Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Fools! I'm surrounded by imbeciles!", the head man shouted over the comm. He sighed heavily, "Fine zhey are out of our reach for now......head to zhe rally point now! We vill need to regroup back at base." He said angrily.

Mika yelped as she was thrown onto Penny's gooey lap and quickly grasped onto waist her tightly. As they sped off she stayed there terrified. Her breath was quick and strained. Mika was taking all of this rather hard, the poor girl's mind was a complete mess at this point so she buried her face into Penny's stomach, a few tears falling from her face and onto penny.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny drove as fast as the hover fan could go, quickly covering the span of their previous trip and coming to a halt just outside of the space port where she pulls over the van with a sigh. Feeling the wetness of Mika's tears she sits back in her seat and gently grabs hold of the over stimulated girl. She carefully pulls her up and sits her across her lap while cradeling her in her arms, gently pressing her head into her own goo breasts. She strokes her tentacle hair and rubs her belly while trying to calm her down. "Shhhh, you are ok now Mika. We are back at the space port need for tears, I have you." Penny keeps this up until Mika calms down.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika had in her life, dealt with danger before. It came with the territory of her line of work. She had on several occasions, had to run from cave ins and collapsing ruins, and even a few angry animals. But never had she been hunted by people so relentlessly. Her face made it look like she wanted to cry, and did a little. Soft whimpering escaping her as her tears fell onto Penny's spacious bust. As penny stroked her tentacles, some of them reached out to her as well, hugging onto her with their small suction cups. Some of her tentacles reached behind Mika's head and pulled out her glasses. She had been holding onto with them the whole time, along with her mini terminal. when she put her glasses back on she seemed to clam down a bit. Her glasses always were like a barrier for her to hide behind. They always did make her feel little safe. she was finally able to calm down with Penny's help, she slowly sat up rubbing her eyes. She then moved to the other chair of the front seat, her arms covering her nipples. She sat there for a moment unsure of what to say or do. "wh-why would they do this....", she said sadly. Looking down at herself unhappy with her predicament. "I-I cant go out like this......", she said with a snuffle afterwards. All her clothes had been at her camp site, she still had all her money in her mini-terminal but she didn't want to have to walk anywhere nude. "I'll d-do what i have to though", she said softly.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Greed mostly. I have had people try to hurt me over good pieces of scrap. You currently hold an ancient map with an ancient location to some sort of ancient thing. Older something is, the more expensive it is." She turns to face Mika again, taking her hand gently into hers. "But I am here for you, I will protect you! I won't let them hurt my friends." She smiles warmly and lets go of her hand before turning the van back on and driving into the space port. "You don't have to go out naked, I can turn into a suite again. Do you have a ship here? If not there is room on you don't have to be alone after all of that nonsense."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"R-really?", she said in response. She called her a friend! Mika's face visibly brightened at those words. "My ship was totaled....I was trying to do odd jobs to get back home and tell the university to send a whole expedition team and come back...", she said with a sigh. She looked out the window trying not to think about her nakedness and on her next move. "Can we....get me some clothes or something please...", she said as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yea, but I don't know any clothes stores on this place. So we would have to leave on my ship and head to a new planet. I think there is a somewhere nearby...maybe a few days travel away at most." She pulls to a stop near her ship and turns off the hover van. "So, want a goo suite or just going to make a run for it?" She laughs half teasing her...but slightly hoping she will take the suite again. "i only have one bedroom on my ship so I hope you don't mind sharing a bed. Don't let the outside appearance fool you, my ship has never failed me!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika wasn't sure about either of those options. On one hand she wasn't sure if she was ready for that much simulation again. On the other she didn't like the possible embarrassment that running around nude would cause. Mika knew that out in the frontier the laws on public nudity were quite lax, if not nonexistent. In fact it was even encouraged by the Ma-Jeem as they would hold a month long festival of fertility were everyone was invited to come in the bluff. Mika of course, was never so free like that. "Um, well yeah could you.....cover me... " she said meekly, unsure of how you even properly ask for something like that.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"No worries! Just leave it all to me!" She melts into her blob form and slides on top of Mika. Just as before she forms the goo suite and covers her from neck all the way down to her feet. After a minute or so of movement and shaping, she is finished and pulled tight at the crotch. It could just be her imagination but...the goo suite seems slight more transparent than the last time she did this. "Alright! all set to go. Just hop out, head up to my ship and use the panel on the side. Code is 1-6-7-3-0. Door should open and the stairs should slide on down....though, do you want me to stay as a suite the entire time? Other wise you will just have to go about my ship naked."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika took a few tentative steps outside unsure of how people would react so she moved briskly to Penny's junker. she turned a few heads as she walked her curves on display. She even got a few cat calls from some of the engineers working on other the ships. She tried to move quickly not making eye contact with anyone. she got to the ship and quickly typed in the code and stepped inside. She looked around taking in the old junkers insides. she thought about Penny's question wondering what she would rather do: wear something that's alive and moves around her body, or wear nothing at all. "M-maybe i could do a little bit of both.....with the uh, goo suit thing...." she said still very unsure how one can even talk about this normally.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Inside the ship is surprisingly nice! The immediate room is the air lock, a simple square room that keeps the ship sealed. Past that is a hall way that goes right and left. The interior is clean and a dull steel gray color. "Mika...calm down dear. This is a thing we will probably have to talk about fairly often given your luck with keeping clothes. Now then, to the right is the cargo hold and bathroom. To the left at the end of the hall is the cock pit, first door on the right is my bedroom and first door on the left is the kitchen/lounge area. Not very big or fancy, but nice and homey! Now then, what do you mean do both? Wear me some times while naked the rest? That works for me. Oh! What if I was something more appealing?" She begins to shift again. The thick boots turn into fashionable small heels, the suite recedes and turns into a lovely golden sundress with gray panties under neath and a gray bow appears on her lower back. "Who doesn't love a sun dress?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Her luck with clothing?! Just what did she mean by that? she wondered, but said nothing. the inside of the ship was allot better looking then the outside. she gave an appreciative nod saying "Ok, this is nice actually...". When Penny shifted into sundress Mika looked down her features softening. "Now this....this is......not bad", she said as she looked herself over. "So I guess we should get going?", she said as she moved towards the cockpit.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
the cockpit is very spartan, with a single pilot seat in front of the control. When Mika sits down her sundress shrink so small that the good is only around her stomach, leaving her breasts and pussy on full display. The cause is obvious as Penny's top half emerges from the goo dress. "Alright, just a little flick here, turn this, pull that aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand." The ship sputters to life and slowly raises off the ground. It turns and flies out of the space port and quickly leaves the planet. At this point penny has completely slipped off of Mika, so now they are both naked in the cock pit. "Alright, the nearest planet that we could possibly get clothes from is Tal'rius, which is four days away at our pace." She turns to Mika and smiles. "Welcome aboard!" She laughs which causes her large breasts to jiggle a bit.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika was surprised by her sudden nudity and covered herself with her hands. But she tried not to look so embarrassed to put penny at ease. so Mika tried to give her a weak smile back. Penny's words rang in her head. Four days, four days away. She gulped, four days without any real clothing, she wasn't sure just what she would do. As she peeked at Penny's nude form, she wondered just how she can feel so causal about nudity and the like. Its seemed the Mika must have a hidden (and I mean really hidden) exhibitionist streak as she always would get slightly turned on when she was nude, not to mention that her sexual needs were often over looked in favor of studying. not wanting there to be an awkward pause she tried to start another topic, something easy that she could be free about. Then it hit her! She could ask about Galora culture she had little knowledge on the subject. so she figured this would be a great time to ask. "So uh, Penny.......can you tell me a little about your peoples culture?", she asked as she looked around trying not to settle her eyes all over her nude body. She was always bad at starting a conversation.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh sure! Come with me!" She takes Mika's hand and leads her to the lounge, a spacious room with a big couch, several chairs and a holo top table. Off to the side in the kitchen area which seems fairly well stocked. She puts Mika on the couch and pulls one of the large arm chairs over and sits down in front of her. She leans back in her chair and relaxes...which also means her legs spread open, giving Mika unrestricted vision of her entire body. "Well, to start with we are group people, our mentality requires we have social interaction fairly frequently. Sure this means I am at risk being an explorer, but I manage to keep it in control, lots of people around it seems. Anyway, we have a very open culture, never about the individuals but about a group. When two or more Galora grow close together, they form a 'Pod' which is kind of like a human family. Pods can be as big or as small as the members want. Pods are not restricted to Galora alone! Pods are a very special is a sign of absolute trust. Like 'I will let you point a gun at my head' kind of trust. Very intimate as well." She winks at Mika. 

"As a whole we are peaceful people, preferring to avoid conflict and focus on building a better life around us through peaceful means. While we do have a home planet, there is nothing there to see really save for some primitive buildings and....primals. Primals are Galora that did not gain advanced intelligence like me and just stay blobs, acting off base urges. Ignoring them, we have integrated into galactic society and are fairly common but no where near human levels of common. We like to work desk jobs and other positions that keep up close to others for social interaction...and the hopes that some horny passersby will want a quick." She licks her lips and sighs. "to explain, we survive on any organic matter. So long as it is biological and normal, we can eat it. The more matter there is, the better it tastes. So a leaf is bland...but cum...cum is a flavor explosion!"

"Other than that...not too much to say I don't think. Sex and nudity is pretty normal for my people...cause for the longest time we didn't even know being 'nude' was possible." She gropes her breasts. "I actually find clothes to be annoying, gets in the way of shape changing." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika listened intently as Penny talked about her people absorbing the information like a sponge. whenever penny mentioned something sexual or intimate she blushed and tried not to look all over her, even though she was very clearly welcoming it. "well um, atleast n-now i know more...t-thanks", she said as she nervously put her hand behind her head. "um, say Penny, have you met other....squiliden?", she asked. she wondered if Penny knew about the way people saw her race, and some of the stereotypes associated with her people.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I have met a few...but none as interesting as you! Most of them are pretty lax about sex, I have even been with a squilidan guy! That was a very bendy round in the bed!" She laughs at her own joke but quickly looks back to Mika. "You however...are far more interesting! Why don't you tell me about your people like I did mine?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Her face brightened up at a chance to talk about her people. "Oh! Sure!", she thought for a second thinking of the best place to start. "Well, my people are well know for there intelligence and diplomatic skills. We, much like your people, are more inclined to peaceful solutions and the like. We also have a rich cultural history!" it seemed the she was starting to relax, talking about these kinds of things always made her happy, sharing her knowledge brought a smile to her face. "We always go for the pursuit of knowledge and many of us work as in academic positions. Its no secret the we have one of the best universities in the galaxy!", she said as she beamed with pride her chest buffing out a bit making her tits jiggle. It seemed like she totally forgot that she was naked and all her attention had gone to teaching Penny about her people. "Comparatively our biology is quite unique. As you have......seen......I can change color at will and match the pattern of just about any surface.and also though we are a descended from some kind of sea creature. We can't really breath in the water, but we can swim well.", her hands were at her side now she had finally let her tits hang free. "Oh! Also we are one of the leading races when it comes to space station construction. We don't just make them for ourselves we have made some from just about everyone. Its no doubt that you may have visited a station built by my people." she said, with pride once again in her voice. "lets see what else..." she said thinking for a second. She then remembered the real reason her people are well know and her face once again had an embarrassed expression. "Yeah you are right about my people being kind the culture of the home systems and colonies all kind of.....just see it as not a big deal...most likely do to how the males...have allot of control over weather or not his mate gets pregnant...." it seemed like this was the one thing about her people she wished she could escape from. "Also I hear that we.....feel....uh stuff.......with more intensity then others. And then there me......being born on a station full of humans.... well I act like one i guess......" she didn't want to bring up what the boys at the university on her station had called her, a tight squid.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She laughs warmly and claps her hands a few times. "Impressive! To think your people are building space stations all around the galaxy while mine are just working public service jobs!" She laughs at the ridiculous comparison, a big smile across her face. "Well then, enough about your people...tell me about you! you are an archaeologist and scholar, that is all well and good. But how about hobbies other than work? Favorite places to go? I want to hear more about that! Or is it your turn to ask me another question? I am fine with either...we have plenty of time to cover all the subjects! Oh, but first, do you want a drink? Something to eat maybe?" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"A-actually, I am kinda hungry.... " she said as her stomach growled, as if to accentuate her point. "you wouldn't happen to have any sea food would you? I could really go for that right now.", It really seemed like Penny had taken a liking to her, and she could definitely say that she liked her. She would make the ride atleast bearable for her, uncomfortable as she was with her nudity.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Sea food...sea food." She gets up and heads over to the kitchen to fling open the fridge. She shoves her front half into the fridge which leaves her plump ass sticking out in both a comical and slightly arousing display. Yea, I actually have some salmon left over from my roll with that squilidan guy. Oh, some seaweed and I know I have rice." Pulls her head out of the fridge. "I can make sushi rolls, that sound good?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"oh! sushi! Y-yeah, I'd love some!", she said happily as she turned around. when she saw the goo girl ass in the air she quickly turned back around, the sides of her face turning purple. If penny had payed attention, she could recognize by now that purple was Mika's dead giveaway color. That is, in terms of arousal anyway. Wait, just how recent had she rolled with the squiliden male....she didn't want to bring that up, but a part of her wondered if he was also a graduate of her university. Or even a certain load mouthed, but good natured, blue tentacled, class mate of hers...nah, no way. "I just love sushi it's a food with allot of history, and it tastes great!" she said with a cute little giggle, obviously she had some good memories attached to the dish. "mom always made the best....but uh, I bet yours will be great!." she added quickly as to not try and compare or imply that hers wouldn't be good.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny pulls out several good looking cuts of salmon and puts them on a cutting board while she sets the rice to cooking. With some fairly skilled hand work she gets the fish cut into perfect sizes in a matter of minutes and quickly gets the seaweed placed out and ready for rice. "My big brother told me 'Learn how to cook, going on nothing but field rations is no way to live!' and boy was he right! Now, I can't make anything super fancy, but I like to think I can cook well enough to at least get some smiles!" The rice finishes shortly and with skilled fingers she gets the rice on the seaweed, fish on the rice, and rolls it up nice and tight. Maybe ten minutes later she walks back to Mika and puts a fairly hefty plate of sushi on the table along with two large cups of water. "Here you are! Help yourself!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika immediately grabbed one and took a bite, a pleasant expression on her face. She gave Penny an appreciative nod as she took another. "H-hey not bad." she said as she took a sip of water. She was very glad to have something to eat after all of the running down on Ma-Joon. After eating nothing but "desert food" for 2 weeks the salmon tasted so good to her, and it showed on her face. "Its been too long.... thank you", she said, accompanied by her trademark short bow. The busty squiliden was certainly relaxing allot more now, being able to put her mind on something other then her nudity and the four days she would have to be that way.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny sits down next to Mika this time and takes a roll for herself, popping it into her mouth where it sinks down into her body and dissolves away. She watches Mika eat for a bit before speaking up. "You know really do have a nice body. Lovely curves, weighty breasts and a supple bottom. I understand that for a lot of people, being naked is a private and embarrassing thing but, you have nothing to be ashamed of. It shows that you take care of yourself and honestly...I like looking at you. "She puts her hand up to stop Mika's stuttering response a bit longer. "I know, I am being...or what did that guy say...very forward and blunt, but it is true! you are gorgeous! I would happily be our clothes any time!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mikas eyes shifted around as penny complemented her looks. she wanted to look away, her shyness taking hold. But she did her best to look Penny in the face until she was done. "You can do it Mika! just look her in the eyes" she thought. so she fought back hard against her social anxiety. She was stopped by penny from stammering out a response as she finished. Then it fell to Mika to say something. She wondered briefly who that guy was but again decided not to bring that up. "Oh god, what the hell do I say after something like that!", she thought searching for a response. As she looked at penny her eyes darted to her grey nipples more then once. She then finally said, "O-oh, when you do as much walking and climbing as I uh, really keeps you in great shape." She rubbed her hands together nervously. she knew that Penny was being honest with her, she just didn't seem the type to lie. "Ok Mika, now you just have to say something nice about her. You can do it!", she thought as she meekly looked at her. "Uh, um.....think you' good l-looking yourself.", she said as her face was truing red and purple. It was clear that this was very hard for her, but dammit you have to give her credit for trying!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She smiles warmly and gives her a light hearted chuckle. "Mika! Just take a deep breath and calm down. I am not going to just suddenly yell at you for no reason. We are friends here, and friends don't make fun of least, not with any real meaning. Teasing is fine, I can take a good hearted jab here and there." She scoots closer so they are nearly hip to hip. "You always get so tense whenever I get close, or when a a moderately lewd topic is brought up. You need to learn to roll with these things Mika, the entire galaxy is practically focused on them." She gently rubs Mika's arm. "I just want you to relax at that so bad?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika sighed hanging her head. "its more then that I-I'm really bad at...talking to.....people...", she said defeatedly. "but I..I can try...", she said as she adjusted Her glasses. penny's hand felt pretty good rubbing Mika's arm, it was quite comforting. So she tried to take a deep breath to clam herself. It was shaky, but it seemed to have its intended effect. Mika sank a bit into the comfy couch enjoying its softness. Maybe this wouldn't be so hard... the place was rather cozy and plus it wouldn't be too long until she'd be back in out there doing what she loved. her face still held a bit of tension she couldn't get rid of. After all she was siting there naked with a hot girl like penny. she was still embarrassed and aroused but she was starting to relax.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
A mischievous smile spreads across her face as she gently guides Mika to lay down on the couch. Penny's lower half fades from legs to a blob of good and quickly yet gently absorbs Mika's body from the stomach down. Penny lays on top of the Squilidan girl, their breasts pushed together and Penny playing with Mika's tentacle hair. Being inside of Penny like this is a wonderful feeling, like being on the worlds best water bed with a gooey blanket. "Just relax with me Mika. I will never judge you, never want to hurt you. I just love to see people happy and relaxed...and don't think I can't tell you are still aroused. Your body is very honest, turning purple like that." Mika can feel Penny's goo gently caressing her outer lips, the occasional push up against them feeling as if she will push inside, but always stops short. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika couldn't resist penny as she laid her down her gooey soft touch over taking her senses. As penny played with her tentacles she gave a cute little gasp. Apparently she was very sensitive right now. Her tentacles started squirming around, grasping, and gently warping them selves around Penny's fingers. It did indeed feel very comfy inside of her like that, very relaxing. With Penny's bust resting on her own like that, it didn't take long for her nipples to shoot back up, rock hard. Her clit soon fallowed suit, peeking out from its hood. her arms felt frozen in place unable to move with so much stimulation. Here eyes looked on to penny's with her face turning purple along with other parts of her body. The light strokes on her pussy were what really sent her into a small lusty haze. Pennys could see Mika's horzontal pupiled eyes dart from behind her thick glasses looking downward to her moistening pussy. Just then Mika let out a the tiniest of moans as the wetness she had so relentlessly tried to keep locked away started leaking out, as her pussy unclamped itself. (as mentioned before squiliden have allot muscle control down there)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"There you go...just relax and let me do the work for you hon. You are safe with me. " She slowly leans down and presses her lips up against Mika, her hand resting on the back of her head so they are held close together. Down below Penny's goo gently rubs and massages Mika's feet, legs, thighs and ass all while continuing to tease her pussy lips and soak up her juices. After a few minutes of simply playing around the goo slowly pushes into Mika's vagina, starting as a small four inch long one inch thick insertion. Below that her slime begsins to tease as her ass hole, testing the waters for her reaction on that as well.