CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
The mirror demon in Lethice's Dungeon would be a good one for the reflective damage. The EASY way to do it would be making wizards the create some sort of binding/linking spell that causes the PC to share a portion of their damage. You could probably mix something with with soul cultivators in there with it. Like.. a 'soul link ability' that soul cultivator class could use EVENTUALLY. Though certain enemies would be immune to it, one of which would be demons. Since demons have no soul it technically wont work on them. You could also expand on the lore your adding and go on about how the demons can't absorb the souls of cultivators because they are too powerful or they can't cultivate. Something along those lines.

There's also the matter of magic immunity... You've already added Fire and Ice Golems, why not Arcane Golems? Golems that literally suck away the magic of the PC and suck away their energy and eventually their health. I would give them a huge amount of strength and speed, the ability to nullify the PC's enhancing/buffering spells (and use them for themselves, increasing their own stats). I'd have the basic version of the Arcane Golem appear at level 30, and go from there into the higher levels. Also in order for them to 'drain' the PC of their energy and health (which they can use to restore their own, and I would do this on a percentage based system and not calculations based on constant numbers). For the advanced versions I would have them 'suck in' the PC's healing spell and use it to repair themselves as well as redirect any potential lust damage back at the PC; grey spells, and Ice spike would cause the PC's lust to be increased via this ability. Arcane archers, and any other magic class, spells, and magical abilities would be useless against this new golem type. You either hit them hard or use soulforce based abilities.

Sand golems... Those should go in a different area besides the desert. It's already filled out enough. No need to add more shit to it.

As for the tanking hostiles... Why not add a river area? Add some turtle monsters and bam!

Also if you ever add a monkey NPC at one point, exploding fruit that inflicts lust damage as well as slows down the PC would be a nice touch.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For debuffing or rather removing PC buffs enemies there will be one in next version that would be able to remove most of buffing effects from PC.

For sand golems...I thogh about sand as something that could easily been unafected by physical attacks that aren't used with changed weapon or otherwise enhances with magic melee weapons. Could be as well other substance than snad used that is similar to it to avoid overcrowding Desert. But Beach got lots of sand too and there isn't much enemies planned there yet. Additionaly with moving Beach to new place in exploration menu there will pened place for deeper part of desert area. So still there could be 1 or 2 locations that aren't overcroded yet that could be with sand golems.

Water/Ash/Goo/Slime based golems could also potentialy be resistant to physical attacks.

For Turtles either beach or ocean/deep sea could be the places that PC can meet such type of enemies.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
No goo golems... That really just doesn't... If you want more powerful slime/goo enemies I would go with a mob of goo girls, slime queen, and for the slimes.. Sludge beast, and... I can't think of another name...

Instead of making golems for water and fire based enemies I suggest you do elementals.
Lesser elemental: Ash
basic elemental: Cinder
Greater elemental: Blaze
Superior elemental: Inferno

This would make a bit more sense... Do no flood the game with armies of golems... after a certain point it will get redundant and just.. cringe worthy.

Also you could add a chance encounter with a corrupted water god (an asian dragon) to the beach or the deep sea.

With sand golems... I would have them only be affected by magical based damage, including charged weapon, but excluding Ice spike. After a certain point fire based attacks (with high enough damage) could basically turn the golems into glass that the PC can harvest and turn into things eventually.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ok yeah I will not keep making more types of golems. Eventualy only 2 other types for rest of 4 elements that will be ingame (eventualy). Elementals enemies would probably not so common outside fire/ice themed areas or severly weakened outside of them.

Sand as material to use in building (maybe also melting it into glass) would be one of materials I wish to add someday in the future.

Some work on reworking dragon race stat been made plsu managing to do thing I wanted have much earleir than now: natural regeneration of soulforce. Today...I hope to finish reworking bonuses and adding new body parts for dragons and then ove to other race or add something else like Zavos Inquisitor Tome.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Alright, I gave this a try and I must say that I'm impressed by the systems in place. The NPC's are interesting and the game-play is fresh once more. Although I have a few issues.

1. Is the beginning supposed to be this easy?
I've not even been hit a single time in my entire session until I hit level 4 because my character keeps dodging the hits from enemies like she's a sexier version of the flash.

2. Grammar.
This is only a very minor thing for people who have their brain set on auto-correct when it comes to reading stuff but there are a few menu buttons and mini scenes that could use a little bit of a lingual pick me up.

Otherwise all other additions so far have been great, really like it, hope you keep at it.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
1. Is the beginning supposed to be this easy?
1) Yes and no. It gets harder later, for now you're at the bottom of the difficulty curve. You can talk with Orm on Discord about rebalencing it if you have any ideas, but keep in mind there is a issue of higher difficulty low level enemies defeating fresh champions easily, potentially leading to a no-win scenario.

@Ormael ETA Yggdrasil?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Preacher Thank you for good words...and constructive critique. First two enemies for lvl 1 and 2 (weakest one imp and goblin) I do intend to make quite weak to not make people that literaly eat teeth on CoC to loose even on lowest diff setting. As Zavos said there are some peple that have trouble to beat weakest imp with bare fists at highes diff setting (mainly cuz his lust attack is killer move by then) and PC dps is too low compared to imp HP bar. Other player I know is veteran can beat the same imp in same situation not even getting near max lust. So I do accepted fact that given curve can start to grow fast after first 2-3 lvl's the two lowet lvl enemeis will be practicaly training dummies for any at least slight familiar with game player.

For gammar I slowly working with help of others to correct all the bad quality texts from times I was only one working on it.

@Zevos Same as Liadri plant upgrade path both additions will be in either at the end of work ofr 0.8d build (if it drag on for next 2-3 weeks) or in 0.8e build. So in real time it would be around 2-4 weeks.


Jan 2, 2017
Alright, I gave this a try and I must say that I'm impressed by the systems in place. The NPC's are interesting and the game-play is fresh once more. Although I have a few issues.

1. Is the beginning supposed to be this easy?
I've not even been hit a single time in my entire session until I hit level 4 because my character keeps dodging the hits from enemies like she's a sexier version of the flash.

2. Grammar.
This is only a very minor thing for people who have their brain set on auto-correct when it comes to reading stuff but there are a few menu buttons and mini scenes that could use a little bit of a lingual pick me up.

Otherwise all other additions so far have been great, really like it, hope you keep at it.
I, for one, am taking care of the grammar issue by doing QC in the public docs. Since they are all on suggestion mode, you just have to stroll by, do your corrections and move on, so pitch in if you feel up to it. Then it's up to Liadri (the main writer) to accept them or not. Don't worry though, I have yet to see her deny even a single one of said corrections.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Liadri would never deny any QC-er Nihilo do work on her gdocs.

On less important matter I feel after today work on mdo that I may go for much deeper changes to dragon PC's that I initialy planned. But that would be all for the good of this race.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
I, for one, am taking care of the grammar issue by doing QC in the public docs. Since they are all on suggestion mode, you just have to stroll by, do your corrections and move on, so pitch in if you feel up to it. Then it's up to Liadri (the main writer) to accept them or not. Don't worry though, I have yet to see her deny even a single one of said corrections.

I'll check it out, although I don't want to hit that unless I've already gone through it in the mod. Call it a shield against spoilers.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Most of(All of) the stuff I put in one gdoc is stuff already ingame just requiring to be qc-ed additionaly since I put them back in a days without almost any qc. And some texts there was qc'ed and I need put changes in code when I stop been lazy on this.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Most of(All of) the stuff I put in one gdoc is stuff already ingame just requiring to be qc-ed additionaly since I put them back in a days without almost any qc. And some texts there was qc'ed and I need put changes in code when I stop been lazy on this.

I've checked the trello and a few other places but can't seem to find the doc, either that or I'm blind, would you mind linking it?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Since I have to go this far as to explain it.

Philactery path is true demonhood and as you may have expected locks you out of all pure ending. While it doesnt sound like it at first having your corruption score locked to 100 will likely ruin interaction with quite a few npc or set you down the path of evil. This should unlock an alternate ending where pc kicks Lethice of her throne to sit on it. Its a pseudo good ending because in theory you attained all the goal you had as a villain.

An other of those pseudo good ending is the one that happens when you go kick on lethice door in the name of the mindbreaker sisterhood. Instead of taking over the demons you assimilate them to your corrupted troops and begin an unholy crusade to prety much seize control of mareth. I want to make it clear that these are not bad ending but rather good ending for a bad character.

Being bad shouldn't result into you being bad ended unless some holy hero slay you or you get enslaved by a greater fiend. Similar to in dark souls just beause you are a villain does not mean you are game over let alone that you will inevitably run in a bad end.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Left a couple of suggestions, a.k.a umbra.

All very minor things but it does help with the sentence structure.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Finished writing a new prestige class. Mystic wich is a wisdom stat spell specialist.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
As been meantioned in other thread PC will be able to grind new core stat called Wisdom. Atm in middle of adding all new fancy things to make Wisdom more than new stat barely supoorted by stuff ingame. It would be quite important stat for soul cultivators that for sure. Up to point that PC with too low Wis may find hard to progress on cultivation path aka getting new one perk in line. No worry current one highest will req. only 120+


New Member
Mar 25, 2017
How are you supposed to become a Phoenix now, by the way? Nocello Liquer only brings you to about 6-7 Phoenix score.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Are you sure about that? Going to need to test.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2016
I don't know if you guys saw it but I tried writing a DeBimbo scene for Joy.
What do you think? Would you consider putting it in the mod?



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Nocello Liquer should be able to make PC Phoenix with all points req. to get bonsues and desc on app screen of been phoenix. WOuld also do on my end check over code if there isn't smth that lock scorre at some point form growing higher.

You made DeBimbo scene to take pov of JoJo been returning to be himself rather then Joy stop been super dumb mouse? I would put link for others on discord to see it too. It' I think good and may be used. Can you set gdoc to allow people commenting or you want first make some more corrections beofre you let others put comment in it?


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2016
Nocello Liquer should be able to make PC Phoenix with all points req. to get bonsues and desc on app screen of been phoenix. WOuld also do on my end check over code if there isn't smth that lock scorre at some point form growing higher.

You made DeBimbo scene to take pov of JoJo been returning to be himself rather then Joy stop been super dumb mouse? I would put link for others on discord to see it too. It' I think good and may be used. Can you set gdoc to allow people commenting or you want first make some more corrections beofre you let others put comment in it?
Which Discord? Do you mean FenChat?

As for the POV, Sophie returns to her original personality when you DeBimbo her so it should be the same with Joy.

Also it'd be a good idea to have a way to restore Jojo's mind if the player Bimboed him on accident.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Nyseron This one discord: - it's not Fenchat but discord for all mods for CoC.

On Jojo/Joy: it was true that bimbofication of jojo been added as part of Revamp s it may been slight missing few needded parts. But it can be always upgraded and who knows maybe even Kitteh make us of this improvements for his mod.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2016
@Nyseron This one discord: - it's not Fenchat but discord for all mods for CoC.

On Jojo/Joy: it was true that bimbofication of jojo been added as part of Revamp s it may been slight missing few needded parts. But it can be always upgraded and who knows maybe even Kitteh make us of this improvements for his mod.
Can you give me permission to post in #Xianxia_Mod? My name is "Xamrin" and I have the same avatar.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah I noticed it was you quite fast and put you native rank. Sorry for not telling it on the discord main.

Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
Hmm is there anything we can do with milk? Like the milkmaid perk is great but I would something more. Oh oh or a cursed apple or a special curse for males and females


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I don't know anything about milk but on request I decided to break or rather adapt one of CoC taboo wich is necromancy. Necromancer is a prestige class based on soulforce and thoughness wich as you may have figured deals with bones. Below is its base description.

Even amongst soulforce users exist magician of the darker arts. One of the least understood soulcaster the necromancer does not bring deads back to life but rather infuse his soulforce into a lifeless creation to control it like a puppet. The necromancers are particularly fond of creating guardians out of bones also known as bone golems which they use both as combatant, servants and sex toys. +20 wisdom, +20 toughness and unlock the necromancy soul spells.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
I don't know anything about milk but on request I decided to break or rather adapt one of CoC taboo wich is necromancy. Necromancer is a prestige class based on soulforce and thoughness wich as you may have figured deals with bones. Below is its base description.

Even amongst soulforce users exist magician of the darker arts. One of the least understood soulcaster the necromancer does not bring deads back to life but rather infuse his soulforce into a lifeless creation to control it like a puppet. The necromancers are particularly fond of creating guardians out of bones also known as bone golems which they use both as combatant, servants and sex toys. +20 wisdom, +20 toughness and unlock the necromancy soul spells.

Oh HELL YESSS!!! Please tell me that the golem will be customizable. As in their overall shape and their sexual equipment. Not anything against people who like this sort of thing but I'm not to fond of overly muscled and burly builds, I like me some feminine curves. Will there be a choice as to what they are made of? If there is, I'd like to suggest bone, flesh and sexual fluid puppets. The flesh one could basically just be a frankenstein of body parts while the fluid one could be your own sexual fluids being controlled as to look like a cum goo girl.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Spike we already got curse of Ezekiel to eat PC HP bar if left uncheck. Um maybe we would try think about other gods some sort of curses... thou for Ezekile is merely causing body to start transform on micorscale thus leading to damages to the body so I not so sure if it could be called as roper curse. Enough resistance to been transformed or just fast regeneration would fully negate those effects.

About (not so true) necrmancer creations... Flesh golems/puppets. I think it would be probably organic mater formed right from the soulfrce so no need to first kill x imps or demons to get enough dead bodies to make golem out of them. But that idea is maybe day old for Liadri so given her crazyness it can mutate over next days to something new.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Liadri wrote some notes on making Oni TF so there would be some mroe to this eventualy. And yesterday I seen this pic (file name was ttay randomn so I put titel it had in search to file name - name that somehow attracted my attention):

3414fcfe385c045b61bc7082b0018ff0_bimbo_oni girl.jpeg

So I think as long one of wirters write more for Izumi or generaly on Oni race I will look over it and probably put on backlog to be added.
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