A Grand Tomorrow (For BubbleLord)


Jun 24, 2016
"Then it's time to fuck your name out of you! Time to make a bird-man into a bird-bitch!"

As tight as his hole was, Erica was about to learn that a big enough dick could do what magic simply couldn't. Specifically, rising up and slightly elevating himself, he'd thrust with his cock striking along the prostate's wall before plunging deeper. It made the fucking rougher and slower, but each lewd smack meant that pressure and a hard knock to the prostate came with the backdoor-filling. Getting spit at by the feathery limbed bandit had set off a fuse in the once bad-off mercenary.

"The others see freedom even with collars on their necks! If you're such a fucking idiot that you're focused on some stupid neck-wrap, then maybe you don't deserve freedom! She was going to make you some minuscule bitch on her estate! I was willing to work with you! But now, you're going to take it and I'm going to do to you what I do to my women! I'm going to fill you with so much cum you never think straight again!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Eric lets out a loud gasp as her prostate is suddenly crushed again and again as Orval viciously nails the bandit bitches ass. The lube having run its course, Orval can now get balls deep with every slow and unforgiving thrust. Her own cock was at full mast again, leaking pre and wobbling at every thrust for Orval.

"You....ain't got....nothing! Just another fucking high and might type, so far up your own ass you will bend people to your will! At least all I did as rob people of their stuff! you stole them of their very lives!"


Jun 24, 2016
Rutting for his own pleasure more so than just that of the bitch he was trying to break, he could feel his own orgasm dwindling closer with each ass-shaking thrust. His hold on the soft and blue-feathered wrists tightened as he fucked a path to and beyond the prostate hard enough that the wobbling cock was practically smacking up against the bird-kin's belly and then right back down against her thighs. Hopefully Delilah lived up to her expectations and delivered a truly nice meal, since after he was done fucking the bandit he would likely need to catch his breath and eat a nice meal.

"I can assure you, I'm not any sort of high and mighty! You were willing to attack this place for slaves who wouldn't willingly serve you, yet you criticize me because I was willing to see if you'd willingly work for and with me! Were you with power, you'd be the one doing the buttfucking and laughing about how you had so much power... but instead, you're going to take it and learn your new name! Because simply GUH~... simply put, I'm all up in your ass and I feel my balls getting ready to make you full of my seed!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Erica is now at a loss for words as her ass is so brutally fucked. Her cock wobbles and slaps against her belly, smearing pre on her stomach and the floor. Her ass clenches tighter around his cock as forced pleasure floods her body. Eventually her resistance and anger loose out to bliss and she lets out a loud cry of bliss as she spurts rope after rope of cum up onto her own stomach and the rest dribbles to the floor. Compared to Orval, it is just a drop in the bucket, but it does make her ass cling nice and tight against his cock.


Jun 24, 2016
Grunting at the tightness from the prostate-induced orgasm of his bird-bitch, he pulls her arms back enough to wrap both hands around and pinch Erica's nipples. The cum that stained the floor was nothing like the large load he was going to push into the feather-head's heiny. Leaning over her shoulder, he'd chuckle and squeeze the nipples even harder before whispering with a lust-filled voice.

"Got nothing, huh? Your - guh~ - ass sure is holding onto me like a baby on a mother's teat. You even came from getting your ass pounded... f-fuah~... s-so let's see how much of a woman you become... with a belly filled with cum!"

With a powerful moan, he pushed himself fully inside his slave and began to cum. But it was only a single moment that he remained buried fully inside, taking the time to wince through and keep thrusting. The result was his cock pushing out more cum and packing it deeper and deeper. It was no doubt going to be enough to give the ex-bandit bitch a cum-baby as it had the others, but with how he was thrusting and shooting the hot baby-batter against the prostate wall, it was simply a matter of making him so utterly fucked and feeling so lacking in the sort of manhood that could breed someone so hard that drove Orval. Of all the slaves, even Dink hadn't resisted him in such a manner with how she'd tried to rape him. But she had understood that things would be better if she worked with the low-class man working his way into the upper-class world. Eric was going to be drowned away in a sea of spunk and Erica was going to be reborn to ensure another joined his ranks. Another broken bitch, though, was only going to make things harder to mend and adjust as it was going to take time even with Byra's loyalty to tune her slutty behavior down.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Erica let out a moan of bliss as her insides were flooded with fresh hot spunk. Wave after wave of Orval's seed rushed inside of her ass and quickly made it's home in her stomach. Just like all the others, her stomach began to fill out, growing larger and larger as more and more cum was packed into it. Her stretching went farther and faster than the other slaves as Orval kept thrusting to really pack in the cum. Eventually she looks pregnant with twins and her stomach can hold no more. She grits her mouth shut as she feels the cum flowing up her throat, but is forced to let it out lest she drown in it. In one end, out the other, that is the fate of the birdy bitch boy. When Orval does eventually stop cumming, Erica coughs up several more blobs before catching her breath. 

".....won't.....break....me." Amazing enough, Eric survived the breeding. 


Jun 24, 2016
While he was a bit let down that the extremely pregnant-looking cum-filled buttfucked bird-man wasn't broken, he was also a bit more than excited. He'd found someone who could endure a load as big as the one he'd thrusted non-stop to feed and fill with his seed without passing out. That showed some exceptional and hidden potential! Lifting him up with somewhat shaky legs, he'd move the expanded stomach slut over to the bed before plopping him down face-first into the sheets with his ass dangling off the edge. And, with a single moment to chuckle, he'd pinch those nipples and twist them gently while slowly pulling out. The leaking cum around him was no-doubt easily felt by the sensitive and well-fucked hole.

"Let's let all this cum out and go one more time... I've got the stamina that would put a bitch like you to shame. And besides... a real man keeps going until his bottom is in utter bliss. I don't think I've emptied your balls and made you truly achieve an anal bliss yet..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Eric flops on the bed, cum leaking from his ass and sliding down his legs onto the floor. his cock was still rock hard and all he could do was groan as his stuffed body slowly drained over time.

"Again? Please...not again. I can't take another round so soon. Please just...just leave me alone. I...I don't like this." He sobs lightly into the bed sheets. "I don't like these feelings! Why does it feel good to be fucked? That isn't what a man should do. Last night...I wanted to embrace you...so give in to pleasure. Your cum was so delicious I could have passed out. Why am I feeling like this? What did you do to me?" His restrained sobs echo in the room.


Jun 24, 2016
Hearing the confusion was certainly eye-opening, enough so that Orval stopped. Rising to his feet behind the sobbing bird-kin, Orval took a few moments before sighing.

"I didn't do anything. You clearly don't know that one of my slaves was also a male like you. There are men like me, who have no interest in being fucked... but then there are some like you and her. Back when I met her, she was hesitant and girly, but she thought she was going to never be fucked by a male. She sucked dick to get by... but I came in and fucked her. She enjoyed it, too, enough that she became dedicated to me. So you feeling pleasure isn't some trick... it's the fact that part of your body enjoys being submissive and receiving. If you truly want to stop... then I'll at least wait until the cum has completely drained from your body. Once that's happened, however, I'll ask you again if you truly don't want to see if you'd enjoy those feelings if you embraced them. Eric-... no.... Erica, it's your duty to see that your body and mind are in harmony. I'll even make you a final deal..."

Sitting on the bed beside the flopped over and cum-leaking male, he'd lean back to lay beside him and in his direct line of sight should he turn his head to face him.

"If you suck my dick, like Dink did and as I asked you earlier... then I'll let you keep your cock as it is. All seven inches. If you choose to ask for it to be shrunk later, I'll gladly do so... but you can keep your dick and be as male in body as you are now. All I ask is that you try to embrace those feelings you had. Try to embrace the fact that you can be my woman in mind and spirit and a male in body and heart."

The last part was something based on dribble he'd read about long ago, but it was the closest thing to comforting the excessively cum-loaded bird-kin he could think of. This was a bandit that had stolen and hurt people for a long time... and now, he was giving him a new way of life and had the option to finally explain what had been causing conflict in the guy's head. Erica was so close to being born that he could hear it just in the self-doubt of the bluejay.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With watering eyes he looks to the side where Orval is laying. There is no anger in his eyes, just confusion and fear as he looks at him and considers his words. With a sniffle he clears his throat and takes a few deep breaths. "You mean that maid...is technically a guy? Wow...that is...different than anything I have seen before. Back at the camp, you were either a man or a bitch...no room for being submissive unless you wanted to be mocked." He wipes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "You mean to tell me...feeling good while being fucked is normal? That you won't berate me for liking it?" His eyes are still confused but now show a hint of hope it seems. "Ok...I will think about your offer again. Just please...a few minutes is all I ask for."

Just then, the door opens and Delilah steps into the room with a trolley full of food that smelled delicious. Behind her was a lizard kin man wearing a chef outfit. he had tan scales on his arms and most likley his legs too but it was hard to tell thanks to his pants. yellow snake eyes sit in his head, black hair on top and a long snake tongue flicks out of his mouth. he has a fu-man-chu mustache.

"Excuse me sir. Is this girl yours?"


Jun 24, 2016
Patting his newly informed bitch comfortingly, he'd nod and give him the time he needed. Letting all that cum drain out would be useful for getting into more awesome positions for smacking that prostate, after all. But with the leaking male's anus on full display to those who entered the room, he turned his attention to them. Nude as they both were, it didn't even strike shame in Orval that he was bare before the new stranger and his tigress slave.

"Yes, Delilah is mine... that food smells amazing. Did she make it or...?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The lizard man smiles and approaches Orval. "Good sir, your slave here is amazing! Her grace with a knife rivals my own, she knows herbs and spices like the back of her hand, she can measure out liquids without any tools and knows how to crack an egg with one hand. Already she is above my sue chef. Should you ever want to employ her in this manor, I beg you to put her in my kitchen. it would mean a lot to me." He gets up and steps back. "I will leave you to your meal sir." He bows and leaves the room without getting a response.

Delilah blushes and pushes the cart up to Orval. Removing the lids reveals a thick chowder in white sauce, fresh baked garlic bread, a cooked steak and some light crackers on the side.

"I hope this pleases you sir."


Jun 24, 2016
The instant he'd heard the compliment from the lizard, he was gone. There hadn't even been a name to put to the chef of the manor before he bailed out... but was Delilah really that good? How in the name of the Gods and Goddesses had Eleanor truly missed out on this gem? When she'd removed the lid of the food, however, that was enough to bring him back to the hear and now. Looking to the food, back to her, then to the food, he finally smiled and reached out to grab a slice of the garlic bread. Rising to his feet, he moved the short distance to come close to Delilah. He'd not done much with her yet and, with Eric taking a break, lewd ideas had already formed in his mind as he took a bite and tossed the bread over onto the bed beside the cum-leaking bird-kin. As soon as it swallowed, he'd move his hands to her hips.

"It does... but I'm not just eating that. While I eat... I want you to show me your oral skills. Getting a compliment like that and no doubt inspiring jealousy in Mistress Eleanor? You're already on track to getting clothes made for you when we drop by to pick up the others..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She looks down at the floor and nods. "Yes sir." She slowly gets down onto her knees and takes his cock in her hands. she gently strokes it back up to full mast before leaning in and inhaling his scent. A few deep breaths later and she slipped her tongue out and across the head of his cock. Gently she moves her tongue up and down the tip of his cock before slowly moving down the shaft several times. She wasn't as good as Byra, but her tender care had a charm of its own. Using her left hand to stroke his cock she moves down to his balls and gently puts one in her mouth, swirling her tongue around before moving to the next ball and doing the same. Quickly moving back to the tip she opens up wide and slides him down into her throat. She gags a bit, and sputters once, but soon she is moving her head down and up his length is slow, careful motions while her tongue slowly licks and swirls around his cock.


Jun 24, 2016
"G-Guh~... so obedient... you really will earn my favor at this rate..."

Not caring for using forks, he simply reaches out to the tray to grab the cooked steak while his other hand moves to rest atop her head. Standing as he was, he leaned his head back with a sigh and enjoyed the nicely cooked and seasoned meal while guiding her deeper and deeper onto his cock before relaxing and allowing her to take over. It was true that he'd be sharing the meal with his duo of slaves, but there was something satisfying about eating such a nice piece of well-cooked meat while getting oral service from a tigress only feet away from a cum-leaking bitch-boy-to-be. 

"I've never been one for it, but maybe I should put this food over your body and eat it off you that way... make a reward out of all the teasing there could be with that chowder spread out on your tits while I lick and slurp it off..."

As he finished another juicy chunk-tearing from the steak and had it swallowed, he turned to look toward Eric with a smirk.

"Go ahead and eat, Erica... unless you want to drink and eat my cum like last night. I might let you share with Delilah here if you want..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Erica slowly stands back up, most of the cum having drained from her slightly gaping back door. She bashfully walks up to the trolley and starts eating the bread and chowder. "Umm, thanks. I am still thinking right now....sorry." her voice is quite and certainly lost in thought as she slowly nibbles and eats.

Down below Delilah continues her oral treatment, her soft but skilled tongue working over his length at a constant pace. She slowly pulls off with a wet pop and looks up at Orval. "If..if you want to eat off my body, I won't fuss...but please let it cool off first...it would really hurt right now." With that said, she quickly slides him right back into her throat and starts sucking again. She reaches up and cups his balls in her hands and rolls them around, trying to bring further pleasure to Orval. 


Jun 24, 2016
It takes a lot to not ravage her face after the lewd pop-off and return to his cock, but Orval opts to not make her really gag quite yet. If he couldn't have his food fun yet, he figured he'd get another avenue. Taking a final bite from the steak, he'd put it back on the trolley with the rest of the food before gently pushing Delilah off his cleaned and spit-shined cock. The throbbing made it clear just how ready to go he was once more, but he'd help Delilah back up to her feet before moving to her side. With his cock up against her leg for her to feel and rub her outer thigh against, his hands moved to between her legs. The right moved to rub her clit while the left slipped between her cheeks to rub at her backdoor in a dual stimulation. Of course, a third came as he leaned in and kissed her neck with a single command.

"On the bed, with your ass toward the edge. I want a taste of that cunt... maybe I'll get it a taste of my cock, too. Until Erica is ready to go, you're getting every single inch I got..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The tigress squirms at his touch to her clit and gasps when he prods at her back door. Hearing his command she moves over and lays face first on the bed with her paws still on the ground. She reaches back and spreads her pussy wide open for Orval to see. "Please...go slow...I have only done this a few times and they were not as big as you are." Her voice is shaky, but submissive and she makes no attempt to stop him.

Erica watches the display with a curious expression. Part of her is happy that it isn't her on that bad with her lips parted, but the other side is slightly envious of the dicking she is about to get. This just sparks more confusion in her mind as she continues to eat while watching them.


Jun 24, 2016
His eyes catch Erica watching, chuckling at the idea of just how interested she seemed in being fucked. While he wanted to really rut the tigress, it was going to be beneficial to show how nice it could be for a bottom. Moving to the side of the bed, Orval would lean in to lick the cunt a single time before raising one foot onto the bed for just enough lift to brush over her entrance with the head of his cock.

"Slow and steady, huh? I guess we can consider this training your pussy to mold to my shape."

Without further ceremony, he pushed in nice and slow. The fact he was properly prepare for once meant his goal was to properly invade, hilt, and then slowly pull in and out the entire cock. Erica could get a good view of it this way and he'd begin a task none of his slaves had been set on. He was gonna train her walls to fit him flawlessly.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Delilah let out a shaky gasp as she was slowly and tenderly penetrated for the first time in a long time. Her walls reflexively clamp down on Orval's cock, giving it a pleasant squeeze and making his cock scrape against her insides with every movement. Orval is easily able to get his cock all the way in to the hilt and her walls make sure every inch is blissful. "It...it went in? Oh..I didn't think it could." Her voice is soft and seems awe struck that she took in all eight inches with ease.

Erica had her eyes glued to the scene as a war waged in her mind. One side said it was wrong, he should not submit to another many regardless of how it felt. His previous life style would have laughed at him non stop for even considering such a path. The other side urged him to go over there and present himself, to embrace these new found feelings and forget his old ways. While the internal debate raged onward he slowly reached down and started stroking his own cock, licking his lips as he eye Orval's thrusting member...it is obvious which side is winning.


Jun 24, 2016
With a knowing laugh, he turned his attention down to the tigress. Moving a hand to rub her rump, the other moved to her lower back to support him and their slow fuck. The tail seemed promising to grab, but instead he delivered a playful spank to her nice derrière.

"I'm impressed too... ha~... but keep focusing on staying nice and tight. I don't need much to pump you full... ugh... I need to see about getting a ring to limit these new orgasm amounts. I don't guess you want to bear kittens for me, right?"

Thrusting in and giving her another spank in an effort to get her to tighten up. This was by far his favorite of the two even if Erica totally bent to being girly. He'd likely change her paws to human parts, but her fur and tail had the allure of any cat-kin. It might pay off to get to learn to change a small thing daily for his slave's bodies to keep out of Eleanor's hair.

"H-Haaa~... such a jewel of a bottom.... you would surely deserve getting knocked up. But maybe I'll feed you cum so I can eat more off you."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Moaning softly and squeaking at the spanks, Delilah gave Orval a bashful look and shook her head lightly. "P-please don't impregnate me sir...I'm not ready for kittens yes. You...you can cum in my ass if you want to, or I can suck you off for the finish...but please don't cum in my pussy." While her words are sincere, she doesn't put much effort into stopping him. Instead, she just obiediantly follows orders and keeps her vagina nice and tight, molding the walls to the shape of Orval's cock.

The internal battle for Erica had reached a boiling point. Her eyes darted left and right, she kept looking at her body, smiling then frowning then smiling again. She gently rests her hands on her flat chest in a manor that suggest she was expecting to find breasts, then wrenching them away with a confused look. Her cock went ignored as her hands explored her body as if it was suddenly brand new and very confusing. Guy...girl? Submissive...dominant? So many questions that she didn't have answers too"


Jun 24, 2016
Orval grunted, the pace picking up as he enjoyed the reluctant catgirl. Knocked up or not, her squeaks and tightening drive him closer to the edge. Giving her a meal alone wouldn't be proper now, especially after hearing her not want kittens. This cum had to go somewhere after all! Pulling out Welty, he'd spin her around push her onto the bed entirely. He crawled up and pinned her beneath his weight ever so carefully. His prick drops between her tits, his hands pushing the average orbs shut against both sides before looking to the sight of Erica.

"N-now or never! I should cum using these tits any moment and I want you both to share!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Delilah gasped as she was suddenly flipped over and her tits suddenly found cock between them. She moves her hands up to push her tits against his cock and lick the tip with her tongue.

Erica grits her teeth, eyes squinted shut tight as she finally comes to an answer. Standing up, she strode over to the bed, laid herself across the other side and pressed her lips against Orval's cock, joining Delilah in the act of licking her off.


Jun 24, 2016
Both of them licking his cock was fantastic, his hands leaving the tits to rest on both of their heads. Lick after lick, his eyes closed more and more as both hands tightened in Delilah and Erica's hair and feathers. Lick-by-lick, he neared the moment both were no doubt waiting for.

"G-good... you're... going to be real good at this with enough time Erica! H-here... I-I c-cum!"

Throwing his head back, he thrustes against the tits and began the act of coating both of the cock-tenders. The moan he let out watching the bluejay's first willing load of spunk dumped on him was one of satisfaction. A nice cunt on the tigress and another ass to mold made this a great victory, one filled with cum-covering the pair of submissives!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Both of them open their mouths and recieve his cum willing. Delilah gets the worst of it as she is laying directly below him. The first several blasts hitting her chin and coating her chest before the angle on Orval's cock shifted enough to spray upwards. Erica caught the first stream in her mouth and whens he closed to swallow it, the second stream caught her cheek, smearing her face with jizz and raining the rest down on top of Delilah. By the time Orval finally comes down they are both liberally spattered with jizz and looking rather happy about it. Without a word they begin licking each others faces clean, enjoying the taste of their new master.


Jun 24, 2016
The sensation of emptying q load like that has Orval panting for a moment, watching the two begin licking each other clean. For how uncomfortable the tigress had been around Erica, they seemed nice and friendly now. Crawling around the bed, he moved to Erica's side with a mischievous grin. Specifically, one hand slipped back to the recovering hole and slipped two fingers in effortlessly. Rather than fuck the bluejay, he prodded the prostate he'd been smashing in their rut while moving to drag Erica onto her side. The free arm wrapped around her chest in the meantime, his voice in her ears filled with lust.

"You enjoyed that as much as Delilah... cum really does suit your tastes and looks amazing on you. You really are a woman on the inside Erica. Moan for me and I'll train you to take my dick as well as Byra, my lover."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Erica looks back at Orval...and gives him a light nod. She gets on her side and spread her legs a bit. Swallowing her pride she give a lusty little moan and looks to Orval pleadingly. Her cock is twitching already as her prostate is poked and teased, dripping pre and looking painfully hard.

Delilah slowly rises to her rump and sees they are at it again. She quitely stands up and goes to wash herself off lest the cum begin to dry on her face.


Jun 24, 2016
Making a mental note to fuck Delilah hard and cum on her face again to make her efforts pointless, his focus turned to the bird-kin in his grasp. One hand clutched the flat-chested male's right nipple, the two fingers came out. His hand moved to lift one of Erica's soft legs up and grant his cock access to the cum-lined hole. As much cum stained the bed and floor, there was still easily enough to let him slide his cock right on in. Grunting at the sensation, Orval almost started thrusting into the hole but his lips locked against Erica's even with the smell and taste of his cum on her. This was a new bitch. It was his own personal bird-bitch to break info a willing hole.

"Mfffgh~...fwuahhh~...._you should try to tighten up. And really try to kiss more properly. Don't touch your cock except to move it! This is going to be the l-lesson on how to use your ass!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Erica nods at him and tightens up her ass hole as best she can, giving Orval a good squeeze as he pushes into her boy pussy once again. Knowing she won't be able to touch herself, she instead wraps her arms around Orval's shoulders and captures his lips into a kiss. It is sloppy and lacks any grace, but she is certainly trying her best as she keeps her mouth open and tries to coax his tongue into her mouth with gentle prods with her own. Already her cock was rock hard and dripping pre, her excitement over her new found position really working to keep her body moving.