A Grand Tomorrow (For BubbleLord)


Jun 24, 2016
Sitting and listening, he was a bit thrown by the sheer domination of the gut-bearing mouse as Wendy left in bliss. Byra was a slut, but even they had a bond that wasn't so clearly sexual. Shifting a bit as she somehow stuffed her cock away in pants, he was hit with a surge of information. There was no need to address his followers in the conversation reflecting business.

"I... I see. I was hoping you could modify the ring and necklaces I was given. I'm more than willing to accept, but I need these to not bend the will of those wearing the collars unless I wish it. Not only that... but if I'm to be bold... I want to fuck Wendy in her original state. Proof that you can teach me magic I'm looking for. Byra is loyal and being able to mold her body as we both would enjoy is vital. But most of all... do you know of a way to make children born between a kin and human possibly be a human?"

As much as he had asked, Orval was far from joking. In fact, rather than stay comfy he had rose to his feet. She wanted a partner, he expected to get the treatment and respect to have his concerns and initial requests met!


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Oct 1, 2015
The mistress looks at him with calculating eyes for a minute. "Interesting....you want proof of my word? Very well. you there, Selena, come here."

Selena bashfully approaches the giant woman. She reaches out and puts a finger to her collar, a light spark jumping to it before she pulls away. "go ahead...say something nasty about your master."

Selena looks nervous, but knows this is just a test. "Orval...your hair is shaggy and honestly you could to much better at keeping your hair in better order." ...nothing, the collar does nothing to stop her.

"I assume that is good enough for your first request?" 


Jun 24, 2016
The collar change had gone well, inspiring him to finally slide his ring on at the sight. He could have her modify all the collars while they rested and she no doubt planned what they'd be doing. Gently moving to the snake kin's side, he once more put on a serious gaze.

"It does... and I'm thankful for it. The other things... can you answer and see to them?"

If she could make a human look like a kin-slut, maybe she had the answers to a family that he was seeking out....


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Hmm, you want to fuck Wendy in her original sate? Very well then. Sirus, fetch Wendy for me again."

the panther nods and leaves the room. In minutes he returns with the petite mouse kin. "Mistress, did I do something wrong?"

"Not at all my sweet girl, our guest here just wishes to see your original apperance." Wendy frowns, clearly upset by the idea, but nods all the same. Eleanor stands up and places a hand on Wendy's head. A green glow covers her body as she begins to change. First she grows taller, from five feet to six. Her mouse ears fade away to normal human ones, her white fur recedes to normal human skin, her legs bend and morph back into normal human legs and the fur vanishes, her tail slides back into her body and her mouse buck teeth shrink back to normal. 

Wendy now stands as a normal six foot tall human woman with brown hair cut short, C cup breasts and a normal pussy.

"Go ahead dear, present yourself to our guest." Wendy nods and bends over, spreading her pussy for Orval to see and claim.


Jun 24, 2016
Watching the transformation was mind-blowing. People like this truly existed, as if they could save humanity at least in appearance. Moving over to the taller human version of Wendy as she bent over, he knew full well fucking her was too risky. Instead, he rubbed a hand along her entrance and pushed three fingers inside her while the other hand pinned her down.

"Just stay still and take these... unfortunately, my cock isn't in the best state after all the fucking I've put it through recently."

With his hand messing with the now-human and the other keeping her nice and pinned on the desk, he looked across to his steadily more amazing MILF of a partner.

"You can clearly change bodies... so I believe you could teach me. But... is there a way to make human children as well as kin using you magic?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She smiled at him and nodded her head. "Yes, though it is a very delicate process. When the mother conceives I can scan the child once it has developed enough to be called a child. As they are still growing and forming in the womb, I can alter the path they take during this growth. Suppress their kin like nature and alter their genes. It takes several hours and is not easy on me...but I have done it several times in the past. The children come out human in every way, shape and form regardless of their parents."

Eleanor stands up to her massive eight feet and walks over to Belle and Byra, changing their collars to the far more forgiving model. She stops and looks at Dink. "Umm, a kobold? Are you sure that is wise? Kobold breed rapidly and if you are not careful you can easily end up with twenty of them...unless that is your plan. If you control the brood mother they children will obey you as well." She slowly examines each girl. "Your girls are all healthy Orval, no pregnancies or health risks. Though I am curious about this kobold. She has a cock but no balls....that would make her an out cast right? Would you like me to fix her for you? Remove the cock or grow her some balls so she is fertile?"  


Jun 24, 2016
The warning from Eleanor had come late, his hand working the mouse-turned human over roughly as he frowned. Dink had tried to mass reproduce and it had led to her getting tortured and fucked hard.

"Dink... you can fix her? Then fix her shaft. Making a change that requires my permission for her to use her cock would be ideal. I plan to breed her and control our offspring together... but it won't be anytime soon. I'd rather knock up my lovely trio and get settled first. If my children can be changed, though.... then I certainly have more plans. If you desire, I can take Wendy and my girls to our quarters to give you time to plan my first job... Unless you know what it is already.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"As you wish." She puts her hand under Dink's penis and a green glow emerges from her palm. Dink gasps as a new ball sack fills out with two round testicles the size of grapes. Then she figits when something else happens that she can't see. "there, she is now completely fertile in both her cock and vagina. however, unless you give the word, that cock won't do anything. Sure it will feel good to touch it, but nothing more." She returns to her desk and sits down.

"As for your first job, I am still finishing up the small details. It should be ready in two days. For that time I suggest you get settled in and learn the estate...it will be your new home for the time being. Sirus, show our new companion to his room."

The panther man enters and nods. "Please sir, follow me." He takes him back down the hall to the opposite end where he pushes the door open. Inside is a massive room, big as any house! To the right is the biggest bed Orval has ever seen, easily able to hold him and all his girls at the same time with lots of room to spare. A walk in closet fills out the top right corner while the left holds a wonderful dresser/mirror combo. The left side of the room has a couch, several chairs and a table. The far wall is two glass doors that lead out to a large deck that looks over the back yard and garden, several lounge chairs sit about for relaxing. Finally there is a second door that leads to a grand bathroom which has three sinks, a massive tub and what must be a waterfall shower.

"As you have heard my name is Sirus, I am the head butler here and can help you with any questions or concerns you might have."


Jun 24, 2016
With Dink handled, he'd pulled his fingers from Wendy's depths to follow the panther butler. The group had reached a room that seemed unbelievable... but it was his for at least two days. There were no questions as he walked over and sat on the bed, looking toward the relaxing area and then the bathing one. With all this room, he had more than enough for a harem of ridiculous sizes.

"No... no questions. Leave and get our things moved here. We're going to be busy... so we would appreciate the privacy. You three strip bare... then the four of you come undress me."

A smirk on his face, the man's ring glimmered as it was finally slipped on. He had no reason to keep it off... instead. It was a beautiful object beyond the utility of it. Even with a pained cock, gentle service was something he could very likely endure...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Sirus nods and leaves the room, closing the door behind him. The girls quickly ditch their clothes on the floor, revealing their breasts and sexy holes. Belle is the first to reach him and quickly has his chest piece off while Selena moves up next and works on his shirt. Byra, of course, takes the duty of removing his pants and Dink carefully pulls away his loin cloth. All four of them stand naked in front of him, eager to serve.


Jun 24, 2016
With the quick removal of his clothes, Orval is left nice and bare with for options. Byra was a great choice, of course, but his eyes sat on Belle as he smirked.

"You three go relax and enjoy yourselves. Belle, I want you on your knees... it's about time we try to have some fun."

He'd need to spend time with Byra later, but as he gently stroked himself to fully erect, it was clear that his cow-kin was a favorite for now. Her tits were filled with refreshing milk, but they were also sensitive. Moving onto the bed for her to get easier access was a possibility, but he wanted to get a reminder of the strongest of his posse's gifts and skills...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Byra, Selena and Dink all nod and move over to the sitting area to relax after the journey and make idle chat.

Belle smiles at her master and quickly gets to her knees. She stares at his erect member and slowly leans toward it. She takes in a long breath, taking in his scent before her long and broad tongue slides out and up his length. She rests her hands on his thighs and slowly drags her tongue from base to tip, slowly and carefully, being gentle with his no doubt sore member. After every other set of licks she qould pull her tongue back in to remoisten it up and even give his testicles some love as well.


Jun 24, 2016
Moaning, Orval moved a hand to her head almost immediately. There was some pain to being hard, but her astounding tongue and how she used it made it negligible. She'd slicked him up nicely in no time, his cock practically soaked in saliva in no time.

"Gods... you really are gifted. Set those tits of yours in my lap. I heard some rumors you get off using them? They're soft enough to play with and use on my prick... so show me how to hold them around my dick..."

A hand moved to gently pat one of the fun bags, but it was done gently and with a friendly smile. Belle was certainly attractive and into this stuff... but getting to know her weaknesses more properly was important for their time together.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Belle blushed intensely as her order her to use her sensitive breasts. Not wanting to disappoint, she gently lifts them up and sets them in his lap so his cock rests between the smooth soft globes. Just that minor contact was enough to make her shiver and moan lightly. Quickly correcting herslef, she pushes her breasts together, squeezing his cock between them and bouncing them up and down along his hard shaft, the tip poking out of her cleavage every time she moves them down. Her face is a blur of lust in just a minute as she gazes down at the cock between her breasts, her large nipples jutting out lewdly. They are just large enough that Orval could probably get a finger inside them.


Jun 24, 2016
The sight of the lewd nipples after she had started giving him the titjob. The hand atop her head gently rubbed her comfortingly, but the other moved to gently clasp the girl's left breast with an experimental grab. Her body might as well belong to him, especially given the plans he had for her. Slipping one of the fingers against the nipple, however, he smiled mischievously.

"Good... I'm going to see how much of this fingering you can take. Keep that up during it and I'll take the time to fuck you gently and have the others care for these in the meantime.... but only n-ngh... if you behave nicely..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Her eyes widen like dinner plates as he gently grabs her nipple. Her pace fumbles and she looks like she is going to protest...but simply gets back into her rhythm of bouncing her breast against his cock. Orval has to try a few times to get going but soon the tip of his pointer finger pushes into her nipple. Milk instantly starts leaking out, lubricating his finger as he pushes it in farther and farther. Amazingly enough she can take the entire thing without any problem...other than the fact that she is moaning and gasping like a wonton slut. Her pussy is freely dripping onto the floor and her other breast starts to leak milk as she watches him finger her nipple while she tit fucks his cock.


Jun 24, 2016
Orval smiled, enjoying this discovery like a kid finding out about nastyrbation. The lewd and leaking milk makers that he had around his cock and a finger inside stimulating one was the best feature Belle had by far. The throbbing of his prick was telling to just how effective she was. And it was that throbbing that led him to take a handful of her hair in the first true act of dominance he had intentionally used on her. Orval pulled her down and onto him, angling his knees to keep her chest surrounding him.

"N-now I'm going to fuck your face... e-endure it and I'll consider spending the day milking these knockers of yours. Then, when I'm done and you're covered in my stench, I'm going to fuck your gently and n-ngh... a-and... get you to tell me everything about you!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Fresh spurts of milk surge from her nipples and splash against his stomach, warm and sweet smelling. She obediently opens her mouth and slides it all the way into her mouth, the tip sliding into her throat a fair distance. Without so much as a twitch she starts swirling her tongue around her masters member, eager to serve and bring him pleasure. Watching her work his member by shoving her face between who own two lactating tits is very erotic to say the least. She keeps her hands at the sides of her breasts to keep them in place, her warm, wet and soft mouth working him as best she can.

As a steady stream of milk pours from her tits a wayward thought crosses his mind....could he fuck those tits like a pussy? With Mistress Sinclair around...most likely!


Jun 24, 2016
As much as fucking those jugs would be, the main focus Orval had was simply using Belle. As deep as he was going, though, he was certainly getting more into it. He pulled her up and off, letting his finger pop out of her teat to join the other and pull her down against her cleavage-formed barrier. The leaking milk was making things more lewd, but he was enjoying the cocksleeve-like side the obedient cow-kin was taking.

"I could probably turn these nipples of yours into something to fuck... but I've got - f-fuck this is worth the pain! - a better idea! H-hnn~... Once I cum, you're getting on this bed and I'm knocking you up! We're going to have our new friend make our first child human... b-but with a baby in you your tits better grow and you'll need to learn to fight and keep yourself safe! Am I clear, Belle?!"

He wasn't expecting a reply with the cock filling her mouth, but that didn't stop him from hoping for her to try and make the paizuri and fellatio even better!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Her only response is a moan that sounds a lot like a moo, sending sweet vibrations down his shaft as she works harder to please his huge cock. She squeezes her tits around his shaft harder, forcing milk out of them and increasing the friction from her moving tits. Her pussy is dripping freely onto the floor by this point, making a nice wet spot on the hard wood. Her eyes are basically glued shut at this point, her tongue works in a constant whirl wind, focusing on the sensative glands at his head while her slick lips cover the rest in a fine coating of spit. Her hips buck and grind against nothing as her own pleasure begins to buiild from the idea of getting pregnant!


Jun 24, 2016
Belle doesn't have to wait long for a reward, Orval moaning and pulling her down and cumming directly down her amazing throat . It stung, but it wasn't enough to deter him as he rose and pulled her off. Tossing the large woman over the side, he was going to breed her like he'd broken in Byra. There was no hesitation, even with his cock making a mess of her face and leaking as he pushed into her. Both hands moved to molest her rump for the briefest of moments before burying himself in her cunt with a powerful moan.

"I'm going to enjoy this! Time to break you in properly!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She chugs down his cum as fast as she can but the speed at which she is pulled off means her face and breasts get a fair amount of cum on them. she doesn't resist as she is thrown onto the bed and even raises her ass for him, spreading her pussy open wide. She moans in bliss as her cunt is stuff full of cock and she quickly starts pushing back against him, her leaking breasts now making a mess of he bed.

"Yes...breed me! use me like the cattle I am!"


Jun 24, 2016
It was like he'd made a new Byra, the man cursing at the thought that he broke Belle, but he had to hope it was just the idea of getting knocked up and roughly handled messing with her head. The thrusts into her were more than audible by the trio as he winced to endure the post-climax sensations and the pain of his cock. Her ass was amazing as he worked it from two angles, knocking against it with the rocks of his hips while groping it for a grip and to stimulate it. The first initial thrusts completed, however, he shifted one hand to push his thumb into her backdoor in a mix of a grip and ass-stretching tug of the finger while the other hand moved to her back to keep her face-down.

"Haa~... guh~.... g-good... Belle, we should see if there's magic to make you tighter or younger in body... I couldn't imagine getting to fuck you the day after you became a young woman... tits like these and a cunt like this... y-you must have been a bit smaller still, too... fuck!"

His eyes looked to the trio before he picked up the pace with noisier and harder thrusts into her nice pussy. She presented herself, took it, and was begging... which meant that the impending secondary climax was going to go right into her breeding hole. The idea that he was going to be a father was practically increasing the natural instinct to reproduce, making him make deeper and quicker withdrawals to try and push her insides open for the smaller of his loads. It wasn't the best load, but he had to get as deep as he could... which mean that he moved the hand from her back to help her left one leg up and onto the bed to spread her more open and change the angle of child-making sex they were going through.

"G-Get ready... o-once I um, y-you really will be mine! There's n-no g-going back! F-Fuck... fuuahhh~!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Belle moans in bliss as her cunt was stuffed full of cock and her as stretched by his thumb. she eagerly pushes her hips back into his thrusts strong enough for the tip of his cock to push against her cervix. She looks back at him and he can see that her eyes are still clear, she is not broken, just really REALLY horney! 

"You...you want me younger? Fresher? Ok....do it! Get the mistress to change me to you liking, I don't care! Just stuff me full of your cum, My womb was made to carry your child Master, please let mer carry them safely in my belly!"

The trio were looking over the couch now with different expressions. Byra was red in the face and watching with great interest. Selena was watching with a smile on her face, knowing full well how slutty Belle gets when her switch is flipped. Finally was Dink, looking on in envy as someone else was about to be used as a breeder.

Belle spreads her legs out wide, giving him complete access to thrust as deep as physically possible. Her skilled muscles clamping her pussy walls down onto his cock to increase friction and ensure her can't pull all the way out. 

"Do it Master! Stuff my cunt full of your seed! Make me yours now and forever! Ffffuuuuck!" She suddenly shudders and babbles incoherently. Girlcum pours from her slit around Orval's cock and soaks the bed beneath them as her climax rocks her to the very core.


Jun 24, 2016
A vixen who got so horny that she wanted him to stuff her cunt and let him change her looks? Orval couldn't help but oblige, feeling a power growing in him as the others looked on. Belle's climax milked and edged the mercenary but like a hardened blade he wasn't breaking. The fucking carried on through her cries and tightening, shifting to lift her off the bed and thrust into the willing cow-kin with a moan into the back of her hair.


Despite knowing this was going to likely get the others horny, the climax practically emptied him in such a display that cum poured from their joined hips to slather them and stain the floor and edge of the bed. Starting a family when he knew his boss could give him choice of their race and the mother's body was too much. Orval was getting a new life, which meant he had to create some, too!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
with her arms wrapped around Orval and her back arced in pleasure, she quickly hits a second orgasm just from the feeling of being stuffed with hot seed and the thought of becoming a mother. She knew this would be more than a standard pregnancy, not that she has had one before, but her child would be crafted to Orval's will and her own body would be molded to fulfill his desires. It was all so much to take in and yet it filled her with excitment as her body shuddered and clung to her master.

Finally, when Orval's orgasm dies down, she flops onto the bed with a blissful sigh and starts working to get her composure back. her hands idly go down to her stomach and rub in slow circles, already expecting her future child, the warmth in her womb being testament to that.

"That did it master...I can just tell. A child is on the way, this will get rather hectic around here." She smiles up at him and gives a light laugh.

From the couch he can hear Selena talking to Byra about how Belle tends to get carried away when her switch is flipped while Byra just looks envious of the soon to be pregnant cow. Dink on the other hand was masturbating furiously, stroking her cock and fingering her pussy...all in vain though as her new limitations require Orval to please her.


Jun 24, 2016
The blacksmith watched her as she flopped down and reveled in the new child she'd been given. Even if it didn't take, he'd probably fuck her soon enough that there was no chance she wasn't going to be growing a bump before the end of the week. With his prick practically weakening the instant it was out of her, though, he knew full well this wasn't going to be a sex-filled day. Giving her a soft spank, his eyes turned toward the other three for a few moments. With magic, he could pleasure all four as often as he wished... but without it, he'd be limited by a natural stamina. Finally set his eyes on Byra, a smirk came to his face as he moved to leave Belle on the bed. Arriving at the trio, however, he didn't even hesitate as he made a motion for Byra to follow him before looking to Dink.

"You and Byra are coming with me. Selena will stay and help make sure all that cum stays inside Belle. I plan to spend the day talking with her out of all of you... but we need to see if the Mistress has a tailor for you. Specifically, we're going to have changes made to make you stand-out from the other kobold-kin. And Byra... well, she's going to be good arm-candy and try to make sure I'm ready for more fun with Belle when we return. Not to mention get to see and learn where things are for if we end up living in the same estate, rather than getting our own when the time comes..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Selena nods and gets off the couch. "Of course master, I will keep that lovely cow cunt stuffed nice and tight!" She slithers over to Belle and gently shoves her tail into her used pussy, plugging it up tightly. Belle gives a small shudder but smiles at her friend and just continues to relax.

Byra and Dink and quickly at attention, standing in front of Orval and ready to roll. Byra is still in her maid outfit while Dink is naked as the day she was born. 

The three of them leave the room and head back down the hall to the Mistress's study, the door shut tight as per usual. A small knock is met with a short silence before Orval hears a soft "Come in" from the other side.

Mistress Eleanor looks up from her desk and smiles at Orval. "Ah, if it isn't my business partner. It has only been an hour, has something come up already?"


Jun 24, 2016
With both his bitch-boy maid and herm kobol in tow, it had been a decent enough walk back to the room. Eleanor had greeted him in no time, thankfully at least re-garbed when he came to meet the large herm. It didn't have much effect on the fact his cock had lost a lot of its stiffness, however, the bulge of his shaft noticeable even as he wrapped an arm around Byra and moved a hand to the top of Dink's head.

"No... I figured you could help me out, though. I plan to go and get a nice run-down of the place with Byra and then head back to my room to keep fucking the cow-kin I brought with me... but before that, I was wondering if you could make Dink here... taller? Maybe around five feet tall, so she can stand taller than her people normally would and be able to take me more properly? I'm nowhere near as endowed as you nor do I have the stamina... but she's expressed an interest in making a brood of children which would no doubt belong to my line. If she was made taller, her children would also be somewhat taller. If they're all around five feet in height, I figure... maybe we could use the kobold-breeding methods to make my scaly-mutt offspring into a fighting force for us. As nude as she is, I figured I'd see about changing her before considering making her armor or getting new clothes."

Moving his hand, he'd instead put it on Dink's back and give the herm-kobold the slightest of pushes. With his ring on, he could always command her to do as he said... but he had a hunch that with how he'd knocked Belle up with her watching mere moments ago, the tiny-dicked herm was more than willing to get release. Even if it wasn't the most ideal, he had trust that she wouldn't break afterward!

"If you wish, I'd be willing to trade for it, though. Specifically... you can bend her over and use her backdoor once she's been made bigger. She could take my entire shaft now... I imagine she could fully take yours if she were made even taller."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Eleanor smiles and gets up from her desk. "Honestly, I would do it for free, I enjoy changing people to more pleasing appearances. I could also use a break from doing paper work. So, you want her five feet tall, you want that change sunk to her dna so it passes on to her kids. That much is very easy. Do you want anything else? Bigger breasts? bigger cock and balls? bigger ass? I can do all that easily."

"What about your little maid boy there? Any changes for him? change that flat chest into some boobs? Longer hair? His body is already feminine as it is but I could shape it a bit more."

"What about yourself? A lack of stamina would certainly get in the way. I could bolster your recovery rate, increase cum production until you are a fire hose like me. Any other internal changes?"