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  1. K

    What's the earliest you can get yourself bimbo'd and what content has good variants for being Bimbo?

    There is no actual (under the hood) difference between becoming a bimbo through sucking bee tit or chugging brew, other than brew including physical changes and perks. Sucking bee tit is just the "gentler" of the two transformations. They both flip the "Is Bimbo" flag and result in the exact...
  2. K

    Dhaal Dungeon Thread

    Just input the grid into a Lights Out Solver and be done with those tedious things. On this solver, 1 is used to designate the way you have to solve the puzzle. If a puzzle needs all spaces lit, then type 1 into those spaces on the solver. I use this one.
  3. K

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Kas wants to solve the Imp Problem with it, the gods want it because it's a special, powerful soul that they can use for their own various goals (or even just because it's very shiny).
  4. K

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    If you don't take the final dose of Galomax, you are essentially a pseudo-Rahn. Your body is squishy, semi-solid gel, rather than liquidy goo. That's as close as you'll ever get to being a Rahn, since they are massive single-celled organisms.
  5. K

    Aileh/Child and Kas path

    Romance Kas is not subtle about her desires during her visits to Aileh (openly staring at you while you show what kind of parent you are, for one), but she controls herself because she puts being a doting mom/grandma ahead of herself.
  6. K

    What content would you like added?

    That's already possible.
  7. K

    Tail Customization Question

    One: This is a two year old thread. Two: Get a cuntsnake attatched while not having a tail, or use Tentatool to get a non-parasitic genitail.
  8. K

    [0.5.13] Milk Barn > Get Milked bug

    When getting milked by an attendant at the Milk Barn, if you ask her to masturbate you, the text will display the scene for her jerking you off and then display the text for her fingering your pussy. This character does not have a pussy.
  9. K

    Your gripes with CoC II

    They've been pointing out how unfeasible, and a massive pain in the ass, it would be to seamlessly rewrite literally every single bit of text that involves Evergreen. Every room description mentioning her, every bit of dialogue involving her, her every sex scene would be completely different...
  10. K

    [0.9.017] Jasvalla virginity loss bug

    Jasvalla still does not remove the virginity tag when she fucks you.
  11. K

    [0.5.12] Temple, Working The Rooms bug

    When choosing Katherine when working the rooms, Cait gets mentioned for a single line, even if she isn't present.
  12. K

    [0.5.12] Hotaru's Denizens Talk bug

    When talking to Hotaru about the other people in the den, the button for Kinu shows up even if Kinu does not exist (this character has not even entered the ruin where the orb is).
  13. K

    What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?

    No drops. After fighting her once, you get to choose if she keeps hunting you across planets, like Jasvalla does.
  14. K

    What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?

    They mean the newest enemy added for the backer version. She can bypass shields every turn if she wants to, while having boss-tier durability (around 400/500 shields/health).
  15. K

    What content would you like added?

    I've played an example of a game that does do this. At any point during the sex scenes, you can pick the option to say your safe word, and the character immediately stops and makes sure you're alright before cleaning up and sending you on your way. It works well there, because the engine...
  16. K

    What content would you like added?

    Kiyoko is only sharing with them so she can rub their noses in how amazing her property is. Except in Rindo's case, that one is meant to be sexual training for Rindo.
  17. K

    What content would you like added?

    Yes, the only kids you can have any interaction with are Kinu, your child with Aileh, and your children with Zhara (though only once per child), who all grow much faster than other children.
  18. K

    What content would you like added?

    Gwyn wants to replace her mom. She's not just a daddy's girl, she wants to be sexually and romantically involved with her dad.
  19. K

    What content would you like added?

    Gwyn is not up for marriage because she has a massive daddy issue of a very specific kind.
  20. K

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Was the only other option to remove him from the game completely? Other characters have been written by authors who have stopped writing them for one reason or another, and they haven't been put through this same situation. Yea, Berwyn was a companion, but what would have been stopping them from...