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  1. C

    How many of you actually stay human?

    I usually stay pretty human, except I like the incubus transformation in CoC (They've got more dicks, which is good for orgies, and they're not animals, which is good for the absence of complete bonerkill) as well as grabbing whatever I need to get as tall as possible. In TiTs you have to get...
  2. C

    Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    Well, now. Drug-induced and forced sexual slavery is, yes, super wrong. I mean really, mega, super wrong. But, and here's the thing: So is like, I dunno, say 70% of pretty much everything Steele does. Much of it being, after all, beating the snot out of and subsequently raping things. Me...
  3. C


    In principle, there's no real reason for NOT being able to kill any and all enemies, should you wish to. That being said, I don't really see a huge upside to it either.
  4. C

    So what would you do with Jack/Jill in the event you got him/her all to yourself, sexual or otherwis

    You know, I'm pretty sure that's probably true for some people. The important bit being, DON'T BE THOSE PEOPLE.
  5. C

    Ellie's Lobotomy Shop

    Sadly I also dislike furries which, yes, "why play on this site then?" et cetera. Taurs are too far from human to remain potentially sexy though.
  6. C

    Ellie's Lobotomy Shop

    I have nothing much to say on the subject except for the fact that I actually regret that there's not too much content on New Texas, since it's the planet that's the most fun for me so far. Subservient sex-crazy females, polyamory and promiscuity happen to be big turn-ons for me. Different...
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    DR Khan

  8. C

    Question about Myrellian Finale

    I am assuming that, since the lead writers can't agree on a one true path, so to say, the option to write in more than one path and letting Steele choose for himself has been considered?
  9. C

    What cosmetic TFs would you like to see in T.i.T.S?

    I almost always skip TF's, apart from those that make me HUGE:er and MANLIER. Some integrated technology transformations would make a damn lot of sense, and would be nice to see. Genetic engineering that has nothing whatsofuckingever to do with animals would also be nice.
  10. C

    In what order do you currently want new content added to TiTS?

    Some way to comprehensibly genetically enhance yourself that isn't connected to animals. More content, Uveto in particular, and more dom/sub (With dom steele). Possibly some way of enslaving an enemy or rival.
  11. C

    What sort of "True" end game are you guys looking for?

    CEO of Steletech, absolute ruler of a planet or two, with an extensive Harem and significant resources dedicated to genetically engineering the perfect harem sex-slaves.
  12. C

    What's your favourite race in TiTS?

    Plus, some of the races are still pretty sexy even to me - Raskvel, if you imagine them with slightly bigger boobs, Kaithrit, since they're pretty close to humans anyway, Ausar for the same reason, and so on. But I prefer baseline humans over them. And even in the cases the races aren't...
  13. C

    What's your favourite race in TiTS?

    I like these types of games, and there aren't any that aren't furry.
  14. C

    What's your favourite race in TiTS?

    Humans. Everything else so far is a bit too furry for me.
  15. C

    Embry X-Pack Wish List

    Haven't read the thread, but since it's a "wish list", here goes: More content with Embry as the cute hypersubmissive that goes wet as a waterslide when Steele takes charge. You write that sort of content well, and I likes it. Stuff like having her blow/lick you while you eat the breakfast she...
  16. C

    Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    I find mind control, addictive bodily fluids and harem-keeping red myr style extremely sexy. So long as I'm not on the receiving end. To derail the thread from the doom and gloom. That being said, I entirely agree that it's fucked up in a major way. I mean yeah, obviously, it is. And yeah...
  17. C

    Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    Neither the Reds nor the Golds have the moral fiber to rule a tea party, much less a planet, and if my Steele had his way he'd cunt-punt the lot of them and turn the planet into his personal harem. Of course, that's his solution for everything from the common cold to starvation to interstellar...
  18. C

    Favourite Starting Race

    Aye, a quest to obtain PERFECTLY HUGE!
  19. C

    Favourite Starting Race

    Human. I'd stay human too, but the Treatment is the only way of becoming bigger.
  20. C

    What kind of Captain are you?

    My Steele is a hardass who does things his way but isn't ever really malicious. He likes to subjugate and dominate, but doesn't tear people down or exploit them, and generally leaves places better than he found them. In combat he utilizes a massive physique and an equally ridiculous rocket...