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  1. Savin

    Ever coming to steam?

    He continues to have no interest in a Steam release :P
  2. Savin

    Out of curiosity, what's the population of the Winter City.

    20k is probably a good guess for the entire Realm of Njorhaalt's population, which is to say, the Winter City and its surrounding community (maybe excluding the druids, because fuck knows where most of them even are much less how many of them are scattered around). "A few thousand" is all I have...
  3. Savin

    I thought that Arona would have been the Urdnot Wrex of CoC2

    They were never meant to be in any way similar, no. I'd never even thought of Wrex and Arona in the same context before now.
  4. Savin

    What content would you like added?

    We've actually talked about a ring that gives an Initiative bonus equal to +5 per Heavy gear you have equipped. So it JUST offsets all the gear you wear if you aren't a Warrior, but if you ARE one, it's a massive Initiative bonus.
  5. Savin

    What content would you like added?

    That's my plan for after I finish Varena (my current project).
  6. Savin

    When exactly was the godswar

    Yeah it's barely out of living memory for them.
  7. Savin

    Why do a lot of people dislike the kitsune so much?

    Yeah, and it's still wrong.
  8. Savin

    Why do a lot of people dislike the kitsune so much?

    Yeah, I was writing a new date for her just last week. She's also got an optional 3some with Hatsu in the code pipe, if getting squished between two muscular she-foxes is your thing.
  9. Savin

    Why do a lot of people dislike the kitsune so much?

    Well, the former quote's just not true in the first place, and the second's a completely wrong read on her character -- but it is true that you can only get her RING if you have a cunt right now, that's where her current content ends; it'll be possible for non-vag-havers to get her ring in...
  10. Savin

    Anyway to meet the Hyrax ladies?

    They've been added in advance of an upcoming dungeon.
  11. Savin

    What content would you like added?

    Every day I beg Wsan for more scenes of the PC sticking their dick in his doms' butts.
  12. Savin

    My coc2 download won't work.

    Did you take ".zip" out of the file name instead of extracting the file?
  13. Savin

    Good Spells for Pure Spellcaster

    No you don't. You can also just talk to her about Her Tail to reveal that she's got a cock.
  14. Savin

    Phaedra Content Discussion (General)

    No. I can't say I've ever heard of it before.
  15. Savin

    What content would you like added?

    I think he's just asking for the ability to UPLOAD one, like you can with the headshot, in which case: possible but probably not.
  16. Savin

    Your Gripes With CoC2

    And I wish Brienne was like Brint :(
  17. Savin

    leo cait

    Are you sure about that? If so I don't think it's intentional. I definitely remember writing bits of the LeoTF scene accounting for her already being round.
  18. Savin

    Replaying Scenes?

    Make a save before them.
  19. Savin

    Custom Pronoun System

    Gedan or Fenoxo. Either by DM here or on Discord, I don't think either of them read the forum past bug reports.