Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika looked at Penny, a familiar look of worry on her face. "I-Its nothing....", she said as she looked off to the side. she tried to change the subject."T-The hotel should be right around the corner." she said as she took the lead. And she was right the hotel stood before them as the rounded the corner. It was a rather interesting place, unlike most of the buildings in the citiy this one seemed much more rigid looking more like an elongated pentagon then anything else. Also unlike most of the building it was white with gold trim, giving it a much more regal appearance. Penny no doubt though it definitely stood out among the colorful cylindrical buildings. As they went inside they found it just as regal as the outside, with pillars and exotic looking potted plates here and there. After showing the people at the front desk there free pass they were soon off to their room. When they got there found it to be quite luxurious, with a large extremely soft looking bed with bright red blankets and fancy looking furniture a small fridge that was seemingly stocked with expensive looking wines. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"wow!" She looked around the room with delight, her eyes wide as she moved around taking in every little detail. "This place is really nice Mika! I never thought I would stay in a place as fancy as this!" She checks the fridge "Oh, stocked with wine, how classy." she shuts the fridge and jumps onto the bed, sinking into it "Ooooh Mika you have to try the bed, it feels amazing!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika was quite surprised as well her worried features softened by the fancy surroundings. "I bet this place has some history of its own.....", she said as she took a seat om the bed with Penny. when she looked to her right she saw that the room had a big window with a perfect view of the beach and all the people in it. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny smiles and jumps back up, taking Mika's hand and walking over to the window. She puts Mika in front of her so she can rest her arms around her stomach in a standing hug from behind. "Look at that Mika, we can see the entire beach from here and all the people on it!" Her hands slide under Mika's shirt and grope at her breasts. "Oh dear, that means they can see us if we stand here..."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika gasped at the sudden grope, one would think she'd be used to it by now, but years of sexual repression will make one quite sensitive. "P-Penny! w-w-wait!", Mika said as her hands grabbed onto hers. Again her face took on a worried expression. Her hand gripped onto Penny's tightly as she remembered what had happened to her on that stage how she had lost control of herself scared her. " there...something wrong with me.........", She said as she looked back to her gooey lover, her face full of uncertainty 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Seeing her lover so worried instantly removed any and all lust she currently felt. Quickly dropping her hands she looks over mika to see if she is hurt. "Is something wrong with you? What do you mean? Is something hurt?!" Her expression is panicked as she searches Mika's body
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika grasped her hands once more, "no no, you have it all wrong penny.......I-I'm talking about from....earlier.....I-I.....I'm afraid that...that I've lost control....o-of myself......Is there something wrong with me?" she said as she stared off to the side, a look of shame on her face. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
" mean what happens when other people can see you?" She lets out a relieved sigh and smiles at her lover. "No Mika, nothing is wrong with you at all! Sweety, it just means you like to be watched and I am completely fine with that." She strokes her tentacle hair and cups her cheek. "Mika, everyone has a kink, a desire, something that really sets them off. It can come in any form and it is just a learning experience on who you can trust with it." She plants a light kiss on mika's lips. "So please, stop berating yourself love, you are perfect just as you are."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika looks at her with hopeful eyes, " really mean it? But its just so......embarrassing.......why does that to me its so.......illogical." It should have been no surprise to Penny that Mika couldn't wrap her cute little head around the subject of kinks. Something so personal and objective was bound to confuse someone like her, who did a lot of critical and logical thinking.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"That is just part of it love. you can't explain why they get you so heated...they just do. It gets you hot and bothered because it is embarrassing. A kink is just something your mind and body agree on that makes you aroused. Some people get off with wild animals, some people like to be tied up, others get off on feet. Just a little something that makes you tick." She gives her another peck on the lips. "So stop thinking about it with your mind, and just enjoy it with your body...and me."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika sighed and sat down on the bed. "ugh...this hurts my head.....but that's ok.....i should be h-happy now we've effectively saved Emily! I'm so happy for her she gonna be able to talk now!", she said with a grin. "I'm n-not really one for alcohol...b-but I feel like we should toast to her or something." she said as laid on the bed. "huh, it is real soft......"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She walks over to Mika and lays down next to her, casually sliding a hand down the front of her pants and fondling her pussy. "We can toast with her tomorrow when she is all fixed up. For now, we have a luxury room till lunch tomorrow. So, do you want to stay in here and I can ravish you with my love...or would you like to go to the beach?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika sucked in sharply at penny fondling and softly bit her lower lip. "Uh! I-Its a-a nice day out side, going for a swim would be a good idea.", she said as she rose back up again. "I-It just wouldn't do to stay inside all day right?" she said looked out to the beach.


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Oct 1, 2015
She pouts lightly as her target moves away, but stmiles again and stands up. "That means you need a swim suit...or, we can walk down their naked together." She leans in and gently caresses her chest once more. "What will it be? Wear me? Buy a swim suit...or go skinny dipping?" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika does her best not to make too much of a reaction of penny going for her boobs again, but penny could see the slightest hint of purple run across her tentacles. "Um...well.....i would like to get a swimsuit......if you don't mind....", Mika didnt want to disappoint Penny, but she just wasn't sure she was ready to just run around nude and what not.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Awww, you don't want to wear me to the beach? Alright then, let's hit up the nearest clothes shop!" She grabs Mika's hand and heads down to the front desk to ask for directions.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
They were directed to a clothing store just a few blocks down the road, and it only took about a few minutes of walking to get there. It was a bright and colorful place full of all kinds of interesting looking clothes. while allot of them were quite fashionable and fancy looking, there were also quite a few that seemed ...rather revealing. When they got to the swim wear section they're eyes were bombarded by a slew of brightly colored "swimsuits". Most of them were quite small and revealing especially the woman's section. As Mika looked over the selection she said, "All of these are kinda small..."
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I think they are cute! How about this one?" She holds up a yellow bikini that is nothing more than three triangles on some string that would cover her nipples and slit and that is all. "I think yellow would work well with you natural red! Or maybe this one?" her next one is even worse, it is just nipple pasties and a cloth bandaid for the crotch.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika blushed and looked to the side. "I-I dont know. t-that seems like a bit much to me......". she then found a light blue sling bikini, Ironically enough it was the most covering, atleast for her boobs. It would however leave her butt out in the open. "well.....I do like light blue....", she said as she held it up.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She nods and smiles. "Yea! That one looks great too! Hmm, which one should I get? Or would you rather I strut around naked with you? Hmm?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika gulped at the thought of penny running around nude with her at the beach for all to see. She waved her hands from side to side. "n-no that's ok, you d-don't have to go around naked.......", she said shyly. "Um well maybe you should go with......something silver maybe? you know, to go with your gold....", she said as she looked around.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"How about this one?" She holds up a silver one piece suit. The V cut in the front is low enough to show off her belly button and it clings tightly, showing off the curves of her body.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika nods at this. "Actually...that's pretty good looking.". they then headed for the counter to buy them. when they got there the male squiliden clerk asked if they wanted to try them on and, told them they could even wear them right now after they payed for them .


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny smiles happily and pays for the suits. She casually strips naked in front of the clerk and slides into her new silver one piece. After that she stuffs her clothes into a store bag. "Oooh! I like having my legs out like this! Mika, you goign to change now honey?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
changing in front of the clerk made a big smile run across his face, while mika put her hands over her mouth as again small bits of purple flashed through her skin. "n-no...i think I'll uh...wait till we get to the beach...I'll just use one of their changing booths.", she said as she looked to the side her embarrassment written all over her face. And then they left, again only have to take a short walk back to the beach. All the while having to look at penny in her tight fitting one piece. When they got back to the beach. Mika looked around trying to spot a changing booth.......she didn't find any. "uh....where are the changing booths." she said as she looked around confused.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I guess they took them down? Most people probably change before hand. But just look at all these naked people walking around...." She gives mika a sly grin. "Guess you will just have to change the open." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika looked at Penny, then herself, then around the beach. "I-I.....guess I'll have to.....", she said with a nervous look in both directions. She shakily took hold of her shirt and shorts and then took them off as quick as she could, sliding her pants down and her shirt up at lightning speed. then standing there in her underwear she quickly undid her bra and pulled down her panties trying to limit them amout of time she was nude. in her haste how ever she forgot to get her shoes off. So with a small curse to herself as she had to undo her explorers boots making her have to take more time naked, her nipples and pussy out in the open air. After that she quickly stepped into her blue sling bikini pulling the sling between her legs and over her shoulders. when all was said and done she was now wearing the sling covering her boobs but still showing most of her as it went under her crouch and between her lovely ass cheeks. She felt very exposed in this outfit, but atleast she wasn't naked.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Mmm, you look amazing love!" She picks up Mika's clothes and puts them in the same bag as hers. She puts one arm around Mika's hips and holds her close to her body. "Come on, lets walk around the beach, it has been way too long since I got to relax in the place like this!" she heads off to the water, bringing Mika with her.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
As they walked Mika felt exposed her butt cheeks bouncing around and how the sling left the sides of her body completely exposed. at frist mika thought that all eyes would be on them but that wasn't the case. they more of less blended into the crowd, with there being plenty of others who were dressed more racy then they were, some were even stark naked. Most of the people on the beach were either human or squiliden with a few other races dotted here and there. Mika tapped her foot in to the water testing the temperature, it turned out to be nice and cool. So she decided to take stick her legs in the deeper end. The water gave her the same strange feeling of familiarity witch she couldn't explain and it showed on her face.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny happily walks along side her lover, keeping one hand around her hips to feel the warmth of Mika's body at all times. When they reach the water she lightly sticks her foot in. "Hey, it isn't as cold as I was expecting! Want to go for a swim love?" She notices the strange look on Mika's face again and gives her shoulder a light squeeze. "What is it? Been a while since you have gone for a swim?"