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  1. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    Since I know there's a lot of goblin fans around these parts, I thought I'd share our latest character, arriving in the next version release, Cla-Min. She's being written by DM, who I'm sure most of you know also wrote Lumi the alchemist. :)
  2. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    Thanks, I'm really proud of the artists I've been lucky enough to get to work on the game, I think they all do a great job. :)
  3. Lord Arioch

    The Last Sovereign

    Stop stealing my time woman! I have a game to make. :D
  4. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    The other five heroes definitely. Probably will be more as well, DM and I will just have to play with the balancing first before we can make any decisions though.
  5. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    The newest version on the front page (0.2.03) now has QWE-ASD map navigation. :)
  6. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    Okay guys, link for new version is up in the first post. You'll have to start a new game, as old saves will most likely crash the game. Enjoy. :)
  7. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    Hey Hiz, I'll post the release notes below to give you an idea, but in regards to the castle - all the coding has been done but we decided to keep the features behind the scenes until the tutorial is ready. The next release (which hopefully will be done in a month or so) will have introductory...
  8. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    Just to let you all know, the new version will be public this Saturday (3rd Dec).
  9. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    That's what I am aiming for, and it will be the largest release yet. In addition to the map and castle systems, there's a bunch of new story scenes, as well an introduction to capturing villages, and one (possibly two) new sex scenes (although art for these won't be added until a later date due...
  10. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    Getting there now. Hoping to have the new version out to the backers in two weeks.
  11. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    DM is currently working on coding the map, while I'm finishing up the dialogue for the next release. Have attached some of the tiles I've gotten back so far that'll be used for the world. Happy to hear you are working on your own thing, look forward to hearing about it when you are ready. :)
  12. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    Ideally, six; Alexia, plus the five other heroes that were in Rowan's party when he defeated the last Demon Lord. Some general news - There'll be a new public release in three to four weeks that'll serve as an introduction to the castle and how it works, which will also feature new...
  13. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    Answers in corresponding order :) - - You can mess around with multiple. Basically you visit them, and schedule what they will do for the week, so you can visit as many or as few as you like. Hoping to also have some interconnectivity between characters when scheduling, ie if they work...
  14. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    Well, if she doesn't start innocent, there won't be anywhere to go for those who want to make her less so. ;) @Hizor - Like I said, main issue is that is has completely borked the galleries. Instead of showing a 3x3 grid, it is currently just showing one CG in a random place, so trying to...
  15. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    Still working on training, waiting for Keidi to finish the castle NPCs sprites, and fixing some interesting bugs the new version of Ren'Py has introduced (galleries are completely borked).  Here is a little taste of what you'll be seeing when playing with the training system though (this is...
  16. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    Well, to a certain extent all the code that you need is going to already be there (unless you want to do something completely new), so as long as you can find the right bit of python, you can just copy it and make the relevant changes to add new stuff, rather than code from scratch. :)  
  17. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    Corruption is pretty much the main theme, so you'll probably be happy Hiz. :) Not sure about adding player content, mostly because I already have enough work to do. What 'll probably do, when the game is in a more advanced state, is just release the source code and allow people to play...
  18. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    While things have been a bit quiet, work is still continuing. Here's a little teaser of the coding going on at the mo. :)
  19. Lord Arioch

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    @Hiz I'd like each event to have an image, but I'd need to be at the point where I could hire Hikari for that really. If things continue like they have been, that'll be in about six months though, so not too bad.
  20. Lord Arioch

    The Eternal Feast

    Hey Yron, told you you'd be popular here. :)