A Grand Tomorrow (For BubbleLord)


Jun 24, 2016
He'd finished eating well enough, rising to his feet as the door opened and Sirus arrived. The male bird-kin was certainly far from a trappy butt-slut, but he could carefully change that given time and natural hormonal remedies. It did remind him somewhat that he should try to speak with Eleanor about making it so Byra doesn't have to worry about her body-hair. As he made his way over, recovering the two collars, he sized them both up somewhat as he stood just a bit taller than the lean bird and the nicely-shaped tigress. Two clicks sounded one after the other, the collars going on and his ring at least protecting him and the others. It wasn't going to stop their foul mouths if they had them, of course, and it would prove useful if they tried to run away based on what the Madam had told him.

"Thank you, Sirus... go ahead and measure them. Both of you... remain still. You may breathe and speak, but you are not to move unless Sirus asks of it. If you so much as dare argue, I'll strip you of your will and force you to stay still. And, as you might choose to believe or not, I don't want to do that to either of you. Now... your names?"

Standing shirtless as he was, he was close enough to be more masculine than the bird in body-frame and a matching bulge in his pants. The tigress likely respected strength as well, and, unlike the herm, the mercenary knew and likely came off as not someone dominating like the MILF-herm but as someone who had seen his fair share of fights. It was also now that he'd have to get more precise views over any other detailing marks they might have and how he might have the newest of the duo end-up getting dressed.

"If you don't choose to give me any, I'll be giving you new ones... I'd rather treat you equally than as a slave. My lamia over there may wear a collar, but she is far more free and like a lover than the kobold. The kobold tried to rape me and now she's been adjusted and will keep working on forgiveness... so you can either be like her and get edged and fucked without release or you can be like Selena and work with me so we all have a better time."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Sirus quickly measures them from head to toe. In a matter of minutes he has them both measured and without even needing to be asked, measures Orval as well. With a silent bow he leaves the room.

the two are silent at first, looking at Orval as if he was crazy. Slowly, the tigress speaks up.

"My name...is Delilah."

The bird man looks at her, questioning her choice before he looks at the floor.

"Ericson...or just Eric."

Neither of them move or say anything more. They are both tense and obviously thinking a thousand thought a second. 


Jun 24, 2016
"Eric and Delilah... good. Both of you will be allowed to rest tonight. For safety reasons, we're going to bind you... but you'll be allowed to rest on the bed. In the meantime..."

He would look to the four, smiling as he got a devious idea. Moving around and behind Ericson, he'd motion Dink over.

"Belle, you head to bed with Byra and Selena. Dink, I want you to suck off Eric here. Delilah answered first, so she can speak... Eric here gets to see what we're going to be using him for. Both him and you can use it as a learning experience... got it? So Delilah, tell me about yourself... and don't hold back on how you ended up here."

The feathered male would feel a hand on his shoulder and another moving to cup his less-than-pleasing ass. Being quick to handle orders was part of their future life, of course, but it was clear that Ericson was a bird-kin with zero anal experience. If he could pose the two against one another, it was likely to help him break both of them down to at least some willingness. It'd also distract them from the fact they had to adapt to a new world.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Eric eyed dink as she approached the bird man. Keeping Byra's teachings in mind, she got on her knees and used her tongue and light kisses to quickly get the bird mans cock up to full mast. With a deep breath she slowly slid his entire length into her mouth and throat. After a few gags and sputters she gets to work on his cocks, sucking it with her lips and keeping her tongue in constant soothing swirls and licks.  Her skills have improved greatly.

Delilah looked around nervously before nodding. "I was born into an average family home. My mother was a tigress and my father was a black cat. Things were fine for the most part...but I slowly came to odds with my father. We fought almost daily about everything and anything. One day I decided I was done and ran away from home after leaving a letter to my mom saying I was sorry. I spent several months on the streets of skarheim city, fighting with other kids over food and prime begging spots. When I was eighteen I quickly decided to look for a job. Turns out I made a pretty good cook and I liked what I was doing. I served as a side chef for four yeas until the store I worked for went under due to poor business. now homeless and with no one else hiring a chef...i got desperate. After getting caught with my hand in the apple stall I had to run from the city or face jail time. Three days later I find myself at this estate with tons of milk bottles sitting in an unguarded cart. I was thirty and hungry so I just went for it. Next thing I know that panther bastard has me on the floor in an iron grip. That was a week ago. They stripped me of my clothes and I have been here since then. The lady that owns this place said she would hire me as a chef in the kitchen if I agreed to serve her....but when she pulled out that massive horse meat I freaked out. She took insult to that and left....that was three days ago. Now I am here."

 Eric groaned as his cock was just suddenly sucked on, dink obeying Orval without a complaint. A smile spread across his face but quickly faded when he felt Orval's hand on his ass. Quickly turning his head he glared at Orval with a frown. "Hey, what the hell are you doing back there?! Get your hand off my ass! Wait...you expect me to suck cock like this little slut?!"


Jun 24, 2016
Rather than release the rather unappealing ass, Orval shifted both hands to it while moving up behind the bird-kin. With Dink sucking him off, there was nowhere for him to retreat. It was only after Dink hit her groove that he'd give a double spank to the rump and quickly reach around to pinch the clearly not pleased bluejay's nipples, moving to press the bulge in his pants against the no-doubt completely inexperienced ass. Only with his hands twisting and flicking his newest slave's buds would he speak up.

"She isn't nearly the sort of slut you'll be if you keep that tone. Delilah is proving to be far more kind and obedient currently... if you can't even feign either of those, then you'll be getting to visit that big herm tomorrow. Now, I want you to apologize to Dink and I. Delilah, tomorrow I will want to test your cooking ability. Go join the others on the bed so they can bind you and you can rest for the night. Unless, of course, you want to take Ericson's place."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Delilah shakes her head quickly. "No thank you...I will just...go to the bed then." She shuffles over to the bed and is welcomed by Byra, Belle and Selena. While they are kind and makes sure she is comfortable, Selena does bind her arms and legs with a length of silken rope she found under the bed...most likely for this exact kind of play. Soon enough, the tigress has her ankles bound together and her wrists bound behind her back, it won't be the best night, but it is better than on the floor AND tied up.

Eric furrows his brow in anger at both Orval and Delilah for so willingly going along with these orders. "No way! I am not going anywhere near that woman! In fact, I am getting out of here!" He suddenly grabs Dink and shoves the poor kobold to the ground. He rounds on Orval, his fist coming around around for a mean right hook....before it freezes a few inches from Orvals face. Eric's face is locked in confusion which quickly becomes filled with lust. He falls to the ground on his back as the collar on his neck glows brightly. His cock becomes so erect it gains an inch of length and throbs painfully. He tries to reach for it but finds his body paralyzed with lust and all he can do is babble and squirm.


Jun 24, 2016
Delilah was smart to not resist him, unlike the now laying down feathered man. While it was far from the feminine rumps he enjoyed fucking, he figured he'd give his now aroused slave a lesson he'd not forget and that would likely start him down the path to submissive behavior. Discarding his pants, he was only an inch shorter now compared to the hyper-erect and lust-filled bird-kin cock but no doubt looked like the biggest dick Ericson had ever seen. Lowering to his knees, he'd move to lift the feather-covered legs and spread them apart to reveal a nice, virgin hole.

"Now, that wasn't very nice of you. I guess you should know that these collars won't let you hurt me. You can speak freely, as I made modifications for that... but harming me is something you will never be capable of unless I were to give you permission and order you to do so. Dink, you've sucked a lot of dick today and I'm glad you're trying so hard. In exchange, you can use his mouth. And if he bites, I guess I'll just have to castrate him."

While he had no intent on doing that to any male, the threat of removing the man's erect cock no-doubt would keep him in-line. Dink was far from being large and her getting to use his mouth implied he only had to endure it rather than try to properly suck it. In the mean-time, he moved to push his prick's head against the virgin hole with a smirk down to the newest and so far most rebellious of his slaves.

"I'll be sure not to come inside you... but I think you've earned this sort of punishment. If you keep it up, I'll just have Eleanor turn you into a woman body-wise. Though, I think giving you some tail-feathers and a nicer ass would do well to making my bluejay more... appealing. I might just have to take her up on that offer to make myself bigger, too, if someone can end up bigger than me and is my own slave!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Eric is so addled by lust he actually lifts his legs and spreads them out for Orval! His eyes are full of desire and disgust with himself and Orval, but the burning lust that the collar is subjecting him to is far stronger than any pride he might have been holding on to.

Dink smiled at Orval and ran over to him, throwing her arms around his shoulder and hugging him tightly. "Thank you master! Thank you! you are so kind to me!" As her master gave her permission, her cock is rock hard, throbbing and able to find release. She presses it up against his lips and despite his anger, her slowly opens up to let her slide in. She is quick on the draw and pushes her six inch cock straight in to the hilt, making Eric gag and sputter as she face fucks him, her mouth hanging open in bliss as her cock feels pleasure once more!

"So good master! his mouth is so good! Thank you! Thank you!"


Jun 24, 2016
With Dink's hug and quick move to occupy Ericson's mouth, Orval could only smile. The kobold was certainly happy to get to use her dick, enough so that maybe he'd save her for this sort of thing in the future. But, for now, his focus turned downward to the erect cock and the ass he was pushing against. Hooking his arms underneath Eric's nice legs, he'd keep them up and raise them to rest on his shoulders to get the feathery view to trap the cock between his thights slightly and to make the virgin hole tighter. Fucking him outright like this without any lube wasn't going to be possible... so he figured he'd use just the head to tease and test what he'd be working with more in-depth in time.

"N-Ngh~... j-just don't cum inside his mouth, Dink. I want you to cum on his face. Fuck... nevermind that. Once you're close, pull out and come over here. I'll use your cum as lube... until then, I can't fit inside this new hole..."

Pushing, Eric could feel the head of the cock at his ass push slightly in before being forced out due to a lack of way to push through the ring of pleasure. Wrapping an arm around the legs to keep them up and against his body, Orval figured there was still one way he could start really messing with the guy. Taking hold of the cock, he'd stroke it slowly and in-rhythm with his pushes against the backdoor.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Eric moans around Dink's cock, his tongue suddenly getting to work around the kobold modest length. His ass twitches against Orval's prodding member and the added attention to his own cock makes him writhe on the floor more than usual. Eric's face is a mask of unsatisfied pleasure and as he starts to suck the cock in his mouth honestly.

Dink thrusts into Eric's mouth like it was a pussy, her balls slapping against his cheek as she indulges in pleasure long since denied. However, this does mean that she is rather quick on the shot and soon finds herself rushing toward climax. She grunts and moans, feeling her balls boil and surge. "Master....I'm gonna cum!" 

Quickly pulling out of Eric's mouth she moves down and presses her cock up against Eric's ass hole. With a few throbs she begins to spurt rope after rope of hot cum, lubing up the new hole and her masters cock. By the time she is finished there is more than enough lube for Orval to work with. Dink collapses onto her back, a blissed out smile on her face. "Thank you!"


Jun 24, 2016
"Not a problem... though... I can't say it was exactly a pleasure..."

While cum-lubing his soon-to-be-fucked bird-kin's virgin hole and his cock had seemed good, he had to admit that as he released Eric's prick and moved it to spread the cum over his that it... was far from pleasing. While he was okay with fucking girly boys and even one that wasn't nearly as girly as Eric, getting covered in cum that wasn't his own was something he wasn't quite ready for. Byra had been one case, but that was because he had been fucking her hard and into a female in a male's body. Dink was just his loyal kobold. But even if it wasn't comfortable at first, his finger rubbing the cum along the outside and somewhat inside Ericson's ass was giving him enough of a prospectful target to ignore it.

"Alright, Eric.... I made a promise to not cum inside you... so let's see about removing the virginity in this hole!"

Pushing slowly, he moved the empty hand to grab hold of Eric's prick. The head of his cock found it hard to push inside compared to the soft and girly ass that he'd found in Byra... but that didn't stop his slow-crawl as he packed away inch-after-inch of cock within the virgin. Sadly, it did mean that he was forced to stop with only half of his eight inches inside the feather-limbed male.

"F-Fuck yes! N-Nice and tight~! Even with your ass being lackluster... nnnngh~... you are going to be a great fuck with some time and training. Whether you get raped or you try to be obedient, though, will n-need to be seen! Gods above, Eleanor will be disappointed by the time I have you changed and trained!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Eric curls his toes up in the air and lets out a long moan as his ass is penetrated for the first time in his life. The ample amounts of cum provided by Dink made insertion easy enough, but this virgin ass was so tight it nearly hurt! Orval could only get half his length inside before any further progress was impeded by untrained muscles. His cock throbs in Orval's hand and he squirms under him. His face is torn between looking pleased to finally be receiving proper pleasure, disgusted that he had another man in his ass and confused as to what was going on with his body to actually derive pleasure from it.

Over on the bed, the others were looking on with great interest as their new addition was being claimed by their master. eventually, Belle spoke up.

"Master...could I feed the new girl some milk? I feel bad just leaving her out like this."


Jun 24, 2016
Grunting, he'd tighten his hand on the confused bird-man's cock as if it were a handle, pulling out and thrusting as he began to use the four inches he did have access to. It was tight enough that he wished it could take all of him, but forcing himself deeper truly would harm the new cocksleeve. While Belle had spoken to him it had taken a few moments of grunting thrusts before he looked from between the shoulder-resting legs to her. Clicking what she had asked together, he finally laughed and looked back to the mixed-up face of Eric as he leaned over him and released the legs to push them to either side. As such, he reached down to pin both of the feathered arms at his side and let the painfully erect cock throb between them.

"H-Ha~... you can, but only if she wishes! Fuck, you're a tight one Eric... or maybe you're actually an Erica! G-Guuuh!"

He leaned forward, pinning the other male beneath him as he thrusted and drove his restricted length of cock in and out of the hole. In the missionary pose, he was simply trying to express dominance... and that was done by smirking down at the male and meeting his brown gaze with the blue eyes of a man who was steadily enjoying his power and changing lifestyle more and more.

"That cock of yours will need to get shrunk down! I'm not a fan of getting poked when rutting my lovers! You won't mind that, will you!?"
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Erica moans as her ass is plunged by Orvals cock. He slowly loosens up around the invading member, slowly inviting in his cock little by little. After ten or fiften minutes of rutting, Orval is able to get the majority of his cock buried in the bird mans ass. Finally hearing Orval's words, Erica looks at him with hints of fear and shakes his head, not wanting to loose his manhood. His denials are quickly halted when Orval bumps into his prostate which makes a fresh squirt of pre leak down his cock.

Mean while, over on the bed, Delilah is suckling slowly on Belle's breast, much to the enjoyment of the motherly cow. Selena has taken the other breast to have a warm drink of milk before bed while using her tail to tease Byra's micro penis. Dink has finally gotten back up and rolled into bed with the others.


Jun 24, 2016
With "Erica" so fearful but leaking pre from finally smacking that bitch-boy button, Orval can't help but laugh. Hilting himself with louder, lewd smacks of their hips signifies that he's finally claimed the ass properly. Pulling the bird-man up and into his lap by her arms, he'd keep himself buried fully inside long enough to get the feathered bottom's arms over his shoulders. Once they were there, he moved his grip one-by-one to grip the lacking ass and the other to support him. The cock between them might as well have been worthless, the legs behind him no doubt wanting to wrap around him out of their primal urges. So close now, he finally met the masculine lips without much hesitation to invade the other male's lips and mouth with his tongue. Manly in appearance as he might be, Orval knew he'd awakened a woman in the bird-kin. It wasn't likely he'd break from just this, especially if he didn't cum inside, but it was very likely he'd awaken the spirit that Byra had been born with.

"H-Hnnngh~... I think cumming on your pretty face will fit... mmmfh~... d-don't you!?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Orval could feel Erica wanting to embrace the new position. Her arms constantly moving to wrap around his back only to be held back by sparks of rebellion. Those feathered legs slowly crossing behind his back but stopping just before the ankles touched and going wide again. She wanted to pull away from the kiss, to spit Orval's tongue out and gag in disgust but the primal urges raging inside her made her instead just sit there and let Orval do as he pleased. Tears slowly began to roll down the bird-kins face as confusion and fear began to settle in with lust and desire. With release surging toward her mind, Erica nodded her head in agreement.

"P-p-please...cum....cum on my face." The words were strained and barely audible, full of disgust and desire. 


Jun 24, 2016
"G-Guh~... w-with you begging like that!? Of course!"

He had quickly spoken to meet lips once more, kissing Erica and returning them to the floor. Rutting nice and hard, he pounded away so much that the confused and recently awoken bottom-boy was likely going to get very close to cumming... and then denied him that by pulling out. Taking Erica's hands in both arms, he slipped from between her legs to sit on her chest. The lengthy and cum-lubed cock flopped down just at her mouth, Orval holding her hands at her sides as he felt the delayed orgasm finally rushing forward. With his big load, he knew full well he was about to glaze and likely feed the bird-boy and turn the bluejay into a whitejay.

"If it gets to be too much, open your mouth and drink some of i-fuuuUUUCK!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
There was no force in the world that could have prepared Erica for the cum shower that suddenly blasted into her face. Like an endless stream Orval's cock erupted with cum, quickly glazing the blue jays face, neck and shoulder in sticky white seed. With her eyes closed shut, the blue balled blue jay could do nothing but endure as thick cum poured onto her face over and over again. Unable to weather the storm, she gasped for air and quickly got a mouth full of cum, forced to swallow it or drown. This went on for much longer than she had hoped for and by the end she just l layed there, covered head to shoulder in hot and fresh cum.


Jun 24, 2016
With his newest load delivered, it was easy to understand exactly why Orval was smirking so big. The bluejay had been resistant, but her backdoor was now shaped like his cock after that brutal fuck and she'd reek of him even with proper bathing. Taking his cock and giving it a small smack against her lips after the lengthy one-man bukkake, he finally rose to his feet and looked down at the bird-kin with a smirk.

"Alright... good job. Go and use the baths... then return here. You're to be bound and allowed to sleep on the bed... but come morning I expect you to be far less hostile."

He didn't pay the fucked boy any further attention, knowing that he'd found a nice and fitting hole to train. Eleanor really thought these sorts of slaves were auxiliary? The tiger-kin suckling on Belle's teats was a chef and had a nice body and fur in the right places. The bird-kin had been quick to throw a punch, but the collar would ensure that any further attempts like that wouldn't happen unless he wanted a brutal butt fuck and no ending beyond maybe using his own hands. Whether he let Erica keep being masculine or not, Ericson was a name he was throwing away. Eric would become Erica whether he enjoyed it or had the parts to go against it. Byra had abandoned her manhood and, given time to dedicate to his new owner, Eric would too...

"I'm going to head to sleep... Byra and Dink, I could use some bed-warming. Belle and Selena got their hands full with our newest guest. Tomorrow, I expect to get all of you nice clothes to fit your new roles and my personal colors. Heh... my personal colors. I guess I'm like a knight or noble now, thanks to the Mistress... I'll need to make sure I'm not wearing rags under my leather armor to fit the part..." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Erica slowly picked herself up off the floor and went into the bathroom, quickly cleaning herself up. When she came out, her eyes kept going toward the door to the room. In a last ditch effort, she ran for it and grabbed at the door nob...only for the necklace to glow again and the bird man hit the floor with a thud.

Selena sighed as she got off the bed and slithered over to him. "you don't learn very fast do you? That collar binds you to Orval, you can't leave, you can't attack him...all you can do is spout angry words because he removed that guard." She wrapped the lust addled bird in her tail and slithered back into bed, resting her head on Belles free breast as Delilah was still drinking softly.

Byra and Drink Quickly made a spot for Orval and, once he was in, pushes up against either side of him, their arms over his chest and their legs wove with his, giving him all their body heat and warmth.

"Good night master. I love you." Byra sneaks a kiss onto his cheek and rests her head on his chest. 

Drink, still tired after today, is already half asleep on his shoulder.


Jun 24, 2016
Closing his eyes, he'd let out a sigh and wrap an arm around his furry, scaled mutt and the loving maid. He didn't even pay attention to what had no doubt been a tear-inducing moment for Erica, instead choosing to drift to sleep...


Waking up, he had already got up and prepared the orders of what types of clothes he wanted for the initial four. Delilah and Erica were marked down for receiving green panties as well, with a bra for Delilah, but ultimately the two weren't getting any true clothes yet. As for himself, he requested two sets of clothes in the order. The first of which was something comfortable to be worn beneath his leather armor in a similar design to that which Belle would be wearing once he'd trained and obtained gear for her. The latter, of course, was a set of more ceremonial-typed clothes for more fine encounters. It wasn't a hard order, but he did make mention to see if footwear-like clothing could be made for his non-human footed companions. Something simple like ankle-supporting wraps for Belle and Dink would be more than enough, while some band-like material to protect the tip of Selena's tail was the more extreme of it.

"Alright you four, make sure everything fits and looks good. I'm counting on all of you to behave yourselves as well," he paused just long enough to hand Selena the note and smirk at her, "And see if you can acquire some aphrodisiacs and some basic drinks. I'm not one-hundred percent sure yet... but I might have a plan for our special problem."

It was only afterward that he'd look to the bed nearby where his two newest slaves were. Both were now left unbound and bare, his eyes studying them for the briefest of moments before looking back to the lamia.

"I'm going to work with Delilah and Erica to see more of their skills. I'll probably pay you guys a visit once I take them down to the kitchens... but until then, Byra is in charge and you're to help her keep Dink in line Selena. If it calls for it, make sure you have your measurements done so you can go and inquire about the other things... got it?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Selena nods in agreement. "Of course Orval. Everything will be done to your order." She gives him a quick kiss and moves over to the door.

Sirus soon opens the door and steps inside. "Good morning sir, I am here to guide your girls to the tailor. Due to the size of this order it will be several hours before they are free again. Do not worry, I give you my word that everything will go smoothly this time."

Byra nods to the panther man, gives Orval a parting kiss and the four of them leave the room.

Orval now stands in his bedroom with two naked and untrained slaves. Delilah sits on the bed with her legs crossed, not bothering to cover her exposed breasts. Erica on the other hand has moved from the bed and is curled in a ball in the corner, terrified of Orval.


Jun 24, 2016
He'd watch the four on their way out, taking a long moment before finally looking to Delilah and then to Erica. Seeing the male be so terrified after getting fucked and probably enjoying it was no doubt expected. Unlike Dink who had earned forgiveness, however, he had been fucked into a mess and bukkake'd without even getting off. So, the first thing he had to do with the duo... was to move to sit in a chair near the bed with his prick steadily rising.

"So... I know you're a chef Delilah... any other skills you might have? Eric, if you insist on being called that... you'd be good to fill me in on who you are beyond just your name. You clearly aren't too eager to get fucked, despite how much your body seemed to enjoy it... so perhaps you should be more willing to work with me. If I don't know what you're capable of doing, you're only going to have one job... and that smell on you and the taste you had yesterday will no doubt be a good reminder of what it'll be."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Delilah nods her head. "As I told you, cooking is my strong point. I am fairly fast on my feet from all the running I have had to do in my life. I don't know if this is any help...but i got quick fingers and can pick pockets fairly easily. Other than that....I suppose I am good as sizing up people without talking to them first, figuring out personality traits and what not." Ah, that might explain why she isn't as afraid of all this as Eric is.

Speaking of Eric, her glares at Orval before speaking. "I was a scout for a bandit camp. Came to scout this place out. We were going to raid the place for everything it was worth...sex slaves for every member of the camp is what the boss said. Well, everything went to shit! We stormed into the yard and that panther bastard kicked the shit out of us all on his own! We couldn't see him half the time, let alone land a hit! Next thing I know we are all naked and in those jail cells. One by one they took us out and never came back....I am the last one left. I am guessing my former mates are the sluts that clean this place now...or more fittingly, new gardeners as we caused some damage on our way in."


Jun 24, 2016
A fast thief-chef and a bandit scout were certainly useful. It implied Eric could handle himself in a scuffle more than likely, but hearing that Sirus beat everyone up was certainly something. It meant that conquering the panther was easily the safest and utmost furthest of his goals compared to Yalna. A speed that had defeated a camp of bandits, whether they were competent or not, was something that wasn't to be trifled with. Looking to Delilah, he'd lean back and furrow his brow.

"If that's the case, then you know I'd rather be a good guy... but you know I'm not going to mess around. In exchange for both of you answering me, I'll let you know that I am not accustomed to this sort of role as much as you will have to adjust into either being my servants and friends or my reluctant slaves. Before I obtained the collars you wear and the ring on my finger, I was a blacksmith with no place to work... and for a while, I got by with fucking and killing criminals and any sort of work. So I was a mercenary and can assure you that I can handle myself in most scuffles. Neither of you have to worry about safety, either, as I intend to train that cow-kin you saw and use the kobold to bring about a group of kobold children to serve as my guards and a personal force."

It was only then that he'd look to Eric, his eyes glinting with a hunger.

"Eric... come over here and sit beside Delilah. If you refuse, I'll show Delilah how my ring allows me to strip you completely of your will. Unlike the mistress who owns this place, I'm not going to lock you in a cell. If you choose to be loyal and work with me, I might just let you have fun that your old boss couldn't have promised or given you. But if you keep resisting, you will find out very quickly that I'm not going to let some ex-thug keep resisting or fighting me. I've bent over many of your types and had them moaning for my cock... but making a total butt-slut out of a guy isn't something I need nor require. I've already got Byra to love and ride my cock in that aspect..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Eric just continues to glare at him for a minute. I looks like he is going to resist but...he slowly stands up, his hands covering his cock as he moves over and sits next to Delilah. 

"Alright, I came over here Mr. Black smith mercenary. What a load of shit. Like anyone with that kind of back ground could be where you are now."

Delilah just looks at the floor and scoots away from Eric, clearly not comfortable around him right now.


Jun 24, 2016
"Tch... that foul mouth needs to go."

Getting up, he'd moved over to the two with his cock finally at full mast as he moved a hand to Eric's feathered head. Grabbing a handful, he pulled the boy off and pushed him down to the ground. Resisting him wasn't possible, after all, so it only took a moment to have him bent over on hands and knees in-front of Delilah along the side of the bed. Looking to Delilah, he'd motion to a standing wardrobe.

"My axe is in there, Delilah. Open it and remove it to show this tough guy."

Looking back down, he'd finally deliver a spank to Eric's ass before moving a hand to his cock menacingly.

"I got an axe and my armor in there... so you might want to consider your options wisely. If she pulls it out and you've not apologized, then you're getting fucked just like yesterday. If you apologize now, then I'll only ask that you suck my cock. Either way, you're not going to get off freely cursing and doubting me. Especially not if you were some fucking bandit that couldn't even avoid getting captured. If it weren't for me, you'd be getting fucked with a cock bigger than your arm and getting filled with cum whenever Mistress Eleanor wished!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Delilah quickly hops to her feet and moves over to the wardrobe. She stops and looks at Eric.

"Go to hell you stupid bastard! I am not sucking or fucking anything!"

She opens the wardrobe.

"Why don't you get this stupid act over with. no matter what we do you are just going to mess with our heads in the end right?!"

She grabs the axe.

"So why don't you just get it over with?! Fuck with my brain! Change my body! But I am not serving you willingly!"

With a sigh, she pulls out the axe. "I...I have it sir."


Jun 24, 2016
Orval was quiet, letting Delilah's statement hang in the air for a few moments before he'd lower and grab a handful of the feathers once more. Shoving Eric face-first into the floor, he took no pity as he grabbed his own cock and lined it up. Without lube last night would have been one thing, but a quick moment to spit onto his cock and rub it on was all it'd take this time. And as crude as it was fast, he pushed himself into the ass and coldly spoke up.

"Just like that axe is real, so is the fact you have your chance to either adjust or not. I have no reason to fuck with your brain, idiot. That collar on your neck would require the simplest of snaps and you'd be nothing more than a bitch for the rest of your life. I choose not to do that because I believe everyone can look past their problems. But if you insist on being so damned paranoid of that herm bitch, then I'm going to rut you until you fully understand that I'm giving you a life better than one where you rob others and have to occasionally starve! I'm giving you a life where all you'd have to do is keep me happy and you'd be cared for and treated with respect!"

In all his anger, he couldn't help but thrust all the way in and then take hold of the avian-man's arms. Pulling them back and in turn lifting him up, he began a nice and hard rut!

"D-Delilah, put it away! Go and fix the three of us some breakfast while I teach this idiot what happens when he insists on being a dick!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Y-yes sir!" She puts the axe away quickly and runs out of the room down to the kitchen, not liking where their discussion was going.

Eric screams in pain as his ass is forcefully taken with minimal lube. The tight passage grabbing at Orval's cock in an attempt to hold it in place and push it away, but his firm rutting over powers what little his ass can do. When he is pulled up he grits his teeth and looks over his shoulder in rage.

"Treated with respect?! What a laugh! You are no better than that horse cock freak! At least when I was a bandit I was free! But now I am collared like some kind of animal!" he spits at Orval which lands on his leg. "go fuck yourself! I am not going to serve you, not while I still know my own name!"