More storage


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
Thank you, I missed the Gweyr part somehow.

But one thing I really wish was in the game was a storage for unique (starred) items, so we don't have to keep selling or getting rid of them simply to keep them from consuming all of our storage we might need for consumable or crafting item stacks. Though that becomes less of a problem later.


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2021
The easy solution is to stop hoarding those unique you were never going to use in the first place.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
Plus I just like them as trophies and story element reminders.

Not to mention sometimes I decide to just remake my character to something very different, like shifting my tank to a spellblade after I've used Mirror Stance to gather up everything.
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Feb 12, 2020
Occasionally a Unique item might have a later role to play in the same sense that any item can (since there's a hasItem parser check) but I have never understood the hoarding mentality of keeping an item I have no intention of using 'just because'. My main Champ uses two-handed weapons so she's never going to need something like the Rosebloom Shield and has no use for bows or any of Viv's enchanted items, my various mage Champs have no need for Big Fuckoff Swords or heavy armor, my Charmer's not going to get any use out of Gloves of Giant Strength since she's never going to be doing physical damage... but they do have uses for items they don't necessarily want to carry on-hand at all times (to free inventory slots for dungeon loot for example) or keeping spares of items, or materials like Sturdy Stones in case they're needed for a future quest. I keep a few old pieces of gear around in case I need to change my setups for a particular situation and a few out of sentimentality (exactly one Champ is using Ashelander, exactly none are discarding it) but the rest are sold and the money used to buy things I'm actually going to use, or funneled into the nursery.

Plus, there's this post from Savin so I wouldn't expect to ever get enough inventory slots to enable maximal hoarding. It's basically something they don't care to incentivize.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2021
Occasionally a Unique item might have a later role to play in the same sense that any item can (since there's a hasItem parser check) but I have never understood the hoarding mentality of keeping an item I have no intention of using 'just because'. My main Champ uses two-handed weapons so she's never going to need something like the Rosebloom Shield and has no use for bows or any of Viv's enchanted items, my various mage Champs have no need for Big Fuckoff Swords or heavy armor, my Charmer's not going to get any use out of Gloves of Giant Strength since she's never going to be doing physical damage... but they do have uses for items they don't necessarily want to carry on-hand at all times (to free inventory slots for dungeon loot for example) or keeping spares of items, or materials like Sturdy Stones in case they're needed for a future quest. I keep a few old pieces of gear around in case I need to change my setups for a particular situation and a few out of sentimentality (exactly one Champ is using Ashelander, exactly none are discarding it) but the rest are sold and the money used to buy things I'm actually going to use, or funneled into the nursery.

Plus, there's this post from Savin so I wouldn't expect to ever get enough inventory slots to enable maximal hoarding. It's basically something they don't care to incentivize.
its about the memories they represent like where was i when i got this? who was with me? what did we do? what does this mean to me? getting rid of it is like getting rid of those memories is like spitting on your accomplishments.
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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
Personally, I have some simple quests not completed for this reason: I simply have nowhere to put rewards for them. Well, I can sell some of the non-unique items (there are about two dozen such items in my storage), but I would rather not get rid of those rare items that I might need one day...

I suffer from dragon mentality, if an item is interesting, powerful, magical or valuable enough I just want to keep it even if I had never used it or ever will.

I would say that the developers are well aware of the desires of people like you and me. I can't forget how Seraph in the ancient versions of the TITS joked about my storage:

0.8.063 Want it.jpg

Oh, I didn't know about Gweyr! Thank you, I probably should have not only completed the Winter Wolf, but also saved the game after that...
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Jan 11, 2023
I didn't save unique items until I got to the winter city and was informed that I dun fucked up by selling the bow that I was never going to use. I know that it doesn't really influence the content with Hethia, but considering how I'm playing my main save I wouldn't have done it had I known that she was a recurring character and not just a one-off antagonist.

As such, now Garth's store room is filled with an absolute armory's worth of priceless and unique items from around the Marches.

I think a good way to fix this problem would be to expand on the Wayfort's display options; instead of having just one slot for one item to be displayed in your throne room, why not have multiple places to store them and show them off? Maybe an actual armory where you can store the gear and display it as a testament to your wealth and power as Marcher-Baron?

Another good option, if one that would be a nightmare to balance and code, is to allow us to give these weapons to our companions and let them use them in combat.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
Letting companions use them would be very much a no, due to how the companion system works, but I really want a storage in the Wayfort (maybe only showing up as one of those decorations from Farrah once it's fully restored) that is bottomless, but only holds unique items and rejects anything else you may try to put in it. You do that, and with the existing storage never really needs to be expanded again otherwise.
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Jan 11, 2023
Letting companions use them would be very much a no, due to how the companion system works, but I really want a storage in the Wayfort (maybe only showing up as one of those decorations from Farrah once it's fully restored) that is bottomless, but only holds unique items and rejects anything else you may try to put in it. You do that, and with the existing storage never really needs to be expanded again otherwise.
Including it with the decorations would also give a very tangible sense of accomplishment and progression; as you take trophies from some of the hardest motherfuckers in the land or retrieve them from long-abandoned ruins, the flavor text of how majestic and opulent your castle is would just keep growing. Even just one sentence describing where each item is being displayed and what it is would lead to late-game characters having a huge wall of text describing, essentially, all of their achievements and hard-won prestige over the course of their journey. Plus there would be something very satisfying about returning to the Wayfort after every dungeon and sidequest to place the spoils of your latest triumph in the display cases or trophy room or what have you.

Maybe each different furniture style has a slightly different way to display the accumulated wargear, further emphasizing the cultural differences between them; the Belharan style might see the Baron commissioning statues that each hold or wear the gear or simply hang them from the walls with plaques that describe the way in which it was obtained, while the Jassiran style instead places all of them in glass cases stored in a museum-style display room. Etc.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2022
would've been cool to pull out literally any magical two-handed weapon out of my bottomless stash of magical two-handed weapons to give to Arona instead of doing Viv's chores for an axe


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2022
Doesn't seem to have changed in two weeks: one from Garth, one in Wayfort, one from Senja post-Fluffhaus, one from recruiting Eubicha, one from Gweyr in Nursery.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
IIRC the starting storage is 20 slots, so that's 70 slots currently available, or 60 if the first one was 10 as well.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2022
Which seems enough for all of the current unique items, especially if you don't take any of Lumia's trash out for her and don't buy out Vitruvius' life achievements to put them in a bar dragon hoard, never to be seen.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2022
When we reach the point where the wayfort is as fully upgraded as it can currently be, we should have our storage moved there since it would make sense to do it.