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  1. C

    [editors needed] Nilleps' shop

    The new standard Terran language should clearly be Icelandic.
  2. C

    Resources for sexual roleplaying in D&D

    Ah, no, I meant a Gdoc of collected houserules that some forumite had put together.
  3. C

    Resources for sexual roleplaying in D&D

    I remember there being some neat rules for sexual roleplay in D&D/Pathfinder/similar in a google doc somewhere. Any of you guys got the link?
  4. C


    Voted. Chrome.
  5. C

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    This is a complete non-post really, seeing as I bring very little new to the discussion, but I wanted to agree with whomever said that while yes, the Red Myr venom might be a bit overboard, the tolerance for unbalanced racial perks and abilities is pretty high as long as you can clear all of the...
  6. C

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Absolutely most importantly, by FAR: Transformations that are NOT based on animals. More Steeledom (More characters and scenes in which Steele gets to be dominant) and more female submissive characters. A female character that you can outright enslave (Similarly to Reaha really, I suppose...
  7. C

    Small suggestion : censorship

    I enjoy this forum, but there are too many shitposters in my opinion. Could we add an option to censor them?
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    Then don't support it. You presumably live in a free country. Personally, I think that CoC is a pretty good smut product ( Certainly given me more mileage than most anything else ), so I don't feel cheated. And I can understand wanting to move on and work on something new that doesn't...
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    What the fuck

    Well, I could, but I can beat it on regular and that's more satisfying, so why not?
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    What the fuck

    I don't particularly need a DEEP combat system either, but I'm into dominance and power fantasies, so beating the crap out of anyone who gives me some attitude is very satisfying.
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    What the fuck

    I managed to murder the fuck out of her with my merc, although I have no idea what weapon I used. Headbutts and raw testosterone, I suspect. Edit: Took a few tries though.
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    Nimin - Brainstorming / bouncing ideas

    Regarding pregnancy, some way of impregnating others?
  13. C

    Free Cities

    Definitely one of the odder kinks out there.
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    Free Cities

    The text you're linking looks at America only, and briefly mentions post-1600s Europe. Less than a piss in the ocean, as far as human history is concerned.
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    Free Cities

    I didn't make myself very clear here: all of those things are of course both illegal and morally reprehensible, but (at least where I live) pedophilia is the only one which will land you with a lengthy jail sentence even if depicted in fiction.
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    Free Cities

    But Pedophilia is an extremely amoral and illegal practice and fetish, and FCAuthor probably felt he had to take a clear stand on it, which is entirely justified. If you feel that that was dumb, and that just not mentioning it in a world like Free Cities' would have been the unequivocally...
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    Free Cities

    Dumb is the wrong word - saying it breaks verisimilitude is a much better way to express it. And it's absolutely correct. It's also absolutely necessary.
  18. C

    Free Cities

    I'm guessing it was a combination of that and hte fact that it's really simple to add. But yeah, it's upsetting in all kinds of ways.
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    Free Cities

    If anyone finds a mod other than the pedophile one, do please tell, yeah?
  20. C

    How many of you actually stay human?

    Didn't know about the Leitha charm, thanks for the tip!