CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2017
Yeah, if they were linked to some simpler perks... hmm... made "Lacta Lactose" and "Mino Drive" spring to mind - just for the silly names.
Effect could be simple... giving a minor or modest minimum cum/milk production limit increase. Not too overpowered, as it wouldn't increase the production, but at least ensure you have a little bit ready to go early on.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Still it would need to be slight minotaur/lacta bovina-like. Like having enough points to getting half-race bonuses. Then Mutation perks to change or PC balls or milk glandsto keep those perk for two specials always on PC even if it turn into totaly not bull/cow form.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Today making sprite for Etna the Manticore. Are you ready for XXXtra rape? Because here she is the new top rape waifu sprite.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Today making sprite for Etna the Manticore. Are you ready for XXXtra rape? Because here she is the new top rape waifu sprite.

Dammit, my screen too high rez! I CANNOT SEEEEEEEEEE!

Kidding aside, these are looking awesome, Liadri. Btw, for anyone that actually is having a problem seeing the sprites (I'm on 1440 and they are kind of small, so 4k users might have a problem) just right-click on the sprite, select "Open image in a new tab", then use your browser's zoom function. Works like a charm.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
What is that question about B. Sword @Spike razor ?

Yesterday I put support for few new races to Metamorph menu: Phoenix (they still been missing beofre 2 body parts), Orca, Naga, Gorgon, Harpy-Naga (forgot it name). Today if odds will be in my favor would add Dragon-Naga and Dragon.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Yes via the temple of the divine. (Not coded in yet)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
i was wondering if a variant on the phoenix tf item could be made? where its a fully bird version could call it firebird tf which is a differant name for the phoenix (you gain the phoenix tf perk and maybe a new one where your body sets on fire and you ram into the enemy) could have like glowing orange eyes and maybe you need orange or red feathers maybe basicly want a phoenix character thats fully bird


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
In around few weeks max the part of Temple of the Divine that allow PC to upgrade this sword will be coded in. Probbaly around time 0.8g come out.

For new subspecies of poenixes I think I would at least ask Savin if he not against this. Maybe it's paranoid but I not wanna later have smth similar like it was with Cathedra expansion around year ago.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
i was wondering if a variant on the phoenix tf item could be made? where its a fully bird version could call it firebird tf which is a differant name for the phoenix (you gain the phoenix tf perk and maybe a new one where your body sets on fire and you ram into the enemy) could have like glowing orange eyes and maybe you need orange or red feathers maybe basicly want a phoenix character thats fully bird
Possible yes
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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
In around few weeks max the part of Temple of the Divine that allow PC to upgrade this sword will be coded in. Probbaly around time 0.8g come out.

For new subspecies of poenixes I think I would at least ask Savin if he not against this. Maybe it's paranoid but I not wanna later have smth similar like it was with Cathedra expansion around year ago.

Well since its not technically changing it then it might get okay'd. As for any issues with beaks perhaps the same way the Cockatrice from Kitteh's mod and the TiTS avian TF did it description wise so no scene rewriting required?


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
i got a message back and its ok ^^ and i was thinking starts out harpy body like for half then full bird for full ^^ though i suck at writing i do have ideas to make a little different looks to one for exsample
human head with glowing amber/orange eyes with wings on the back that can give of a soft glow the hands ends in claws but don't have arm wings but some feathers on the wrists same with the legs long bird like tail with two long feathered tail things like this on the sides and maybe could have fire looking hair (also wasthink could be like a fire version of the fenris tf where you gain the glowing fire eyes and hair and maybe something else and could be for pure characters and found in the volcano place maybe the item you wear could be agolden necklace with a ruby on it thast seems to have a inner fire) >> though sadly i could never write this >.< ive tryed writing before but it sounds like a child wrote it
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New Member
Jul 26, 2017
pure at the moment but i did gain my last tail at camp at my own built shrine

Well, since you didn't get it by praying, you're considered a corrupt nine tail kitsune by the game, just up your corruption to 50, go to the shrine and make Ayane your slave, then lower your corruption, she will stay at your camp anyway.
I didn't notice any diffference in the possible action whatever method you did to get her so


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@ShifterDreams Was it in NG game or some higher tier of NG games when your PC have both pure and corrupted kitsune perks?

Another races added to metamorph menu: dragon-naga and (after some small-big trouibles with moving code out of ember file) dragon.

Then I made some changes to buff spells (they now last 5 turns then they req. to be recasted - that includ the autocasted ones). Reported by some bug with autobuffs messing up PC stats due to few scenes/fights. Mostly those that was starting and ending fight right away without even entering battle mode by game - seems back then Fen not reconsidered possibility of autocasting buff spells at the fight start - now they shoul be clearing quite soon after fight and preventing form having naturaly +100 or more bonuses to stats.

And then made wrath slight more usefull or well be used for smth else than swinging wrath weapons or mutliatacking - berserker/lustzerker now req. 50 wrath to activate and...yes they also have duration (10 turns).

All PC's that still want to have some buffs to stats may now feel more at ease since picking Job: Warrior would give them access to new buff - req. 50 wrath, lasts 10 turns and boost str, tou, spe stats (10 for tou, spe and 20 for str). It was named to honor one of good fried of mine from discored Dwarf Rage (why he said that is some short story steaming from one of past bugs related to buffs). Picking perks like job: brawler or barbarian or having berserker/lustzerker perks would amke this buff slight stronger (additional boosts to it I would put under Brawler long I came with some good name for that).


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2017
Right now, the 'might' spell will masively increase your max hp (due to an increased toughness). Is there any way to make it so that we won't have to heal up to that max hp each time we use the spell.

This also might be a good time to add some perks to the Enchanter job that affect the duration of the buff spells.


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2017
Can confirm ShifterDream's claim. Acquiring your 9th tail from the shrine at camp does not give you the option to recruit Ayane as a follower.

Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
Why not make an item that'll make the PC taller? make it easy without using other items or Vala. like base the item around her.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Why not make an item that'll make the PC taller? make it easy without using other items or Vala. like base the item around her.

Kraken and Orca tf both make pc size cap at 11.
You got good ideas ya know spike I'm surprised you are not with us all discussing on the development discord.
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Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
Kraken and Orca tf both make pc size cap at 11.
You got good ideas ya know spike I'm surprised you are not with us all discussing on the development discord.
Daww, my ideas aren't that special but thank you for the flattery. I can't use Discord it's sorta wonky to me


Active Member
Apr 12, 2017
Ive been trying to lvl up to use the bfsword but the dragon morphs stat cap is too low

What morph has the highest stat cap?

I tried finding it on my own but yeah kinda failed


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Ive been trying to lvl up to use the bfsword but the dragon morphs stat cap is too low

What morph has the highest stat cap?

I tried finding it on my own but yeah kinda failed
Depends on what stats you are looking for. Dragon has fairly good hybrid stats, but plenty of alternatives suit more specalized builds better.


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2017
My bow skill is blocked at 245/250 no matter how many time i train with kindra it is normal?
Well, it's apparent you're almost there. Maybe you missed out on a few session with one of the other trainers? Try to see if you can't get that last bit from Kelt or Ceani. *and yes, it's normal, if I remember right each trainer can only give so much skill, requiring that you train with more than just one to cap out.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Last step form 245 to 250 is req. PC having bow classified as Artifact type bow and atm none of such boes can be gained ingame so the training is not possible to finish atm. There will be 3 enemies gaunlet challange on soul arena that will give such bow and enemies won't be so high lvl like Drider, Mino King and Lethice - yeah I mean such gaunlet fight like with those three - somewhere around lvl 6-12 for enemies that should be normaly found in wildness.

Stats bonuses depend how many racial points is req to get them. So in a sense atm Dragon generaly giving most bonuses at 20 pts of it racial score (that mean no way to get any other race bonuses) but those whooping 300 points is divided between like 4-6 diff stats. As Zavos said it's better to tell what stat boost you looking most to then find race that not req. so super high racial score to give high enough bonuses to most of stats.

As for spells duration - aside Blizzard that can run out of time (faster if PC is hit with fire attacks) others 4 buffs have unlimited duration (in 0.8e3 at least since 0.8f will make them last only 5 turns). So yes I got plans to make some perk(s) to increase duration of buff spells and also put in Zavos idea that initialy PC can only autocast 2 buffs without any way (perks/items) to rise limit higher.

For Kitsune PC and Ayane recruitment I will look tonight into this.
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