A Grand Tomorrow (For BubbleLord)


Jun 24, 2016
As Delilah was testing out her new feet, Erica had gone and requested a pair of tits. Moving his hands to the flat chest, it was something Orval genuinely considered compared to keeping Byra flat. While Byra was perverse, it was in a cute and loyal way. Groping the ass and twisting one of Erica's nipples made him realize that the perversion of Erica should be more... erotic. Turning her to face him, he'd kiss Erica and give her a final spank as he moved and motioned her toward Delilah.

"We'll do so if I learn how from Eleanor... until then, I'd rather she rest and you help tend to Delilah. She'll likely adjust quickly, but both of you have changed. Learn your new body properly while I handle things here and learn from her."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yes Master Orval." She delights in the kiss for a few moments before walking over and taking Delilah's hand. The two of them leave the room and head for the tailor after getting a guide.

Eleanor has caught her breath and stands up from her chair once more. "Now then Orval. Biomancy is a delicate art. you have to channel your magical energy into an organic being and use your will and mind to change it's physical properties." She takes an orange and places it in front of him. "What you have to do is picture in your mind what the change should do. Keep that image strong as any changes in your mind will affect your target. Take this orange...right now I am picturing it as blue." She tops it and the orange turns blue. "It is as simple as that in concept...but execution takes time and practice to master. The more changes you make, the harder it is." She reverts the orange back to normal.

"So, take that orange and imagine it being red. Keep that image in your mind and focus. Draw from yourself, the magic power that all living things have and make it reality."


Jun 24, 2016
The explanation and demonstration certainly sounded easy enough as they were left alone. With the orange on the desk, he figured it would be simple enough if it was meant to be so basic. With a moment to sigh and try to clear his mind, he finally reached out and tried to imagine using the magic that all living things had. Unlike Eleanor who had tapped into her magic and learned to use it, however, he failed to do this when he initially touched the top of the orange. Hesitating, he'd curse under his breath once more and try again. Another few failures occurred before he finally recalled he knew the sensation of magic when he'd been modified by Eleanor with improved stamina and cum-loads. And the instant he had that, along with the idea of turning the orange blue, he finally reached out to touch the fruit. Unlike with her transformation, however, he was only able to turn the top half of it blue before it seemingly stopped.

"Tch... magic is... not as easy as I thought by how it sounded."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Eleanor had a surprised look on her face and her mouth hung open. "you...you did it. you actually changed some of it's color!" She picked up the orange and looks it over. "It isn't complete but you actually managed to change it on your first day! Orval, that is no small feat! It takes most people a week before they can change anything! But here you did it after a few tries." She stares at the half blue orange in thought. 

"Orval, at this rate you won't need me teaching you for very long. Not only were you able to tap your natural magic, but you actually performed half a color change spell. I can't stress enough how impressive that is. From this moment forth, your magic will only grow stronger as you practice." 

Eleanor gives him a proud nod. "I want you to take these oranges and practice on them today. If you can change them all to blue by tomorrow morning...then we will have to jump your training forward a fair amount. As for now... you are dismissed. Try not to over due it, magical exhaustion is a real pain." 


Jun 24, 2016
He'd done that well? Taking the oranges and shoving them into either of his pockets, he seemed to clearly not quite understand where he exactly sat in terms of mages. Even if it was above average, just how above average was he? Sitting around and asking seemed fine, but the only danger seemed to be exhaustion... which meant that he just had to be smart and handle the exercise with some caution. Taking the one he had been working on last, he turned it over in his grip for a moment before giving a nod toward Eleanor.

"I'll keep working on it, then... I look forward to seeing what sort of work I get come tomorrow, though. Until then."

Turning, he would start out the door and try to find his way around the estate. If he could find Erica and Delilah, he could follow them to the tailor... otherwise, he would have decide to wander until he found it. The orange in his hand, however, was his majority of the focus as he seemed to consider trying to change it further. If he could get an entire orange the first time, then there was no doubt he could do the rest of them once he had that sensation down. All the sex had seemingly made him more acute to that... almost like fucking all the ladies and bitch-boys had prepared him for learning magic...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Orval has to wander for a while before a one of the many maids kindly gives him directions to the tailor who is on the first floor toward the back of the manor. Past the double doors is a large room, finely furnished with many tall cabinets stuffed with rolls of cloth. Sewing tools are all over the place and over all the room is a mess...but the spider man working in here doesn't seem to mind. Standing to the side, dressed up in new apparel is Orval's harem and what a sight to behold!

First up is Belle. She has dark brown leather wrappings around her ankles which help support her hooved legs and are certain to keep her steady on uneven ground. Forest green pants cling to her legs up to her hips where a standard belt with a brass buckle holds them in place. A matching forest green shirt covers her torso, thin vine like decorations of orange crawl up the arms and around the base. A brown leather chest piece covers her stomach and massive breasts. Around her wrists are brown leather bracers that hold the sleeves tight and add more protection.

Next is Selena in a stunning dancers outfit. An orange bra covers her breasts with forest green trim around the edges at straps. Thin green veil hangs from it, mildly covering her stomach and back. Golden bracers and arm rings adorn her sleek arms with green and orange veil hanging from them that sway with her movements. A thin green veil skirt hangs from her hips by a golden belt. orange silk cloth covers her pussy and ass, teasingly hiding them from sight.

Byra is quick to steal is gaze next. She is wearing a very slutty maid outfit. the majority of the outfit is forest green in color. Orange frills hang from the end of the skirt and adorning the front is an orange apron that wraps around back and ties off in a big bow. Similar orange frills are on the arm pieces and a matching orange frilly head band sits on his head. The skirt is very short, just barely being long enough to hide his forest green panties underneath it. Thin orange stockings cover his legs up to his thighs where a dark green lace runs across the top.

Dink stands off to the side from the others as the last of her outfit is place onto her body. She has a forest green leather belt around her crotch and ass with a hanging square cloth in the front to hide her cock and balls from plain sight. The top of her ass cheeks are visible from behind as his her crack. Matching green square cut cloth wraps around her breasts and back in an X pattern with another length tieing it off in the front. Green bracers sit on her wrists and a pair of green leather boots sits next to her. All the green cloth actually has orange trim and leaf patterns along them. The outfit is light, battle ready and very revealing as majority of her body is on display, with only her genitals hidden really. 

Erica and Delilah are standing nearby. Erica is wearing dark green panties that, if the cage was taken off, would fail to hide her penis. Delilah is also wearing the green panties but with a matching green bra with orange straps.

Finally, sitting on two dummies are Orvals outfits. First is his new normal attire. Sturdy black leather boots, Forest Green pants and a brown leather belt. The shirt is long to hang over his crotch a bit and the sleeves are wide on the green and orange shirt. The left side of the shirt is solid green while the right side is checkered with orange and green squares. An orange scarf sits around the neck and a chain shirt sits over all of it.

Next would be his new formal attire. Soft leather shoes with forest green pants. The tailored coat is also dark forest green but with immaculate shiny orange vines crawling across it, occasionally forming a rose like pattern before branching off more vines.

"Ah, Sir Orval, I hope it is all to your liking."  


Jun 24, 2016
Taking off what was practically rags compared to the new clothes, he didn't even respond quite yet. Rather, the man had handed the oranges over to Byra with a quick look to keep her from doing anything but hold them. Pulling on his normal attire piece-by-piece, save for the chain shirt which he tucked under his arm, he couldn't help but be impressed. It fit well in every aspect and was certainly better than his old clothes. He assumed some of the leather had come from Dink's old set of armor, but was impressed by far with the quality done to prepare his cow-kin for forms of combat. Selena was more than fuckable in her new attire, his hand spanking her as he passed her in the line. Byra was left alone purely so his now much more adorable maid didn't drop her cargo. Dink recieved a brief inspection of groping both on her ass and tits before he was satisfied her attire was scantily clad but at least protective of his broodmother-to-be. And last, of course, were his two newest members of the harem in their underwear. While he was certain even Belle received such panties, something about seeing a cock-caged bird-bitch and a completely submissive tigress was almost more appealing. Picking up his formal attire and bundling it with the chain shirt, he'd move to hand it to Selena before looking at last to the spiderman to get a good look at the tailor who had handled all this.

"It most certainly is. I'm impressed you made changes so swiftly for Erica's new hips. Your armor-work is also fantastic... I will have to make sure to come back if I need anything that isn't platemail. What's your name and you don't happen to have family out there in need of a master, do you?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The spider man bowed low to Orval. "My name is Walter, master tailor and loyal servant to Mistress Eleanor."

Walter stood five feet eight inches tall. Shiny black curly hair sat on top of his head and green eyes adorned his face. He was not the most masculine looking fellow, but he certainly wasn't a girly boy either, with a firm jaw line and a small mustache. His shoulders were fairly broad, his chest flat and smooth, his arms were thin though, not muscular at all but lithe and agile to work his craft better. his hands and arms were covered in shiny black chitin up to his elbows at least as his rolled up shirt sleeves showed. A flat rump and slender legs adorned his lower body and his black slacks covered his crotch completely. Fancy shoes hid his feet from view as well.

"Your praise is graciously accepted sir! Sadly, I can only craft chain mail, no solid plates. As for family, I do have a younger sister out in Haven Grove, Natalie is her name, that has been complaining about her current job...mostly her boss is being unfair and rude. I am sure with some convincing she would leave that job if you had another one lined up. My family has been in service for many generations."

He speaks with a smooth voice, both polite and attractive. 


Jun 24, 2016
This one certainly had potential as a bitch boy, but Orval dismissed his harem-assembling thoughts in favor of smiling and recording the knowledge of a sister in Haven Grove. More and more he found reason to head to that place, especially since he had slaves willing and wanting to visit. Heading there, however, would require only picking a handful of his lovers and likely being off the job. If Eleanor sent him, however, he'd certainly need more collars to find more guys and girls to bring back.

"Is that so...? Well, I look forward to meeting her if I ever go. Thank you, Walter. I'll be sure to pass on any other orders through my maid Byra over there."

Turning to look them all over one last time, he would move over to Belle with a smirk to the cow-kin.

"All of you can head back," he said without breaking eye contact, "I need to visit Eleanor one more time before I turn in for the day to work on my magic. If any of you get hungry, all of you vote and pick what you would like to eat. Delilah will go cook for all of you. Those oranges aren't to be touched, however. And Belle here is coming with me... everyone got it?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
They all nod and voice their understanding. One by one they filter out of the room, Byra stopping to give him a quick kiss on the cheek before she leaves the room. In no time at all, it is just Walter, Belle and Orval.

Belle smiles at her master "Do you have something in mind master? I have to assume you do if you singled me out just now.

Walter simply gets back to work, gabbing various cloth and starting to sew.


Jun 24, 2016
"I do indeed, he said giving enough pause to look at the spider-kin and ensure he wasn't listening, "And it's a fun one. I want you to come with me to see Eleanor. If there's a child in you already, she'll spot it and help us change it to a human with some of your traits. I think we might even see if there's a way to give you a dick-like clit when I allow it, for allowing you to fuck the others. After that, we can head back to the room and fuck between my magic training... or share one of the others like Byra to test out the change if it's possible."

Moving close, he'd bring her in with both hands in her ass. Kissing her newly armored tits and then her, he'd slip his hands into her pants to feel-up the nicest ass of the bunch thanks to Belle's sheer size.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Belle lets out a light coo and wraps her arms around Orval lovingly. She wiggles her ass for him, making the plush cheeks jiggle in his grasp and pushing his face into her breasts.

"That sounds like a lot of fun master. Should we also age me down like you requested before? I don't mind you morphing my body so long as it makes you happy."

With a smile she takes Orval's hand and the two of them head back upstairs and into Eleanor's study, after knocking of course. The Mistress looks up and gives a polite smile as Orval once again enters her study.

"Orval, back already? Have you done the impossible and finished your magic assignment already? Oh, and that is Belle's new outfit? Very fitting. Modest and protective while still showing the curves of her body and of course those ample breasts, the pride of cow-kin girls." She leans back in her seat and rests her hands on her lap. "How can I help you?"


Jun 24, 2016
With his favorite cowgirl in both of his possessive hands as Eleanor questioned him, moving to turn the cow-kin around to show off the ass he immediately set to squeezing and groping under her clothes once more. Flaunting his nicely-asses breeding stock in such a manner was more fun than playing along about his magic.

"Well, I need to ask a large favor... perhaps the largest yet. Belle here is going to beat our child and I want to be certain she can make the utmost healthy kid. If she is pregnant, I'd like the kid to be human and somehow maintain traits of a cow-kin. I also want her to be made physically younger, as if she was in her early twenties. The final thing is to give her a dick-like clit, so long as I'm able to command it to shrink."

As he finished the list, he'd kiss Belle and guide her to her knees. Petting her head and ears, he'd set his gaze on the herm patiently.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Eleanor rubs her chin and considers them for a moment. 

"I can do that for you. But this is certainly asking a lot. I hope you will return these favors tomorrow on your first assignment." She gets up and stands in front of Belle. She places a hand on her stomach and closes her eyes. "Yes....I can feel it. you have been fertilized, a child will be growing within you." She opens her eyes and smiles. "Congratulations you two, a healthy young girl is on her way. What traits would you like her to take from her mother? Everything else will be completely human."

While she waits for Orval to fill in the blanks she starts channeling over various parts of Belle's body. Her tits lift up a bit and her body tightens ever so slightly as the affects of rage are reversed. Her visage softens and her stance gets firmer as her muscles are strengthened and her bones set back into their youthful strength and position. When she is done, belle looks much younger, twenty two or twenty three at most, right along side Selena.

for the final touch she reaches down and taps Belle's clit after removing her pants and panties. Belle's clit grows and swells into an eight inch long two inch thick clit cock. She then taps Orval's master ring  and with a flash the clit cock fades away again. "there, just focus the ring on her clit and it will slide on out." 


Jun 24, 2016
His first intentional child would be a daughter? While he had been somewhat let down, the truth was that it was almost perfect for getting a child that represented the best of Belle's traits. Her tits, adorable ears, and horns were all the traits he'd get passed on. Voicing such, he would watch the rest of the changes. The changes were exactly what he was hopeful for, even the clit she could no doubt turn on slaves or any enemies they captured. Stroking Belle's cheek, he'd help her get up without even needing to test the switchable clit dick. The instant she was standing, he'd bring her close and kiss her for a lengthy period and end it with a wet pop of their lips and a spank to her tighter and younger ass.

"Don't worry, Eleanor... I'll make you want to do a thousand times more than this by the success I show tomorrow. Belle, what do you say to Eleanor? Remember that we're going to be having fun for the rest of the day and might not get another chance for you to say anything to her..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Belle nods and turns to Eleanor. "thank you mistress for the gifts you have granted me. I feel young and beautiful again. My body is strong and fit once more. My child...will be perfect in every way. Words fail to express just how thankful I am for your actions right now."

Eleanor smiles and pats Belle on the head. "Not a problem dear. Take care of your child, serve your master and we will have no issues. If you really want to give back though, head down to the barn when your milk production kicks up, extra milk goes a long way." She gives them a wink and sits back down.


Jun 24, 2016
"If that's the case, I'll hook her up and fuck her hard just to help empty her out for you. As long as we can get a cut of what she makes, that is..."

Groping Belle's ass from behind, he'd take a moment longer before wrapping an arm around her and guiding her back to their room. Once they arrived, he'd need to gather the oranges near the sofa and get to work... but the hand on Belle's ass gave a few testing squeezes to make sure the mother of his first daughter was aware that they were going to be busy all night. He was going to absolutely cover her head-to-toe in spunk before he likely finished with the oranges...

[I think them starting the next day can be done. Belle's new cunt, lifted ass, and tits likely never saw actions. I imagine Erica got utterly stuffed at one point during the night, though.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The rest of the day is spent working on his magic and fucking his harem. By the time they all go to sleep, Belle got a massive cum bath to the point they couldn't see her under all that baby batter. Next was Erica who swiftly presented her now plush ass to Orval and was given a damn good rutting before stuffing her up nice and full. the night ended with Byra sucking Orval clean and drinking down on final orgasm. Orval was able to turn every orange blue by the end of the night.

Morning comes around faster than any of them would like to admit. Orval is the first awaken and he gets to take in a heart warming sight. His harem, his girls...his lovers, all sleeping soundly on the bed. Byra and Dink are resting against his chest, Belle and Selena are next in line, Erica and Delilah take up the edges. They all breath slowly as they continue to doze in the embrace of their master.


Jun 24, 2016
With his surrounding harem and his favorite girlyboy and kobold pressed up on him, it wasn't hard to rise to full mast with a nice case of morning wood. His hands moved down their backs, taking a handful of their different asses for a few moments before kissing both of them on the lips. Grumbling, he'd take just enough time to roll Byra fully atop him and rather awkwardly move to align their hips. With his favorite maid's head resting against his chest, he'd line his cock up with the boypussy he'd molded to his shape more than enough times by now before slipping into her with a moan into the kiss he had with Dink. No reason he couldn't wake his first lover with her favorite cock in her ass and his kobold with a nice and sexual kiss. It'd likely start waking up the others, but that would work in his favor. He couldn't stay long today, so he needed his harem getting up so he could slip off the bed to dress and head to Eleanor's office.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Dink is the first to react, her lips pushing against Orval's as her mind slowly drifts out of dream land. She smiles and soon returns the kiss in full affect, pushing her body against Orval's. Byra is a different case though. Even with her favorite cock stuffed into her boypussy she does not wake up. The girl sleeps like a log and it is really starting to show as Orval has his way with her plush ass.

the movement has started to rouse the others, sleepy eyes blinking at him and smiling as they see their master fucking his favorite ass hole.


Jun 24, 2016
As much as he enjoyed getting to fuck the trappy ass, he did seem a little let down as Byra didn't wake. He finished the dreamy kiss with Dink, a single strand of saliva connecting their mouths for all but a moment before he licked his lips at her. His favorite kobold could help him out, taking a moment to spank her with the arm still wrapped around her. Quietly, he'd lean in to one of her mutt ears and whisper just loud enough for her to hear.

"Help me stuff Byra."

As he pulled away, he would unwind his arm from around the herm of his harem and move both hands to Byra's rump. The weight of his sleeping lover wasn't too much, but getting revenge on the dick-speared maid was essential to making sure he had that extra laugh he needed. Pulling her ass nice and wide, even with his lengthy and thick cock stuffed inside there would likely be room in the tight hole for the smaller herm to squeeze her way in. Double-stuffing the maid was almost too good... and with the eyes of the harem on him, he intended to show that when someone got a cock inside them they should wake up so their busy master could start his day. Otherwise they'd be getting even more dick to the point they'd really feel it!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Dink smiled happily and slipped out of the blankets, her herm cock coming to its full six inches as the seal was released by Orval's will. She slid up to Byra's ass and slowly pushed her cock in with Orval's the two cocks making lovely pressure for the both of them. 

Byra's eyes flew wide open and a loud moan escaped her throat as the double stuffing stretched her out a fair ways. "Oooooh! Master?! What is going oooon? It's too much! My ass will be gaped forever!" Despite her complains, that lovely ass stays nice and tight around their two cocks, sending bliss down to both of them. 


Jun 24, 2016
While his idea of sharing a hole often involved individually fucking it, he couldn't complain as his own moan matched Byra's. Dink's prick and his own really turned the boy into a state where he felt almost virgin tight again! But the complaints were nowhere near enough to make him stop as he released Byra's ass and moved his hands to her shoulders. On the bottom like this, he couldn't even move to properly fuck Byra. Pulling the maid against his chest, he'd lustfully smile at Dink and slide himself ever so slightly deeper before speaking up.

"Teach Byra a lesson about waking up when she feels my dick, Dink! Really fuck her! And make i-it snappy, I need to empty my balls a bit before I go see Eleanor!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Dink nods and really begins ramming into Brya's ass. Her cock slips and slides against Orval's as she thrusts, making the bitch boy moan and cling to her master as best she can.

"Master! I'm sorry! Please forgive me!"

"No no no! you ignored masters perfect cock! No you have to deal with mine! That is your punishment Byra!"

Byra just moans, her ass staying nice and tight as Dink goes to town. It doesn't take long though, Dink doesn't share Orval's stamina and soon she shoves into the hilt, blasting her modest amounts of seed into Byra's tight little ass.


Jun 24, 2016
Even with a guy who had stamina like his own, he couldn't help but moan and watch during the rutting of his kobold. Each thrust and pull-out stimulated and moved Byra around him, but also struck and knocked his cock around. The result was something he wasn't expecting in the slightest, wincing and enduring it only slightly better compared to the moaning and practically immobile Byra. When Dink had cum, thrusting in to the hilt as she did, he couldn't help but notice the sensation of his own dick getting plastered by her seed and the strange sensations of truly sharing a hole. It was almost too much, causing him to take hold of the ass she was pushed up against and moving him back and for on their cocks as it came closer and closer to the moment he'd pump his bitch full.

"H-Haaa~... d-don't worry, Byra! If your hole gets m-messed up, I'll make sure to cum inside you a lot more until Eleanor can fix i-iiiiiit~!"

As he finished speaking, he thrusted as far as he could and came as well, pumping a gut-filling load out as per usual. This time, however, he was no doubt giving Dink the strange sensation of another cock busting a nut in a hole she was in. As brief as the morning fuck was going to be, it'd be bonding the two of them with the experience of sharing and punishing Byra's hole!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Dink's eyes go wide as her cock is soaked in Orval's hot seed, her mouth hanging open as this new bliss shoots through her body. Amazingly enough, she cums again! the sensation of her masters cum rushing around her cock proving to be too much for her.

Byra moans as she cums from her anal punishment, her micro cock twitching as it leaks a few spurts of cum. Her stomach swells out as her gut rapidly takes in Orval's load, leaving her looking pregnant and happy on top of him. Due to the stretching, the cum is slowly leaking out between them.


Jun 24, 2016
Feeling the leaking cum, he immediately pulled out of Byra and pulled the bitch-maid off both of their cocks, rolling her over before the cum could leak and get on him. The cum on his stomach and that stained his cock needed to be cleaned up, his gaze fixing on the post orgasmic Dink for all but a moment before he'd motion to both.

"Dink, I need you to clean this. Belle, fetch my clothes, quickly."

He'd sit up at the very least, knowing that getting pinned in a harem-orgy would certainly make him late. The necklace with Erica's cage key and his ring was all he had on out of his attire, both of which were far from being appropriate. He could try wearing the chain shirt under his leather armor today, too, to make a mixed sort of tougher armor, knowing full well that it was likely he'd be getting sent away from the estate today. His axe would be important to grab as well, but his hand moving to Dink's head was more worried about tending to the still erect but messy cock.

"I may need to leave the estate today... so all of you get dressed and head to the courtyard. Bring my axe and gather some supplies for traveling. Cloaks for Delilah, Erica, and Dink will be necessary if we need to more properly conceal all of you. With luck, we can find and acquire more collars from this or during the job..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Dink quickly goes about cleaning Orval up, sucking his cock clean and licking the cum off his body. Belle is quick to get his clothes and lay them out on the foot of the bed. The rest of his harem quickly rises and gets their respective clothes on. Selena goes over and grabs his axe from the cupboard and all of them soon stand ready by the door.

"We shall wait for you in the courtyard master." Byra gives a nod and they quickly leave the room to gather supplies and get ready to travel.

Down at Eleanor's office is business as usual. After a quick knock Orval is allowed in to find the Mistress in her usual spot. 

"Ah Orval, how timely. How did magic training go?"


Jun 24, 2016
Dressed and at least sated, he had took his time moving to the chair at her desk.

"I changed all of them. I left them behind, however. Between fucking the night away and feeding Byra a gut-full of spunk, I left them behind. I think I might be understanding it a lot more."

Shifting, he was at least proud of his work. His harem had changed considerably since they arrived, the lack of his armor for now allowing him to breathe comfortably in his new clothes.

"Between the new clothes for myself and my girls, I think it's about time I help you out, though. What's my first job?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Right. On to business." She takes out a map and puts it in front of him. "Have you heard of Barshul's landing? Most likely you have. It is on the borders of here and the kingdom of Kromwaald far to the west. The city is well know for it's defensible location...and it's massive mines. Iron, coal and mythril are all pulled from the ground and used on mass in that city. Black smiths and their apprentices flock to it to master their trade and train their students. I have been looking into a construction crew, but before that we need a smith to make the tools we will need. I know you have experience Orval, but I need someone who can stay here and work hours on end at the forge." 

She stands up and paces the room. "so, I need you to head to Barshul's landing and find me a blacksmith. A proper skilled blacksmith. Not some upstart trying to get an easy job. I am leaving the quality assessment to you so if you bring back a fool it will reflect poorly on you. Further more, the trip will be long. Three days to Haven Grove, another four days to reach Barshul. As such...you can only bring two members of your harem with you. A smaller group will make much better time than bringing two wagons full of your harem. no offence, but many of them can not even fight should things go badly on the road."

Eleanor sits back down. "While you are there, I also wan't you to set up a trade route with one of the overseers. We need iron and coal, together they would make steel. Mythril is not needed and far too expensive, so don't fall into that trap. Can you do these tasks?"