A Grand Tomorrow (For BubbleLord)


Jun 24, 2016
Knowing that the slaves he'd no doubt have to leave at the estate would be kept in shape was good. He felt his prick harden within Byra's nice butt at the information on Eleanor's family, however. She kept cows to milk and sell the goods of that she would even make the kids of the cows enter their line of work. Maybe, far down the road, he could make Eleanor his cow. Maybe he could find a commodity to trade, such as his army that Dink would produce in time.

"None. I'm impressed by Eleanor's personal estate and land. It makes me eager to see the work she throws at me so I can start my own place. The types of girls she has from cows to you is something I envy. Now... take me to the place you hold the unbroken goods, Yalna... and then you can have all the nice cum inside Byra."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh thank you sir! Please, follow me!" The pink slime girl leads them through the yard and up to the back side of the house. A small water later reveals double doors that look like they lead down into some sort of cellar. Yalna opens the doors and steps inside, leading them down the stairs and into a large warm room. The room is square in shape and the walls are lined with prison cells. The center of the room is dominated by various bondage tools and devices, from simple leather straps all the way up to a wooden horse and everything in between.

"This is the holding and conditioning room. Rebellious slaves are kept here until they can learn their place. Mistress Eleanor personally comes down here to try and teach these slaves that life with her is better than anything else...and it is! Don't let the tools here scare you, no damage is delt to the slaves...no permanent damage that is. This is only for the really naughty boys and girls though, most of them just need a few sessions with her to become good maids!"

Right now there are five people down here. Two human women, a human man, a tiger-kin girl and a bird-kin man. None of them acknowledge the three as they enter or even as Yalna talks.


Jun 24, 2016
Entering the dungeon, he was certainly blown away. She broke them through bondage? Even with Yalna telling him to not let them scare him, it certainly cast a more dark light on his benefactor. The Mistress was open to making thieves into cumdumps and making people suffer pain and pleasure just to break them? At least Byra had broken from pleasure alone, when he claimed her backdoor and masculinity. The three humans didn't catch his eye as he moved to one of the bondage chairs and sat down in the thing to rest his legs. It also helped that he moved a hand to squeeze a palmful of Byra's rump while the rocked his cock within her.

"The tiger-kin and bird-kin... you don't think she'd let me have one or both of them, do you? I mean... I don't mean to cast insult on how she does things, but surely this isn't the place to treat them, slaves or not..."

While trying to get all five was certainly a nice idea, the truth was that Eleanor would very likely come knocking to see if he had broken or at least made good use of them. With two, it was quite likely she'd not mind much. They were also two types of kin he hadn't seen in his travels through this small part of the kingdom...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Yalna bit her lip and looked around. "Ok...I don't actually know the answer to that one. But, let me show you something...just don't tell mistress!" She walks over to the bondage equipment and pulls out a whipe, she holds it to Orval and the secret is obvious....the whip is fake, getting hit with this would do very little and it would most likely break on impact! Yalna leans up to whisper in his ear. "This stuff is all fake. She never uses any of it. It is just scare tactics." she puts the whip back and smiles. "You would have to ask the mistress if you wanted the two kin down here, though something tells me she wouldn't mind you training them up instead of her. So long as they are loyal to the mistress in the end!"


Jun 24, 2016
Being told he couldn't have either permanently was certainly a major let-down. As exotic as the two kin were, he didn't want to waste the time training them just to not keep them. Taking a moment to spank Byra, he'd kiss the maid and nod to her to get her bouncing and riding his cock properly with her cum-filled belly between them. It was only then that he reached out with his free hand to take the goo girl's softly so as to not sink into her. His eyes met her own as he tried to put on the charm and negotiate.

"Look... I can either tell them what's going on down here and make things a lot tougher for Eleanor to train them... or you can do me a favor and request that I get those two for myself. If she allows me that, I'll have my lamia train the three humans... and as she was a seasoned whore, she can easily break them with that tail of hers and a lot of lube. And any damage can be fixed once they're addicted to getting filled... three broken and ready-to-train humans in exchange for those two to do with as I please. It seems fair... especially when Mistress Eleanor can change their bodies to fit her desires."
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Yalna laughs openly, patting Orval's leg as she does so. "you are a funny guy mr! Was that an attempt at black mail? Go ahead, tell them what I told you. They won't believe you, even if you show them. They all know the Mistress is a mesmer, they are about as paranoid as it gets at this point. No, if you want them, you will have to discuss that with the Mistress herself, not try and extort them out of me. Silly guy. Is that how you got your other slaves? Black mial and power plays? Oh man, you must be a fun person to watch."


Jun 24, 2016
Getting laughed at, Orval certainly wasn't happy. It was only then that he removed Byra from his cock and the cum surged out. As a slime, there wasn't much he could do physically... but he did look to Byra for a few moments before looking back to the slime.

"The truth is that power plays work well. I'll discuss getting them, but you're not allowed to touch the cum that drips out of this one. If you even consider it, I'll request I get you, put you in a collar, and order you to stay perfectly still. Your mistress said I was to be her partner and equal... and you laughing at me is disrespectful regardless of blackmailing you or otherwise. If you want to earn forgiveness, you'll get those two out of their cages and present them. Then, once I've had my fair bit of looking them over and ensuring they're up to my standards, I'm going to have you carry both Byra and my kobold there back to my quarters. And rest assured... your laughter and disrespect will reach your mistress!"

Hearing himself would have likely told Orval how far the blacksmith had come since acquiring a harem and how possessive he was becoming, but the idea that he'd been called out for making power plays and blackmailing had stung enough that he ignored it. The magical mistress body-morphed and mind-molded her people willing or otherwise. The worst he had done so far was deny Dink his seed! Her stock had no right to laugh at him, especially not a slime that cleaned up spunk and body-fluids for her mistress. She was no better than a rag based on her use!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Amazingly enough...the slime keeps a calm and cool stance as Orval barks at her. When she speaks, her normal happy demeanor is now flat and sounds rather bored. "Alright pal why don't you pack in the go for a second and think about this. You just showed up here, asked for a tour and then went for a power play. I don't know who you think you are, but on this estate, Mistress is the be all end all of power. I like cum, it sustains me much better than water, and on that note I volunteered to work here, I am not some broken bitch here to serve with smile." Her body swells up larger as she looks down at Orval.

"So who do you think she will believe first? The new guy who she took a chance on...or the loyal slime who has been here for years? Yea, I thought so. Now, you can pack in that attitude, I will pretend you didn't just try to usurp slaves from the mistress, this conversation never happened, and if you still want those kin folk, you will talk to the mistress yourself."

She shrinks back down and goes back to her bubbly happy self. "Next time pick your targets better! What next, you going to try your hand with sirus?!" She giggles and waves to the stairs. "Come along, no need to linger here."


Jun 24, 2016
As she went for the stairs, his face said it all as he turned and looked to Byra. Orval had been getting his way for so long, he'd forgot that not everything was so simple. His employer had needed him, yet her staff were so confident and sure of themselves that they would talk him down. The slime wasn't intimidating,  but it wasn't possible for him to do more than bite his tongue for now. If he new magic, he could subdue her more than likely... but instead he'd pick Byra up and, with the maid being put back on his dick with the nice mess of cum that had spilled out, he'd pull her nice and tight against his form to whisper into her ear.

"I want you to find out about slimes once we get back... if I can pull off these jobs for the Mistress, she's the one I'm going to request to break."

With a spank to the heiny to make it lewd, he'd finally turn with a small smile of his own.

"Right... of course. Lead the way back to my quarters. I'll just have to speak with your Mistress later."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"right this way!" She leads them back up the stairs, around the yard, into the manor and up to his quarters. She gently places the sleeping Dink onto the bed and moves back to the doors of his room. "Anything else you need or shall I be on my way now?"


Jun 24, 2016
As they arrived and Dink was put on the bed, he couldn't help but wonder where his other two women had run off to. Putting Byra down at long last, he'd turn and face the slime before giving a quick motion toward the cum-leaking hole.

"You can take care of her... I need to find my other two slaves. And having food sent to us would be equally nice of you... I'd prefer you not be with the group that comes, however."

The air between them was certainly more sour now, Orval's distrust and dislike of Yalna somewhat similar to that of the fat and rich slob he'd used to acquire his initial trio. While she wasn't a pig and beast, she was certainly not his kind of person. She knew what Eleanor was doing by tricking and mind-fucking these people with magic, yet she chose to willingly serve her just for the cum and free bed? A slut or a pathetic woman, either way he had no reason to like her especially after she insulted him and called him out. As new as he was to being a guy in power, the blacksmith had been told he'd be treated well enough by Eleanor... yet she had clearly revealed that any plans he had to be even remotely her equal or eventually her better wasn't going to be easy nor simple. This would be a challenge far different than acquiring the brothel... and would have to ask Selena and Belle their opinions. Unlike the fucked-out herm and the cum-stuffed maid, those two had quite the mind for how things worked and could prove far more useful with thinking of the next course of action.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Yalna slides her hand into Byra's ass and pumps the cum out of it and into her gooey body. In a minute the maid is back to her usual slim body build and Yalna gives a light bow. "I will send word to the cooks that food is needed. Excuse me." Yalna leaves the room.

Belle and Selean come walking out of the bathroom looking fairly happy.

"Master, you have returned already! Selena here helped me keep your seed inside as long as we could, but I was started to feel stretched so we had to stop."

"Honestly though Orval, you came right against her cervix, she is probably pregnant by this point...though you could always try again to be sure."

"Master...is everything alright? You look tense."

Byra squirms lightly with a frown on her face. "That felt...weird. Now I feel empty too master..."


Jun 24, 2016
"We can fuck tomorrow Byra... as I said, my day is meant to be for Belle."

He'd not kept to fucking Byra gently for hours, but with the slime gone he at last had time to speak.

"Take Dink and bathe her until she's assuredly clean and try to wake her..."

Discarding his clothes simply enough, he took a moment of standing nude with his prick throbbing. Moving to crawl into the bed, he rolled into his back and stretched out. Getting comfortable, he would turn his gaze toward the lamia and very-likely pregnant cow-kin.

"I got much bigger loads and stamina now... so Belle, you're going to continue rising me. Selena, come here and lay at my side. I've got a lot to fill you both in on..."


An hour later, he was holding Belle in one arm to rest the big-titted cowgirl atop him with her teat in his mouth and his cock buried deep. Selena was in the other arm beside him, groping her gently. Popping off, he'd lick the nipple and rub Belle's back with a grumble.

"So yeah... that's what you missed. Any ideas? I can't imagine letting this go... it's like she spit in my face. I wish there was some way to beat that slime, but steel doesn't work and I know no magic at all..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Belle already looked pregnant as she was holding two of his massive loads inside her vagina and womb. She rested atop Orval with a happy smile on her face as he suckled from her breast.

"Hmm, that is certainly an issue. But while she was very rude, it also served as a warning master. The brothel was easy, the people happy to change sides...but here we are dealing with Eleanors loyal slaves and servants. People that either willing submitted or no longer remember not being at her side. Gathering more girls to your side will be a tricky act to pull off."

Selena was up against his side, holding the hand on her breast and sighing happily at the belly rubs. 

"Slimes....slimes....physical damage is useless and while they are weak to fire...that would kill her. Which would not help. I remember reading something about slimes...something that could get you the leg up on her but...guh, that was so long ago I have forgotten. Something about the way they eat....." She shakes her head in frustration. "I'm sorry Orval, but I just can't remember what that book said."

Over on the couch, Byra had Drink resting her head on her lap. Dink was awake now, but relaxing after such a brutal fuck and stuffing.


Jun 24, 2016
"The way they eat... I guess we'll have to keep an eye out for books on slimes. I imagine there's nothing like that here since Eleanor likely has no need for such things. And I consider the warning taken..."

Looking to Selena, he'd kiss her before looking back to the stuffed belly of his cow-kin. If he was going to make children and ensure things are done properly, then he had to at least stay neutral with Eleanor. Playing behind the scenes would be vastly important... especially if word did get out that he tried such a move on Yalna. Carefully looking up to Belle, his hand to between her large tits and gently sat her up atop him.

"Selena, I want you to take the time to ask around the staff for where you could find some books. Byra and I got a tour earlier, but we didn't hear about anything like that except for maybe the storage rooms on the first floor. Start there and work your way to the slave quarters. With all the maids she has, there's no way you can't find someone who might know where we can find that knowledge. As for you, Belle..."

His hand removed itself from Selena's orb and from around her, slipping it free to put it on her belly.

"As a future mother... I want to know all you can tell me about yourself. Age, where you came from, how things were... I want to make certain this child has everything they'll need... maybe I'll even let them take on some of the cow-kin traits with the human bloodline, too. The more I know, the more we can both figure out what this child needs."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Selena nods and gets out of the bed. "Of course Orval, i will head down right now. They have to have more books than just what is in the Mistresses study...more common books that the staff has access too. I will find something for certain." She gives him a quick peck on the cheek and slithers out of the room, a woman on a mission!

"Of course master...everything about me. I am currently thirty years old..which is old for a whore. I came from Haven Grove, the great farm city in the middle of the kingdom. My mother was a cow-kin and my father was a farmer. They were both farm hands and after working together for a while they fell in love. They saved up enough money to get their own small farm and after a few years I was born. For a while I was an only child but soon my mother conceived again and I have a younger brother who last I heard was working as a black smith in Bar'shul landing far to the west. Growing up was calm and easy going on the farm. I did various chores to help with harvest and played with the other farm kids. As I grew older, I found myself bored of such a simple life and went to Skarhl port in search of adventure. Instead, I ran out of money and was forced to work at the brothel or end up a beggar. Does that help?"


Jun 24, 2016
Having a lover physically around his age was nice, but he made a note that she considered herself old for a whore. While she wasn't going to be a whore beyond being his personal cocksleeve and lover, it would no doubt do some good for him to carry out on his sex-fueled statement from far earlier. A slight age-lift could help her not only become more attractive and make it a much better time for them both with her younger body's stamina, but it could prove useful for allowing her to have the agility and fitness a warrior might require. Moving both hands to her tits, he'd gently massage her with groping hands over her nice nipples with a smile.

"It helps a lot. If you really have a brother, we'll have to find him. Another blacksmith to work with could allow me to make some really great pieces of work. Do you ever miss it? Getting to enjoy a simple life? As one of no doubt many women I'll be knocking up, I doubt we'll have something so simple. Would you be able to endure that?"

With her large size, the only comfort he had was the tightness of her well-stuffed cunt and the fur of her legs. It was only then that he raised a brow questioningly.

"Would you... want to have human-like feet? You know... like Byra and I have? I imagine we can keep your legs covered in fur like this... but it might be easier for you to walk without your hooves, even if you need time to adjust..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She smiles down at Orval, sighing blissfully as her breasts continue to receive attention.

"It would be nice to have him around. Someone I know and trusts working the forges other than you. He favors heavier weapons but...you will understand why when you see him." She chuckles at the though.

"As for that life...I only miss it every now and again, when things get hectic and I want to take a load off my mind drifts back to the calm atmosphere of the farm....but it is fleeting, cause I know I will grow bored of it again. So you don't have to worry master, I can endure whatever life you lead me on."

The question of her feet caught her off guard. She never considered it. "I...don't know about my feet master. I was born with hooves and I have no issues walking around on them. They also don't need boots so that saves on some costs and hastle. But...do you want me to have feet? we are in the employment of a biomancer...nothing is permanent any more."


Jun 24, 2016
Knowing he'd caught her a bit off-guard, he took a moment to re-figure the question in his mind. Once he had it, thankful that she seemed open to the idea of him acquiring her brother in some form and that she was willing to follow and endure any lifestyle, he finally gave her teats a nice squeeze and released them.

"Well... boots or not, I imagine walking in some terrains might not be as easy due to how they're shaped. Of course... I... er... I think a human foot is a bit more attractive, but just doing it because I want to wouldn't be right. Maybe with some slut like Dink who tried to rape me or that slime girl... you're going to be the mother of one of my children willingly and happily. That alone makes it important that you want it just as much as I might. Our child is going to be human, after all, so I can make them have human feet, hooves, wings, whatever... but you're not going to be a child born to my name. You're going to be the mother of that child and making you happy is important."

Gently pushing into her nice cunt with a slight raise of his hips, he lowered but kept himself lodged in the sitting cow-kin.

"You're worth the cost and hassle... don't think you're not. If you start getting ideas that you aren't, I'll just fuck you until you're too hazy-minded to argue with me."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She laughs at the way her put that and nods her head along with him. "Thank you master, I will keep that in mind. As of right now, I am happy with my hooves but I will keep that offer in mind. A change of...feet...could be interesting." She rests her hands on her belly and smiles warmly down at it. "Right now I am happy to know I will foster a new life in my womb."

The moment is broken by a knocking on the door. "Excuse me, sir Orval. It is me, Sirus. May I come in?"


Jun 24, 2016
Only getting enough time to nod and smile, he'd move his hand to join hers in the rubbing of the cum-filled stomach. The knock had caught him a bit unaware, his eyes turning toward the door for a few moments before he grumbled. Looking up, he'd shift his hands to her tits and bring her from atop him to pinned on the bed. The interruption had reminded him exactly what he was doing... rutting a very soon-to-be motherly cowgirl. Pulling out all the way, he'd thrust entirely inside powerfully one time before taking a nice, steady ass-smacking beat.

"Haa~... come in!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Belle moans in bliss, her pussy squeezing at his cock as she is thoroughly fucked once again by her master. She keeps her legs held up high and wide while her arms hold his shoulders.

Sirus steps inside with the mouse girl Wendy at his side. "First and fore most sir I must apologize. It seems words were mixed up as you were expecting to collar Wendy here and take her as your own. Mistress has asked me to apologize on her behalf as this is not the actual case. She was simply offering Wendy up as a sex partner. I have brought her with me should you still wish to partake of her body."

"Secondly, your food will be up shortly....and another apology must be made. Yalna took her sweet time informing the staff of your request so the chefs are working post haste. Yalna is being punished as we speak so no need to worry."

"Last and certainly not least, I am here to ask if you wish to put requests out to the manors tailor for new clothes either for you or your slaves. Does that fit your fancy at all sir?"


Jun 24, 2016
Yalna being punished was something he hoped was genuine. Hopefully the slime was getting paid proper dues that could somewhat make-up for the start of a long route to making her his and breaking her. Losing Wendy as a collared slave, however, was something that inspired a frown in him. It was only after hearing that before he'd pull out and leave a trail of cum connecting him and his cow-kin.

"So not only did I get her causing a problem along with food being delayed for my slaves and I, but Eleanor won't let me keep that mouse?"

Looking to Belle, he'd take a moment before leaning over her and kissing her. Stroking her cheek passingly, he would move to the edge of the bed and get off before fixing his gaze on Sirus. Slowly walking to stand before him and the mouse, he'd study her before looking to the butler with a furrowed brow. Being smart was something he could afford... and it seemed fair that he finally start fitting the bill of the guy he wanted to be. To fit the bill of the man he'd need to become.

"Take me to Eleanor. If I can't take Wendy, then I need to request a proper replacement. My employer is gracious, of course, but I was expecting to get a new woman to join my harem. If I can't take Wendy, there needs to be negotiations for how she utterly ravaged my kobold-kin to the point she's still recovering. Clothes and attire can wait until after that."
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Sirus bows his head "Of course sir, your anger is more than justified. Please follow me, we shall go to the Mistress right away." With another polite bow he opens the door and all three of them leave the room, heading towards Eleanor's study. He knocks once and promptly opens the door after she gives permission.

"Mistress, it seems there have been some problems with Yalna, confusion with Wendy here and general failure considering the normal flow of this manor."

Eleanor looks up, not pleased at all. "Well, is Yalna beign dealt with properly? And what is this confusion about Wendy?"

"Yalna purposefully delayed passing on meal orders to the kitchen staff for nearly an hour. She is being given the fizzy wine treatment ma'am. Sir Orval here was under the impression that he would get to keep Wendy as his own and would now like compensation for all these failures."

Eleanor sighs heavily. "Thank you Sirus. Make sure she learns her lesson. I will speak with Orval here. Take Wendy with you please." Sirus nods and leaves the room with Wendy.

"I am so sorry Orval. Normally this manor runs smooth as fresh cream...."


Jun 24, 2016
Walking into the study, he took little time to cross to one of the chairs. And, as he sat down, he did his best to look offended and upset.

"No worries. I am curious what that fizzy wine treatment is somewhat, but I need to talk about how I thought I was receiving Wendy. If that's not to be the case... then I'd like someone to replace her role."

It was hard to not play off just how much he was happy this sort of situation had occurred. Wendy was just a generic thief turned into a slut-mouse. She had no character beyond sucking dick and taking cum. And that meant there was only one way he could get something of equal worth. Carefully making sure his ringed finger was available he leaned forward and met the larger herm with the utmost serious of looks.

"Yalna showed me where you keep your newest and most rebellious slaves and captured individuals. I want the tiger-kin and the bird-kin there. In exchange, I'll offer to train one of the humans you had down there for you... but it seems only fair that you entrust me those two. They're not broken and the best slaves are those earned without the use of magic. I can keep them and handle their educations and, should the time come that we celebrate... I'll share them with you."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Eleanor sighs deeply, rubbing her cheeks as she looks at him. "First off, I want to make one thing clear. That room is for show alone. I do not hit any of my slaves even if they were to kick me in the balls. I do not believe in pain being a teacher. I use gentle mental influence at the most...and only for the ones who are just too dumb or too stubborn to change on their own. Are we clear on that? Good."

"Next...are you sure you want those two? They are recent captures are will not be trained in the slightest. They will rebel against you, speak against you and try to escape. Breaking them in and training them will be a difficult job to put it lightly. If you really do want them....they are yours. I honestly couldn't care. They would be auxiliary slaves at best. As for your offer to train one of the humans, no thank you, I prefer to do that on my own and humans are the easiest to work with."

"As for the fizzy wine treatment...do you know how a slime eats? They take the food into their body and devour it completely...no liver to process it so everything is used and turned into mass. So, alchohol hits them very hard and fizzy drinks make it hard to hold their form. So, give her fizzy wine. She gets drunk off her squishy ass and can't hold a form long enough to try and purge it. It is like a time out, but she wakes up dizzy."


Jun 24, 2016
"Ah... well, you... should consider punishing her further. It was Yalna that showed me that room..."

Hopefully that slip would get more than just a time-out for the slime, but he shifted. She was really going to give him the two exotic kin? Against him or not, they'd certainly think of him as a savior for getting them out of what looked like a torture room and into at least somewhat decent quarters. Shifting to rub the ringed finger, he'd slowly stand up and sigh in a moment to feign a tough decision. Which, in truth, it was after hearing just how rebellious they were and that she considered them as mere auxiliary slaves. But to him, they both posed excellent opportunity... especially to show Eleanor just how capable he was.

"I'll take them off your hands. I believe you have it in the best interests for your captured servants and slaves. I won't use pain against either of them, though. I can at least prevent them from running using the collars and bindings, however. Have them sent to my room along with Sirus when you get the chance, then. He spoke to me about a tailor... and I need to get new clothes made to commemorate both our partnership and my own harem and slaves' new ownership. If you do that... then very well. I'll forgive the issues and hope that there really is a future for our partnership. Tomorrow I'll likely be trying to dedicate time to focus on the new slaves... would it be alright to send my slaves to visit the tailor during that time to oversee and get properly fitted? I'll have Sirus fit me and the slaves before he takes the orders, as well."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Very well then Orval, I will have Sirus retrieve them post haste. They will be delivered to your room within the hour. I really do with you the best of luck with them. Just tell him to take your measurements and things will be taken care of quickly. My tailor is amazing and you will most certainly find your new clothes to be more than pleasing to the eye and the body." She rings her bell and Sirus steps into the room once again.

"Sirus, please escort Orval back to his room and go fetch the two kin from the holding cells. They will be under his charge now. Once you are done, please measure those two and Orval for new clothes and take it to Rachel please."

"Of course ma'am. Please follow me Sir Orval." he turns and takes Orval back to his room which is now filled with the sweet scent of roasted meat, fresh bread, hearty soup and a mix of spices. A large meal has been place down on the table by the couches and all his girls are sitting on the chairs waiting his return.

"I will return with your new charges shortly sir." Sirus bows and leaves.


Jun 24, 2016
As he was returned, he'd turn back to nod at the quickly retreating Sirus. His eyes turned to his four women, taking the time to move over and pull his shirt up and off once more. As fast as he had made himself presentable to visit Eleanor, the man seemed more than happy to remove his shirt and present his muscled chest for the four. Sitting on one of the large couches, he'd lean back with a sigh. He was going to get measured, of course, but part of him was stuck on the fact he'd have a total of six people. No more collars for a while, of course, but the simple fact he'd have six people to tend to. Looking to the four one-by-one, he'd finally look toward Byra with the smallest of smiles.

"All four of you will be spending time with the tailors tomorrow. I'm having Belle get some clothes made to be worn beneath armor such as some pants and loose-fitting blouses for her tits. Selena, you can have some dresses and dancer-clothes made like the ones you had back when you danced at the brothel. Byra, you're going to get a new, slutty set of maid costumes. And Dink, you're going to get some stockings, gloves, and some underwear to start getting you used to proper clothes. The colors will be a forest green and brown-orange accents. If you have any problems with your outfits, you're granted permission to change them slightly or add a surprise if you wish while you're all there. After the new duo are collared, we're going to bound them and head to bed early... so eat up so we can head to bed properly tonight."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The group all thank Orval for his generosity and quickly set about eating. The food is expertly prepared and everything tastes amazing. In just under twenty minutes, all that remains are dirty dishes and happy girls. Byra quickly gathers up the dishes and loads them onto the trolly just like a good maid would and soon everyone is relaxing while making small talk, mostly about their new outfits, while waiting for the new additions.

A few minutes later the door opens and Sirus steps in with the bird-kin and tiger kin. The bird-kin man had feathers like a blue jay on his legs and and arms, those feathers also served as his hair. his body was lean and wiry, lacking in the plush fat that made butts fun to grab. his eyes were brown, his face average and masculine. As he stood naked, a seven inch long, two inch thick cock hung down over his two inch wide balls.

The tiger-kin girl was more appealing. She had a soft body with hints of muscle on her. C cup breasts rest naturally on her chest and her ass is decently plush but perfectly shaped. Short black hair sits on her head straightly, lavender cat eyes look around the room rapidly and her average lips are in a partial frown. Tiger stripe fur runs down her arms and legs, her feet a large tiger paws and a pair of tiger ears sit atop her head. A long tiger tail hangs just above her rump. 

"Here you are sir Orval. Two freshly acquired slaves. Please collar them now so I know they are safe to leave here with you."