Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"wait no! arrrgh!" the boss man cried a the lust drug took hold of him, he squirmed and moaned and bucked as he was unable to even attempt to relieve himself. He could say no more as he writhed on the floor. The three girls nodded in agreement. "i guess it'll be good to get of this humid jungle." Jazzy said as she shifted uncomfortably.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"In that tight body suit...yea, I imagine you are not all that comfortable. Come along everyone!" She turns and starts walking back to her ship, but stops soon and turns around. "Umm, Mika...which way is it again?" She blushes lightly and scratches the back of her neck.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Oh..uh, heh heh... this way", Mika said as she led the way back. Sala sighed, "come on really? how can you forget were your own ship is...", she said irritated, but maybe just a little jokingly. it only took a little while before they made it back to Penny's old junker. when sala laid eyes on the old thing she raised an eyebrow. " uh....does look ...uh vintage. sure lets go with that..."
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Hey, don't let the look fool you. She has never failed me yet! Plus, she is much nicer on the inside. Trust me!" She opened the door, squeaking all the way, before stepping inside first. "Ah, home sweet ship!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Well hell...its not I can remember were the hell im suppose to be I guess......", Jezzy said as she stepped in too, followed in by Mika and Emily. When Sala stepped inside she took a look around and said, "ok, ok not bad I'll give you that much.". Emily nodded, "oh yes Penny's got a pretty good pad."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny leads them all into the lounge and sits them down on the couch. "Ok! this is the lounge and biggest room on the ship! The kitchen is also here, fairly well stalked! Down the hall and to the right is the entrace as you saw. Past that on the right is the cargo bay. Down the hall and to the left is the bathroom, and just past that is the storage closet where I keep the tools for the ship...cause I have lost too many wrenches in the cargo bay. Up the hall all the way is the cock pit, and up the hall to the right is the bedroom...yes, THE bedroom. We all have to share and right now things will be...rather tight on the bed. Not that I think anyone will have issues with that." She claps her hands and smiles at them. "For the time being, get comfy! Mika needs to scan that necklace for our next stop so feel free to settle down. Bonus points if that means getting naked!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy relaxed in the seat and started checking her rifle, she seemed to be deep in thought as she did so. Emily looked at her a little bit of a worried expression she then looked to Sala how was quite content to relax after all that activity. Mika set about scanning her necklace a very eager look on her face. "wait......only one bed?" Sala rubbed the back of her head with her cheeks blushing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny nods excitedly "Yup! It is a big queen size but with five of us here we will have to get very close!" She steps forward and suddenly picks Sala up and sits down on the couch with her on her lap. "don't worry though, it will be very comfy sweetie! you will love it!" She starts planting kisses on her face and neck. "No need to be bashful, you are part of my pod now Sala. I will see to your every desire should it be in my power!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"interesting.... lots of EM readings here...", Mika muttered to herself. Emily resisted the urge to make a grab at Sala breasts. She didn't wanna just jump the little bug, but damn if she wasn't just the cutest thing to her. Sala was blushing more because of all of this attention she was getting she was very unused to this, all of this. most of the time she was alone, mostly because she would scout places for loot by herself, but she would also isolate herself both physically and mentally because of her body. "My every desire?", Sala was unsure how to take that...
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yes, your every desire! That is what it means to be in a pod. We have to support each other, care of each other and stick together no matter what happens. So if there is ever anything on your mind just speak up! We won't turn you away. For example, right now it is painfully Obvious that Emily want's to grope your chest!" She looks up at the cyborg with a smile "Isn't that right Emily? No need to be shy or restrain yourself now!" Penny laughs and continues to cuddle the little bug her in her lap. "I would be all over Mika, but she is in work mode and I don't want to get in her way...for now."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily smiled a big smile as her hands raised up, her fingers moving around exaggeratedly. "Mehehehe~ now we've got you Sala~". Sala gave Emily a hesitant look, "Hey aren't we moving a little fast here!?", She said as she squirmed a little. Just then Emily pouched, grabbing right onto Sala's breasts. Sala made a cute little "eep!" at this. "Oh Sala! you're just sooooo cute! I could touch you all day right penny?", Emily said as she was groping the little bug's breasts.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"All day and all night! You are just so soft and adorable! I just wanna suck you into my body and send you to the moon with pleasure, drinking your cum and thrusting inside of those sexy holes of yours!" She laughs and hugs the little bug tighter, resting her chin on the top of her head. "We only fondle you because we love you so much Sala! Accept out love! do not resist!" She giggles and leans forward, planting a kiss on Emily's lips.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily kisses back hanging onto that kiss for a second before she went back to Sala squeezing and pinching her nips through her shirt. Jezzy was still messing with that gun of hers perhaps she believing it could hold more keys to who she was. As Penny said, Mika was in work mode, she was focused what she was doing so she was oblivious to what was going on next to her. "Hmmm....a pttern maybe? need to double check......" she mumbled. Emily could feel Sala's nipples hardening while Sala squrimed a little more. Even Emily's robo arm was soft and gentle on her boobs. "I-If you keep doing that...", Sala said trailing off. Emily could see Sala's sizable peen pushing against her baggy shorts.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny stands up and pushes Sala onto Emily. "I think you are long over due for sucking off that lovely peen of hers. I will leave you too it...I have something else to look into." She winks and walks over to Jezzy before promptly flopping herself across her lap and looks up at her. "You know, if you focus on that gun too much you will miss the world as it goes by." She smiles happily at her and reaches up to pat her cheek. "Why don't you relax? Get out of that body suit and take a shower? I imagine you are rather sweaty. Or if you like, I could clean you up!" She gives her a playful wink.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Penny had snapped Jezzy into the present. She stared at penny for a second. "hmm...I guess I should get cleaned up i do feel kinda dirty. I could do my mind some good.". Jezzy then got up and headed to the bathroom. Mean while Emily had placed Sala back on the couch. "Lets get this shirt out of the way...." emily said as she quickly pulled Salas shirt off. "Emily but I...." Emily cut her off by putting a finger too Sala's mouth. "Shh, dont worry deary your in the good doctor Emily's care hmhmhmhm~". Emily then moved her head over to sala's left breast and began licking Sala's nipple, she gasped at the touch Emily's soft lovely tongue.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny was very tempted to join in on the fun and claim Sala's other breast for herself, but with a will of iron she moved past them and stood outside the bathroom door. Ditching her clothes she melts down into a blob and slides under the crack at the bottom and peeps on Jezzy.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy looked at her self in the bathroom mirror for a second "......Just...who are you?", she asked her reflection. She sighed and unzipped her jumpsuit and began to pull it off her assets coming into view slow and teasingly, showing off her very shapely hips and butt. once she was nude she said, "Hey....I'm pretty good looking...." as she give her own boobs a little squeeze. Jezzy then set about turning on the water and waiting for it to get hot.

Emily was now sucking on Sala's nipples, making sure both of her nipples got ample love and attention. she stared into Sala's eyes the whole time giving her a loving gaze. Sala's breathing had quickened as her hands went to Emily's shoulders, her peen straining against her shorts more. Penny and Mika had their turns with the lovely little bug and now she was all hers.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Sliding under the door, she slide over to Jezzy's feet and quickly wraps around then, holding her in place. She playfully slides up Jezzy's body, covering her from toe to neck in a gold and grey stylish body suit that hugs her nice and tight while also being very comfy to wear! Once the gloves go over her hand Penny giggles and gives her a squeeze that feels like a hug to her. "Hi there Jezzy! You have an amazing body here! Hope you don't mind if I give it a little attention! But I need to ask, am I more comfy than your other suit?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy gave a gasp as she was quickly bound by the feet and the formed onto. "Guh?! what the?!", she said as she looked herself over. After hearing what penny had to say Jezzy she said, "geez Penny....freakin' pulling this crap out of nowhere.....", she mumbled. "is it more comfortable? i uh, guess so? It doesn't rub me as much...", Jezzy said find this all a little sudden, but she didn't seem mad, just a bit cranky.

Emily then switched tactics and began really sucking on those lovely black nipples of hers while one had reached up and stroked Sala's peen through her pants. Sala's hands had grabbed onto Emily's head as she grit her teeth. her peen was really starting to get hard soon it might just pop out of her pants.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Sorry! didn't meant to scare you, I just like surprise hugs!" She oozes off of Jezzy, leaving her naked once more, and motions to the shower "Do you mind if I join you? I don't really need to shower but I like the heat of it all. Reminds me of home honestly, with the steam making things humid and hot! I could wash you down too! Get those hard to reach spots!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy gave her a questioning glance with one eyebrow raised. she shrugged, "...Ok, sure I guess it couldn't hurt..", said the reptilian sniper. She then stepped into the shower completely unaware of just how silly Penny can get when there's a pretty woman near her. she began scrubbing herself, being nude in the shower with Penny didn't seem to bother her. "Huh...maybe I showered with other people often?", she thought.

Sala's breathing was getting heavy and quick because of Emily's skilled mouth. Emily knew she had Sala right were she wanted her and struck again, skillfully undoing her pants and pulling them down before she could protest. the little bugs big shaft waged around a bit, free from its prison once again. Emily put a hand on her peen and started lightly stroking. "Oh Sala... I've just been waiting for my chance to play with you. you really are just....perfect to me!". Sala looked around nervously, unsure of what to say or do. "oh deary relax, just let me do all the work", Emily said with a smirk.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny get's in after Jezzy, happily taking a wash cloth and getting it all soapy. She starts running it down and up the length of her back, getting her nice and clean while getting a good eye full of her shapely butt and long slender legs. "You have really nice muscle tone Jezzy...I suppose that is to be expected of someone in your line of work with all the sneaking and sniping." She smiles and steps into her, pressing her big, soft and gooey brests into her back and wrapping her arms around the front, scrubbing her belly now. "Pardon my reach!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy felt penny's boobs press against her back. She blushed a little, finding such a lovely rack pressed against her a little bit arousing. "..Careful back there..pressing against my back. I think I have a row spikes back there... dont i? Shit, I cant even remember my race what am i anyway?!", she gave a frustrated sigh and went back to rubbing herself along with penny.

Emily gave Sala a wink, then looked hungrily at her peen licking her lips. she really wanted to know what that big beautiful thing of hers tasted like. "Emily I-" Emily stopped her from speaking putting a finger gently on her lips. she then opened wide and slowly began licking the head of Sala's penis. Sala gasped out her whole body tensing up. Emily smiled as she began taking long slow licks, she did have a lovely slightly sweet taste, she had to get some of that cum! but, she wasn't going to rush this. "oh Solous! Emily! your tongue!" Sala said as she shook a little.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny continues to scrub her down, getting her belly, sides and thighs but never actually touching her crotch or chest. Once done she drops the wash cloth and rests her head on Jezzy's shoulder. "You, my beautiful girl, are a Shrax. You are a reptilian race, covered in scales with varying colors. Yes, you do have small bumps running down your back, but I am a galora. Unless these are super heated energy bumps, you can't hurt me with them." She rubes her breasts against her back and her cheek against hers. Very slowly she brings her hands up and gently cups Jezzy's breasts, softly fondling them with a smile. "Oh these are just lovely!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy sucked in as Penny stared giving her breasts the "penny treatment". "uuuh, thanks? wait aren't we getting off track here?" she said as she reached behind and grabbed onto penny's thighs. While Jezzys scaly skin was rough in some places, she was soft in all the one that counted. "shrax......Shrax?......fuck it sounds so familiar but....I'm still getting nothing.....", she thought. penny hands were amazingly soft however and made her breast feel real good.

Emily was continuing her licking spree, now getting her toung all over that lovely blueish peen. "Ah~ you guys! You really do like it? Ah~", Sala managed to say, her body becoming quite hot. "oh i do like it. quite a bit in fact, but let me tell you love: we love the person attached to this fine peen even more. after all, what's a good cock without a lovely person behind it!" she said as she gave Sala's cock a kiss. She moaned out so loudly penny could probably hear it even in the shower. "Ok Sala dear, I'm going to kick it up a notch, ok? You want it?"Emily said as she circled Sala's cock head slowly with her finger. "Ah! ......oh fuck....i cant take it! yes! yes please!",Sala cried. "Ok here i go~", Emily said as she stuck the big thing in her mouth and slowly bobbed up and down on the shaft. Sala covered her face as more moans tried to escape her mouth. Emily's mouth was something else! it was so soft!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny smiled even wider when she heard the familiar sounds of lusty moans coming from the lounge. They only served to spur her onwards, her fingers sliding up to tease Jezzy's nipples with light pinches and tugs while the rest of her hands lift and fondle those lovely breasts. "Just relax Jezzy, your memories will return in time. Trying to force them to the surface will only make you frustrated, and no one wants to see that." Penny calls out a single gooey horse cock and pushes it against the small of her back. "What do you say I help you relax a bit? It would be my pleasure!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy took a deep breath. "Penny are you sure you really wanna get involved with me? I mean...I'm pretty shady....what if get my memories back and I find out I was someone terrible?" she said seriously but Penny could tell there was pain in those words. "And hey what the hell are you poking me with back th-", she stopped when she saw Penny's cock pressed up against her back. "oh.....". she then gave another sigh. "maybe...just a little.....", Jenny said as she looked down at herself.

Sala was in the clouds now, Emily was giving Sala all the love and care she could to that fine member of hers. For too long Sala had left it unsatisfied and so Emily was determined to show Sala the good side of having a penis. She started sucking harder as she bobbed up and down on Sala with evert slow pump she was taking more and more of the Sala down her throat. Sala had reached out to Emily seeking comfort as she was really staring to feel her lust burn. Emily took her hand softly in hers and rubbed Sala's palm with her thumb, really trying to poor on the tenderness.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny gave Jezzy a light peck on the cheek. "Maybe I trust too easily. Maybe I feel a connection as Vaine has wronged you just like he has me. Or maybe I just like to spontaneously stick my nose in other peoples business until I am so deep that I am stuck helping them. Either way, I find myself liking you." She gently pushes her cock between Jezzy's thighs, teasingly rubbing it against her slit while she keeps groping at her breasts. "This doesn't have to be anything more than a simple is just the best way I know of to make people feel good for a little while. Something I feel you need right now."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy was immediately hit with pang of arousal as Penny slid along her slit. "oh~.... oh fuck~....." she said as her face flushed anew. man this was feeling..pretty good. when was the last time she had gotten any relief? it felt like a awhile. "this is......not bad....", Jezzy said as looked up. "maybe...amp it up a little..". she then put a hand around penny dick and stroked it as it ground against her pussy.

Emily was starting to increase the speed of her sucking as one of her hands slid past Sala balls and placed two fingers on her clit and began rubbing in in time with her pumps up and down. "AH! Oh f-f-f-fuck!", Sala said as her pussy and peen began leaking their respective juices. the sweat taste of Sala's pre almost drew Emily into a frenzy be she kept her cool, she didn't want Sala to cum to soon, she was going to savor this!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I can do that for you." Penny smiles as she feels Jezzy stroke her cock along with the motions of her thrusts. She reaches up with her hands to be a bit more firm in her groping and squeezing of her breasts. With slow movements she begins to ooze around Jezzy, her legs sliding over Jessy's to get them as close as possible. After a few pecks on the cheek she pulls her hips back and presses the tip of her cock against her vaginal entrance. With a grin on her face she slowly pushes into her shrax friend, sliding her cock nice and deep inside her with a light airy moan.