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  1. Cripto

    What does silly mode do ?

    Good question, I've been wondering the same...
  2. Cripto

    Baby home

    Well I had this idea that, and it's kinda kinky I guess and not really my thing personally but just an idea, of maybe an...interaction with the/a Wet Nurse? And maybe some content (if it's not already in) about maybe going the rout dear old dad went and creating your own child? Oh and maybe...
  3. Cripto

    Baby home

    No idea for the odd log in, but as to him disappearing, it could be a number of things. Whatever it was, it was his own business if nobody knows about it. Could have been real life calling or it could have been time issues or could have been a disagreement with the other writers, but asking as...
  4. Cripto

    noobe question

    Thank you for the compliment :3
  5. Cripto

    Baby home

    I know, but I mean the encounter never changes (first time with Steel or missed her target) so that would imply a large amount of population...which isn't true since the codex says they don't have a large population type of society. Which would mean that, either they actually do have a large pop...
  6. Cripto

    Baby home

    Awesome! Been looking forward to that! Now if only I could see the child that my Steel and one of the Venai have....I think she would be so adorable!!
  7. Cripto

    Baby home

    I haven't had the time to play the game for a while (or post on the forums for a while) but is the nursery up and running on the main game, outside of the backer game, yet?
  8. Cripto

    noobe question

    That's right, you would need to back the game on the groups Patreon to gain access to the latest game. Otherwise, you and those who don't back it can only play the update before the most current iteration.
  9. Cripto

    Terran Foreskinned Penis

    That would be cool aesthetically but what would it do for the story? Other then if your  character whated to become a Jew In Space (See History of the World Part 1), it wouldn't really change much of the story except with a comment here or their of surprise from some people not having seen an...
  10. Cripto

    Some avatar cosplays.

    Holy crap I haven't thought thought of that sight in ages xD  Nice sprites though, well done I think.
  11. Cripto

    Meme War!

  12. Cripto

    Meme War!

  13. Cripto

    Hello all!

    Wow so many people all of a sudden! thanks for the welcome everyone, and trust me I do intend to enjoy all the devilish things this forum has to offer :)
  14. Cripto

    Looking for Good Text Games

    My suggestion would be most games form Choice of Games. All the games are text based and give you the choice (ah haha) of picking the rout you want your character at that point to make. The sight itself makes the games, but they also allow hosted games from people who use their files to make...
  15. Cripto

    Unfertilized Venus Pitcher Seeds

    So then, by eating the seeds, we could turn our Steel into Poison Ivy maybe? That would be pretty cool as an easter egg or maybe even a bad ending choice. Think of it, instead of it causing morphing, it causes a full transformation where you eventually end up seeding yourself in the spot that...
  16. Cripto

    Hello all!

    Thank you, Ormael, for the warm welcome and the handy warning :)
  17. Cripto

    Hello all!

    Hi Everyone! I figured I'd introduce myself on here, considering that it's something that might help me to break the ice of wondering around here. So let's get started; My name is Cripto and I discovered Fenoxo and the work this place does all by chance really. It was from a  copy of the game...