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  1. Ormael

    Starting Decisions

    Using power of save editing is fun but then it make starting choices not important anymore since 'all can be edited later on anyway so why so serious about start choices' scenario.
  2. Ormael

    Starting Decisions

    Well if Psionic will do end as 4th class I would probably reconsider if picking always tech or choosing each time I start anew between tech and psionic classes. Till it's ingame all can change if Psionic class will be 4th class or as some sort of subclass/specializatiton for any of orginal 3...
  3. Ormael

    Backer questions

    The one way of one time payment of getting backer status was made with use o bitcoins/dogcoin or similary things. And it costed I think only 15$ not 20$ to get it (2-3 years ago ^^). Now 99% new backers getting thour patreon. Rest 1% is either other ways or contibuting to game with enough new...
  4. Ormael

    Starting Decisions

    Usualy it's human, tech with bonus to willpower (not because it was in past hard to rise outside lvl-up pts but because it say in tooltip it will be important for psionics...that are not yet in. *insert StillWaiting.gif*) with misch personality. And male picking Jill as rival. As was said above...
  5. Ormael

    Is it just me...?

    Another thred abotu Techs. Not that I complaing but when one think more there is almsot exclusively threads about tech and none about mercs or smugglers. Maybe it mean only the weakest class getting many threads how it is not so cool like other two.
  6. Ormael

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    @ShifterDreams Was it in NG game or some higher tier of NG games when your PC have both pure and corrupted kitsune perks? Another races added to metamorph menu: dragon-naga and (after some small-big trouibles with moving code out of ember file) dragon. Then I made some changes to buff spells...
  7. Ormael

    Shade's Home

    @Karretch Mybe they merely (keep) mistaking Astra with Kara. As for cry over mutualy exclusive content for Shade and Astra... we so far seen what is/would be in Shade but for Astra aside knwoing she's her daughter and stormguard all rest is still pretty much blank slate (aside small intro Astra...
  8. Ormael

    Ship to Ship Combat Discussion Thread

    Either she will be sent to Tavros or... PC would leave one current crew member on Tavors to pick up Yammi, go back to Tavros, switch both crew members and then fly off to farm/quest for bigger ship to keep them all.
  9. Ormael

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    In around few weeks max the part of Temple of the Divine that allow PC to upgrade this sword will be coded in. Probbaly around time 0.8g come out. For new subspecies of poenixes I think I would at least ask Savin if he not against this. Maybe it's paranoid but I not wanna later have smth...
  10. Ormael

    Which NPCs would you most like to have preg content?

    @Karretch Well for now many f not most npc's that can make PC pregnant in either way are unable to be part of it children life (Queen of the Deep, Venus Pitchers) or are probably those assholes that not care. If till now authors that wrote pregnancies that involve PC been mother not father, then...
  11. Ormael

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    What is that question about B. Sword @Spike razor ? Yesterday I put support for few new races to Metamorph menu: Phoenix (they still been missing beofre 2 body parts), Orca, Naga, Gorgon, Harpy-Naga (forgot it name). Today if odds will be in my favor would add Dragon-Naga and Dragon.
  12. Ormael

    Shade's Home

    I think seeling or not Kara to Amara may not have any huge/small effect on Shade xpack. Maybe on possible KaraQuest3 if it be added one day.
  13. Ormael

    Ship to Ship Combat Discussion Thread

    Actual it would be Gedan not Fen that done all this things about ship expansion code. And now she said she still need solve saving all this new stuff in saves without loosing any data during saving/loading. I think we all can wait a lil more to be sure nothing happen with our brand new ships...
  14. Ormael

    Mhen'ga Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    Because authors not want to deal with writing preg x-packs for their own npc's at the moment or in near (next few months to years) future. That is OOC possible reason as IG was covered by posts above xD
  15. Ormael

    Riya 4: Now you can have kids with her[Approved, waiting for coding]

    Argh easy.... so why I not see anyone saying that they will write Bess/Ben inter-interactions with anyone else beside PC? :(
  16. Ormael


    But that still an option and with no side effects. Only downside is as you noted it price, that make it good only for filthy rich Champions.
  17. Ormael


    Choosing only one waifu out of whole prison? Sure there is not many I find cool to save aside TamTam so far ^^ For rest better not say they die just they fade into background in some less violent way. That not some slasher/gore type game.
  18. Ormael

    Which NPCs would you most like to have preg content?

    Pregnancy for PC wouldn not change anyone else life too tbh if we want go with this way f thinking. Like wait option at Nursery till PC pop up child(ren) and then what? Merrely going it own way leaving Bridget with carring over newborn? Lucky for us Saving want make it better than Pregnancy...
  19. Ormael

    Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut

    There is in gdoc for sub Hand So getting her sexbot body. Even one that wnader Tarkus if PC not want buy one form intergalactic supermarket. Not all the time So would be in this body usualy sitting in computer core on PC ship with sexbot sitting lifeless next to the core.
  20. Ormael

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    Still it would need to be slight minotaur/lacta bovina-like. Like having enough points to getting half-race bonuses. Then Mutation perks to change or PC balls or milk glandsto keep those perk for two specials always on PC even if it turn into totaly not bull/cow form.