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  1. Baggrin

    Does Ranger's Stance work on offhand weapons or not?

    Well, that's exactly what I'm hoping for, that this bonus is the same kind as the bonus from the Bless spell, and not the kind that the items and offensive powers bonuses are....
  2. Baggrin

    Does Ranger's Stance work on offhand weapons or not?

    Is this powerhouse an exception to the rule "Any bonuses apply only to mainhand weapons" or will dual-welding fans be disappointed once again? From my amateurish observation, an offhanded francisca hits the target quite often, regardless of -15 to accuracy. Or does it just seem that way to me?
  3. Baggrin

    Evelyn Spar

    P.S. If you think about it, sparring with Evelyn serves as a great preparation for the fight with Kassyra. After all, their builds are similar in many ways. Although Kassyra with her 60 damage weapon (30 penetrating + 30 blight) is much more dangerous, and her damn Nuliffy will make you forget...
  4. Baggrin

    Evelyn Spar

    Wait, where did you hide this topic, why didn't I get a notification about your answer?! Agnimitra is not a dedicated healer, but she does have a couple of healing powers: Cauterize and Flametongue. Add to that the fact that her buff increases defense and you get pretty good defense. There...
  5. Baggrin

    Is Dragon Evelyn Too Hard?

    I'd rather fight an opponent that regenerates twice as fast (Mad Psion) than someone armored like Lureling or almost unhittable like Evelyn. However, as I said before, there is nothing special about her ability to regenerate, "just" her level is about three times higher than the currently...
  6. Baggrin

    Is Dragon Evelyn Too Hard?

    Well, I'd say the problem is more with her ungodly defensive stats (primarily Evasion, but her Magic Resist is also a very annoying thing) than those +47 health per turn. Honestly, when I saw at what level the limit of her stat was, I immediately thought that she was a worthy rival of Kassyra...
  7. Baggrin

    Evelyn Spar

    Keep in mind, I'm theorizing, in practice this has not been tested, at least by me. Presumably this is Agnimitra + Arona. The first one has fire resistance and two party-wide buffs: fire resistance and defense increase (attacks too, but I think that in this case it's secondary). The second...
  8. Baggrin

    Razorcup nectar buff being temporary is really lame

    Wait! Are you saying that Hirrud is not an ordinary character, a reference to one not very adequate member of this forum?
  9. Baggrin

    This game really needs more ultimate powers for the player character

    Thanks for the prooflink (which I personally can't provide all the time). In the case I'm referring to, though, the question was something like "Will we get higher level Ultimates in the future?" to which the answer was "Not going to happen" and a brief explanation of why. His argument is...
  10. Baggrin

    This game really needs more ultimate powers for the player character

    I probably should have saved the developer quotes and links to them... As far as I remember, one of the developers (it seems that it was Savin) said that the Ultimates are the crown of the player's strength, even reaching level 10 will not give access to some new Ultimates of a higher tier...
  11. Baggrin

    More storage

    Personally, I have some simple quests not completed for this reason: I simply have nowhere to put rewards for them. Well, I can sell some of the non-unique items (there are about two dozen such items in my storage), but I would rather not get rid of those rare items that I might need one day...
  12. Baggrin

    Build Suggestions

    No, Starting Bonuses are not accidentally called STARTING bonuses, neither changing your race, nor changing class will change your bonus. It seems that changing your background (via editing a save) doesn't affect the Starting Bonuses either.
  13. Baggrin

    Build Suggestions

    The main advantage of the black mage build lies in the crowd control, the enemies have less opportunity to surprise you. Also, many enemies are better protected from physical damage than from magic (for example, against the Earth Elemental, the Celestial Smite spell is probably the best remedy...
  14. Baggrin

    Help! Drider Queen's Prime Target, how can I forget that Power?

    A very long time ago I learned Mirror Stance for the first time and started copying every power that came my way. I wasn't very happy to meet Drider Queen, but at least I got a new ability from her as well. After all, it's nice to have an extra attack in my arsenal even if I never use it. I...
  15. Baggrin

    Build Suggestions

    Keep in mind, I personally find any summons not very useful for quick fights (you seem to be aiming for quick wins, right?), they often do not have time to provide a noticeable amount of assistance, therefore it is usually better to take an additional attack instead of them (for example, the...
  16. Baggrin

    Build Suggestions

    Well, I guess it must be some kind of DPS build. Probably also it should be a build that is effective from the very first levels... So it should be something like this: Catfolk as a race, thief by class, hunter by background. Distribution of attributes Strength+Agility+Presence, use Honey Mead...
  17. Baggrin

    Favorite Speacial TFs

    It's funny, but I almost always preferred to keep my human appearance, so I wouldn't call myself really familiar with all these scenes... Thus, for me, almost the only possible answer is Bimbo Liquor, and not, say, Naga or Bee, although there are interesting scenes there too... P.S. Some...
  18. Baggrin

    Share your favorite builds!

    I usually forget about it too. Heck, I used to even sell those buff items I got as loot! However, this was in no small part because you previously couldn't use most buffing items out of combat (and in combat it wasn't worth the turn you spent on it), only recently in someone's comment I noticed...
  19. Baggrin

    CoC2 Wiki

    Well, points 2 and 3 have already been corrected by someone. The Whitewood Bow page, however, still has the old stats (new stats: +5 Accuracy instead of +10, armor penetration 10 instead of 20, now the bow has +10 spell penetration, +5 spellpower). The page about Lamellar Armour has not been...