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  1. Couch

    Where do you find the "Thick&Shake" Item?..

    I found it in Gildenmere by going to V-ko on the south side, selecting the vending machine, and selecting Other.
  2. Couch

    Remembrance of the Forgotten (Projects)

    More like until a complete ground-up overhaul is completed, if it ever is. Among other things, it's no longer called that: the revision was made an Aegis Shipyards division. That said, I will probably never finish it.
  3. Couch

    Best weapons and armor to use in TiTS?

    Fuck it, I can't think of a witty response. Stop posting in threads that have been dead for several years.
  4. Couch

    so if I were to rate classes by difficulty ..

    I recommend Necromancer, the ultimate class.
  5. Couch

    Ideal number of cocks? Discuss

    In almost all circumstances, one is enough. On rare occasion, two identical cocks stacked vertically for double penetration scenes are nice. I used two more often in CoC, where DP scenes were more common.
  6. Couch

    Skill trees/Perks

    Concentration Assassins were better, though. "Hey, we balanced our game around a bunch of broken abilities having 20-30% accuracy. Let's give the first class in the game a skill that adds a flat 50% to your hitrate. What could go wrong?".
  7. Couch

    Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    The entire Planetary Discussion subforum exists specifically because so many threads were being derailed with arguments over the bugwar.
  8. Couch

    Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    Reload an old save or restart the game, then, and this time actually read the words on the screen.
  9. Couch

    favourite and least favourite character in tits.

    Because being kind of a dick in one thread is not ban-worthy behavior.
  10. Couch

    Shekka Sleep with?

    Having Anno, then Shekka, then Reaha sleep with me in that order didn't cause any problems, although only Shekka and Anno have special interaction dialogue for it.
  11. Couch

    All crew members who are monogamous?

    Just add a piping system in your ship that funnels small amounts of Celise wherever she's needed.
  12. Couch

    favourite and least favourite character in tits.

    Favorite: Surprisingly, Kiro might be up there. I would not have said that two years ago, but over time I've come to appreciate her as in many ways being a better rival than the Rival. She's independent, capable of maintaining that independence without needing help from Captain Steele, her...
  13. Couch

    Couch's Cluster of CoCs

    I already said I'm not writing characters for this game. If you want to make alchemist characters, more power to you.
  14. Couch

    What content would you like added?

    It does not.
  15. Couch

    What content would you like added?

    Honestly, the one major transformation type I feel is currently lacking from TiTS, and thus would like to see here, is that there's no way for a herm to stow your dick internally so you can appear/act as wholly female when desired.
  16. Couch

    Can I punch better good?

    I would write a magic brass knuckle weapon, but only if it played a sweet guitar riff every time it was about to hit something. Speaking seriously, though, the only type of punching weapon that doesn't result in more headaches than it's worth is something like vid related, because you can be...
  17. Couch

    What did you name your character?

    Honestly, all I'm after is the aesthetic of the ears and mountain of tails, even if I have to blend multiple items to get the desired appearance rather than using just one.
  18. Couch

    What did you name your character?

    Still deciding on a name. For CoC I favored a succubus/minotaur hybrid, for TiTS I favor a horse-morph. I was thinking of playing a kitsune this time around, which is why finding out that's going to be locked to selling your soul was a major disappointment.
  19. Couch

    Couch's Cluster of CoCs

    I wouldn't take that bet. I've written up the structure for alchemical transformatives, since this system needs to be fully developed before individual TF items can be. It's written with the intent of minimizing work by boiling as much down to tags as possible.