A Grand Tomorrow (For BubbleLord)


Jun 24, 2016
Getting proposed to change both Dink and Byra was almost too good to be true, his smirk growing as she gave him the avenue to handle his harem.

"I wouldn't mind getting a boost and a recover rate at all! I have to make sure their needy holes are properly tended to, after all. A slightly bigger ass could help really frame the new height for Dink's curves, but keeping her dick small will do. I can't afford her getting ideas that she's allowed to use it, even if she is fertile. As for my maid girl..."

Even if he was still recovering from fucking Belle, the man shifted behind the maid and made a good show of quickly pulling Byra against him with both hands on her nice hips. Shorter and feminine, there wasn't much he needed changed. Giving her a cunt and removing the dick could certainly change the bitch-boy into a proper woman... but there was something nice about having a male so submissive and entranced at the idea he was being treated as a woman that he committed himself to being one. If he planned on having kids with the other three, keeping Byra as a dedicated lover and cock-rider could certainly be more beneficial. She had given herself to him and helped him acquire both Belle and Selena, however, which meant he had to reward her somehow.

"I want to make Byra's cock smaller to be more like a clit. Her balls, too. I'd like her hair to be just long enough that she can make some girly hair-styles with it and properly pass for a female if need be. Beyond that, I think Byra here can satisfy me. We can celebrate by fucking both Dink and Byra together, too. Put that new stamina you're giving me to the test and give you an idea of what skills I have when it comes to fucking someone?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh most excellent! Let's get started right away! Come here Dink." She gently pulls the kobold over and grabs hold of her shoulders. Her hands glow green and, like pulling taffy, pulls her upward. from three feet to four to five the little kobold quickly becomes not so little any more. Appraising her works, she moves down and grabs Dink's ass which quickly begins to fill out to a lovely plush heart, perfect for her new height. With a small grope of her breasts, they fill out again, maintaining their B cup size. "Hmm, she turned out rather well. First time I have worked on a kobold."

Next she moves in front of Byra. She lifts up the maid skirt and taps her cock with a finger. Slowly it shrinks away, smaller and smaller until it is only three inches long and half an inch thick. The foreskin also pulls back, making it look more like a clit. Next are his balls, which pull up into her body a bit, making her sack cling up and no longer hang freely. They are maybe two inches across total...at best. Next she places a hand on her head, Her chocolate brown hair grows and falls down to between her shoulder blades, just long enough to style up like a girls. "Minor changes, but the effects are not lost. I like it."

Finally, she turns to Orval himself. Stepping up to him, she easily tugs his pants down to the floor. Gently stroking his cock back to full mast she gets a good look at it. She cups his balls and holds his cock as her hands glow green. The sore and fairly painful feeling quickly fades away to nothing. his balls swell ever so slightly as their production is increased ten fold! Finally, his cock feels like new, almost as if he hasn't been fucking the day away!

"There you have it. Due to your size you won't be cumming as much as I do, but you should certianly watch out...wouldn't want to drown a girl during a blow job!" She laughs at her own bad joke. "Further more, I gave you next to endless stamina. you could fuck for three days straight before it starts to hurt when you get hard." 


Jun 24, 2016
Watching the changes, he couldn't help but enjoy them. Dink would be able to ride him and take him properly with her new size, the nice-shape of her rump almost encouraging him into fucking her into submission and bliss. She was certainly still the smallest of his lovers, but she was exceptional in appearance with her matching-tits and new height. Next had been Byra, Orval backing up just enough to watch the sight of the cock being turned into a pathetic one almost more of a victory than breaking Byron into Byra. The new hair practically made the trap-factor complete, his prick wishing it could ravage that backdoor already. But as he was quickly approached and a bit startled by her quickness to tug his pants down, Orval was instead wincing and having to endure the large woman's efforts to bring him to full mast. The magic that came after her brief studying certainly was nice, however, the man taking in her knowledge lustfully with a grin.

"Three days, huh? I might just have to test that out sometime... maybe a taste of it now?"

Were he able to somehow control the woman, maybe he could have made use of the woman before him, but for now he slipped free and moved over to the two that had been changed on the outside, moving an arm around both of their waists and pulling them forward and into him with a smirk.

"Both of you get on your knees. Dink, you can suck me off... Byra, you make sure you properly tend to our hostess. Show your appreciation to her and help get her ready for some anal love with Dink... and really hope Dink here prepares me properly so we can fuck at our hardest."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Byra, amazed at the reshaping of her body, nods quickly and gets on her knees. With gentle hands she undoes the Mistresses pants, pulling them down to let that monster of a horse cock flop free. With an almost worshipful motion, she lifts it up and takes in it's musky scent, her eyes fogging with lust. Once finished, she starts stroking it with her hands while her skilled mouth and tongue get to work on the head of her shaft, licking and kissing it to full mast.

"Oooh, a skilled girl you have here Orval. Quick to act but still knows her place."

Dink on the other hand, is not so skilled. Unused to her new body, she slowly gets onto her knees and cups Orval's cock in her hands. She gives it a few experimental licks before leaning forward and sinking it into her mouth in one smooth motion. no real tacts or skill, she pushes her tongue against his cock while bobbing her head slowly, her hands coming up to cup his balls.


Jun 24, 2016
Orval was certainly looking forward to their fun exchange, but the instant Dink had wrapped her lips rather unceremoniously around his prick and had started a rather lackluster blowjob... he felt jealous. Byra had been trained to properly suck cock during her stay with the brothel, but Dink's obsession with breeding likely kept her from having to do this for a lover. With how she was now easily able to rest on her knees, however, he'd have to change that. A hand moved to her head, taking a handful of her furry hair and brushing across her ears ever so gently while doing so.

"Well, I hope you enjoy her. But Dink... you're going to have to do a lot better!"

Pulling her down and onto his prick, he'd keep the now-taller herm steadily diving deeper and harder along his prick. She was all for using her tongue and mouth... but what he wanted was that prized throat. And unless she was deliberately trying to force him back, he was going to edge closer and closer, even if it meant her squirming and gagging while looking up to him with pleading eyes. The herm couldn't fit herself inside of Byra's human mouth but with her efforts she'd be more than capable of fucking Dink. It was quite likely the larger herm was going to be lubed up enough to fit, but not enough to be entirely smooth pushing into her. It would be a fitting punishment whether or not Dink endured her first bit of sexual training. Of the trio, she was the one that wasn't trained beyond riding a cock... which meant she had to get ingrained with the knowledge of a proper whore to keep up with them!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Dink gags as his cock is suddenly shoved down her throat. She places her hands on his thighs and tries to pull back, but his firm grip keeps her locked in place. She gags and coughs over his cock, the added motions only bringing him pleasure as she struggles to get herself back in line. Despite her inexperiance, her throat is amazingly soft and even if she just ends up getting used to being face fucked, it will be a treat all on it's own.

Meanwhile, Byra is working her oral magic on Eleanor's horse cock. She has been dancing her tongue and hands expertly along her length and always remembering to plant light kisses on her hefty balls. In no time flat that entire length of horse meat is lubed up to the point of dripping. Byra has switched to softly sucking on the tip a bit, unable to get the entire thing into her mouth she focuses on the large cum hole, proding it with her tongue and sucking gently.

"Oh Orval! Byra here puts all my girls to shame! Such skill, a gentle touch and knowledge of all the right places! I want ot throat fuck her so bad but it want fit. Mmph, do I have your permission to make her far stretchier? Either that or give me your kobolds ass, I need to fuck something soon!"


Jun 24, 2016
"U-Unf... n-not a chance! Byra is my personal maid, she's not changing just to fit you inside her mouth or butt!"

While he thrusted away, having initially almost pulled off until her gagging and nicely textured throat kept him hooked on it, his attention focused on the herm. Pulling her fully on for a brief moment, he lowered down and kept Dink nice and linked to his groind with the throat-filling prick to keep her still. Only when he was sitting down and had dragged Dink to lay probably a bit painfully along the ground to keep sucking him off did he finally let her breathe with a quick pull to lift her off. The cock was left in her mouth, however, his eyes looking over to the other two while his hands moved to gently clutch the hair around her ears in preparation for face-fucking the kobold-kin.

"Byra, come over here and help Dink with some advice before you tend to my needs. Eleanor, you can take her backdoor... maybe getting pounded by a big cock is what she needs to start better learning her new responsibilities if she ever wants me to knock her up. If you somehow damage her ass, though, you're going to be fixing it and letting me take a crack at your mousy lover."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Byra parts from Eleanors cock with a light kiss to the tip. She moves over to Dink and lays next to her. "First off, breath with your nose. Second, relax your throat and don't try to swallow until you have control again. Relax your jaw as well and focus on keeping your lips tight, now your entire mouth....there you go, just like that."

Dink quickly follows orders from Byra and the affect is immediate. With her jaw relaxed and her lips tight, it feels more like a blow job than just mindless licking and sucking. With a few more coughs she gets her coughing under control and is able to slide Orval's dick down and up her throat without gagging on every single motion. her movements are slow and shakey, but leagues above what she started with and certainly better than a blind throat fuck.

Eleanor walks up to Dink's ass and kneels down, pressing her tip against the tight pucker. "No worries, she might be gaped by the time I finish, but any damage is easily fixed. Also, if you want Wendy so badly, just ask. She isn't my lover, she is just my cum dump for the day. But we can talk about that later...this is now." She pushes her hips forward and sinks the tip of her cock into Dink's rapidly stretching ass. Dink's eyes go wide and plates and a loud squeal is muffled by Orval's cock. Inch after inch of massive horse dick slide into the kobolds ass until finally Eleanor hilts inside of her, a fine outline of her cock showing through the kobold stomach. "Oh yes! She is so tight around my cock! This is exactly what I needed!"


Jun 24, 2016
With the extreme stretching of the now taller kobold, Dink had let out some noises that made his cock feel even better. Even without Byra's coaching, that had made a pleasing experience for his now ready prick. With it, his hold around Dink's hair and ears tightened and kept her taking various lengths of the cock she was going to get rapidly used to. With how Wendy was offered, it was practically enough to almost be taken... but they had some fucking to do as Eleanor had indicated. One hand released it's grip and moved to take hold of Byra's outfit by the front, tugging her close to kiss her while the hand moved from holding her top to clutching a handful of her skirt-covered ass. It reminded him more and more that he would have to get more properly girly clothing for the femboy, such as some stockings and a garter, but for now his hand was content to molest the fine rump for only a few moments before breaking the steamy kiss.

"I'm going to sit back once I finish fucking her face... I think you both can sit in our unnf~... l-laps. While you do... I want you both to kiss, got it? You're both going to be sharing a common fact... that neither of your dicks will be used like the ones you're going to be loyal and in love with."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Byra's eyes sparkle with the promise of getting her masters cock back inside her ass hole. She pushes forward again and happily opens her mouth for Orval's tongue to invade all he wants. Down below, dink is swallowing his cock as best she can, focusing on breathing and Byra's advice to please as much as she can. She keeps her moist lips tight around his cock and bobs her head at a steady pace, making sure to keep the head of his cock in her throat at all times while the rest slides in and out of it.

Meanwhile, Eleanor has started thrusting, dragging her huge horse cock back and forth in side of Dink's now gaped ass hole. She is already leaking copious amounts of pre that serve to lubricate the kobolds ass more than just Byra's spit. The bult in dink's stomach moving in motion with Eleanors cock. She keeps a firm grip on Drink's plush ass and slowly builds speed as her lust begins to boil, staring down at the cock sleeve in front of her.

"Mmm, no real skills, but amazing base quality. Soft, hot and tight...you got yourself a real winner here Orval. Oh, I can't wait to pump this ass full of my cum!"


Jun 24, 2016
"Mmmfhwa~... w-well, now you know why I want you to fix her up to exactly how you got her. Unlike Orval here, I need to r-really culture her training. It's not like Byra or my others... D-Dink was just a nice and willing kobold who tried to rape me."

It took a few tries as he pushed and pulled Dink down and off his cock, but at last he finally pulled her free and moved the hand from her head to her shoulder. Breaking the kiss, he pulled Byra tighter against him while gently lifting the no-doubt strained kobold. She'd been turned into a cocksleeve during this session of sex and she was going to remain that. He'd give just enough of a shove to knock the horse-cocked herm back via Dink's connection with her huge rod, moving to sit close enough to the duo before releasing Byra. It allowed him to sit directly ahead of where both the dickgirls were, leaning back and supporting himself with one arm before patting his saliva-coated dick with a smirk.

"Alright, Byra... nice and slow and facing them. I want you to prove to Eleanor how dedicated you really are... and if you do, we'll go find a couch or a bed and fuck like a man and wife would for an hour or two. But after that, we're going to have to fuck as we move around the estate, to make sure we can see all of it and get you properly aware of where everything is. Got it?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yes master!" She quickly ditches her maid uniform, not needing it right now and moves in front of Orval. Spreading her plush ass cheeks she slowly slides down onto his cock, taking it straight down to the base in one fluid motions, wrapping her masters beloved cock in her tight anal passage. With a girly squeal Byra quickly starts bouncing her hips up and down on that wonderful cock, taking it from tip to hilt over and over again with practiced precision. Knowing her masters desires, she leans forward and grabs Dink, pushing into the kobold and shoving her tongue into Dink's mouth. dink reacts appropriately, wrapping her arms around Byra and returning the kiss.

Eleanor quickly wraps her arms around Dink's hips and drags the kobold cock sleeve up and down her huge cock, loving the sight on display infront of her. with free reign to move her toy, she makes long and slow drags so she can feel every part of that ass.  


Jun 24, 2016
It wasn't something he could get used to, Byra's quick mount and immediate bouncing. It seemed like now was the time to reign the slut in. Both hips clasped her hums and slammed her down onto his cock with a grunt, quickly holding her so that she broke free from her momentary makeout.

"No! You're to be submissive and not fuck me! I'm going to fuck you!"

Pulling her up, he put on a mimicry of Eleanor's abuse of his kobold-kin by raising and smashing the now nude femboy down hard. Byra could feel a hard spank to her ass along with their hips colliding, his hand groping hard while the other moved to one of her nipples and pinched. Byra was a slut that he wanted to be proper. He'd broken the manhood inside her, now he'd refine the boypussy and its owner into a prim maid that could best Eleanor's panther-kin butler. She would become pivotal to his plans... which meant she would submit the greatest of all!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Byra lets out an adorable cry of pain and pleasure as she is suddenly slammed down onto his cock and her ass so roughly spanked and groped. The added treatment of rough pinches to her nipple makes her fall back into Orval's chest, limp with pleasure. "Master! Please! I'm sorry! I just wanted to please you!" the little maid begs for forgiveness, clearly realizing her eagerness made her overstep her bounds. Hoping to make amends, she leans forward into Dink again and presents her ass to Orval proper, a hole for him to fuck, not be fucked by.

Dink has gone insensate again as that huge horse cock continues to thrust in and out of her abused ass. Her scaled feet twitch and her tongue hangs out of her mouth as she is used exactly like a toy...which is exactly Eleanors point, the kobold is just a toy for her cock right now. She pulls the kobolds knees up to her chest, grips her thighs firmer and begins sliding her up and down faster as her climax draws ever closer. "Oh, here comes a load, get ready little fuck toy!"


Jun 24, 2016
"N-Nfh~... g-good! As punishment... d-don't cum or I'll have miss Eleanor help m-me punish you! You're to hold on and learn d-dignity and p-poise!"

The sight of the bulging stomach of Dink had his fingers locking tighter around Byra's nipple while his other hand spanked her nice ass left-right-and left in a cycle to fit his thrusts into her. He was gonna give Byra some nice handprints to go with her denial, letting the two resume their rather sloppy kissing. His balls quaked as the ass-quaking unison of his spanks and thrusts pushed him over the edge for a mere moment before pulling Byra down fully and moaning. Cum pumped out and into the trap's ass with his new vigor, knowing this first test was going to be the hardest Byra would face. Dink was getting teamed to show her what she could be getting treated like if she crossed him, hopefully helping set the road for breaking her in. Maybe he'd let Eleanor use Dink's butt whenever the herm needed to be punished with a mind-fucking giant horse dong!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Orgasm rushed through Orval's form in ways her has never felt before. If Wallis' food packed a punch, Eleanor's magic was ten times that effect! Over and over does cum surge from his cock, pure bliss washing through his form as he pumps Byra up and up until she has a pregnant looking belly bulge! It isn't until she is mewling on the floor does his orgasm come to and end...and he doesnt even feel fatigued! If anything, that was just a drop in the bucket that is his new found production and stamina!

Eleanor watched with pride as Orval's new production stuffed the girly boy until she was pregnant looking. Seeing that was just what she needed to push her over. Putting Dink on the ground she slams her cock into the hilt and with several mighty throbs she begins hosing Dink's insides with oceans of cum! Her belly rapidly swells as massive waves of cum pour into her until she simply can't take it any more and cum starts to spurt out between her ass and Eleanor's cock. Still the cum is pumped in and it is finally forced up her throat and out her mouth, cum seeping out like she was a fountain. With a satisfied sigh the tidal wave ends and Eleanor sits down, Dink still impaled on her cock.

"That was lovely Orval! Thank you for letting me use her! Feel free to take Wendy whenever you want."


Jun 24, 2016
It'd only cost Dink probably tasting cum for a week and being an absolute mess, but the herm had earned him yet another for his harem. Both hands wrapped around to ever-so-gently put both hands on the inflated belly of his maid. She'd somehow not popped during all that, the bliss coming down with his cock buried in a spooge-filled hole. He'd remained nice and hard and felt more than ready to keep going, much to the truth of what he'd been promised. So even while Dink and Eleanor had stopped, the pair would get to witness the sight of him toppling Byra over and onto her face and knees. With her ass up and his grip shifted back to her hips, he began his rutting once more.

"H-Haaaa~! N-No problem, Eleanor! Th-there wouldn't be a couch nearby, w-would there? I plan on rutting Byra as a reward for her enduring, but that requires something to support her and cushion my thrusts. Dink needs to be fixed up, though, before we go! I have plans for her, too!"

Keeping Byra pinned face down, he slid her over to the pool of cum that had seeped and spilled from Dink's body-filling load to give the maid boy some spunk to smell and taste while getting rutted. A quick spank would come the instant she tried to lick at it, however, his voice cutting above the ass-smacking thrusts he was delivering.

"None of that cum is yours! You're going to learn proper restraint, Byra! You might have been a slut for me, but you're going to become a proper maid and lover! And until you do, your ass is mine to fuck and hit as hard as I want while you're not allowed to orgasm! If you do, then I'll just have to torture you like Dink and not give you any of your beloved dick!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Orval didn't have to see her face to know that Byra's eyes widened in terror. Not having access to her beloved masters cock?! No, that would be too cruel! Despite having her face pushed partially into a large puddle of delicious looking cum, she keeps her mouth shut and only breathes in the musky scent. Her ass tightens around his dick as her pleasure builds higher and higher, but the horrified maid refuses to let her switch flip for fear of what will happen if she does. That lovely tight ass only serves to pleasure Orval to greater heights though and increase friction of their rutting, making it harder than ever not to cum like the little slut she is.

"Master....please...have mercy! Your cock...is so good...don't take it away from your butt slutt! Please...anything but that!"

With a wet shlick sound, Eleanor pulls out of Dink's ass, her hands already glowing green as she returns the kobolds massively gaped ass hole back to normal which also serves to lock in the majority of her cum filling. After giving her one more scan to make sure no more damage has been done, she leaves the blank eyed fuck toy on the floor resting in a pool of still warm cum after wiping her cock off on Dink's furry bits.

"Ah, I am afraid I don't have a couch in here, but you can use one of those arm chairs, should work just as well as a brace." She points to one of the chairs in front of her desk.


Jun 24, 2016
"F-Fuck... I-I'm not looking for a brace, I'm looking for something to keep us both nice and relaxed..." 

Thrusting hard and remaining inside Byra, his arms moved to wrap around her distended gut before slowly climbing up to his feet. She wasn't quite learning that she wasn't allowed to be a "butt slut" but rather a "posterior fun-enjoyment receptacle. He wasn't dealing with the current status of his kobold yet, moving to one of the chairs before plopping back and onto it. It was just going to be that Eleanor had to put up with their rutting for now, his hands moving to lift Byra's legs and spread them wide. The act was both to strip her of her control entirely and to put on a show for if Eleanor returned to her desk. Sadly, it also meant that as he raised and dropped Byra onto his cock that the stuffed femboy leaked cum onto the chair, Orval, and the floor with thick plops of the semen.

"Y-You nnngh~... w-want mercy? Fine... I'll aim for your prostate. You're allowed to cum only one time, though... and as soon as you do, you're going to turn and face me and we're going to kiss until I've fucked you for a few hours. No more slutty behavior... you're to try your best to be proper and refined... or I'll have to keep my word and not fuck you."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Eleanor returns to her desk and begins filling out paper work and reading over various papers. She occasionally looks up to watch the performance, but it seems she is mostly back to business mode and completely disregards their rutting, no matter how messy or loud it is. Her control over her own lust is amazing if such a display doesn't even phase her.

Byra was in a state of internal conflict. She wanted nothing more than to bend over and be ravaged by her beloved master any time and any place that he desired, but now he was telling her to be prim and proper about the act? Such a thing was beyond the poor maid, but the look on her face showed her new resolve. For now though, she would enjoy her last lust addled fuck as the butt slut she was turned into by Orval's own hand. Squeezing her ass around his cock she did her best to keep her legs up and her hole tight as she was used like a toy. Moaning loudly every time Orval's cock bumped into her prostate and her tiny dick throbbing and leaking pre freely with every motion inside her.

"Thank you master! Please fuck your maid! Fill me up even more! Impregnate my ass!"


Jun 24, 2016
Orval was more than happy to oblige, taking the disinterest of Eleanor into barely any regard as he lewdly and loudly moved Byra up and then back down his prick. Stuffed and fucking him so roughly, it was no surprise that the hole could have felt more wet and slippery than a cunt. Though he wasn't happy he pretty much guaranteed knocking someone up if he came inside them with such a ridiculous load, it was more than inspiring when fucking a nice ass that couldn't truly get pregnant. Byra begging for him to knock her backdoor up was more than enough to kick his mating lust up, as if he was going to give the maidboy a proper butt-baby to be born alongside the child he'd given Belle. It was only a few moments more before he felt his sensitive cock rushing to another climax as he brought Byra down to the hilt once more with the hardest smack against her prostate yet.


Releasing her legs and letting her come to sit fully on him, his hands darted to her shoulders to push her down as if he could fit even more inside her. The white seed rushed into her already stuffed gut, the belly bulging further and further. Face against her back, he moaned nice and loud as his balls magically refilled to try and make-up for the vast amounts of cum he was pumping into her. Any bit of manliness in Byra was truly gone... and it was the final straw that made him truly ready to begin molding the most broken and loyal of his slaves into a proper and newly refined maid and lover.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With the worlds must lusty voice, Byra hits her climax. Her tiny cock twitches and throbs as it spits out small ropes of cum that simply splat against her stomach and thighs. Eyes rolling most of the way back into her head, her ass grips, squeezes and milks her masters cock like the cum dump it truly is. Wave after wave is poured deep inside her, flowing straight into her stomach making the normally smooth surface swell even further than it had before. Eventually her stomach can take no more and the cum is forced up her throat and back out of her mouth, flowing lewdly out like a cum fountain. Byra's stomach is so swollen she makes a pregnant woman look modestly thin.

Finally coming down off her orgasmic high, Byra falls limp against Orval, her hands lightly gripping his with a loving squeeze as she slowly starts to compose herself. As much fun as she just had, it was time to obey her masters orders. Shaking her head and taming her voice, Byra smiles and look over her shoulder. "Thank you for filling me up again master. I don't think I have cum so hard in my entire life. What can I do to please you next? Or would you like another round with my asshole? It only exists to serve you after all."


Jun 24, 2016
Rather than answer, Orval released the thoroughly filled cocksleeve's shoulders before taking hold of her slim hips. He'd lift her enough that cum surged from her well-shaped hole for all but a moment, only lowering her when the large gut was between them. And, with a moment to wipe the cum from her lips, he finally shifted his hold to take her hands in a loving grip.

"As I said... you're going to lightly ride me for a few hours... we can let the cum leak out of you when needed... but I think we'll start your new training with a few hours of kissing. You're my lover and woman... so time to make you formed to me and we'll-verses in all my favorite activities... understood?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yes master, understood completely. I am to ride you while kissing you for several hours and only let your cum out when needed. i can't thank you enough for letting me indulge in your physical presence for so long, I will be sure to savor it and bring you as much pleasure as this body will allow."

Eleanor clears her throat and taps the desk. "I'm sorry you two, but please take this to a bathroom, outside or your bedroom at the very least. I have a fair mount of paper work to do." She rings a bell and Sirus comes in. "Yes ma'am?"

"Sirus, please fetch Yalna for me, I need her to clean all this up." She waves at the huge puddle of cum on the floor, chair and Dink.

"Right away ma'am." He slips out the door and comes back in mere minutes with a pink colored slime girl! "Yalna, please clean this mess up."

"Right away mr. sirus sir!" The slime girl kneels down in the cum puddle and starts soaking it up with her absorbent body. The floor and chair are spotless in seconds and she even pushes a fist into Dink's ass to clean that up as well. She then turns to Orval and Byra. "Shall I clean you two up as well sir?"


Jun 24, 2016
"Oh, come now Eleanor. You fucked my kind bold senseless. It's only fair we can stay. But, I guess we can go..."

Kissing Byra lightly, he released her hands and moved both hands to clutch his maid's rump. Rising to his feet, he supported the cum-inflated femboy and kept her in-place. The offer to get cleaned was nice, though, his eyes fixing lewdly on the slime.

"No, not yet. But you could help move my kobold over there and help us around. I need to show Byra around the place on a tour, after all. If you help, we can let you clean us up and help my lover with the cum inside her."

Giving all but a moment for Byra to adjust, he squeezed the ass that he was going to be spanking and groping for the next few hours. This was the life he wanted... and it was only going to get better as he fucked and refined the harem serving him!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Yalna looks to Eleanor who nods softly. "Alright then! I can help you move your kobold!" She surges over to Dink and picks her up with ease. "Are we going back to your room sir? Or shall I carry her around for the tour as well?"

Sirus pushes the door open and stands to the side so the other can leave first. "These questions can be discussed outside of the Mistresses study. Please be on your way."

Everyone but Eleanor leaves the room. Sirus promptly nods and goes about his business around the mansion while Yalna just smiles at Orval waiting for orders.


Jun 24, 2016
Outside, his hands groped the nice as for a moment while looking to the goo. Maybe he'd earn Sirus to mold into a girly boy too, but for now he was content to enjoy his closely supported maid and think of how to use his volunteering slime. Walking down the hall with a nice spank toget Byra to cling more tightly, he finally smiled to Yalna.

"So... before we take Dink back to my quarters, show us around. You're more than welcome to even plug her holes... but no stretching her out. The kobold there hasn't gained any proper training yet."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Yalna smiles and pushes Dink into her gooey body. The kobold now floats inside the slime with her head sticking out between the slimes breasts, resting on one like a pillow. The knocked out Dink lets out a light moan as she pushes slimy cocks into both her holes while stuck inside her.

"Thank you very much sir! your kobold is very tasty! such an exotic flavor! Now then, this floor is for the Mistress and special guests....like you! As you know, that room is her study, this room we stand in is both a hallway and waiting room should you need to see the Mistress but she is busy. Down that hall is your room, a maid will come by during breakfast to clean up any messes inside, so feel free to get as messy as you want. Those doors by your room are much smaller slave quarters, should you not want a slave to be with you during the night. Please, follow me downstairs and ask questions if you are confused about anything!"

Byra squeaks and moans every time she feels Orvals cock moving around inside her and each time her gives her ass a fond slap. She manages to keep a steady walk cycle, even though Orval is still lodged deep inside her.

"This is the third floor! This is for the head staff quarters. Sirus, the head cook, the head maid, the head cow and the head gardener all have special rooms up here. They are all at the respective posts right now, so the rooms are empty. If you want to talk to them casually, look for them here after dinner!" She then heads down to the second floor.

"The second floor is the servants quarters! We all share large communal rooms here. six of us are assigned to each room so there is not much privacy...not that we really want it. This place can feel kind of scary when you are alone, so having someone close by is a great sensation! Any and all staff are here to help you in any regard. If a maid catches your eye, just walk up and have your way with her. Please refrain from doing this to the kitchen staff if they are working...no one wants burnt food."

She takes them down to the ground floor. "Here we are at the base floor! Here you have the dining room, the foyer, the kitchen, the tool closets, a few storage closets and the front and back entrance to the house! This floor tends to get pretty busy as we all go about or daily chores! Any questions before we go outside?"


Jun 24, 2016
With their walk, Orval had kept his maid in a snug grip the whole informative time. For a slime that cleaned up cum, she was certainly well-informed. But he learned a lot about the estate and how any of the staff were to bend over should he wish. Maybe fucking Sirus wasn't so far-fetched to knocking the guy down a few pegs.

"N-ngh... n-none yet. You wouldn't mind getting that mouse-girl thief of a cum-dump after this, would you? She's been trained a bit by Eleanor, but I was allowed to have her. Getting her used to my ownership will be important, so after the tour I need her sent there and collared with one of my two left. Beyond that, no questions yet from me. I'm not sure for my lover here, though. You've kept things answered... but are there slaves who've been untouched and unbroken? I need to amass my own lovers and slaves like Eleanor, but I prefer some that need... teaching and breaking in."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Yalna nods to him and smiles. "I will have Wendy sent up to your room once we are done. As for unbroken slaves...yes actually! I will show you them in time. They are technically outside. Please follow me!" She turns and leads them out the front door to the front yard. "This is the entrance yard, kept immaculate and clean by our skilled gardeners! Feel free to come out here and admire the work whenever you want!"

She leads them over to the let side of the house which is covered by a smaller building. "This here is the pool. To keep the slaves fit, mandatory swim classes are held here three times a week. Swimming is proven to keep fat in check, muscles lean and swimming it just a good skill to have! As always, feel free to claim any girls you might find in here."

going about around and to the right in a continuationg of the front yard with a very large barn in the corner. "This part of the yard remains mostly empty, sometimes small events are held out here, but mostly it is just grass. Now that barn, THAT is interesting." She leads them to the barn and opens the doors. Inside are at least twenty cow-kin girls, all with large breasts and thick bodies. They each have their own stalls which are furnished fairly nicely. "This, is the power of the Mistresses family! Clear Sky dairy cows! Each of these girls has been changed for maximum production and are completely happy basically being cattle! They spend all their time in here if they are not doing exercise or other chores. They milk each other and other maids move the milk from here to be bottled, chilled and then put out for the caravan! If you want to, please come out here and impregnate the cows, it boosts production for the carry term and the child will always be another cow for the stalls! They also love it!"

Heading back out of the barn they move to the back yard which is full of flowers, bushes and trees. A large patio is set up for outside dining and relaxing. There is also a fair number of crops, mostly fruits and grains, being grown in the far side. "This is the small farm to cut down on costs and for the Mistress to relax outside in privacy! Any questions before I show you the unbroken slaves?"