What Content Would You Like Added?


Oct 16, 2015
More furry content would be nice. More non dick girl penny content even better. And more "Wifu" content. the biggest difference between COC / FOE, and tits for me and most of the people i know is a lack of meaningful and likeable characters that you can get to know and build a relationship with. A lot of the characters in TiTS granted not all but most ultimately come off as "hey, hi, i am blank, neat. wanna fuck? sure." and that may be fine for some, but i know many people that were rabid fans of fen fen and co's older projects that are not a fan of TiTS or the "New direction", and anti "Wifu" sentiments that the game has.

Most of the people on your crew are menial sex hungry sluts. most of the people you meet are the same. Tits has a few stand outs, Shade, Kara, Kiro, Anno and Perhaps Tlako one day but they are few and far behind and still feel under developed in attributes that don't involve sex. and that's fine its good for a quick wank or what not. but there needs to be more to a character and a travel companion then milk slut cow slave, fish cook fuck slave, sperm chugging goo slave, sex robot barbie doll. ect ect.Tits lacks its Amily or its Urta. or a Miranda, or a Terry like character, hell it could even do with a bit more Helia. having a character with a rampit libido and meaningful character motivation and bonding do not have to be mutually exclusive, and can be what elevates a character form run of the mill bar floozy to someone you actually give a damn about. Fen and friends have created a hell of a world for us to play around in, i would just like the see it populated with people i can form a bond with and remember long after i stopped playing. that is the content I and others would like to see added to TiTS.
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Jul 10, 2016
Honestly I'd love to see some yandere content, it's one of my guilty pleasures. I can certainly imagine why it would be difficult to produce in tits though.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I like yandere when the girl isn't violent to the guy. Like Anna from Shimoneta; she doesn't know where babies come from because her parents never told her, but she thinks it's acceptable for her to sneak into the guy's house and give him a blowjob in order to "taste his love".

Or Yuno Fucking Gasai because...well I mean come on.


Jul 11, 2016
Definitely more dicktail masturbation scenes, along the lines of the "fucking yourself", like the ones the cunttail has. 

And more Kaede. 


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
And more Kaede. 

Kaede's getting more content every planet. Really don't want to make her another "Sit in bar waiting for Steele," but she's definitely got plenty more in the pipe.

Maybe some more Anno, some ''relationship'' scenes. Like the Bess route of dates and such... Yeah I'm a sucker for depth in characters.

I mean, I guess that's one thing to want instead of more threesomes... D:
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Jul 11, 2016
Kaede's getting more content every planet. Really don't want to make her another "Sit in bar waiting for Steele," but she's definitely got plenty more in the pipe.

Awesome, don't think I'd want her to be a "Sit in bar" character either. I read all the Talon Rogue stories you wrote and she quickly became one of my favorite characters. Just wish her encounters weren't so few and far between.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
I mean, I guess that's one thing to want instead of more threesomes... D:


Conversely, I'd like it if Nova- the goo armor one- inserted herself into conversations and bedrooms more often! Her and Gianna sharing you between the two of them sounds like a fun time.

Also, Celise with an overstuffed bimbo figure for when you've just given her a few barrels of spunk/milk and try to fuck her immediately afterward. 
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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
I see your breastfeeding anno suggestion and raise you breastfeeding both puppy slut sisters.

I see your raise and raise you the Klopman diamond as well as a scene of a very over-full Steele breast-feeding all followers then selling the leftover to the orphanage that keeps taking their babies away.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I see your raise and raise you the Klopman diamond as well as a scene of a very over-full Steele breast-feeding all followers then selling the leftover to the orphanage that keeps taking their babies away.

It's a nursery not an orphanage. If memory serves there are supposed to be plans for Steele to be able to actually visit their kids.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
It's a nursery not an orphanage. If memory serves there are supposed to be plans for Steele to be able to actually visit their kids.

Yeah... with SOONtm BS written on it. Remember JImT was suppose to do that but he left the community and smut writing in general. Someone else will have to take the reigns of writing the Nursery content. So it's in that category of if and when if ever at all will in be in game.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Wait, JimT was actually officially working on the Nursery, or did he just say he was interested in writing for it?

can't really remember honestly. I remember Savin, Ted or Gedan saying something about him being the only writer willing to commit time for writing the nursery content.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Wait, JimT was actually officially working on the Nursery, or did he just say he was interested in writing for it?

There's a fairly important distinction between the two. :p

I'm positive that it's the latter, and in has no mentions in his project list.

IMO it won't make sense for you to start writing the Nursery content if FenCo's coding team doesn't consider it to be an important feature to implement into the game atm, and that seems to be the case.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I've gotten the feeling that the Nursery is seen as some sort of a big fucking task to implement, but I'm not sure why it has to be. Slap a 1 tile addition to Tavros somewhere and put some text about nursing staff similar to the blurbs about the staff in your hanger. Don't even necessarily need anyone in charge like whatshisface in the hangar for the player to interact with, just a space where writers can slot in scenes to visit your offspring. It puts the nursery in the game so people can write for it and nobody has to try to mimic writing styles so a common npc feels the same for every different author writing for different offspring.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Don't even necessarily need anyone in charge like whatshisface in the hangar for the player to interact with, just a space where writers can slot in scenes to visit your offspring. It puts the nursery in the game so people can write for it and nobody has to try to mimic writing styles so a common npc feels the same for every different author writing for different offspring.

Some sort of generic AI controlled head nurse droid would be sufficient. Alternatively, mention a bunch of generic VIs working there under the supervision of a extremely-complex-but-not-properly-intellegent super-VI. Might be a better idea since every AI in TiTS strives to be a special snowflake and often hijacks its creation process, causing it to expand.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Some sort of generic AI controlled head nurse droid would be sufficient. Alternatively, mention a bunch of generic VIs working there under the supervision of a extremely-complex-but-not-properly-intellegent super-VI. Might be a better idea since every AI in TiTS strives to be a special snowflake and often hijacks its creation process, causing it to expand.

I do kinda like the idea of having organic nurse staff though. Having some bored chick at the front desk when you have no offspring or offspring that doesn't require any real attention, to a smiley one after your first few kids, to one who looks to be very much regretting taking the job after you have an absurd number of kids because space station walls are not as sound proof as one may like.

Also leaving the caretaker spots open lets writers create their own nurses in case they want to use specialists on the species making up half of whatever spawn of Steele they are taking care of to add in more lore or if any scenarios involving Steele spawn banging their caretakers is desired.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
can't really remember honestly. I remember Savin, Ted or Gedan saying something about him being the only writer willing to commit time for writing the nursery content.

No, though Jim was interested in working on it, he never committed or contributed to it. He was the only writer with any significant interest in adding pregnancy content period.

Like many things, the nursery is a very low priority at the moment. Given the choice of what huge, gaping hole in the game to stick my dick in next, space content or psionics or actual important game mechanics definitely come first. Not that I have any say in what order that shit gets done anyway! :p

I've gotten the feeling that the Nursery is seen as some sort of a big fucking task to implement, but I'm not sure why it has to be. 

Because Fenoxo doesn't like placeholder content and we intended for the nursery to be a big involved thing.

Some sort of generic AI controlled head nurse droid would be sufficient.

The head of the nursery is an A.I. already.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
i already said something earlier this thread but i would like to be able to use the treatment more than once for mutations. 


Aug 27, 2015
If there's absolutely no one else with the time/drive to write it, I might as well start outlining it myself...

Back the fuck up. You just went full Eva. Never go full Eva. Concentrate on completing your zil project.


 A collaborative effort could probably make writing the nursery quicker for everyone involved?
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
... I sort of did a few posts ago. :p  

Wow I just TL;DR'd through that whole second post apparently.

That said, you've got the Nursery's design doc. You start smashing words in there (hit dat "Request Access" button first I guess) and I'll swing through and work with you on the matron and stuff.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I do have that, don't I?

I'll slip some notes about it into my zil stuff and start planning how they'll connect, because that's the content I'm concerned with right now. When I have Mehn'ga's half done, which again is probably not going to be until Winter-ish, I'll see what I can do about summoning this horror to end all horrors...



*cough* couldn't help myself

erm... yeah... anyways, just don't bite off more than you can chew. It would be a shame to lose a rising writer in the community because they decided to go insane from having to do too many projects all at once.
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