Yup that's it. Raw sexuality does lust damage to BOTH of you every turn. If both of you had raw sexuality, it would deal the temptation damage twice per turn.
So taking a look at the starting traits I do think that a some of them are a bit weak. I'll try to do another pass on them in an upcoming patch.
Exhibitionist is pretty good spot, mojo per turn is always useful, even if it's just 2%.
Romantic feels a bit weak now. It currently increases mojo gain for kiss from 10% to 15%, as well add adding 3 base arousal damage to kiss if you're under 20 seduction or 10 base if you are 20 or over. Kiss used to be pretty overpowered, but now I definitely feel like this trait could use some buffs.
Dexterous is in a pretty good spot I think. It improves pleasure damage with hands and feet by 40% (additive with other bonuses), as well as allowing you to use handjob and finger without stripping the opponent's underwear.
Experienced is okay too, you take only 66.6% self-damage from fuck skills. It's not super amazing, but not terrible.
Wrassler feels like it could be good. Not sure how it really plays out though. What it does is raise the pain threshold by 50% and reduce the calming effects of pain by 50%. Currently you start calming the opponent down when you deal more pain than 1/6th of their stamina bar at once. So if Mara has 100 stamina and you knee her for 20, she'll be calmed down by 20 - round_down(100 / 6) = 4 arousal. If you deal 50 pain, she will be calmed by 50 - (100 / 6) = 34 arousal. However if you have the wrassler perk, her pain threshold is increased to round_down(100 / 6) * 1.5 = 24. So if you hurt her for 20, she wont calm down at all. And if you deal 50 pain, she will calm down by (50 - 24) / 2 = 13 arousal.
This becomes also pretty useful once you get masochism/SM Queen trait. With masochism on, pain will never calm you down. Instead, you will take arousal damage up to your pain threshold. So in the previous example, without wrassler, at 20 pain, Mara will be aroused for 16. At 50 pain, she will still be aroused for 16. However, with the wrassler trait, her pain threshold will increase to 24. So at 20 pain, she'll be aroused by 20 and at 50 she'll be aroused by 24.
It's not an amazing perk, but for Jewel or any power builds it's pretty handy.
Pimphand is a pretty amazing perk early, but falls off a bit later. What it does is increase the mojo gain on slap from 5% to 15%. It makes slapping people around a pretty good way to wear them down as well as gain some mojo. Additionally, it improves pleasure damage when using hands by 20% additively.
Stableform just prevents you from getting permanently transformed. It's more of a flavor thing than a real benefit.
Brassballs can really save your ass if you get routinely hit in the balls by your opponents. It massively decreases the damage from a lot of skills like flick/kick/knee/squeeze/stomp/use crop if you are missing underwear and have balls. Interestingly it also prevents damage even if you have no balls. That might be a bug though.
And yup panty master and bra master barely does anything. What it does is make stripping your opponent's bra and panties a bit easier. More specifically, it lowers the "stripping difficulty" of the clothing article by 75%. However, most underwear are super easy to strip, so who knows whether it's actually useful at all. It also doesn't help that skills other than strip bottom/strip top/tear basically always succeeds, and doesn't even look at stripping difficulty

On the weakness side, I think they are all pretty effective.
Insatiable makes it so you retain 20% of your maximum arousal after an orgasm, effectively making it so you have 20% less maximum arousal.
Imagination makes certain temptation attacks more effective. Namely charm, facesit, smother, taunt, tempt and whisper. This probably could be just generalized to receive more temptation in general.
Achilles is basically reverse brassballs. It can screw you over pretty hard if you get kneed.
Ticklish makes you take more pleasure damage when getting tickled. Since tickle is one of the better ways of getting through the early game, it could be pretty bad. However, I'm not entirely sure it does enough right now. Maybe it should also increase the amount of stamina damage you take?
Lickable used to be insanely bad, and increase the base pleasure damage of oral skills by 5-10 or something. Now it got nerfed a bit in the last round of balance changes, and now will only add 2-3 + 1 per 20 levels for non-genital oral skills (lick ___). For blowjob and cunnilingus etc, it will be adding an additional 2-3 + 1 damage per 20 levels above 40. Keep in mind this is base damage, and will be multiplied by all the normal multipliers. This factors into about a 20-30% increase in power for lick ___ skills, and a 40-50% increase for blowjob/cunnilingus, which is pretty powerful. It's pretty much the reason why Angel is kind of a joke early
Naive makes it so you have a 50% chance of not becoming cynical after getting a mind game status applied. This can be pretty annoying later when you get repeatedly charmed and enthralled.
Foot fetishist basically doesn't do anything early, since footjob only unlocks at 22 seduction. However, vs people actually using footjob, it can get pretty bad, since it will double the "hotness" of the enemy's feet, increase the amount of pleasure damage done with feet by the magnitude (it starts off at 25%), and increases in magnitude by .05 every time. However I do see a bug where the footfetish status only lasts for 10 turns. Woops.
Hair trigger increases the pleasure multiplier by 100% straight up, which is a recipe for disaster early on. Later on, it's not as bad since the multiplier can get up to like 600% or something, but it's still pretty nasty.
I'm up for suggestions on any of these btw.