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  1. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    Hoping to get a little time to talk about how choice works with events tomorrow, but for now, here's a little preview of the latest CG from my main artist. :)
  2. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    You could discover an old tome bound in flesh that increases Intelligence but also raises Corruption, or you could get a Library event that causes you to learn some lore about a secret evil involved in the world's history normal people don't know about. Things like that.   A bad injoke...
  3. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    Okay, here's the stuff about stats and equipment. Player Statistics - There are five visible character statistics each represented by an icon; Strength (sword), Vitality (shield), Reflexes (lightning bolt) Intelligence (book), and Luck (clover).  - In order to keep things relatively...
  4. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    Post on stats / equipment coming tomorrow, but in the meantime, here's a teaser sprite sheet for Rowan, the male main character.
  5. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    I've heard of Fallen London, but never played it, I'll check them both out. I was more inspired by recent board/card games that replace the need for a player to be the DM, like Warhammer Quest: TCG, and especially Adam Poots' excellent Kingdom Death: Monster. It's highly likely the Nemesis...
  6. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    A little more concept art to keep you going, this time Araug, the Fel Dragon, one of the six realms major dark forces.
  7. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    I'm going to talk about choice soon, I've been working on a post and it'll be up after the next one on player stats and equipment, but the short version is I plan to involve all the things you have mentioned; outcomes for an event generated randomly by integers (i.e. a dice roll), outcomes for...
  8. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    In regards to those concerns, I'd just like to add I plan to develop an alternative scenario where you play as a female character (that hopefully will interact with the first one). When this appears, and how large it ends up being, depends entirely on support. Some Patreons make two hundred a...
  9. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    Apologies for the lateness, work has been very busy.  The following are the design notes for the Castle, Adventure, and Town spheres, which make up the majority of the events in the game as the player chooses which action they would like to take on their turns.   Castle Sphere - The...
  10. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    That's always going to be a problem with any random system. I think the key is going to be finding that sweet spot where the event pools are just the right size to have different experiences, but not large enough that the odds of seeing events become really, really low. I also think taking...
  11. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    Thanks for taking the time to read it, I'll try to answer your questions the best I can and hopefully add a little clarity.   I can't think of any games off the top of my head, but I'd describe it as using a visual novel GUI (character sprites, option boxes, etc.) with a menu based system...
  12. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    Okay, so this is the first of three aforementioned posts about the state of the game (skip to the bullet point lists below for the juicy stuff if you aren't interested in reading about how design choices came about). About four months ago, I was ready to give up. I was into my third week of...
  13. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    Here's a little more concept art, and when I have time (hopefully later today) I'll write a little 'state of the game' post about where I'm up to and how the game has changed since the initial post.
  14. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    Here's a new CG which I think serves pretty well as a "Coming Soon" sort of image. :)
  15. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    Well, planned to have something out by now, but swapping from JS text to visual has slowed things down a bit because assets take money/time. Hoping to have the first half of the prologue out in the next few months though. 
  16. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    There's something wrong with the forum so I can't attach it, does the direct link work? - Map
  17. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    Game world map, anyone? ;)
  18. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    Apologies for the lack of updates, things have been understandably quiet over the holiday season. The good news is that I've found someone really great to do the (non-sex) game CGs, and I just got the first one back I can share with you.  
  19. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    A little more concept art to whet your appetite:   
  20. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    I've got a team working on it (it'd take far too long for one person to do everything), but they are all staying in their own lanes, so to speak. One is just doing sprites, one is doing the backgrounds, another is doing character design, and so on. For the event CGs (sex scenes), I'll probably...