When Savin will dig thou all other stuff he need to write before Anno/Syri. And I don't have a clue how much it's (well Savin only know exactly how much it's).
@Savin Btw all scenes for using prisoners will be slight tweaked versions of they existing scenes or you or someone else planning in writing "unique to prison" scenes someday in the future?
Well noone not need to do this. But then we will be like before with tons of crew embers that only noticing PC on whole ship. So let try not to go too hard on some, that think about making this less like PC and it army of waifu/husbando that seeing only PC on whole capital ship.
Do you have high intelligence too Trap14145?
Another long list from Wicas. And I was worried you will not come with more food for thought for me. I would chew throu it in next few days to not miss any of the points you made.
I working atm on elemental summoning path for PC - and I sorta thorn...
Either (as it wasn't said) you can use magic power of "Search" if thing you want to ask wasn't meantioned on first 1-2 pages. Since some question could been pushed to 3rd or 4th page suprising quickly.
That #9 and #10: I can't stop laughing
#13: I hope he know how ends peple touching underage girls :D
#42 Is it that cake that is a lie?
Ok so I got some ideas for possible new points to be added here:
-CoC if "finished"
-Noone in Fen&Co seen Mt. Tai
Seems we all not changed much or still the same people active on forum after old dying out. Also I think I lemming since I picked option which was higher last time and it's still with most votes ^^
Didn't Sera author recently talked smth about short break from writing? It may slow down a week or few that commision. But nothing that any huge fan of Sera will be worried about. They waited many weeks for all so far added content, so they will have patience to wait for more.
Next probe will be either the one on Space Dungeon or as alt probe 1. I think you more interested in the one in dungeon so...well it may take long sincealt-Mhen'ga seems to be higher on priority then unnamed yet space dungeon with 4th probe (at least I not seen anywhere any fo devs telling how...
My 2 cents: emial usualy arrives after 5 days. I had once when even running around doing nothing for like 15 days not triggered reciving mail. So you may also want to make save and then if it not show up after 5 days to reload (since that 15+ days happened when I checked it using the same save...
Hmmm one of lines in OP post sound like that little suggestion fo mine about: what about double helix indeed take a root very dip. Not that I'm unhappy about it. I whonder how long I will resist temptation to check gdoc beofre it get coded into the game.
@EmperorG I think more fitting words to...
Or we can ask for otpion to be usable only at lvl cap to....disable showing this msg. Ofc there is like 101% possibility, that people will still asking, why they can't lvl-up after forgetting they used this magic option to turn off this msg.
It was about inter-interactions so then it wuld in such case as you asking: PC x (writer own npc/any other npc writer want to use) x Bess/Ben.
Doing our own npc's will only keep it all of them as seperate islands without any interactions aside with PC :(
Kraken is currently wip and should be accesable in 0.8f (for 99% sure).
For firebird tf me or someone else of writers can help with making it (well probably I would only provide more technical and down to earth aka how to make it more codeing friendly). For how to write it it would be good to...
You should have meantion that this two were more oriented for female PC's since been male will sorta limit possible interactions with Tifa (unless we want things go toward another bad end).
Last step form 245 to 250 is req. PC having bow classified as Artifact type bow and atm none of such boes can be gained ingame so the training is not possible to finish atm. There will be 3 enemies gaunlet challange on soul arena that will give such bow and enemies won't be so high lvl like...