Return to Mareth (In Game)


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Oh, that's more like it," says Cindy, placing both hands on Elliana's head and pushing her down t the base of her dick. "Becoming a demon is all about pleasure, in all it's many forms." She quickly released her grip so Elliana could breath.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Doesn't sound too bad... but there's gotta be more to it than just sex. Your Lord isn't your Lord because he's good in bed, but because he's powerful, no?" She gets and turns around, pressing her rosebud against the tip. "As the deal goes. Lord knowledge for actual sex." She smiles, rubbing her cunt as she straddles the knotty dick.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, granted he did have what it took to oust the last lord of demons. But mostly, he's the lord because he says he's the lord, and because everyone likes the way he leads. Plus, with what he's promising, I doubt he'll have any trouble staying in power." Cindy gabbed the base of her cock and lined the tip up with Elianna's anus. "Fair warning, hun, I am going to knot soon."


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
Mia is blushing at the lewd scene she can hear nearby but she manages to distract herself by looking for anything valuable. "If that fruit gives dog like features and that weird bottle of equinium does what i think it does.... there must be other stuff that transforms people as well...." 

[Discern realities, 6+1. What here is of value to me?]


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Looking around at her surroundings as the sounds behind her started to get much more intense, Mia spotted something that caught her eye. Growing in a shaft of sunlight was a tiny berry plant, similar to a strawberry plant. However, the berries growing on it, of which there were three, didn't look like strawberries. Rather they were round and closer to a peach in color. They also seemed to grow in pairs. The more Mia looked at them, the more they started to look like tiny... breasts.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Do it, Cindy~" she bites her lip and pushes down, spreading her tight pucker on the tip and crown. "Oooooh~ mmmmm..." She moans, as her butt slowly takes the canine dick. "Tell me about... the previous leader... Letiss?" (excuse the wait, went to clean apartment :C)
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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
Mia takes 5 of the strange fruits, putting them in her bag she carries on searching for anything else to distract herself from the heating up oral sex nearby.

[Discern realities, 8+1. What here is of value to me? ]

[Don't have anything to do but spam discern realities for more tfs and wait ;-;]
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Ooh, Fuck! That's tight!" Cindy cried, and began thrusting up into Elliana. "Lethice was a lazy bitch! Just sat around her castle all day eating lethicite, and getting head from her servants. I honestly can't believe it took as long as it did for someone to put her sorry ass in the ground and- Oh, Gods, here it comes!" Elliana's ass was pulled tight around Cindy as her knot swelled to the size of a tennis ball, firmly lodging itself her anus. Cindy didn't stop trying to thrust, even though she couldn't move very much, her hips began to shake so fast that Elliana probably would have fallen off, if they weren't attached. "Gonna cum! Gonna fill your ass up!" Cindy screamed as her orgasm hit. Elliana could feel the warmth bloom in her stomach as her insides were whitewashed by seven thick jets of cum.

With her load spent, Cindy went limp, gasping for breath. "You gotta'... let me do that... in your pussy... next time," she wheezed.

Sadly Mia was unable to find anything else that looked promising in the immediate area. Fortunately, judging by the orgasmic screaming going on, it sounded like her friend was finishing up.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Not in a million years, Cindy." She hums after her screaming orgasm, pulling Cindy into her flat bosom and kissing her forehead. "One last thing... tell me about some of the different transforming foods..." She coos, holding the diminutive, cute glimmerling.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Pillow talk, huh? Well, we are going to be here a while, so why not." Cindy wrapped her arms around Elliana's waist to get comfy. "Let's see, there's good old succubus milk, If you want bigger tits and a nice sloppy pussy. Incubus draft, if you want to experience sex from the other side; never touch it myself, the stuff shrinks your tits. You've seen what canine peppers do, give you dog traits; I was lucky to get the part I wanted on the first try. I hear there are some people who've turned themselves into dogs trying to get one trait that just wouldn't show up. Equinum, brings out the pony in you. LaBova will turn you into a real cow, but it really ratchets up your tit size and milk production. Of coarse, if all you want is to be nice and milky, there's my personal favorite, lactaid. And, then there's whisker fruit, they grow around the lake, make people cat like. And, right here in the woods, you can find booby berries, if you want an extra set of knockers."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So that's what that stuff they found in the imps' stash was for. Like a female and male enhancer of sorts. "I remember seeing a bottle of Equinum... and some of the other stuff that we got off those pesky imps... and milky, you say?" She smirks and tugs on one of Cindy's nipples with two fingers. "I was wondering... is there something a little more... foxy? I've always loved seeing foxes in the forests around my home..."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Foxy, you say?" Cindy smirked. "Well, the vixens might have something along those lines. They live much deeper in the forest, along with other, nastier. things. Piece of advice, if you do go looking for them be sure to have plenty of lube with you. Because, if you thing my little puppy pecker stretched you out, let me tell you, those girls are packing some serious dog meat."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
She nods, understanding that this world is quite dangerous, but for seemingly other reasons than back home. "And... uh, how did you get your dick, anyway? My friend Castella was born with hers, but what about you?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Oh, all glimmerlings have them. Back when we were still goblins, all we could think about was getting fucked silly, and knocked up with a big litter. Now we've got that, and we can give as good as we get." She flexed her dick inside Elliana's ass for emphasis.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Say I wanted to grow one... how would I do that without risking a full-on gender inversion?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Cindy chuckled. "Want to try things from the other end do ya? Well, there's an easy way, and a hard way. The easy way is just down a shot of incubus draft. Just one won't turn you into a guy right off the bat. The other way is a little more involved. You would have to go down to the lake, and track down an anemone, than let it fuck you. After that you just wait, and you'll have one eventually." 
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"In your case, it's not like you have much to lose," said Cindy, reaching out and giving Elliana's small breasts a pat. "Beyond that, it might make you a little more handsome."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"I... I'll definately think about it... thank you for your help, Cindy." She smiles, before standing up.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Elliana grit her teeth as her anus was stretched wide. Cindy's ass lifted off the ground a few inches before her knot finally came free with a wet pop, and she plopped back onto the ground. "Geez, honey, let a girl shrink down a bit more before you do that." Getting to her feet, the little woman fluttered back into the air. "This was fun, cutie, swing by whenever you're in the mood for a good reaming. I'll be happy to oblige." Cindy blew her a kiss, and took off back into the forest. Elliana smiled and waved, before she felt something warm running down her inner thigh. Looking down, she saw that Cindy's cum was oozing out of her well stretched ass.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Curiosity gets the better of her, and she reaches a finger down to scoop some of the cum up from her legs, then puts the cum-covered fingers into her mouth to taste the cum. "Mmmm... so thick and warm..." She grins. This place is getting to her, but she's not complaining. She grabs her stuff and turns to leave, heading back to the camp and searching the forest on her way back. [I believe she did actually pick up a single Incubus Draft that was left over from the others. But I'll still do a Discern Realities [2+1+2] oh bummer]


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
[Yes, you should have an incubus draft back at camp. Also, Elliana gains 4 corruption from sexing a demon. This will probably be my last post till tomorrow, unless Mia wants to do something real quick.]


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
Mia follows after Elliana, trying to ignore the smell. "So ummm, that was... interesting." Once they reach camp Mia heads out for a quick walk around the lake to clear her head and try to find the whisker fruit she overheard the demon talking about. After all they could need it at some point.

[Do i need a discern realities roll since i know where they are now?]
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Searching the bushes that grow around the lake Mia found that some of them did indeed bear fruit. However only one had fruit that could really be called whiskery, with thin hair-like strands growing out of the bottom of the ovoid body. The rest of the bushes sported berries that looked too slimy to be anything other than poisonous. Of the whisker fruit she found, only two pieces looked ripe enough to eat.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
"This place really is dangerous.... Some better hearing and reflexes really could go a long way...." She holds up the whisker fruit thinking for a second before she puts one of the pieces into her bag and eats the other.

[Down the hatch, think its called that anyway XD, 10+2. Ears and tail.]

She winces as a tingling begins in her ears and they migrate up her head and form two pointed cat ears with red fur. She wiggles them and is giddy with excitement at her newly increased hearing, Mia reaches a hand up to pinch one and the sensitivity of her new ears makes her jump. " I can hear so much more now!"

She heads back to camp, so engrossed with her hearing that she doesn't even notice the long red cat tail twisting around behind her to keep her pefectly balanced.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Mia? What happened to you? Did you eat something you found?!" She shouts back, lowering her bow.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
"Well I overheard you talking to that demon." Mia walks up to her, so they don't have to shout to each other. "And I..... Well I figured some better hearing would be good especially in somewhere so dangerous." Her ears twitch. "And um..... cats are pretty cute...." She says the last part really quietly and turns a bright red afterwards.