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  1. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    Version 0.2.41 Now Public We’ve just put out our latest release to our backers on time, focusing on advancing the story with around ten thousand words of new Rastedel content, with Rowan returning to the city after the events of the Battle of Astarte. The new version also introduced a new...
  2. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    RELEASE 0.2.40 We got the first new release of the year out to backers last week on time, which means the previous version, 0.2.40 is now available to the public. If you haven’t played the game in a while, now might be a good time to drop back in. In 2018 we added over two hundred thousand...
  3. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    RELEASE 0.2.36 We’ve just released version 0.2.37 to our backers, where the main focus for the month was preparing for next month’s major story release, the introduction of the game’s first city - Rastedel. It was more of a mixed bag than the past few releases though, incorporating a little bit...
  4. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    Version 0.2.35 We’ve just released version 0.2.36 to our backers, where the main focus for the month was adding the final path to the Orciad narrative - rescuing the captive Lady Eleanor Delane. In addition to the Orciad content, we also continued working on our Fey narrative, which sees Rowan...
  5. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    RELEASE 0.2.34 We just released version 0.2.35 to our backers, which focuses on our first recruitment narrative, the Orciad. In this ongoing event, the player must recruit a large tribe of orcs by deciding which potential ruler to support; the current aging chief Ulcro, the young violent...
  6. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    Welcome to the monthly release update for Seeds of Chaos! While we’ve always updated Patrons on the contents of every release, the way we presented this information wasn’t all that exciting. Since we’re proud of the work we put into the game, we figured it made sense to properly showcase what we...
  7. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    There's been two backer releases in that time, but we are currently in the middle of overhauling the UI. When that is done, hopefully this month, we'll release a new build with all the content from the last two months.
  8. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    We're doing a survey to see what people think of the game, and what they'd like to see in future. If you'd like to take part, you can here.
  9. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    New version available in the OP Release Notes - Story advancing "Dream" events - Two new repeatable sexual interactions with Liurial - Week one of Alexia's punishment - Two other sex scenes - Introduction to the Fey narrative, introducing two new characters. - New job for Alexia - Forge - New...
  10. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    Glad you guys like it. Just wanted to say we are currently working on overhauling the UI, and you can see some screenshots of the WIP here. :)
  11. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    OP now updated with new public release 0.2.23 as 0.2.24 is available to backers. Release Notes - New ruler events - New map events (swamp) - Six new sex scenes - New job for Alexia - Breeding pits - Continuation of the Helayna storyline (to trigger it, refuse to help Helayna escape. Storyline...
  12. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    OP has been updated with links for the new version (0.2.22). Merry Christmas / Happy holidays! Release Notes - Turn count upped to 36 - New Ruler events - Four new sex scenes - More content for the Orciad narrative - New Job for Alexia - Tavern - Framework and initial content for journal added...
  13. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    Latest version now available in the OP. Release Notes - Event system has been overhauled to allow for more complex control of event selection - Job system added - First two jobs, Librarian and Maid, available for Alexia from week 22 with a number of events - New ruler events - New sex scenes -...
  14. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    Yeah, they have certain success rate effects on missions, and will also trigger different effects in future updates. We are going to overhaul items since I never really got to the level where I could afford to have them all illustrated, so this will no longer be a problem. There's going to be...
  15. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    I don't know if this will solve the graphic problems a few of you are having, but someone else solved it on another forum and I thought I'd pass it on in case it did: "I found a fix to my problem I posted about a few posts up, if anyone else is having the same problem you should hold shift and...
  16. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    Version 0.2.18 is now available in the OP. If you haven't played the game in a while, we've made quite a lot of changes and progress since the initial stages. The game now has: - the intro plus 24 playable weeks (over two hours of (linear) game play) - a much larger map to explore, with new...
  17. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    As DM said, it is in the debug menu in Rowan's room (
  18. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    OP updated with new version. :)
  19. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    My account was suspended, guess someone reported me. :rolleyes:
  20. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    There's a guide on the website in the FAQ section, but if you don't want to be that spoiled, here's some hints: 4 are castle events: 2 are random, while 1 requires Alexia to be staying in your chambers, and the other requires you to have built the dark sanctum. 2 are map events: 1 is related to...