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  1. flying_moustache

    100% all-beef Franks

    Is that a photo from last weekend? If so, I was drunk. 's all I can say.
  2. flying_moustache

    100% all-beef Franks

    I see that Franks is still Franks. Good to know.
  3. flying_moustache

    Shower thought for fourth class(It has nothing to do with psionics)

    So I can put it onto that pile of games, that I dont have time for, over there? Nah, thanks. Also Im not much of an online player anyway.
  4. flying_moustache

    Jack/Jill Canon-Compliancy Questions

    Im sure there are four pale hands that would be willing to comfort her. In various places. And ways.
  5. flying_moustache

    Jack/Jill Canon-Compliancy Questions

    The only relationship tidbit with Rival-chan I can think of is one of Taivras Bad Ends. I remember Steele being able to become part of Taivras harem and request Rival-chan for herself. At first things were described as turbulent, but later she whispers in her sleep how she loves Steele.
  6. flying_moustache

    Shower thought for fourth class(It has nothing to do with psionics)

    I barely know that Warframe is some kind of online game that you play as a team, so I cant really say if that is a fitting comparison. Since deciding on a class is a permanent choice at the start of the game, I imagine upon selection you would choose to have Steele infested (or at least partner...
  7. flying_moustache

    Shower thought for fourth class(It has nothing to do with psionics)

    Well. Now I want a "(Sexy) Parasite Master" class. Not just sexy, but also useful.
  8. flying_moustache

    HugsAlright's Kennel of Puppers

    Im posting this from the hospital. Almost had a heart attack because of how cute Erra looks in that picture.
  9. flying_moustache

    SSTD's (Cast your votes)

    *takes a deep breath and puts a metal helmet on* I love this and hope we can get a few more like this in the future. So we can have a really sick time with the game. ...I will now spend some time thinking about how Dr. Anno Dorna and Nurse Syri would tend to a sick Captain Steele. *ducks...
  10. flying_moustache

    HugsAlright's Kennel of Puppers

    I dont know. Her hair colors kinda off, dont you think?
  11. flying_moustache

    SSTD's (Cast your votes)

    Supposedly. But no one really knows since nobody ever bothered to count. Because, really, we are not that important anyway ; P
  12. flying_moustache

    SSTD's (Cast your votes) Let me just say that when I wrote "change things up" I thought about a minor TF or an addition that is temporary in nature and reverts itself after a day or so. I see that I failed to mention that part, my bad sorry. I, for one, would welcome a change of pace like that but thats...
  13. flying_moustache

    SSTD's (Cast your votes)

    I have to say I was bummed to hear that people dislike the idea of SSTDs (and I still am) I get that people dont like to have stuff forced onto them while playing, but from what Jacques said above me I gather that the level of invasiveness is handled pretty well. Maybe they should just change...
  14. flying_moustache

    HugsAlright's Kennel of Puppers

    Unleashed. being leashed. *ba-dum-tss*
  15. flying_moustache

    Planet wishlist

    Ha. I knew someone would jump at that if Id word it like that. You didnt disappoint me, dude. (Although I didnt expect such a lengthy text) What about masochists? "Oh NO! Officer! You caught me littering. Again. Whats gonna happen to me?" *sigh* "Melissa, we both know its a night in jail...
  16. flying_moustache

    Dedicated Sera Thread

    Cant fucking wait. Really liked how Sera asks the PC "How did you get that?". I cant seem to remember any other character openly asking something like that and it also fits her affinity for modding very well. Nice touch.
  17. flying_moustache

    Planet wishlist

    Yeah. Thats. Like. Really fucking ugly. A dish of "strange, sexy horror" needs a careful dosage of "horror". Too little and it feels cheap and boring. Too much and it scares the dick away.
  18. flying_moustache

    Planet wishlist

    I heartily second the fleshy planet with strange, sexy horrors. It would be a welcome change from the classic forest/ice/fire RPG areas. Though I dont care too much for the "deceiving human colony" part. But hey, thats just me. All of my yes for City Planet. A giant City with crime and...
  19. flying_moustache

    Syri's "Raven" hair

    Is that the in-game version you posted? I grabbed the pic I posted from the blog. It feels like a brighter tone but I think thats the resolution? Might try to compare it side by side. Edit: I resized + chopped the pics in half and put them back together: I cant make out a damn difference.
  20. flying_moustache

    Syri's "Raven" hair

    Its sloppy work. Besides the lips, youll notice that her jeans and the inside of her ears are affected by the color change. I didnt bother with fine adjusments because I just wanted to compare colors real quick. This was not meant for implementation.