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  1. SeldomPie

    Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monster Girls [GAME UPDATED - 15/09/15]

    New build! There's some fairly (for me) complicated new things in this release, including the beginnings of having one of the Minxes live with you at the hotel, so if you get any weirdness popping up while playing, please let me know! It's getting to the stage where it's hard for me to check out...
  2. SeldomPie


    It's pretty great! I'd recommend it to anyone with a game project they're working on to use for hosting over generic file host sites, on account of it being kind of custom designed for game hosting and all :3 Forgot to mention it earlier, but it also has neat download trackers and things to keep...
  3. SeldomPie


    I've been using to host my game lately, and I've found it pretty top notch! Faster and easier than generic file hosting sites, and lets you set up a game info page. Also, has no problems with adult content in games, though if you wanna charge for them, there's the usual paypal...
  4. SeldomPie

    Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monster Girls [GAME UPDATED - 15/09/15]

    New build! Mainly bug fixes, also added a few random start-up items and a difficulty selector. See devblog for details. :D
  5. SeldomPie

    Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monster Girls [GAME UPDATED - 15/09/15]

    "Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monster Girls" is a text based RPG with a menu driven interface, slowly having graphics added to it. It mixes elements of survival horror with erotica - it's intended overall theme is to be that of a horror-comedy b-movie, or a trashy pulp horror novel from...