CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Good luck with that.  I'm in Lucid Dreams mode until the child ascension fix comes out.  Hopefully, more fun stuff will be out by then as well. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It should be lvl 9 for last tail not 10...I think. As each new tail req. 1 lvl and last one tail adidtionaly medidtation with holding fox jewel in their shrine.

Ahh meh shouldn't have take this nap I feel so sleepy now and still so much work on finishing Etna to get back to finishing manticores (little sad that males can't get pussytail for lore reasons).
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I have a basic plan for plant forms.  Pure have no wings, stamen instaid of tentacle cock.  Corrupt have tentacle arms.  Yggdrassil will have bark-scales, a muzzle (probably dragon, want to go through description and see what looks best), clawed dragon-root feet, frond wings and tail.  Might change things later.  At the moment, i'm copy/paste/mix/match stuff from current transformations to make new ones, the only one i've written so far is the Yggdrassil feet and it borrows heavily from lizard feet.  The wings are probably gonna be based off sand trap and tail likely off harpy.  Not sure about the other parts.  I might also revise the plan later on to make the corrupt version more blatantly sexual in some form.  Disclaimer: I make no guarantee this will end any better then Snakepocolypse. 
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
Well I was level 6 back on 7.c or 7.d and just grinded all the way up to max level exp from merely level 6 was able to get 8 tails. Since then I been just staying away from corruption of champions until more content gets added thinking of waiting until version 8 shows up... not sure.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ok then I would do more testing then to try catch up this issue you getting. Sometimes on my side some bugs aren't so easy to produce so their may slip past my eyes -_-'
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Oct 17, 2016
Remove Accuracy or remove the bonus accuracy penalty.   Bows are garbage i've tried to make a ranger and i lose fights I would win with a basic weapon (and deal just as much damage) because i keep missing  relying on hsitty accuracy makes bows garbage since over half your turns are misses and eat up your fatigue enjoy being totally useless when your fatigue is full. 

I know this is just a preview but the point of a preview is to give an idea of what the finished product would be like and i am not impressed at all which is a shame because i was excited for bows.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Remove Accuracy or remove the bonus accuracy penalty.   Bows are garbage i've tried to make a ranger and i lose fights I would win with a basic weapon (and deal just as much damage) because i keep missing  relying on hsitty accuracy makes bows garbage since over half your turns are misses and eat up your fatigue enjoy being totally useless when your fatigue is full. 

I know this is just a preview but the point of a preview is to give an idea of what the finished product would be like and i am not impressed at all which is a shame because i was excited for bows.

You can talk about it again when your precision hits the 115% cap and you can shot up to 5 arrows. Keep in mind the game doesn't have all the new bows yet. Archery also has a higher critical rate then any other weapon and can attack up to 5 time. Also you don't have access to arcane archery yet so you can't actualy see every possible variable. With all things done and in the early alpha my Alicorn taur was doing 800s crits up to 5 time. thats actualy easily over 2 to 3k dps per round wich considering the fact I was using a 0 modifier weapon is quite crazy.

We curently are in the process of revising accuracy rating as well so it will likely be better on future release. Furthermore have you learned the ''precision'' perk yet or increased your inteligence high? I hit on nearly all my hit all the time.

i have dark charm but my corruption is 100 and still nothing

What's your demon score at currently? You need a high demon score heavy corruption and the demons ability before you can obtain black heart.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Remove Accuracy or remove the bonus accuracy penalty. Bows are garbage i've tried to make a ranger and i lose fights I would win with a basic weapon (and deal just as much damage) because i keep missing relying on hsitty accuracy makes bows garbage since over half your turns are misses and eat up your fatigue enjoy being totally useless when your fatigue is full.

I know this is just a preview but the point of a preview is to give an idea of what the finished product would be like and i am not impressed at all which is a shame because i was excited for bows.

It's not a preview anymore and only thing that it missing it new better bows and next step after arcane archer perkline.
-Do you trained with Kelt up to 100 pts in bow skill?
-Did you took History: Scout perk?
-Did you have Job: Arcane Archer perk and int above 50 (prefferable 150 for getting maximum effect)?
If you not said yes to any of those questions then your bow shooting accuracy will be too bad to get decent chance to hit enemy even with one arrow. It's not like PC pick up any bow and already got 100% accuracy. You need to spend some effort to make it hit always and by then your PC will be really good archer.

EDIT: Some of you may not yet notice but there is Like button next to Quote button below each post 9aside your own posts as to be expected). Sooooo I lil abused it to give all cool posters in my thread this Like. Well I feel I may miss one or two prople still but all those who get it was most active here so I noticed them and showed my good will to show their cool people up here ^^
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Active Member
Oct 9, 2016
Maybe a small accuracy bonus could be added to each rank of the bow shooting perk, to help out early level rangers. Also, I believe somewhere in this thread it was stated that guns wouldn't be affected by any bow perks (please correct me if I'm wrong), if that is the case, will there be separate gun perks?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Vital Shoot from archery perks affects also non(cross)bow range weapons. Deadly Aim will be with next build out (it should have affct already but overlooked it). On perks for multiple shoots in turn or adding elemental dmg those would be jsut (cross)bow related perks. But as you corretly pointed out there would be added also perks for people that decided to use less common weapons for range like flintlock pistol. I just keep thinking on what woud be exactly effects of this perks (CoC still need to keep it fantasy theme without trying it to sound and looks like sci-fi game).

For accuracy bonuses to bow shooting perk hog high % values you have in mind? For helping early level rangers I would think about making perk to give moderate boost to accuracy (I just want to note that this may lead to some increased acc lost on each arrow/bolt per turn but it would still be huge help for starting ranger that not yet at stage of pulling out perfect 5 shoot combo).
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Active Member
Jan 9, 2016
I'm playing through version 0.7e1. I started a new character and so far it looks good. Kind of tricky fighting some of the mobs while low level. A naga on level 2 for play vanilla CoC is no challenge. Here with the naga having 535 health, it's another story. No worries, though. Just means a bit more of a grind in the forest at low levels.

Had a thought, though. If the city Tel'Adre had a bank where you could safely deposit some gold so it would be protected from attack, that would be really handy now. That way it would be OK to risk harder mobs without the risk of losing the gold you'd saved. Since I'm playing without debug mode or cheating, except by using the magic of 'save and load', that would be really nice.

#1186ssm0use, A moment ago


Oct 17, 2016
It's not a preview anymore and only thing that it missing it new better bows and next step after arcane archer perkline.
-Do you trained with Kelt up to 100 pts in bow skill?
-Did you took History: Scout perk?
-Did you have Job: Arcane Archer perk and int above 50 (prefferable 150 for getting maximum effect)?
If you not said yes to any of those questions then your bow shooting accuracy will be too bad to get decent chance to hit enemy even with one arrow. It's not like PC pick up any bow and already got 100% accuracy. You need to spend some effort to make it hit always and by then your PC will be really good archer.

EDIT: Some of you may not yet notice but there is Like button next to Quote button below each post 9aside your own posts as to be expected). Sooooo I lil abused it to give all cool posters in my thread this Like. Well I feel I may miss one or two prople still but all those who get it was most active here so I noticed them and showed my good will to show their cool people up here ^^

Yes. i wouldn't bitch unless i tested it out fully. i'm still missing about half my shots.

Aside from that that doesn't really make archery viable until higher levels and by time you hit higher levels why would you take that when you got melee weapons dealing more damage. without again the hassle of fatigue.

As for balancing earlie archery. make the "starter bows" more accurate. thus advancing along the archer tree gives you the ability to hit accurately with stronger weapons

First bows. 0% accuracy penalty (old bow) 0 bonus damage + speed
5% penalty Light bow 5 bonus dmg + speed
10% Penalty Light Crossbow 30 bonus dmg
30% Penalty Heavy Crossbow 50 bonus dmg
40% Penalty Longbow 30 bonus dmg +speed (50 str requirement)

Ect cetera
Crossbows should be more accurate since they can be fired in any range
Bows should do more damage but be less accurate (you try firing a bow in melee)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
A naga on level 2 for play vanilla CoC is no challenge. Here with the naga having 535 health, it's another story. No worries, though. Just means a bit more of a grind in the forest at low levels.

Had a thought, though. If the city Tel'Adre had a bank where you could safely deposit some gold so it would be protected from attack, that would be really handy now. That way it would be OK to risk harder mobs without the risk of losing the gold you'd saved.

I could think over making some vault even in camp as it would allow to make some monsters actualy to try find camp to loot gems stored. Bank in Tel'Adre could also works. So either way I would put idea to make some place to store some of PC gems safetly.

For naga it was change due to generaly making most of enemy encounters slight higher lvl to make game not feel like PC seen everything around lvl 20 like with vanilla or around 25 or so for Revamp. There could be possible some changes to make PC at lvl 1-5 have easier time fight enemies especialy in NG+ or higher (since I heard not all people likes to meet lvl 1 imp with over 1k+ hp right of the bat + reseting stats after each ascension making it slight hard to even use properly some good equipment).

Aside from that that doesn't really make archery viable until higher levels and by time you hit higher levels why would you take that when you got melee weapons dealing more damage. without again the hassle of fatigue.

As for balancing earlie archery. make the "starter bows" more accurate. thus advancing along the archer tree gives you the ability to hit accurately with stronger weapons

At endgame when there is more enemies with elemental weakness so range attacks with (cross)bow is as much usefull as spells and maybe sometimes with corrent perks a lil better (even with one of worst bows I can beat Phoenix down with salvo of 5 ice arrows and sometimes need another 1-2 more arrows in next round - spells may keep up to this dmg output but melee attacks got no way to deal so much dmg). So only when enemy isn't some special type that would be less resistant to ice or fire it worthy to use melee attack. Plus at endgame PC got so much fatigue it is not so much issue to constantly using range weapon (especialy when bow shooting perk is at 4th-5th tier or even 3rd). I'm not done yet with 0.7e builds so it is still up to debate how would it be in final form. But not worry your voice about how bad archery is atm was noted too and would be taken into consideration.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
Small thing I noticed is that Double Attack is listed twice which one is for Bows while the other is melee attacks which makes things a little confusing. Could the Bow one perhaps be name changed to Double/Twin Shot?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The one perk for bow/range weapons use is named Double Strike while melee one verion was kept Double Attack. Do you think too similar names like those is way too confusing?

On side note I coded today Arian appearance page. Still need to add scales recoloring but at least app part already have code to show changes in Arain scales color scheme.
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Active Member
Oct 9, 2016
So here's the idea, for the first rank of bow shooting you get 5% bonus. Then it reduce's by 1% for each subsequent rank. Basically: Rank 1: 5%, Rank 2: 4%, Rank 3%, Rank 4: 2% Rank 1: 1%. This leads to a total of an extra 15% accuracy front loaded onto the first 2 to 3 ranks of bow shooting. Note that this requires 5 ranks of bow shooting. My recommendation would be to make ranks 4 and 5 only a 10% reduction in fatigue cost. This should be helpful to early archers without being game breaking (I think, but let me know). Another idea would be to make a 4 to 5 ranks of damage and accuracy bonus perks that will unlock based of what rank of bow shooting you are on, you could call it Bow Expertise or something. That would require bow shooting be separated in the perk page so it easy to see. That would mean making bow shooting, bow shooting 1, bow shooting 2, etc. Those are a couple ideas, let me know what you think (especially what the problems are, I find it fun doing this sort of thing).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So here's the idea, for the first rank of bow shooting you get 5% bonus. Then it reduce's by 1% for each subsequent rank. Basically: Rank 1: 5%, Rank 2: 4%, Rank 3%, Rank 4: 2% Rank 1: 1%. This leads to a total of an extra 15% accuracy front loaded onto the first 2 to 3 ranks of bow shooting. Note that this requires 5 ranks of bow shooting. My recommendation would be to make ranks 4 and 5 only a 10% reduction in fatigue cost. This should be helpful to early archers without being game breaking (I think, but let me know). Another idea would be to make a 4 to 5 ranks of damage and accuracy bonus perks that will unlock based of what rank of bow shooting you are on, you could call it Bow Expertise or something. That would require bow shooting be separated in the perk page so it easy to see. That would mean making bow shooting, bow shooting 1, bow shooting 2, etc. Those are a couple ideas, let me know what you think (especially what the problems are, I find it fun doing this sort of thing).

An intersting idea to tie up accuracy with bow shooting perk. For reducing cost reduction to just 10% for two last ranks would be doable. And idea of dependend on bow shooting current rank new perk with few tiers should be also doable. Maybe making desc for bow shooting perk would be needed to have slight reworked code without making entirely new perk(s).

There is still issue of non bow/crossbow range weapons that having nothing out of bow shooting perk. Here I would work on making perk to add fixed amount of acc to using those weapons and possible some other perk in case I would make using flinlock pistol spending stamina (explained as reloading it after each shoot to avoid spending turn on reload) that will reduce that cost (maybe just making Iron Man perk work on this cost).

So there isn't much issues with ideas you proposed. I would even give you one like for that post (there is this new nifty stuff to giving likes for post we find likable - those who not yet knew it's connected to specifics posts so you all can give likes to few diff post of same person).

On side note as Liadri already days ago said: make shop with archery stuff. So now another tricky question: which place to locate this shop and what race/gender would be fitting for merchant (mind that it may not have much interactions outside selling tiems but still some may feel diffenerence for who exactly selling those weapons).
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Active Member
Oct 9, 2016
So will crossbows/guns be "unskilled" range weapons, by which I mean they will do decent damage with none to minimal perk investment? If so, when do you want them outdone by bows?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Perhaps scout could be changed to instaid of giving a must-have ranged bonus, it could allow you to start with max bow skill on top of its already substantial damage bonus.
Also, i agree that guns/xbows should have the bow training bonus without training. They sorta are unskilled weapons, probably the best way to balance it out is to make bows better then guns/xbows initially, probably by giving guns/xbows their own weaknesses that are not present in regular bows, but at higher level the equipment power level overall evens out as bows/xbows gain strengths that balance them out and makes them on par with high end bows.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yes other than bows range weapons are supposed to be treated as "unskilled" weapons as their dmg not relay on any stat aside weapon atk value. Bows starting weaker than other range weapons when comparing weapons base price. But with increasing to PC speed their dmg rising to reach similar damage output around 125 speed. After this point bows would be dealing higher dmg. So others weapons disadv at early game is high cost in gems and at end/lategame static dmg that will be sooner or later outclasses by good bow and high speed.

So what Zevos said is much on point my approach to range weapons in general. Bows are meant to be used by PC that invested heavy in speed and other weapons for PC's that still want to have range weapon with decent/good dmg output but not invested into speed. For Scout perk giving already max bow skill I would then needd to find place for Kelt as taking away bow training would make him quite useless npc.

For low lvl perk to boost accuracy I got some not so typical idea so any opinions would be welcomed. At price of getting quie massive as for early game bonus to accuracy (20 or even more %) one of PC stats would have negative bonus. And at some later stage of the game there would be second perk that would be removing this negative bonus to stat - something like Berserker and Cold Fury pair of perks.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2016
So how will the unskilled weapons be viable in new game+? Will there be new versions with appropriate damage that need to purchased each cycle? Or will there be a way to increase there damage? Maybe instead of having no bonus damage at all, they could get less of a bonus, or a bonus from a different stat (say strength, as a way to give melee focused characters a ranged option to use)? Giving them no bonus makes it nearly impossible to use after the fist cycle, and also makes it hard to use as the basis of a character (my pirate build dream :( (Course it's still your mod so it's not like I have the right to complain (Man, I just realized how often I use these parenthesis to break up my subsequent thoughts, sorry if you find that annoying))). Instead of the previous idea, you could keep the static damage amount but make the unskilled weapons focus on percentage base DoT instead, make crossbows have a chance to poison and guns a chance to bleed (to make them different) with different weapons having different chances to proc and amount of damage per turn and have different durations (make appropriate enemies, such as golems, immune obviously). Would be nice if said DoT's could stack a few times, but I don't know if that is possible (if it is possible or not would affect the percentage).


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Unskilled weapon by definition will always deal lesser damage in comparison to a skilled archer using a bow. I guess unskilled ranged weapon can gain a +10% to +20% bonus to damage per NG as a compensation for the absence of stat scaling. Still these are meant to be used as side weapon not as main weapon contrary to the bow. You can go all the way around with a crossbow but let's face it your build is likely stronguer if used with a melee weapon if you have that kind of score.

Bow at end game can easily outdamage the melee attack especialy on elementaly vulnerable opponent. A heavy strenght Cowgirl deals about 2k to 3k on a crit. Bow endgame damage is similar at these kind of scores but it require a build entirely commited to it as well as a very high inteligence and speed something wich by default isn't possible with every race.

Keep in mind bow will also soon gain access to poisoning and cupid arrow.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah status of unskilled range weapons wasn't yet set in stone for any higher tier of NG. In future for sure all weapons will be in some way growing up with PC due to upgrading them (and I would not give ppl option to max upgrade them in NG but spread upgrade levels between few tiers of NG).

For advantages aside been already starting with quite good dmg output even for low speed PC's (and well since some enemies can in some way disable PC melee weapon having some range weapon won't fill like unneeded option) i'm still brainstorming those to still not leave people that would not go for most obvious path for rnage fight of speed maxing + bow to have some options to pick form too). As Liadri said "lust" and "poisoned" arrows/bolts would be added eventualy (both gated behind getting arcane archery perk).
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Higher end guns/xbows will have their own advantages to balence out their weakness in endgame and put them on par with bow. Locatio, for one, is meant to have a high attack and no reloads, but requires investment into sorcerer to use to the fullest.
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