Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika yelped as the she was rushed forward by the floor mounted conveyor belt. As she went through the tunnel she could see a light at the end with the faint sound of a large crowd in the distance. just as the came to the end they were suddenly grasped by multiple small robotic arms. Mika shrieked in surprise as the held her still. Just then she could see penny to her right but separated by a thick glass like wall. its seemed that she too was grabbed by a similar set of robot arms. the arms then raised them upward spreading there arms and legs out, as if presenting them.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She looks to the left and she struggles against the arms. "Mika! Mika! I am over here! Let go of me you stupid machine arms...and watch the duster! It is important!" While she fights against her binds she also looks around to see where they have been taken.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika struggles against the arms as well but to no avail, this was all becoming too much for her..... Not too long ago Penny had confessed her love to her, and now here they were stuck on a pirate ship about to have who-knows-what happen to them. Just then more arms lowered themselves near them. Mika looked to them with terror in her eyes as them moved for her. she shut her eyes fearing for the worst. at first she thought that they were going to tear her apart or something but then she found them grabbing at her clothing. "w-w-wait! noooo!", she screamed as her clothing was systematically removed. as her tits bounced free she cried out "n-n-n-nooooo!". Then her pants and panties were removed, her pussy exposed yet again. at this point she was struggling against her bonds violently, but try as she might she couldn't get free. at the same time the same thing was happening to penny, the robot arms grabbed her clothing and with out damaging them pulled them off of her one piece at a time.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Hey...hey! Fuck you! Let go of my duster! Give it back you sick fuck! That is mine! that is important! Give it here you ass bag! Fine, take my pants I don't care but give back my duster!" Even Penny's considerable strength can't break these mechanical bonds without good footing...and she is currently in the air. She looks left and sees Mika struggling naked and turns her attention back to her. "Mika! Are you ok?! Did they hurt you?!" Each movement makes Penny's large tits bounce around and her gooey pussy is on full display to the world.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika was only able to barely hear Penny as she struggled in her nudity. "P-penny!? I-I think I'm O-ok.......for now....", She said trying to stabilize herself. But before Penny could answer her they were moved upward and the ceiling above opened up. they were then thrusted up through it to the deck above.

The room they were now in was much larger then any of the decks they had been in previously. It very much resembled an area of sorts, with seats circling all around them.....all of them occupied...and looking at them. If Penny looked at Mika now she'd see her face frozen in shock. the crowds cheered as they looked upon there nude forms. Many of them saying all kinds of rude things about there bodies.  Look at the tits on that one. I bet she's takes it in the ass all day. Look at that pussy, I'd wreck that all day! Mika was screaming inside but she couldn't breathe, she couldn't voice her fear or her shame.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Seeing Mika in such a state sparked something inside Penny. Her normally emerald eyes faded to the same deep red and Vaine and her struggles grew stronger than ever. She focused on her right arm, pulling at the mechanical restraint enough to make the machinery start to groan under the pressure. "Leave her....alone.....not yours....leave...LEAVE ALONE!" Her rage was hitting a boiling point and she yelled out loud enough for it to ring across the room. Mika know's what this is, the fall of a galora...Penny was going primal!


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
hearing Pennys rage snapped Mika back into herself. "P-Penny?!" she said she looked to her. she saw the rage in her eyes, the same red glow as Vaine's.. now she was really scared but this time for a whole different reason. As she looked at Penny's decent into madness called out to her "P-Penny no! your not like him!" she shouted her hoping her plea would reach her, Just then they were dropped to the floor, as they landed they could feel that the ground was actually covered in a think layer of sand. just then a voice could be heard, "Ah, this should be interesting! give me a good show and maybe you wont end up as my personal slaves". at the very back of the room a tall man could be seen sitting in an iron throne. He wore red armor just like the rest of the pirates but unlike his peers he seemed to be the boss by the strange horned helmet he wore, making him almost look like a demon. "I've never seen a Galora go primal before this should be.........interesting", he said as he sat back in his iron throne, content to watch. He motioned towards them, "send in a creature lets see if the ladies can give us a good show."

Mika had gotten up only shrink back down in a ball, trying vainly to hide her shame. she looked over to Penny hoping the she was still with her.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny strode out of her holding place, eyes glowing red...until she saw that Mika was within arms reach. Her eyes flickered and went back to green as she ran over to Mika, throwing her arms around her and hugging her closely. "Mika! Thank goodness you are ok! I'm so sorry they seperated us! It is all my fault!" Her rage has been stomped out by her love and concern for Mika. It would seem Mika is both her greatest strength and weakness at this point as she ignores the crowd and clings to her pod mate.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika was relived to see penny back to normal again. "I-I was so afraid......" she said as she hugged penny back. just then a wall on the side of the arena opened as they heard a strange rumbling growl. then a long scaled foot stepped slowly out of the darkness fallowed by another soon a large lizard like head poked out of the wall, with a long snake like tounge flickering in and out as it tasted the air. Eventually the creature stepped into full view. before them stood a large lizard like animal called a crexa. looking somewhat like a giant monitor lizard with dark green skin and two pairs of eyes, one on top of the head, another underneath. A long tail with a strange opening at the end. and a row of spikes going down its back. Mika falls backward from penny's grasp at the appearance of the large predator, her body immediately taking on the color of the sand. "N-no! P-Penny look!", she cried as she saw the crexa eyeing her ready to strike.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny quickly stands and runs to the side so the lizard doesn't look at Mika's location. "Hey you giant lizard freak! Over here!" She waves her hands in the air to get it's attention. Once she has it, she waits for it to move first.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The Crexa followed penny with its head as she circled around to its side, And then with a roar it shot forth towards her, mouth agape, ready to try and make a meal out of penny. Mika meanwhile had crawled backwards and had taken on the pattern of the sandy floor across her body.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny dodges to the side to avoid it's massive maw. With it's head now in range she throws a punch, aiming for it's eye!


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Penny with satisfying smack she hit the one of crexa's four eyes. it roared out in pain and anger as it staggered. but it didn't last long it soon had its face trained on Penny again its tongue flicking in and out tasting her sent in the air. Mika was still very afraid of well, everything. But the creatures sudden appearance and Penny's bid to try and take it down by hand allowed her to for get about her nudity long enough to try and form another plan. as she had crawled backwards she felt something hidden in the sand. Quickly she bent down (putting that lovely ass of hers in the air) and dug into the sand. suddenly a she saw a handle sticking out of the ground, she grabbed it and pulled hard, yanking something from the sandy ground. pulling the object free she fell to her (rather lovely) ass. then looked to see what she had found: a long handle attached to a round looking metal ball, all black in color. it was a little heavy for her and she very briefly wondered how she could use it but them remembered that penny would no doubt be able to wield the mace like weapon. "Penny I-I found something!" she shouted. Her shout had caused the crexa to look her way. while it had trouble seeing the busty squiliden it could smell her with its tongue. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny bolted forward and slid under the crexa before performing the ultimate move...punching it straight in the balls, most likely causing the crowd to wince at such a display. Quickly rolling out from under the creature she runs over to Mika and takes the club like weapon. "Thanks love! Try to stay low, it can smell you...." She turns back to face the creature, now armed with something rather than nothing. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
When penny had hit the crexa in the groin it caused it to fall to the floor as pain shot through it. Thankfully for the crexa its gonads were on the inside as with most reptiles. (even thought its not technically a reptile being from another planet etc.) And this gave penny the time she needed to grab the weapon the Mika had found. The crexa staggered back to its feet and shook its head vigorously. It then hissed at penny angry for the cheap shot, he then turned sideways and whipped out his tail tripping up penny and knocking her on her gooey golden rump. he then went for her again hoping to catch her while she was toppled onto her butt. Mika gasped, hoping Penny could react quickly enough to either get out of the way or strike the savage lizard monster.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Sitting on her butt and not able to roll out of the way, she went for the only option she had left, a counter attack. Holding the club in both hands she swings for it's other eye, hoping this wepon had enough power to blind it or at least push it's face out of the way of her body.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
As the creature went for another bite It was caught in the side of the head by Penny's swing. Because of its heavy weight its momentum carried it of to the side making it slam its head into the wall next to Penny, dazing it. Mika was was looking about quickly trying to think of something, anything to help penny out as the large scaly monster hit the wall next to them. She gave a sort yelp, after a second the creature opened its eyes one of them looking at Mika! she jumped back in fear, she tried to run as the crexa turned his head towards her beginning to make a move for her. "AH! NO!" she cried as she ran but her foot was caught in a divot of sand and she fell to the ground landing on her hands and knees just when it seemed like the creature would make a move on her something....interesting happened. As the crexa's face got close to Mikas upturned backside a shot of ink squirted forth from her ass and splattered onto the its face blinding it! it then began to thrash about as the slightly sticky substance clinged to his face. Mika face was both parts surprised and embarrassed as she looked back at her "accident".
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny really wanted to laugh. The accident was comical and if it wasn't for the fact that the Crexa was a threat to both of them, she would certainly laugh. But now is not the time. Using the opening that Mika gave her she darts forward and unleshes a flury of heavy blows to it's skull, one after another, not stopping for anything.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
After about the third time she hit the alien lizard in the head he actually turned tail and ran! Apparently getting way more then he barged for. He ran up to the wall he came from and began scratch at it, tiring to get away from penny. Mika was so taken aback by its sudden change in behavior that she actually laughed a little.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny is panting for breath by the time the crexa runs away. She looks around the stadium angrily before pointing her weapon at the man on the throne...and throws it at him. She doesn't bother to see if it hits him, it probably wont, so she just goes back over to Mika and hugs her again. "That....was interesting. Never had to fight naked before."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The iron mace like weapon impacted onto what looked like an energy barrier around the red horned bosses throne. after it fell away he then gave a slow clap at Penny's victory. "hmpf not bad, the galora has some skill it seems that could be useful.....but you.", he then pointed to Mika. "are a coward and a weakling! someone like you is only fit for bending over and sating our needs." . he paused letting he words hang in the air. Mika felt the blow of his harsh words, her face looking to him in shock Why? who would he say such thing about her? can someone really be so cruel?! She frowned at him but said nothing back and simply held penny tighter.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny grits her teeth and slowly stands up with Mika still in her arms. "If that is how you see her, then you are dumber than you look! She isn't a fighter, she is a thinker. I ran distraction knowing full well she would come up with something for me. Would you look at that, she did! Not only that, but she got me the opening I needed to finish the fight! So shut your useless mouth....and give me back my duster!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The leader motioned at them, "Send in a pair of our boys, that should really show me what they're made of.", he said as leaned forward in his throne. "Penny.....I-I dont like the sound of this......w-what are going to do......" she said as her eye shifted about nervously. As the Crexa was finally allowed to leave back through the opening in the wall, a pair of familiar pirates stepped forth. it was the blond human and his large cohort bolter. "mehehehehe, well would you look at that they got them all nice and naked for us eh Bolter?" he grunted in response. Mika looked to penny and said "just when is this nightmare going to end?!"
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny looked at Mika and smiled. "Sooner than you think love. I wonder if they know how to actually fight a galora." She stands up and walks toward the pirates, not caring that her body is on full display. "So, I get to smack you two around for fun huh? I have had worse situations. But two on one is a little dirty. Before we start though, do you want to see a magic trick?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Huh? what are you getting at?", the blond pirate said as he eyed Penny, his eyes hovering over her tits. "Penny a-are you sure about this?", Mika said worrying as usual."P-please be careful...", she pleaded. "Bolter you get the gooey bitch I'm gonna get me some of that fine squiliden ass!", he said with an evil smirk, eyeing Mika like some predator stalking its prey. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny glares at the man and grabs her left arm with her right. She starts to pull, making her body distort and wobble before pulling a second Penny out?! There are now two smaller versions of Penny on the field! "Alright tweedle dum and dweedle dee. There is enough of me to go around!" Both Pennys charge at once, A going for the normal human while B goes after Bolter. Each Penny stands at Five feet tall but hasn't lost much of her total power.

With momentum on her side Penny A slugs the human right in the gut while Penny B uses her smaller frame to dance around Bolter, looking for a weak spot


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The blondie was so surprised by Penny's trick that he didn't react fast enough to her attack. so he was nailed right in the gut. "Gah!..... W-what the hell?!", he said as he staggered backwards. bolter on the other hand wasn't so easily fazed. He reached out at penny with his inhumanly large hands. But as he did so his hands crackled with electricity. 

Mika was awestruck be penny's "trick". she had no idea that penny could do such a thing! "" she said as she watched. She then took this opportunity to hide herself, blending into the sand once more.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Bolter might be bigger and more solid, but Penny could move much better than him. Penny B isn't really fighting back, just distracting him so he can't help blondie. Penny A is on a relentless assault, trying to keep momentum she she goes for a kidney punch and leg sweep to knock him over.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Blondie was only barely able to avoid penny's assault by back stepping. "Son of a bitch! Nobody fucking told me galora could do that?! ah to hell with it! you just pissed off the wrong pirate goo-tits", he sneered as he pulled out an electric stun baton. stepping towards Penny A he toke a swipe at her head. meanwhile Bolter was trying his best to grab Penny B with his electric gloves grunting in annoyance at the smaller Penny evasiveness.

Mika had been watching the fight from a safe distance, and was trying her best to try and use that powerful squiliden mind of hers to help the her split lover. "Come on Mika think! think!", she thought as she looked around the arena once more. She then looked at Bolter as he tried to snag Penny B with he electric gloves. as she watched the lumbering Pirate goon she had an idea! his red armor made it very hard to damage him directly but he would have no defense against electricity! But wait! how would she tell penny without the pirates hearing her plan?! she though for a second and she had another idea...but it would be weird... she as steahfilly as she coudl snuck into the path of penny B and when she went by sprang up and grabbed onto her back and clinged onto her. Mika then thrust her face into Penny B's back and mouthed the words make him hit himself! and just as quickly jumped back off doing her best to hide once again.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny B smiled happily at the idea and already knew how to do it. She waited for his next swing before jumping forward and clinging to his face. "Hey there big guy, you got one hell of an ugly mug on you!" With a few slaps to his face she quickly jumps out of the way to avoid in oncoming fist.

Penny A was now playing it a bit safer. dodging that baton and following his movements. Deciding to take a different course of action, she jumps back and pulls a ball of gold goo from her body before throwing it at blondie to try and blind him.