Colonizing the Dark Continent (For Weiss Ritter)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
MIlly's grin grows crooked as she expounds her raising the stakes.

"Call it a change in the spirit of the wager. Not only does the loser have to do what the winner says for a night, but they have to thank them for it at midnight."

The cards swish across the table as Milly's deft hands maneuver them into position.

"What's it going to be, pretty boy? Ready to thank your mistress at the end of a long night of pleasing her?... You're not scared are you?"

The pirate's upping the ante might just be an attempt to throw you off base. As Milly said, it really only changed the spirit rather than the quality of the "request" rewarded to the winner at the end... Still, it would be so like Milly to extoll a thank you from the helpless "pretty boy" she just had her way with. Damn it, you missed her reaction when she checked her main hand!
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Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nathaniel tried to suppress a flinch at the change in Milly's grin. He hadn't even agreed to anything (beyond a blanket request of Milly's if he lost...) but that alone look was enough to set him on edge.

"That's-!" The young man huffed but caught himself. He was about to say "it" when his imagination rushed in to "save" the day even before Milly began to...elaborate. Changing the spirit in such a way would add a very interesting element to things...and oh gods what she was describing was incredibly ho-

"Not scared at all," Nathaniel spoke the words so quickly they blurred together. His face was a bright scarlet now. Dammit, he'd missed her reaction while he'd been preoccupied with thoughts rope, oils and licking...

"I just hope you know what you're getting into. You're going to end up very red in the face if this backfires..."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"Haven't you noticed, sweetheart? Nothing happens at the card table that Milly doesn't want. I've let you have a good run up until now, but I'm putting my big girl boots on for this one. Gotta say though, I like it when you talk tough. Maybe I'll put that on the list of my requests while you're on retainer... It's a long list, just so you know."

She lifts up her gorgeous, tight legs unto the table, crossing her booted heels for emphasis. If you were the suspicious sort, you might accuse Milly of trying to distract you.

"Let's get this started."

Whether it was arousal fueling your impressive intellect, or a supreme moment of clarity, you can't say, but you absolutely destroy Milly in the first two hands. She flubs her opening and let's you insert a drunkard and thief at the start, severely limiting her options. With her aggressive play in the third hand, you suspect she wants an alley- hinting at a hand filled with thieves and beggars. But you're having none of it. You allow her to place her guard in the third slot, and slip forward a purser in the final hand. A brothel.

You slap your hand down with confidence after wagering your entire pile for show, knowing from counting cards that there is no higher hand than three whores and a docksman. Milly covers her mouth at your unbelievable good fortune and brutal gamesmanship. She meekly folds her cards, flushing.

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nathaniel squirmed under the buxom corsair's words as if they were her nails sensuously trailing across all of his most sensitive of places all at once.

Gods damn you...

On retainer? A lenthy list of requests? His imagination was having a field day with that and two eyefulls of tone, lengthy legs were starting to get his heart racing. The only silver lining was that even if she cracked his stoic mask, he wouldn't exactly have been providing reactions to his hand for her to read.

In the end, Nathaniel rallied. His mind and body felt electrified as his cards immediately seized key positions on the square from the very start. This game was unquestionably under his control as every effort Milly made to leverage her hand was easily quashed. Granted, having incredible luck with his own hand played a key role in his victory, but it was hard not to feel a bit of pride as he saw through the captain's last, desperate gamble and nipped it in the bud before it could turn the tide.

"Well...I hope you enjoyed showing off for me. You're going to be doing a lot of that before midnight comes..." Nathaniel cooed and leaned forward. His eyes locked with Milly's as he rested his chin on one hand while fanning himself with his winning hand. "You were right that my imagination can be quite overactive at times. Sometimes it's a weakness...other times its a strength."

The young Brightland pressed forward a few more inches, his grin positively wolfish now that he was thoroughly in the spirit of the game.

"Like when I have a beautiful, dashing corsair captain obeying my every wish. It's a shame you didn't make this bet somewhere more...developed. I could have gotten much more in the way of supplies to celebrate. Alas, I will just have to get...creative now..."
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Milly blinks several times at the table and then at your hand, as if trying to comprehend some cosmic anomaly.

"W-well, good game I guess," She laughs nervously, rising from her chair. "That was a fun bit of theater we had going there, like we were playing for super high stakes. Lucky for me this was just a friendly match, right Nathanial?"

Odd how she only calls you Nathanial when she's begging forgiveness or wants something from you. From the fluttering at the corner of her lips, you can tell Milly is feigning coyness in order to provoke some response from you.

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nathaniel paused for a moment. It was easy to forget after being so caught up in the game and their banter, but half the reason he approached Milly was to check up on her. To find out if anything had changed now that she had time to mull things over more in regards to Telai and their situation overall.

Was physical intimacy beyond cuddling him to chase the nightmares away still something she was wary of, all the teasing aside?

...Apparently not, judging from the way the edges of her lips were subtly turning up!

"It didn't sound like a friendly match when you thought you had the upper hand," The moment of hesitation passed, Nathaniel slipped right back into his "tough talk" persona with a playful grin. "What was it you said before? That you had a long list of 'requests' to make of me once I became your prize? You gambled, you lost, and now I intend to collect, my dear captain..."

Nathaniel gestured for Milly to follow him back to his room. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest. Partly from the thrill of victory, but he was also faintly nervous about his ability to not disappoint her now that he was calling the shots.

He closed and locked the door behind them the moment they entered the humble chamber. "Strip and lie down on the bunk while I get everything ready,"

Nathaniel's eyes roamed Milly's still clothed body one last time before he turned one of his supply stashes. The smoldering look he gave her made it abundently clear that overactive imagination of his had very little trouble picturing her naked...and squirming beneath whatever tender ministrations he had in store.

His back was turned to Milly as he riffled through the boxes and bags. The two lengths of rope this would require were easily found and faintly visible to the former captain. The vials he sought, though...he was having a more difficult time tracking them down. Normally all of his possessions would have been perfectly organized, but the chaos caused by the battle for Newport and the move to this fort had shaken everything up. Plus he couldn't be sure Cynthia Lentani didn't take them for herself. They were the very definition of luxury items out on a frontier like this, and ones that he suspected would have been quite relevant to her tastes.

"Aha!" Nathaniel cried out as he lifted a black, unmarked vial over his head and turned to face Milly with a wicked grin.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Most of the men have left the fort, but some still are on patrol or otherwise lounging about the place. A wolf-whistle follows after you close the door. With the entrance barred and at your back, Milly raises a snarky eyebrow.

"My, you're not shy about letting you're colors fly. Where was the innocent young lad I had so much fun with?"

As you rummage through your possessions, you hear the clunk of one heavy, thigh-high boot hitting the rough wooden floorboars. And then another. This is followed by some rustling as Milly peels the rest of her clothing of, treating you to a delightful image in your mind. When you turn, your eyes feast on the sight of Milly splayed on her side, head resting on hand with her long fiery mane falling about her. The pirate shamelessly crosses and uncrosses her legs, giving you a glimpse of the neatly-trimmed red curls hidden between.

"What's that, a nightcap to boost your courage?," Your "captive" feigns a yawn, "You'd better not make me regret letting you win."

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nathaniel flinched at the wolf-whistle. He'd been so busy thinking of how to handle his victory that he...hadn't quite thought about the implications. Damn it.

Then again, he had to wonder what sort of rumors might have already been running through the ranks in the wake of his repeated meetings with Milly and Telai. Even if they were primarily business...well, seeing someone who otherwise behaved as a complete gentleman or lady just happening to have two exquisite members of their preferred gender as their closest lieutenants would have made him wonder.

"Y-you corrupted him!" Nathaniel scoffed, trying to shove all those concerns aside. He wasn't going to let them ruin this for either of them. Not after the last several days...

When he turned around, a retort on the tip of his tongue, Milly's nude form stole his breath away. Toned and athletic, yet not so hard or powerfully built that it overshadowed the sheer voluptuousness of her perfect breasts, fiery hair, shapely legs, and...

Nathaniel cleared his throat and forced himself to look the pirate in the eye once again. "O-oh no. This is for you. An oil for your skin, to be precise..."

He tried to grin with the same easy confidence as before, but seeing her like this...offering herself freely too him once was all he could do not to shiver as he approached. The ropes were hung on the frame of the bunk for a moment and the vial set aside while Nathaniel removed his shirt. Only his shirt, but the toned, silken flesh beneath would have made for a good show to most women all the same. Then he moved to collect her ankles, crossing and swiftly binding them to the bedframe below. Milly's wrists were similarly cinched to the headboard  just above her unless she had any last minute protests. Nathaniel may not have been an expert with rope, certainly nowhere near the extent Cynthia Lentani boasted, but he had read up enough on one of the most versatile tools employed by any expedition to have a fairly good idea of how to bind Milly tight without compromising her comfort.

His eyes roamed her taut, bound form for a long moment before the young man reached for his vial. A palmfull of a clear liquid with a silken texture was poured into one of his hands and briskly scrubbed together with the other. Then it began.

Nathaniel's hands slowly began to trail up her body, starting from just above the ropes around her ankles. His motions were tender and massage-like, equally concerned with scrubbing his treasured compound into Milly's perfect skin as soothing the muscles beneath. By the time the young Brightland's skilled hands were gently kneading her thighs, the effects of the compound would have been obvious to Milly. It was some sort of lubricant that was making her flesh glisten beautifully beneath the lighting of Nathaniel's well as making her all the more sensitive to his tender ministrations. There might even have been a low-grade aphrodisiac mixed into it, though it might have been difficult for the bound corsair to say for certain. As they massaged their way up and over her thighs, Nathaniel's fingers were all too willing to idly toy with her folds. They brushed over and against them at first but a few moments later were applying a layer of the compound just over her smouldering snatched, rubbing, stroking, even flicking.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
As you slip out of your shirt and bare your toned body, you can feel Milly's eyes raking over you. When you leave your trousers in place, she tuts in disappointment, but this was your show and she holds her protest in, biting her lip. Seems like someone is as eager as you are!

"A-are these really necessary," Milly asks, allowing you bind her with a nervous laugh, "I never thought I'd be the one to be tied up when the ropes came out..."

When your hands begin to spread oil all over your lover's perfect body, she moans in appreciation.

"Mmmm I ought to let you have your way all the time if this is how you go about treating a girl. Makes me think- mmmhhmmmm...."

Her snappy comment is cut short as the compound begins to take affect. While only a mild stimulant, Milly is obviously caught by surprise by the seemingly innocuous oil. You can feel her muscles twitch and quiver beneath your palms as you move them slowly with gentle-yet-persistent pressure. Milly's back arches, her pert breasts crowned with rosy nipples gleam in the lamplight. You trail lower, grasping at her firm, powerful thighs. It's all she can do to not squeal when you begin teasing the pedals of her feminine parts. It isn't long at all before your digits become slickened with something more than oil.

You hear creaking and notice Milly's calves straining against their restraints, her feet curling in pleasure. You have your lover taut as a bowstring, but you suspect she can take a whole lot more...

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"You didn't think you would be the one losing at cards either," Nathaniel replied, giving her snatch a playful swat. "As...tempting as it was to request that you have your fun with me anyway, I didn't want to waste this opportunity..."

The young man bit his lip at the sight his careful preparations had made possible. Milly writhing beneath his fingers, her skin glistening as every part of her perfect body grew taut. He could not have asked for a more perfect display of her beauty. His heart was pounding at the sight and his face flushed almost as much as her's. It was no small part of him that wanted to just...take her here then and there. To tear off his pants, kiss her long and hard, and then bask in each other's presence for the rest of the evening.

But no. Nathaniel wasn't even halfway done with her yet. Improvised though his plan may have been, he was going to see it through.

The roaming hands glided up and down her midriff and sides, massaging them tenderly even as his oil ensured nearly every muscle he touched would be clenched with pleasure by the time he was done. The young man's eyes shamelessly roamed each part of her body in turn, thoroughly appreciating the firmness beneath the corsair's sultry skin. It wasn't long before his hands fell upon her breasts. Milly's magnificent mounds were treated with almost sadistic reverence. His hands closed around them firmly, yet not with so much force that any of his squeezes were painful. They alternated between kneading the corsair's magnificent rack and massing the oil across her flesh and rock-hard nipples. Every now and then Nathaniel's fingers would pinch the engorged nubs of painfully aroused flesh while the young man flashed his captive a mockingly sweet, innocent smile.

He moved on from Milly's breasts only reluctantly, treating her neck and arms with the same tenderness he had given the rest of her.

"Do you know all this reminds me of?" Nathaniel's tone was innocuous but the calculated way his eyes flickered over her helpless form might have sent alarm bells ringing in Milly's mind if only she could fight through the lusty haze. "Our time together with the Forest Folk."

The young man suddenly seized Milly by her shoulder and hip and flipped her over on the bed so that her back faced him. His grin was positively evil as he began to repeat the process, massaging and oiling his way up the back of her body just enough to keep her stimulated without granting proper release.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Milly gives a little yelp as you reprimand her bravado with your hand at her quivering slit. Her breathing becomes unsteady as you shift your attention to her upper body- those delicious globes of titflesh rising and falling with each ragged exhale. The pirate's slick tongue licks obscenely at her lips as you massage her chest and she let's out a series of whimpers and moans as you stoke the flames of her accelerating arousal.

Her emerald eyes, smoky in the lamplight, lock with yours as you ask your question. A moments hesitation speaks for Milly's recognition of the similarity between this moment and the time you spent writing in a net suspended below the forestfolk village. Her breath catches for a moment, but then the snarky, domineering façade slips back into place.

"You mean the time when I tenderly explained the mysteries of lovemaking? It was such a romantic, gentle moment with you in my arms and the stars watching from above. Pure poetry."

She lets out a girlish squeal as you pitch her over and begin working your oil into her back. Milly clearly has enough stamina to bear with this state of heightened arousal. The question was, for how long?

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"I...was thinking more of how you teased me to the breaking point and tried to walk away," Nathaniel stumbled over his own words, ruining what should have been a sinister delivery. As his hands glided over Milly's firm cheeks, he was halfway tempted to spank her for it. But...well, she wasn't wrong. That particular moment was somewhat romantic...and Nathaniel was nothing if not romantic if his current track record was any indication! He settled for giving Milly's perfectly sculpted posterior an almost playful swat.

Between the oil, the massages, and his groping of her magnificent ass, Nathaniel was reasonably confident he was maintaining Milly's arousal and keeping her carefully balanced on peaks of absolute ecstasy and sensual torture. Just to be certain, he reached between the bound pirate's thighs while lubricating them and snuck a finger between her silken folds. "I'm so glad you're enjoying this, Milly..."

He teased with a grin as his finger slipped in and out of her, slowly and methodically stroking her most sensitive of womanly places before retreating once he ensured she was wet enough.

Finally Nathaniel turned Milly back over. His eyes eagerly drank in her bound, perfect body glistening in the lamplight. The young man leaned down to press his lips firmly against her's, moaning softly as his hands cupped her cheeks and his tongue slid forth to mingle with her's.

"Oh Milly..." Nathaniel sighed when the kiss was reluctantly broken. He laid down upon her, resting his head upon her hopefully heaving breasts. " soft. You know...I could just lay like this for hours. I might even just..fall asleep like this..."

Clearly, the young Brightland had been taking lessons from the corsair. His tone carried just enough earnestness and weariness to potentially convince Milly that he might just be serious, if only for a moment. His expression may have been hidden from her, but it would have been no great feat for her to imagine the coy smile he was wearing.

A finger began to idly coil her crimson hair around it in a loop as the young man hummed to himself, unmoving otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The impact of your hand rewards you with a sexy little whimper and Milly begins to twist and writhe as her self-control begins to fail. With what little range of motion is allowed to her, Milly strains her legs apart as you dip your fingers below her perfectly rounded butt. When you flip her back up, she exhales in relief, sure you're about to bestow the release she so desperately crazes and positively melts into your kiss. You drink in her hot breath and muffled moans, you've never had Milly so... Pliable. She's ready for you to ravish her brainless, but that's not what you have in mind.

"Mhmmm," Milly tugs at your lip with her teeth, trying to get you to engage her more fully. She gives a tight smile when you manage to pull away and bury yourself amongst her ample cleavage. The expression blooms into frantic frustration and the room fills with the creaking of wood and rope as Milly tries to egg you into railing her.

"T-that's it? Come on pretty boy, you've got me with both arms all tied up and you'll never get the chance twice. I need-I mean, you know you want it as much as I do!"

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nathaniel was trying very, very hard not to shiver or laugh with excitement. There was something equally exhilarating and hilarious about reducing a proud pirate captain to a moaning, quivering mess all but begging for his touch.

"Mmm..." The young man grunted in mock thought as he toyed with Milly's hair. She was absolutely correct on that point. After sensually massaging almost every inch of her body and feeling his naked torso pressing down upon her bound form while her scent filled his nostrils...yes, he wanted her. Badly.

Thankfully, keeping his head bowed and resting on her ample bosom obscured that fact. He didn't have to worry about concealing his expression, just keeping his tone vaguely level.

"I don't know, I'm pretty sure I could beat you at cards's not like you're going to swear off gambling in one form or another..." His finger released Milly's hair and began trail down the length of her side, drawing patterns in her perfect flesh the entire way down.

Nathaniel sat up slowly, intending to take a long, smoldering look at Milly's desperate, achingly aroused form. He managed to stare about five seconds before a shiver ran down his spine. "W-well, since you begged!"

The young man couldn't rip the remainder of his clothes off fast enough. Milly would only barely have had time to even register his fully naked body before it was pressed down upon her. His lips locked with her's once again, the kiss hungry and desperate as Nathaniel's throbbing shaft pierced her wet, welcoming folds. His cry of muffled ecstasy actually broke the kiss for a brief moment. Milly could feel Nathaniel's arms wrapping tight around her bound form as he vigorously thrust in and out of her like a beast in heat. The same arousing lubricant he had covered her in was being ground against his flesh as well, crudely massaged into his pores by the movements of their desperate mating.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Pleasure soaks through you as you to bury yourself in Milly's tight depths, the captain letting out a ragged exhale of release as you plow forward, only to be silenced as you latch your mouth onto hers. Her enthusiasm drives you to animalistic rut that shifts the bunk frame and causes an uneven floorboard to clatter across the room. Somewhere along the line, one of Milly's hands break free and she claws desperately at you with her one free appendage, tugging fiercely at your blonde locks.

"Y-yeesss, fuck me Nathanial!" she cries out passed your lips before clutching you closer and gnawing at your earlobe.

A fluttering, clenching sensation where your bodies merge signals Milly's climax, the first of many. Sweat drips from her collarbone onto her bountiful breasts and her ribcage surges with evermore erratic gasps, but still she doesn't ask for you to let up. Milly is like an animal caged, desperately encouraging you in any way she can- with her voice, teeth, and tongue.

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The fact that Milly's hand was suddenly free might have given Nathaniel some concern normally, but he was much too far gone now to care. Her gasps, moans, and lusty cried for him to pound into her harder still were music to his ears. The young man was only too happy to comply, thrusting harder and faster with strength he didn't realize he had and uncharacteristically feral grunts at each slap of his hips against Milly's

"Milly!" He cried out, all but screaming in pleasure as her folds clenched around his throbbing cock and his climax joined her's in about half a minute. Nathaniel collapsed atop her, panting from his almost adrenaline-fueled exertions. It was his turn to plant tender kisses on her collarbone and nibble on her neck.

"Just give me a few moments..." He murmured, still hard and inside her. Sometimes enthusiasm couldn't quite make up for actual stamina. Particularly when he was the one on top and riding with abandon for a change. It would be fine, though. Just a few moments to drink in the post-orgasmic haze, admire Milly's heaving form, and collect himself for round two...hopefully!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You aren't allowed much pause for breath as Milly seizes you and mashes her lips against yours. You seem to have forgotten that Milly had a much, much larger dose of your sensation-enhancing oil and it wasn't letting her pause for the sake of one tuckered-out aristocrat. This isn't a fair contest!

Milly twists desperately, pushing your hand onto her hot breast. Eventually, your lip lock breaks for the sake of breathing.

"Turn me over..." she growls in your ear, "And fuck me like the animal you are."

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"Mmph...!" Nathaniel grunted, wide-eyed at Milly's surprising strength born of horniness. Perhaps...perhaps he'd miscalculated when planning all this..

Either way, Milly was doing a very good job of introducing Nathaniel to the idea of "topping from the bottom".

"I thought I was supposed to be the one making demands..." It didn't stop the young man from turning Milly about, his hands still firmly seizing her breasts, and pressing down on her from behind. Once again his hardened shaft found her folds and again he thrust into her. The pace was more even and measured this time, starting out slow but slowly building back up again as pleasure and arousal warded off weariness. Nathaniel began to moan ans gasp softly in Milly's ear, his warm breath tickling her neck while his arms hugged her ever tighter.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"W-well, you've not demanded anything to the contrary. You think I'm going to honor some words spoken over cards?" Milly's taunt is broken by pants timed to rhythmic thrusting. "I'm surprised... Pretty boy. After all our time together, I would have thought you'd have learned you have to take what you want."

You feel her grip your member tightly and Milly's hips strain upward, pushing back into you. The movement is slight, but her bucking seizes your tempo and places it the pirates control. Your slave for the night was rebelling!

"You think I've embarrassed you in front of them men before? Oh hon, it's gonna get so much worse. I'll have them thinking you're wrapped around my finger in three kisses flat... And you know what, they'll be right. Cause you're my little pretty boy, and you'll always lose to... To a bad, naughty girl like me."

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"Milly..." Nathaniel half-groaned, half-hissed. He wasn't able to get much further than that. Something about having an immediate followup session with a pirate he might just have drugged into mild nymphomania made it difficult to form a coherent rant about broken promises, business ethics, or anything that involved noise more sophisticated than animalistic rutting.

A loud moan escaped his lips as Milly's folds clenched around his engorged cock. It was her hips slamming into his more than the other way around while his arms and the hands gripping her ample breasts desperately clung to her voluptuous body.

"Th-that's not..." Nathaniel groaned and gasped as the one-two punch of Milly's crushing, hungry folds and her expertly timed thrusts threatened to drown all coherent thought with pleasure. He wasn't sure if he had the energy to reclaim his position of dominance from before so soon after the first frenzied rutting, but it was his will he was more concerned about. Her words were starting to effect him almost as much as the fucking!

"Y-you're not going!" Another gasp and moan followed Nathaniel's futile effort to regain control with a tightened grip and powerful thrusts of his own. It merely served to drive him deeper into the pirate's lusty trap.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"That's right, Natty boy! You're right where you want to be, aren't you? Admit it, you were all tough matching wits, but here you've got to turn that big brain off.... And what bubbles to the surface? My little pretty boy, eager to please his mistress. Am I right?"

Through some black magic, Milly frees her remaining hand and lets out a throaty laugh, rubbing her wrists. But rather than pouncing immediately on you, she remains in place, her cessation of motion prompting you to halt.

"But since I like you so much, I'll give you the chance to clear up this little mix up. Say the word and I'm back in charge, no holds barred.... Or you could lay me out and show me who's boss. Your decision, but I think we both know what it'll be."

Those impish eyes seem to burn in the lamplight as Milly delivers her sexy ultimatum. Something in the woman is positively irresistible... But there was no doubt she was out of line and deserving of some punishment.  

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nathaniel groaned, unable to articulate any meaningful retort. His manhood throbbing in the folds holding them captive did little to deny the truth of of her words.

Gods...he needed to think of something to turn the tide back in his favor! Either it was a mistake to cover Milly in the arousing lubricant or the pirate's sheer sexual experience and endurance really did have him that badly outclassed. But...what?!

His hands tightened their grip on her ample breasts in a last-ditch effort at defiance, his fingers clamping down on her mercilessly clamping down on her rock-hard nipples.

"Ngh..." His grip didn't remain strong for long. As he said, that overactive imagination of his was a double-edged sword at times. Right now, Milly's ultimatum was filling his head with all sorts of delightful but counterproductive thoughts. His body helpless against the corsair as she crouched over him like a predator savoring its prey. Gasping as he entered her yet again, though with somewhat less stress on his body compared to the desperate bucking from before.

"F-fine..." Nathaniel released Milly and pulled back in an almost petulant huff. The look he gave said it all. Next time. Next time I'll be ready for you....

The defiance and bravado passed as the reality of the situation sank in...and those wild imaginings began to return to mind. Pride and a curious desire to see just how far he could press Milly if given the chance would drive him to come up with a suitible punishment for later but for now...there was more than a slight bit of truth in Milly's words.

"Could something with the ropes? It' to me but..exciting."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Milly smirks and bunny hops over to your desk chair, sitting down and extending her legs towards you.

"Ropes? Oh you nasty boy, what dirty tastes did you pick up while I was gone?" Milly all but purrs, idly toying with a nipple, waiting for you to attend her.

"Well, why don't you get these off of me and maybe I'll show you all the wonderful things a length of rope can do... Slowly now."

She prevents you from simply loosing the knots at her ankles, pressing your lips to her inner thigh. Milly clearly wants a show while you secure her "rigging".

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"Mph..." Nathaniel flinched. He didn't think it was possible for his face to get anymore flushed, but Milly had probably just ensured it would be remaining that way for awhile yet. The story of how he discovered his bondage kink was...definitely not something he wanted to go into detail over. Not unless Milly and Cynthia miraculously redefined their relationship as one of great friendship, mutual respect, and absolutely no hurt feelings over who had the "right" to tie him up and do wonderfully terrible things to "their" pretty boy.

The young man reached to undo his bindings only for Milly to catch his head and force it against her thigh. He glanced up at her quizzically at first before he got the message. Nathaniel kissed the pirate's thigh, and again, and again...he was slowly leaving a trail of kisses up the length of her leg while undoing her remaining bonds at a similarly methodical pace. Naturally, his destination was Milly's seemingly insatiable womanhood. The dutiful young man timed it to that the last of the knots would come undone at the same time his lips pressed against her folds for the first time that evening.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015

Milly eyes narrow in pleasure as you worshipfully trail kisses along the inside of her thighs, all the while undoing the restraints that symbolize the control you exerted until now. You were her obedient pretty boy, now and forever... Or until midnight at least.

Strong fingers massage at your scalp as you lap at Milly's feminine folds, gripping tighter when you hit a sweet spot.

"Ooooh that's it. I'll never get over the sight of you between my legs, Nat. Keep going."

Milly's hot honey drenches your tongue as you go to work, whether her heightened arousal is the result of your alchemical concoction, or her getting off to the situation, you cannot say for sure... But you suspect they synergistically enhance one another, resulting in the fiery dominatrix now smothering you for the sake of her own pleasure. Should you remain compliant and tend to your mistress's needs, you will feel a soft rubbing at your turgid member as Milly extends a foot to reward you for your efforts.

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"Mmm..." Nathaniel set aside those thoughts of pride and playful vengeance for the time being. Right now, all that mattered was he and Milly. For the rest of the evening, everything and everything else in the world was locked out of his life. Right now, he wanted to make Milly happy.

He relaxed into his place between Milly's legs, her nails trailing across his scalp doing much to remove what little tension remained in his body. Nathaniel's tongue worked quickly yet methodically to pleasure his buccaneering mistress, lapping up her womanly arousal where possibly but chiefly concerned with trailing over and into her silken folds. The young man was becoming quite familiar with the intricacies of a woman's most intimate of regions. His tongue parted the slit tenderly, yet always with enough force to send pleasant sensations through Milly's body with every lap. Every brush touched her clit to one extent or another. Nathaniel was clearly trying to draw out Milly's climax, though not to agonizing proportions, rather than force it on her all at once too quickly to really be appreciated.

"Mph...!" He grunted into her pussy, surprised when he felt her brush against his erect member. Nathaniel had honestly been so absorbed in the challenge of granting Milly as close to a perfect orgasm as he could that his own arousal had simply slipped his mind for a moment.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"You can multitask, can't you? Don't stop now... Use your hands too."

Milly taps your nose playfully and retracts her foot. Getting over your initial shock of the teasing contact against your cock, now you painfully feel its absence, mournfully neglected- pulsing in the cool air. Your mistress adjusts her position and looks at you expectantly.

"Tell you what, you make a mess of me, and I'll see what I can do about that "problem there".

Her fingers swirl around her nipples, drawing your attention almost entrancingly... But not so enticing as to make you forget your prime directive: Milly's puffy snatch.

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nathaniel groaned as Milly tapped his nose and cruelly retracted her foot. Some small part of him half-wondered if he should have tried wrestling her back into her bindings while he had the chance. It was only a small part, though.

"I'll try not to make too much of a mess of you, then..." A ghost of a grin was visible for the brief instant before the young man's face disappeared back between her thighs. One of his hands joined his tongue and lips in pleasuring her. While he licked, suckled, and kissed the upper portion of her snatch and clit, the hand tended to the lower half where room was left for his fingers to thrust in and out.

His other hand trailed up Milly's thigh, then her midriff. Tenderly massaging every inch of the way, it sought out a breast and a nipple to knead and tweak. There wasn't much room left down below, and he could hardly leave an entire hand idle!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015

Satisfaction flows through you as Milly's thighs brush against your cheeks, their owner writhing under your administration. When your hand rises up to seize the luxuriously soft flesh of he breast, a strong, desperate grip closes around your own, escalating your efforts. Your face becomes flushed with Milly's spicy taste on your tongue, the press of her thighs on your cheeks, and the backfire of your own hot breath.

A particularly attentive lick to Milly's pleasure buzzer sends her over the edge, her choked cry no doubt audible for everyone within yards of your quarters.

"All.... Alright, you naughty boy," gasps the breathless pirate, "I think you've earned some added deviancy..."

"I see someone's ready for phase two," She adds, brushing your straining shaft with her foot. "Let's get those arms behind your back, shall we? On your knees."

Quick as a fox, Milly is behind you as soon as you assume the desired position. You feel the abrasiveness of rope, expertly manipulated, binding your elbows and wrists behind you. Milly is sure not to make the position painful, but you still feel your muscles clench in tension. You are soothed through the process by little kisses directed to your ears, neck, and jaw. Frustratingly, you never seem to get your lips on your domineering mistress. Every time you try to lay one on the buxom pirate, she just gives you a smile and a playful nip before withdrawing with unnerving dexterity.

"You've been so good waiting..."

You feel two hot hands enclose around your fully aroused hard on, their movements mercilessly gentle and timed with Milly's every syllable.

"But I didn't think you wanted this... So badly..."

The grip becomes stronger.

"I think..." Milly hot breath whispers in your ear, " That this'll be so much better if you can wait just a little longer."

As soon as your eyes leave your turgid shaft, Milly snakes her tongue into your mouth. The kiss is so hot and impassioned that you don't notice the buccaneer's hand darting down for another length of rope... But you definitely register the tightening of rope are your sack, tugged down and back as it is connected to your now bound ankles. You surprised, shifting movement only serves to add to the strain, making your shaft stick out obscenely, swelling...

Milly rolls herself in front of you, flaming hair partially veiling her face, but that gleaming smile is more than visible. She surveys her work with a impressed whistle, running two fingers along the underside of your cock.

"I'd say this a pretty good look for you... Pretty boy. How you feeling?"

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nathaniel grinned faintly as he felt Milly tremble beneath his tongue and lips. It had been amusing to see the bold pirate captain, so prone to swaggering about with wicked smirks, bound and mewling beneath him. Something about her entire body clenching in pleasure as she struggled to catch her breath because of his dutiful efforts between her thighs was even more so.

Whether Milly took issue with the pair of mischievous, perhaps even cocky, eyes peeking up at her from between her shapely legs, Nathaniel was quick to change his tune as she tapped his engorged member and slid behind him with rope in hand. A soft gasp left the young man's throat as the buxom corsair drew the bindings tight behind him. His bondage was strong and strict, but only enough to put enough tension on his body to best display it...and remind him that, whatever amusing ideas he was still entertaining, Milly was indeed his captain for the rest of the night.

A shiver ran down Nathaniel's spine as Milly's lips left a trail of kisses across his face and neck. Being restrained this way seemed to amplify all other pleasurable sensations for the young man. His stiff member visibly throbbed as he craned his neck to try and capture her lips with his. Each time the wicked pirate evaded him, simply smiling when he whimpered and tried to lure her back in with an expression more at home on a puppy than a kinky aristocrat who had all but begged her to do this to him.

All the whimpers that came before paled in comparison to the ones that brushed past his lips once Milly's attention shifted to the figuratively gift-wrapped cock below. Nathaniel gasped, nearly drowning out his crimson-haired lover's words as she stroked and squeezed with each syllable. He pressed back against her, pulling against his bonds as the sensations numbed his mind to all but the ripples of torturous pleasure coursing through his body. It was hard to believe he had been tired just a few minutes before...

Nathaniel opened his mouth to whimper at the pirate's cruel words, but finally her lips pressed against his and all was forgotten. "Mmmph..."

His eyes nearly rolled back into his head as the young man pressed his body forward, desperately trying to himself as firmly against Milly as she and her bindings would permit. Nothing else seemed to matter to the poor, over-stimulated pretty boy...well, until those same movements alerted him to the corsair's latest erotic trick.

Another gasp escaped Nathaniel's lips, this one sharper than the others, as the second length of rope around his balls was yanked painfully down by his ankles. His eyes widened a bit and a few experimental wiggles produced several flinches, some dull yet kinky pain, and a bit of a show for Milly as the blond's toned muscles strained uselessly while his tortured manhood throbbed and quivered from all the movement.

"A-ah...! Milly, please...!" Nathaniel whined, his back arching as her fingers trailed up the length of his cock. More pressure was put on his poor sack and a gleaming drop of pre-cum adorned the crown of his throbbing shaft.

...It was a very good look for him.