Savin likes to make everything I make rapier than I intended QQ

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Savin likes to make everything I make rapier than I intended QQ
Savin likes to make everything I make rapier than I intended QQ
Um.. Fen, if you don't mind me asking, how DID you intend New Texas to look and feel?
The whole idea is that New Texas as a planet would be a morally questionable but exciting gray area to explore, attempting to convince PC's to voluntarily bimbofy(or brutify) themselves for fun and boners.
Reaha plumbs the darkest, grayest parts, then turns out the light so it looks straight-up black.
Dane is a special 1 in a thousand snowflake. Shade is special as hell (special snowflake cunt-snake even). Queen Irellia is the only gold myr queen with an extra, etc etc. The list goes on!
As for "weaker or less competent" that has more to do with the PC being the main character and the only one who actually levels up. Also players tend to hate when they get forced into losing fights (See the silence)
and solving Lights Out puzzles.
Well yes, that's what I mean. Things affect the main character differently than other people. Sometimes this means there's things Steele can't do, like how Dane or Lessau can have extra arms while Steele can't, but usually it works out in Steele's favor, like being able to chug Dumbfuck and still be perfectly capable of adventuring, flying starships, and solving Lights Out puzzles.
And yes, protagonist powers also cover how Steele wins almost every fight. Kara losing virtually every non-random fight in The Silence doesn't technically make her weaker in an objective sense, but it certainly caters to a presentation that she's out of her depth where Steele isn't.
good horror dungeon
I second this very strongly.
Though actually, thinking about it, I wouldn't mind a good horror dungeon where Captain Steele's usual confidence falters and they're put in a desperate survival situation against something their weapons and teases just don't work on, having to run away and hide from it while they look for a way out. I tried to capture a bit of that sense of fear with the janeria, though I'm sure Fen could do better.
I third this, just as strongly.
I guess the actual Kashima quest ended up being something else?
Well there be a doc released for the Reaha xpac or will this be scene hunt
We still get tentacles ... right?
I don't generally release my docs anymore in public. They get vandalized or reported to Google.
Edit: also, I've always thought that you were going after recreating the RE/Parasite Eve vibes with the Biomedical Facility quest, and both of those aren't exactly pure horror games.
You talking about the non-existant dungeon or the kashima incident?
Well the internet has does have a health dose of assholes in it
Noobie, you like everything.![]()
So basically, the PC gets invited by Reaha's family. Reaha asks you not to take her, and if you do take her, you're invited to spend the night. Reaha, again, says "Hey, let's go please." Ignore her a second time and she gets rustled by the Texas Space Rangers or whatever. This both serves to give the player some warning of "Hey, something's gonna happen if you keep this up" and then also is the vector by which she blames you.
Savin likes to make everything I make rapier than I intended QQ.
Speaking of Savin, this thread is what happens when anyone tries to discuss any of his characters.
Healthy? Its overdosed looong ago. xD
I've yet to come across a place as friendly as this. Where people actually talk things out, make sense of a problem. Rather then dick measure 24/7.
Mission accomplished.
Hey Savin, anything you can tell me about my question on Shade here? I've asked this twice but never got any clarification.
NFI, Shade's end-post content is a nightmarish tangle of states and conditions.