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  1. Kitsune

    Next Planet: Uveto VII

    Woo! My last conversation with Shade left me wanting so much more.  Glad to know I won't have to wait forever to continue it~  :D Write her a good one for me  :x
  2. Kitsune

    Favourite Starting Race

    I personally have trouble  not staying human, I somehow always play with minimal transformations.
  3. Kitsune


    Here's the CocEd thread.
  4. Kitsune

    TiTs iOS question

    You can download the iOS version from the Play page.   As for how to install it, the old install guide is now pretty much gone, but it's not that difficult if you already have a jailbreak  iPhone... if you don't, touch luck, google how to do so for that. Here are some ways to install the .ipa...