrite scenes for abilities to fly, specially as i think not all wings would IVE one the ability to fly. When it comes to having both hollow bones, and avian wings, i think it most certainly is the case that my Steele can fly, and maybe other Steele wing types.
the question is if these abilities via wings are implemented at all in battle scenarios. being able to fly is a significant advantage early in the game- the Zil Male is a primary example. however, snooping the Fenoxo wiki pages alludes to no ability or effect related to wings, or to evasion.
Im not recommending re writing whole battle scenes for PC Steeles with wings, but, perhaps adding a Flight-Capable Perk to be seen in the Combat Statistics area of the codex for those that are flight capable and an Evasion or Reflex Boosting effect that comes with gaining the perk. based on a Steele PCs weight, or wing type, this effect could also differ and make some wings more... valuable, and gaining hard-to-get perks like the Hollow Bones Perk a very valuable perk that increases the Evasive/Reflexive Bonus of a Flight Perk.
My current iteration of Steele as Avian Wings and the Hollow Bones perk from amber seed transformatives. the most ive seen Flying take place at all as a result is with a few select individual scenes- which, frankly, fair. no need to rewrite scenes for abilities to fly, specially as i think not all wings would IVE one the ability to fly. When it comes to having both hollow bones, and avian wings, i think it most certainly is the case that my Steele can fly, and maybe other Steele wing types.
the question is if these abilities via wings are implemented at all in battle scenarios. being able to fly is a significant advantage early in the game- the Zil Male is a primary example. however, snooping the Fenoxo wiki pages alludes to no ability or effect related to wings, or to evasion.
Im not recommending re writing whole battle scenes for PC Steeles with wings, but, perhaps adding a Flight-Capable Perk to be seen in the Combat Statistics area of the codex for those that are flight capable and an Evasion or Reflex Boosting effect that comes with gaining the perk. based on a Steele PCs weight, or wing type, this effect could also differ and make some wings more... valuable, and gaining hard-to-get perks like the Hollow Bones Perk a very valuable perk that increases the Evasive/Reflexive Bonus of a Flight Perk.