Sagas of Nysa (D&D RP for 3)


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Kae wasn't sure she heard that last part right but the festival's story had quite a flair of mysticism. "I really wouldn't mind having a look at that shcroll later. It could be an enlightening experience. One should never neglect studying artifacts of agesh past. Too much wishdom and what-not." She noded before she took a big gulp from the mug this time managing to finish draining it's contents. She gave it a rather disappointed look. "Maybe I really should try making more friendsh too." She added to Tori as she mentioned her dates.

"Who do I have to flash for shome more of that?" The elf asked waving the empty cup around.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Okay, featherweight, what do you say we get some food in you before you hit the booze any harder?" asked Tori, wrapping an arm around Kae's shoulders in a friendly manner. The last thing she was going to do was leave a drunk girl with Larek; she still wasn't sure how she felt about that new look of his. "Besides it looks like the show's about to start," she continued, while looking for a couple of good seats.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Larek was a bit anoyed that he was forced to wait. As every one left for the show he grabed Utas soft ass and gave it a firm squeeze. He did this to release some stress. Uta turned to Larek as he told her to show him a good spot to watch the show from. He thought to himself that he might aswell see what this thing is about.When they came to the spot Uta picked out there was one seat left. Larek looked at it and stopped for a second. He picked up Uta and sat her on his lap as the show was about to start.
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Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
As people began to settle into some if there seats Sazrahala appeared at the head of the stage to address the crowd,

"Tonight we are gathered here to share the story of Danken's triumph over the demon, this occasion is made all the more significant by our honored guests and their great service to all of us, thank you we hope you enjoy the following."

There is a subtle applause for him and each of you as he walks and takes his place at a lectern to the side of the stage before unfurling the scroll. The aged bit of blood stained parchment let off an iridescent glow in the light of the full moon as he began reading.

"This is the story of the fall of our home, and of those who gave their lives in its defense,"

The curtain begins to open, revealing a pair of grey pillars seemingly made of paper, center stage.

"We thought we were safe in our halls of stone, that the horny buggers outside couldn't find their way in"

At this three figures enter stage right, the tall imposing figure of Kenta, followed by what must be Rocky and Dan, each of them are wearing a costume vaguely resembling ceremonial armor and a mask that had a long flowing beard. Kenta's costume was slightly more impressive and he had his normal large woodcutting at with him as well as a shield. Entering stage left a Tenuki in a red costume with a particularly long dick (also painted red to match) twirled his schlong around a few times while hooting and growling. The actors stage right shook their fists at him and he slinked away rudely flipping them off the whole time.

The crowd laughs

"We never thought we would dig so deep, beyond where mortal hands were meant to toil, we penetrated deep into the womb of the earth to find the still-born horror forgotten within, a true daemon"

The three of them made digging gestures stage right before a sharp musical snare from somewhere off stage qued them to panic, they stepped backwards slowly in a defensive posture.

Entering stage right is what appears to be a number of performers you cant quite fully count, all wearing completely black stage hand unitards and masks interlocked into some highly technical acro-yoga formation. shadows are cast all upon it, twisted limbs, crooked postures, and a mix of unnatural gaits, make it appear as one large incomprehensible mass that still exhibits recognizable shapes, in a very unsettling fashion.

The crowd gasps, a single toddler can be heard crying,

"Thank the gods the women and children were the first to escape,"

Sophie and several other young unwed maidens of the village make a flashy entrance from behind center stage where they twirl and sashay around a bit before being quickly ushered off stage left by Kenta and the others

"Its terrors were many, and we lost many to them,"

Dan and Rocky stepped forward in musical rhythm to the sound of a drum beating, weapons and shields raised, but the actors of the mass grabbed them, tore out red bandanas hidden about their costumes and stripped them naked, before throwing them back stage.

"In the end, only Danken the Mighty, stood left to oppose it, and knowing our past was lost, he did the only thing he could to save our future. He sundered the great pillars of Iriset and brought the mountain down upon it."

Kenta uses his axe to slice away the paper pillars and bring them and the curtain down on them, a quiet thunk can be heard by those with keen hearing and the flow of water from the damn under the stage seems to subtly increase, its possible this also signifies how the resulting quake formed the vent for this geothermal spring.

"where ever we walk now, we owe every step to them and their sacrifice, may we ever live to honor them."

The elder stopped reading,

"That is where the scroll ends, Our forebears were a proud people, thrust into extraordinary circumstances by an extraordinary age. Where ever we may find ourselves, or whatever shape we may take we endeavor to honor their memory and their sacrifice."

The music takes a lively turn as the curtain rises and Sophie and the other girls return to the stage to perform a lively musical outro,

Sazrahala walks off stage

The girls all are wearing identical dresses, starting with a saffron colored one piece, a red flower patterned sash and an open red kimono. The one piece in particular is an exceptionally from fitting garment clearly designed to showcase their mature feminine figures, even their packages have been snugly tucked and wrapped down in as tight a fashion as possible to excellent their form, its likely these girls spend the better part of the day furiously masturbating to get their balls small enough to fit this snugly, the glaring exception being Sophie of course, the lewd outline of her half flaccid horse cock left a noticeable lump tracing up the center of her stomach, and her softball sized balls where less than discreetly tucked back under her buttocks,

The dance continued for a moment before the other actors were ushered on stage to take a bow, Kenta, the Contortionists, Long Schlong Don, even Rocky and Dan, now just clothed in their loin cloths.

The water level of the springs continued to slowly rise, and as the hour had already grown late Sazrahala and a few of the other elders and a couple of chaperones rounded up the children and ushered them back to the village for another campfire story and bed.

Some of the villagers stared taking some of the soap bricks from their buckets and threw a few in, creating an intense foaming suds in places, clearly some form of potent alchemy, others still grabbed more food and ale and began dancing and reveling.

"Well what are we waiting for, lets get loaded!"

Whitney said loudly holding out a few more mugs of mead with one arm still draped over Reiya's shoulder,

Dan, Rocky, and Sophie quickly found their way to where Tori and Kaelys were,

"Well what did you think?" Rocky asked excitedly.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"The show was wonderful," answered Tori, with a smile. "You two cut a pretty good figure in armor." As the boys blushed, she turned to Sophie. The young woman's eyes were glued to Tori's tits and her cock, clearly visible through her skin-tight outfit, had come to full erectness and was pulsing beneath the shear fabric. Tori giggled at the lewd display. "Sophie, your dance was lovely, and it's nice to see that I'm not the only one who was forced to wear something that shows off her assets." Sophie didn't answer, her eyes remained fixed on Tori's chest, and a small wet spot began to spread on her dress at the tip of her dick. "Sophie? Sophie!" Tori snapped.

"Huh?" Sophie finally looked Tori in the eye.

Smiling coyly at her three lovers, Tori couldn't believe the next thing that rolled out of her mouth. "It looks like the springs are open for use now. Why don't the three of you help me out of this dress and we'll find a nice place to take a dip. I believe you had some friends you wanted to show me off to?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
With Tori's arm over her shoulders, Kaelys also cheered on the three incoming actors. "You guys were great up there!" She clapped her hands together in a little outburst of excitement. "You must have reahearshed it for so long!" Her eyes ran up Sophies form up and down, lingering maybe a little too much on her more pronounced curves. "I wish I had something that pretty to wear too."

The prospect of soaking on some hot springs cheered the elf considerably, even more so if she could drink a little more of the delicious beverage Whitney had brewed and maybe... just maybe, she would get to have a little peek on what the tenuki considered a "proper" festival.

She grabbed a couple of soap bars and looked around Tori and the three smaller tenukis. "What are we waiting?"

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
Tori's three young lovers shared a mischievous look between them, before springing into action. Dan leaped to one side and grabbed her Obi, spinning her around like a top as it unfurled. Sophie gracefully slipped in and caught Tori just before she lost her balance, slipping her hands in under the her breast straps and allowing her more than ample bosom to pop free, with the back of Sophie's head wedged right in the middle of them, her armes flexed upwards grabbing all four of them and squeezing them close around her. Tori let out a brief squeel at the speed of it all. Meanwhile Rocky had pulled free the remaining slip of the dress like a slip knot before kicking a few more soap bars into the basin. Dan moved in with hungry eyes before Rocky shoved him in the water with a loud sploosh! Sophie still grabbing Tori by the tits leveraged her weight forward to send them both falling in. Rocky gave Kaeyls a gentle smile, taking her by the hands and slowly puking her towards the pool. He placed her hands around his hips and moved in smoothly to grasp her strong thighs just under her buttocks. As they pressed in close the large soft lump of Rocky's nuts brushing up gently against her inner thighs sent a quiver down her spine. Kaeyls gave a tender smile back looking into his eyes before pushing Rocky into the bath as well, and slowly stepping in herself, Leaving bits and pieces of her enaamble behind until only the decorative flowers remained. It felt so liberating, so right, so damn sexy to cast her inhibitions aside for once.The pool was quickly becoming a maze of rising foam and steam. Dan and Rocky's loin cloths floated away slowly and Tori was now only sporting her highly decorative chandelier of a necklace upon her heaving bosoms. Only Sophie still seemed overdressed with her soaked saffron colored one peice clinging to her massive horse erection and her lithe body like a swim suit.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Let me help you with that," said Tori, as she stepped toward Sophie. Slipping her fingers under the shoulder traps, she slowly worked her way down Sophie's arms and sides, peeling the garment off of her as she slowly made her way lower. Soon enough, the tip of Sophie's dick was revealed, and Tori slowed her decent even more as she pulled the garment down over the pulsing length. Finally, she drew the one piece down past Sophie's hips and into he water, and her eyes widened at the sight of Sophie's balls. Softballs had been an understatement, up close they looked more like cantaloupes. Tori slowly cupped the massive testes in her hands and gave them an experimental lift. They were firm, heavy, and warm. More than warm, they were almost hot to the touch, and as Tori watched, the pre at the tip of Sophie's dick went from a drop to a river.

Tori," Sophie mewled. "Don't tease me right now, I can barely hold it in."

Realizing that the young woman was about to blow, Tori stood and took a few steps backwards until she was sitting on the edge of the pond. Spreading her legs as wide as she could, she reached down to do the same with her sopping wet pussy. Looking around to make sure everyone had gotten an eyeful, she glanced back to Sophie. "Okay, hun, come and get it."   


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
As the show came to an end Larek stood up, taking Uta off his Lap. He looked around to try to see Tori and Kaelys, but to no avail. He couldn't see them passed the rising mist and walls of bubbles. Suddenly he heard Whitney call out with booze in hand. Larek grabbed a mug and chugged it all down in seconds, a bit of it was left on his lips. Using his arm to wipe off the leftovers from his drink, Larek did not notice Dillon walking up behind him. "Hey there." Dillon wrapped herself around Lareks right hand. "Now i seem to recall i was promised something" She let out a small giggle and gave a mischievous look towards Larek.

"Yes you were..." Larek picked up Dillon and motioned to Uta to follow. Uta had a bit of a hard time following Larek trough the mess of bubbles,mist and people, however Larkes massive orcish figure was hard to miss so she did not lose him. Finally stoping at a cleared pool he let Dillon down and proceed to undress revealing his two large horsecocks. " can see why Uta likes being your little bitch." Hearing that Uta gave a slight blush as she undressed and revealed her newly obtained accessory, a small black silk ribbon wrapped around Utas balls tightly preventing her from cumming. Her balls were swollen to the size of grapefruits by now. "It is always nice to see my handiwork worn so lewdly. Uta you became a real slut haven't you." Dillon did not know whether she was annoyed or excited by this. On one hand the Uta she knew was transformed into a slut that begged for cock, on the other hand she liked this Uta more. For Dillon Uta looked happy to be manhandled by an orc.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Kaelys let out a pleasant giggle as the small tenuki splashed in the water. The moonlight and the torchlight both reflected in the myriad of bubbles creating a rather magical atmosphere, that allied to a little of alcoholic courage, emboldened the usually shy elf to act on her desires. She advanced a step at a time with the most sexy gait she could towards the now floating little tenuki pulled him into her arms, sealing his lips with hers on a slightly awkward, but indeed hot, kiss.

She let her slender arms embrace him as her hands felt up the contours of his furry body, taking extra time around his buttocks and where his tail split from his ass. She pushed him against the stony border of the hot-springs, examining his now semi-erect cock and his ridiculously oversized testes. More then sheer arousal, it was curiosity that filled her now. She took his tool with both hands, caressing it to full-size with a gentle but firm touch. It was so much warmer then she had expected.

She heard a voice from behind but did not pay much attention to it until a broad tongue licked her already very wet pussy. Dan had probably been sulking as Tori was otherwise engaged already with Sophie and decided to play around a bit with the elf until the quad-boobed girl called for his services. Kae remembered Tori having mentioned the three young tenukis had been forbidden to cum until that evening with her so that probably meant that she could tease the two males to her heart contents. The elf leaned down further allowing Dan easier access to her pussy and backside as she also approached her face to Rocky's balls, rubbing her cheeks against his cumfilled sack. She slowly ran her tongue up and down his shaft as she massaged his backside and slyly inserted a finger up on Rocky's tight asshole.

"I'll keep you guys company until Tori feels is time to give you your good boy's reward."

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
Kaeyls leaned in tenderly licking Rocky's balls and shaft, while Dan, after getting a good taste of her wet snatch, now grabbed her firmly by her ass and plunged himself deep into her tight womanhood. A shudder rippled up her spine and she exhaled a deep moan of pleasure. To think she had been holding herself back all these years, being demure, reserved, chaste, and for what? As Dan began thrusting in and out she inhaled the length of Rocky's shaft with a audible slurp, bobing her head up and down while massaging his massive oversized gonads with handfuls of foam.


Meanwhile Tori let out a husky whisper to her Tenuki lover,

"Come on, spear me on your little pony"

Sophie didn't hesitate any longer, she couldn't afford to,

She lunged forward impailing Tori's vagina on the tremendous girth of her horse meat. thrusting in to the hilt with a lewd slap, the force of their bodies colliding caused all four of Tori's tits to jiggle wildly. Sophie grabbed her roughly by the wrists and pinned her arms back to the large bolder and began giving it to her but good.

"Ow, not so rough hun!"

Tori squealed in protest,

"I -I can't, can't hold back, enh~!" Was all Sophie could muster in reply.

He pace increased, reaching a fever pitch, she moaned out,

"Torrriii, I'm gonna -I, I don't have any more elixir, but it can't stop, I'm going to cum inside, ooohh~"

Tori could feel her tensing up in preparation to cum, her face became a strained visage of borderline orgasim as her massive balls slapped loudly against Tori's ample ass,


Meanwhile in Larek's pool, he hefted Uta onto a large boulder and began unceremoniously pounding away deep into her guts with his two large horse cocks, the rolling voluptuous shape of all her curves, her bust, her balls, her hips, her ass, all jiggled like a lewd bowl of jello, her pint sized pecker teetered back and forth just on the brink orgasim, but unable to arrive,

"Not until I say so," he roughly growled, holding back his own seed

Dillon for his part began massaging Larek's back and thighs,

"Oh so tense!, I think I have something that will loosen you up,"

The curvaceous lady boy began lathering him up sensually as his own large member began rising out of the foam, a full foot and a half of uncircumcised Tenuki meat at full mast, Dillon leaned in and pressed it's length between them.

"Seems you love to dish it out, but can you take it too?"

Larek's bucking and Dillon's keeping tempo with him sent globs of precum splattering across his back, Dillon scooped a handful of it to grease her ready pole, he took a step back and leaned in, poised right at Larek's tight asshole,


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Hearing Sophie's proclamation, Tori's eyes widened as she was forced to act fast. Grabbing the wall behind her, she lifted just as Sophie pulled back for her final thrust. The younger girl's cock pulled free of Tori's pussy with a wet pop, then with a quick angling of her hips Tori brought her asshole down on the flared tip. A cry of surprise and agony echoed through the springs as Tori's ass was brutally skewered on the over-sized cock.

As her cock slid into Tori's ass, Sophie cried out, "By the gods, that's tighaaaAAAHH!" Sophie screamed as her dam finally burst, and she came as she had never cum before; not in spurts, but one long stream. The head of her dick flared up, stretching Tori's ass even wider, forming a tight plug in her back door as her balls roiled and churned in an effort to expel their punt up load. "Tori, Tori! It won't stop!" Sophie cried as she continued to orgasm. The young woman spasmed and clenched as she came, wrapping her arms around Tori and squeezing as hard as she could.

Finally, after a solid minute, the geyser ran out of steam. Tori had to catch Sophie as she slumped forward. Lowering the both of them into the water, She drew Sophie into a gentle hug as the girl tried to catch her breath. "So, how was it?" she whispered into Sophie's ear.

"Don't you... ever... make me... do that... again," Sophie panted.

Tori smiled down at Sophie before her attention was drawn to her other two lovers, and how eagerly they were taking to their new playmate. her eyes narrowed a little at the sight.  "Hun, wait here a second, I need to have a talk with those three." With that, Tori stood, clenching her teeth as Sophie slid out of her ass, releasing a torrent of cum. Gods, it's going to take forever for all that to drain out. Slowly, she stalked up behind Dan and peered over his shoulder, taking in the sight of his cock eagerly slamming into Kaelys' needy pussy. Meanwhile, Rocky's eyes were closed as he enjoyed the attention his dick was getting. His hand casually rested on the back of the elf's head as it bobbed up and down. Tori smiled then sprung, wrapping her arms around Dan and pressing herself against his back, stopping his thrusts, but keeping him firmly lodged inside Kaelys. She then spoke, her voice low and sultry, with just a hint of threat behind it, "So, now that you've tried both, whos pussy do you like better, mine or hers?"

As Kaelys was about to pull away from Rock to speak, Tori's hand shot out and took hold of the back of her head, before pushing her mouth back down onto the cock in front of her. "You keep sucking," Tori said, firmly. "This is between me and them." 


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Kaelys didn't know wether to be relieved or angry with the little tenuki now pumping his cock in and out of her pussy. It felt slightly painful but also mind blowingly pleasing. It also felt silly she had denied herself this kind of experience simply due to her inhibitions. The act felt as good as she had hoped it would, maybe even more but the damn punk didn't even ask for permition! As the elf started pulling away from Rocky, Tori had arrived and outright ordered her not to stop. Kae had half a mind to tell Epona's vessel off for doing that but the human female's confidence surging through her voice made the elf feel so willing to obey that it felt scary... and so arousing.

A thought took root on her mind and it felt deliciously devilish. So Dan and Rocky would get into trouble they they cummed for someone else then Tori, right? That would be she would "pay them back" for being naughty. The elf redoubled her efforts bubbling her mouth up and down and sucking Rocky's rod as hard as she could at the same time as she pushed her lower body with contrasting movements to Rocky's grinding, twisting her bubbly butt and adding a different sensation every time he thrusted. She would make them cum wether they intended or not!


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
While Larek was hammering at Uta he didn't notice what the sly tanuki trap was up to.Globs of precum dripping from her cock.Dillon slowly plunged her massive 18 inch cock in Lareks virgin ass. At that moment a shiver ran trough his spine, as he noticed what Dillon had done. He turned out and yelled out angrily. "What the hell do you think you're doing."

"Oh what... Does the big strong orc not like getting his ass filled with a thick juicy cock?" Dillon gave him a mischievous smirk as she inserted her cock deeper into Lareks ass."Look you wanted my ass and I wanted yours and since you were busy with Uta. I went ahead and claimed my prize." She firmly gripped his butt and gave it a little squeeze.

This further annoyed Larek."Fine, but later your getting both my dicks up your ass." 

Surprisingly Dillon was not concerned by this. She only felt more eager and her lust grew even more. Just imagining that she came in Lareks ass instantly. Her cum gushing out of his ass as it coated her cock even more and dripped in the water. This didn't stop Dillon she continued to fuck Lareks ass over and over.

On the other side Uta was fucked silly by Larek as he pounded her harder and harder. Trying to vent his rage that grew from Dillons rigorous pounding. Uta could not take it any more.She started begging Larek to cum. " mm...ass...ter.. "Uta could hardly talk. Panting she continued saying the same sentence over and over.n  Larek satisfied with Uta let her wish come true. He undid the ribbon and a sudden geyser of cum gushed out of Utas cock. her cum mixed with the cum that spilled out of Lareks ass, slowly changing the waters color and texture.

After a while Dillon finally pulled her dick out of Lareks cum drooling ass. As she pulled out thick strands of cum extended from her cock to Lareks gaping asshole. Dillon sat on her back, her cock flopped on her chest breaking the strands of cum and giving a large sploshing sound. She called out to Larek. "Well i got what i want. Its time for your reward." She then spread her plump ass cheeks to reveal a massively gaped asshole. It pulsated like it was begging for something to be shoved inside it."Go on big boy. I was promised two cocks."

Larek took out both of his cocks out of Uta and went straight for Dillons ass. He then inserted both of his thick cocks into Dillons ass, ramming them in with all his might. This did not phase Dillon at all. "Oh my...Not even your two cocks could stuff my ass fully." Larek ignored her comment. He simply told Uta to stick her dick into Dillons mouth. Uta proceed to do so, she shoved her dick in Dillons mouth shutting her up. Then she took Dillons cock and started sucking it profusely. Uta tried to take it all down her mouth, however Dillons cock was far to big for her. Because of this gargling and gagging could be heard from Uta, but she did not relent.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Dan went rigid in Tori's grasp as his mind raced to find the correct answer. "Oh, hey, Tori, we were just about to come get you," he said, nervously.

"Don't try to change the subject," Tori commanded. "I asked whos pussy you like better. It must be pretty close since you dove into her so eagerly."

"Tori, she walked right up and offered herself to us. What were we supposed to do?" Rocky interjected.

"You could have said 'hold on a moment, while we make sure it's okay with our lover," replied Tori. "You know, if we were in a serious relationship most girls would consider this cheating."

Dan and Rocky's faces twisted like two kids who had just lost there favorite toy. "Tori, we didn't think you'd take it like that," Dan stammered.

"Really? You asked me to come here as your date, then before you've even given me a kiss I turn around to find you two fucking another girl. How would you take it?" Tori's voice was still low and even, but the edge in it was beginning to grow. As if on queue Kaelys seemed to step up her game sucking Rocky down to the base, and pushing back against Dan. "Well, somebody is eager," Noted Tori.

"Whoa! Okay, Tori, were sorry, wee weren't thinking," Dan blurted out, as Kaelys' tight folds clenched around him.

"Tori, we didn't think you felt that way." Tori glared at Rocky. "Okay, maybe we suspected, but we weren't really sure and... Oh gods, Tori, she's gonna make us cum! We wanted to do that with you," Rocky pleaded, as Kaelys' tongue danced over the head of his dick.

"Speaking of cumming, you two are holding out amazingly well for a pair of tanuki that have gone five days without relief. Care to explain that?"

The boys breathing was becoming haggard as Kaelys continued to fuck them harder and harder. Both of their cocks suddenly went rigid as they through their heads back and cried in unison, "We cheated, we're sorry!" Kaelys' cheeks bulged as her mouth was suddenly filled with a thick load of tanuki cum. The salty flavor was unlike any she tasted before as it flowed down her throat. Meanwhile, a warm pressure bloomed in her nethers as Dan pumped rope after rope of hot cum into her pussy. The feeling pushed her over the edge into bliss as her first mutual orgasm rocketed through her. Finally, when they were all spent, Tori stepped back letting Dan pull out of her with a wet pop, and she felt the warmth flow out of womanhood and drip down her inner thighs, tickling her as it went. The pleasing afterglow was interrupted a moment later by a sudden sharp pain as Tori's hand collided with her as with a loud smack.

"Ow!," Kaelys cried, looking back at the red handprint adorning her right cheek. "What was that for?" she asked, rubbing her ass.

"That was for having a go with my boys without asking. Next time I won't stop until your ass looks like a beet," Tori said, evenly. With her point driven home, Tori turned back to her two lovers with their hangdog expressions. "Now, as for you two. Breaking your promise over the last five days, not greeting me with a kiss tonight, and fucking another girl without asking right in front of me. Have I left anything out?"

"We're so sorry, Tori, we'll never do it again," Dan blurted out.

"Please don't dump us," Rocky pleaded.

Seeing he boys on the verge of tears, Tori's heart began to melt and some of her anger drained away with it. Some, but not all. "Oh, I'm not going to dump you boys. But, if you think you're getting out of this without getting punished you're dead wrong," she said, grasping the two of them by the dick, and giving them a firm pull to get the following her as she left the spring they were in. As she stepped out of the water Tori noticed Sophie, who had been quietly watching the whole exchange with concern. "Come on, Sophie, I'm going to need you're help with this."

"What are we doing?" asked Sophie, hesitantly. Tori released her grip on the two boys long enough to whisper something into Sophie's ear. A wicked grin slowly spread across the younger woman's face. "Tori, that is mean. But, I guess they do deserve it," she said, giving the boys a dirty look. "Hey, elf-girl, you coming, this should be good." With that Sophie took the lead, showing Tori through the maze of steam and bubbles to the pool she had asked about.

The group emerged at the edge of a rather large spring. Lounging in the warm water were the four girls that had danced with Sophie during the play, as well as several of the other actors, including Kenta. Upon seeing the group enter, a curly blond-haired girl, with very prominent breasts waved to Sophie, "Sophie, you made it," she called, drawing the rest of the groups attention to the newcomers.

"Yeah, I made it, Kelly, and I brought some friends," Sophie proclaimed.

As Sophie mingled, Tori lead Dan, and Rocky, to the opposite edge of the pool and sat them down. "Now, you two just sit here, keep your legs spread, and if I see you touching yourselves, even once, you'll never get into my pants again. Is that in any way unclear?"

Both boys gulped and nodded. "What are you going to do to us?" Dan asked, his voice trembling.

"Oh, I'm not going to do a thing to you two." Tori turned and walked over to Sophie, adding a little extra wiggle to her ass as she walked.

Back at the gathering, Sophie continued to make small talk. "I see you finally got that new shlong of yours under controle," a slim brunette commented, pointing at Sophie's dick as it swung between her legs.

"Yeah, but don't worry, Jenny, You can still stare at it if you want," Sophie retorted, drawing a sting of giggles from the group. But, I can't take all the credit, after all, I had some help," said Sophie, grabbing Tori's ass firmly as she came up beside her. "And, being the good friend that I am, I though I might share the wealth." In response to the confused stares, Sophie continued. "You see, my friend here's a big fan of the arts, and she was hoping to express her appreciation to the talented men and women who had the nerve, and dedication, to perform in front of the whole town. Weren't you Tori?"

"It would be my pleasure," Tori replied, wrapping her arms under her breasts and squeezing them together to accentuate her point.

Realization began to creep across the many faces in the crowd, not to mention Dan and Rocky's, whos mouths were agape in shock. Kenta was the first to speak up. "Uh, not that the offer isn't tempting, but are you sure about that? I was under the impression that you and the boys had a thing going?"

"That will depend on how the rest of the night proceeds," said Tori, glancing back at the boys. "So, what do you all say? If you like what you see, come and get it." Tori reached up to give her top breasts a firm squeeze, causing them to dribble.

"Well, I have always wondered what it's like to be with a girl who doesn't have a dick," said Kelly, as she stood up, her five inch pecker at full erectness. Many of the other actors followed suit and began making their way toward Tori with hungry eyes.

"I hope you know what you're getting into," Sophie whispered.

"Don't worry about me, just go sit with Dan and Rocky, and make sure they keep their hands off their dicks," Tori whispered back.

Sophie nodded in agreement. "Well, everybody, she's all yours!" Sophie declared. "But remember, if any of you cum in her pussy, you'll be getting this up your ass." Sophie gripped her oversized horse cock, which was quickly coming erect again, and gave it a good shake, causing most of the crowd to wince. With her point made, Sophie strutted over to Dan, and Rocky and took a seat between them. "So, can I get you boys some popcorn or something for the show?"

"Fuck you, sis," Dan groaned, as he watched someone else's dick plunge into the woman that he now had to admit was his girlfriend.

"This is cruel and unusual," moaned Rocky, as a set of lips latched onto each of Tori's nipples, causing her to squeal.

"Hey, you two broke down as soon as a pretty face gave you the come hither look. If it were me I'd have tanned your hides and then made you watch this. Just be grateful that she's going to take you back after this is over."

"Really?" the boys asked, hopefully.

"Well, assuming you boys can still satisfy her after Kenta is done railing her," Sophie smirked. "Now quit gabbing and watch them fuck our girl," she commanded , as she began slowly stroking her cock. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
The elf followed quietly behind Sophie. The smarting palm mark on her ass seemed to do a great job at clearing up her alcohol and lust addled mind. She had quite done it tonight. Her mouth still tasted quite a lot like tenuki cum which wasn't actually as bad as she thought and her pussy felt a bit sore and quite empty. Dan had cummed his ass off on her so she would have to go look for proper medication in the morning, there would be no little tenuki elves running around if it depended on her.

Kaelys sat by Sophie as Tori started to play with the rest of the cast. "Do you think she is mad at me? I really wasn't thinking straight when this all began." She playfully swatted the top of Rocky's head. "This is on you! Now you two better watch her closely and keep your hands to yourselves." She smiled before she added. "For all of our sakes."

Sophie giggled without looking away from Tori. "I think you will be fine. Tori is a great gal."

The druid nodded in agreement. "Hopefully. I really look up to her, you know? You will never hear an elf admit something like that again." She looked down to her feet playing around in the water as her face blushed discreetly. "She is just so free, so true to herself. She does whatever she wants without any fear of what people will think of her. While I tried so hard to hide my desires behind this pristine image I'm nothing at all really like." She took a deep breath and looked at the stars.

"Rocky, yours was the first cock I ever touched or tasted and Dan... I hope my virginity was worth it. I had saved it for over sixty years and you didn't even hesitate!"

"Sorry Kae" The both of them answered in unison.

"Don't be. I'd say it was a rather fun experience all things considered. You two better bring me one of those tea thingies in the morning. I feel so much better now... thanks boys." Neither on them said another word. They all just watched Tori had fun with a twinkle in their eyes.

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
The crowd if Tenuki were quick to decend upon Tori, Kenta posed her in front of a large stone and took her ass from behind, his thick equine rod was enormous, and felt incredible. Her bovine tail swisher happily across the fur on his broad chest. A set of lips latched on to each of her nipples, it was almost too much, her face flushed red, and she rewarded two for their efforts with a hand job each, Kelly slithered her way under Tori and in to the large stone, her perky breasts and little balls coated in foam,

"Sophie should know not to threaten me with a good time, but I promise to hold back"

Here proud pecker emerged from the foam and she slid her way into Tori's soft folds. Just when the momentum of this fuck fest started rolling, just when she thought she couldn't get any more O faced, Jenny appeared before her, throbbing rod swaying like a metronome,

"Oh oh, me next!"

She said with a light in her eye before grabbingTori by the horns and face fucking her silly. Truly she had never been fucked like this...

For their part Dan and Rocky could only look on in repressed anguish, while Sophie stroked away at her meaty rod eagerly taking in the spectacle.


Larek for his part was fucking away his frustrations, the sweet sting of his newly de-floured ass hole spurring him on, whilst still leaking cum

Dillon tried to mutter something snarky, as if Larek wasn't quite man enough, But her mouth was awash with the gurgling of Uta's cum and cock spelunking away.

Uta for her part was bucking away wildly into Dillon's face, while slurping up a storm trying to choke down all of Dillon's dick.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Gods, that's tight," groaned Kenta, as he pulled back until the flare of his cock was just about to pop out of Tori's ass before thrusting all twelve inches back in; stretching out her ass with long slow thrusts. Kelly, and Jenny were not so restrained, however. Both girls thrust away frantically, Kelly into Tori's warm wet pussy, and Jenny deep into her mouth. Neither girl lasted very long.

Tori soon tasted the familiar flavor of tanuki cum in the back of her throat as Jenny pulled her down to the base of her rod before unloading into her mouth. "Sweet mercy, this girl knows how to suck a cock. How are you doing down there Kelly?"

"I'm gonna cum!" cried Kelly as she pulled her dick out of Tori's pussy and sandwiched it between their stomachs, gluing them together with a stick white mess.

"I'm right behind you," said Kenta, through gritted teeth, as he grabbed Tori's shoulders and began hammering away even harder. Tori screamed in a mixture of pain and pleasure as the flared end of Kenta's dick swelled even wider, locking him inside her. He came hard, his apple sized balls clenching with each spurt, as a torrent of cum flowed into her.

The crowd was quiet of a moment as the three tanuki withdrew their dicks from Tori. She stood there, awkwardly, for a moment checking her ass with a pair of fingers to make sure no real damage had been done, before yelling, "Next!"

There were no shortage of volunteers as the crowd surged forward again. The first ones to reach her this time were a wide famed woman with long brown hair and emerald eyes who sauntered up behind her and wrapped her hands under her lower breasts, and a surprisingly skinny blue eyed man who managed to squirm between her legs. The rest of the crowd backed off a bit then, seemingly content to watch these two have their fun. For her part, Tori was trying to figure out where she had seen these two before. The man she recognized as one of the contortionists from the play, but the woman was too old to be one of the dancers, what was she doing here? Then she noticed the matching golden rinds they were wearing, and realization dawned on her. These two were married! She had seen these two walking around the village holding hands before.

As Tori was taking the revelation in, the woman behind her began whispering in her ear, as the man began gently rubbing the head of his dick against her pussy. "I see you noticed the wedding rings," she said in smoldering voice. "I thought we were the wildest couple in town, but even I've never cuckolded my man before," she said, glancing over to Dan and Rocky, and giving them a wink as she squeezed Tori's tits a little harder. "Still, it's definitely a good way to test the strength of a relationship. I mean, if it can survive this then it can survive anything right? Gabe, are you going to fuck her, or not? There are other people waiting their turn."

"Just a minute, Niccole, first lets make this a little more comfortable." Gabe pulled away from Tori and clapped his hands together, wrapping his fingers in a bizarre pattern while chanting in a low voice. Suddenly the water around them began to churn and bubble, and with a quick lurch began to rise underneath them. Tori was stunned to find herself no longer standing hip-deep in water, but rather sitting on a ten foot wide disk of what looked like water but felt like gelatin underneath her, that had risen a full foot above the rest of the water in the pool. Despite it's gooey texture, the surface of the stuff was surprisingly firm, and bouncy, refusing to break even when she poked it with her finger. "Like it?" Gabe asked, as he crawled along the surface and back between Tori's legs. "It's a little spell I cooked up, I call it 'water raft'. It's useful for fishing, good for fording rivers-" he suddenly thrust his seven inch manhood into Tori causing her to gasp in surprise "-and really fun to fuck on." Gabe pulled back and began fucking her, drawing back slow, and thrusting in hard, sending a bolt of pleasure through Tori each time.

Meanwhile, Niccole rested her chin on Tori's shoulder, as she watched her husband go to town on the woman. Wrapping her arms around Tori, she squeezed her top breasts before lifting one up and taking the firm nipple in her mouth, moaning as she suckled. A sudden warmth filled Niccole's mouth as Tori's milk began to let down. Taking a long draw from the teat, she let it pop out of her mouth before swallowing. "My, that is rich," she said, licking her lips. "It tastes more like cream than milk. Gabe, darling, you have to try this."

Without missing a thrust, Gabriel leaned forward and took one of Tori's nipples into his mouth, enjoying the creamy goodness, while Niccole continued to suckle on the tit she had claimed for herself while slowly caressing Tori's lower pair. The stimulation ran through Tori like a live current, as she writher in the couples grasp. "Don't stop, don't stop!" she cried, wrapping her legs around Gabe's pistoning hips.

"Harder, Gabe, she's getting close," Niccole commanded.

"She's not the only one!" cried Gabriel, as he hammered into Tori.

Tori cried out in extacy as pleasure lanced through her,. Gabe let out a cry of alarm as he pulled back from her grip, just barely managing to pull out of her as the first rope of cum erupted from his dick. Grasping his shaft he jacked himself furiously as more and more cum issued forth, until Tori's stomach was covered in a thick white glaze.

At the edge of the pool, Sophie let out a strained sigh as she continued to stroke herself. "Well, that's one," she said, in response to Tori's orgasmic cry.

Back on the raft, Niccole reached out and grabbed Gabe's chin, pulling him into a passionate kiss. That was a close one, honey, you almost lost it inside her.

"Come on, dear, you know my seed's only for you," he replied playfully, as he wiped the tip of his dick off on Tori's inner thigh.

"Well, I hope you had fun, because now it's my turn," she said, stepping around Tori, and taking his place between her legs. To Tori's surprise, Niccole was even bigger than Gabe was, her nine inch cock pulsed with her heartbeat.

A sudden pain shot through Dan's arm as Sophie jabbed her elbow into him. "See, she's bigger than most guys, and she found a husband just fine," Sophie declared.

"Oh, the two biggest perverts in town managed to find each other... what a miracle," Dan replied, sarcastically.

 Both Tori, and Niccole's ears twitched, and Tori pulled the curvy woman down to whisper in her ear for a moment. When they parted, Niccole slid off the edge of the raft and began making her way toward the four spectators on the edge of the spring, stopping in front of Dan. "Hey there," she said with a smile. "She just wanted to let you all know that you're doing great and to keep up the good work." She then thrust her hips forward until the tip of her dick just barely touched Dan's, leaving a large dollop of her pre smeared on his head.

"Hey!" Dan cried, indignantly. "What's the idea?"

"Sorry," replied Niccole. "I am one of the biggest perverts in town," she finished with a smug grin, before taking hold of her dick and stroking it mere inches from Dan's face. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go shove this into your girlfriend." With that, Niccole turned and made her way back to the raft, shaking her ass as she went.

Dan reached up to wipe his dick, only to have his hand slapped away by Sophie. "What the hell, sis?"

"You heard Tori, keep your hand off that dick," Sophie said, threateningly.

"What, am I just supposed to sit here with her cum on me?"

"If you still want Tori back, then that's exactly what you are going to do." Sophie narrowed her eyes at her brother, letting him know she meant business.

Dan huffed for a moment, before crossing his arms and grimacing as the drop of cum slowly slid down his shaft to come to rest on his rapidly swelling balls.

"Good boy," said Sophie.

"How much longer do we have to watch?" asked Rocky. "This thing is starting to hurt," he said, motioning to his throbbing erection.

"Well, let's see here," began Sophie. "Between the rest of the acrobats and the dancing girls, she's still got a good twelve more dick to go. That's assuming none of them go in for seconds which, considering how hard Kenta is getting again, is highly unlikely. So, I hope you didn't have anything else planed for the evening."

"How can you be so calm about this, Sophie?" Rocky asked.

"Because I know that when this is all over and done with, she's going to come over here and tell me that she loves me and wants to spend the rest of her life with me. Now, if you want her to do the same to you, I suggest the two of you man up, and muster the willpower to get through one night without whacking offaaahhh!" Sophie came, shooting several long thick roes of cum into the water in front of them. "Hoo, man, I needed that," she said as her cock went flaccid.

Dan, and Rocky, just stared at her, eyes wide. "Is she really going to do that?" asked Dan.

"I don't know. Are you two going to go the rest of the night without touching yourselves?" asked Sophie.

The boys didn't answer, they simply turned back to the spectacle going on in front of them and slid their hands firmly beneath their butts, as Niccole pulled out of Tori's pussy and stood up to spray a generous helping of cum onto her face, before walking off the raft, hand in hand with her husband. Tori sat there sputtering for a moment as she wiped the jizz from her eyes. Seeing Dan and Rocky still sitting where she had put them, cocks ridged, sent a smile across her face. She then noticed Kaelys fidgeting next to them. Remembering what happened the last time she left the elf alone with her boys, she crooked a finger at the smaller woman and gave her the come hither look, before crying out,



Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Whilst Larek was fucking away he heard a familiar voice behind him. "Hey there big man. Are you ready for another round of drinking." Suddenly a hand holding a mug of booze apeared on Lareks shoulder. Larek slowed down for a second to look behind him. He saw Whitney as she was holding two mugs. She was quite drunk by the look of it.

"So what brings you here Whitney" Larek stopped pulling his cocks out of Dillon to turn to Whitney. Whitney saw the cum still coming out of Lareks cocks and knelt down for a second. She took one of the mugs she had and mixed it with Lareks cum. "I always liked to try a good cum brew. Lets see what a orc brew tastes like." She gulped down the whole mug and threw it aside. "That hit the spot."

Larek looked a bit stunned at the display. He did not know how to react to this. 

"So why are you guys all alone here on the side. Why don't you join the rest of the party. Your frends over there are having a wild time." Whitney pointed to several figures in the pool right next to thers. 

At that moment Whitney was cut off by a loud gargling sound. It came from Uta. All the sucking and fucking made Dillon unload another torent of cum and this time directly into Utas mouth. She clouldnt hold it, as it got more and more intense Uta pulled Dillons cock out of her mouth. Dillos cock sprayed every one in the area with cum.

"Next time warn me when you do that. You almost chocked me with your cum." Uta pulled her cock from Dillons mouth and started pouting.

"Well i can't warn you if you shove a dick in my mouth."

While Dillon and Uta argued, Whitney whispered in Lareks ear"Oh my, with those two.your in for some trouble"

"Enough!!" Larek interupted the small squable as it started to anoy him. "Lets go meet the others." He turned around and headed for the other pool
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Seeing the look Tori was giving her, Kaelys slid into the water and tentatively made her way to the raft before climbing on, and kneeling next to Tori. "Yes, Tori?" she said hopefully.

Hey, Kae, I can't help but notice that you're looking a little antsy over on the sidelines, so I was wondering if you'd like to help me out with something," Tori explained.

"Uh, what do you need?" Kaelys asked, her eyes drifting down to Tori's cum covered tits.

"Well, the way I see it, if I have to take all these folks from zero to finish, then we'll be here all night. So, I was wondering if you'd be willing to be my fluffer?" asked Tori.

"A fluffer?"

In response to her friend's confused stare, Tori continued. "Yeah, you know, a prep girl. While I'm taking care of one group, you can work on getting the next group ready, so that when their turn comes we don't have to worry about foreplay and they can just dive in."

Kaelys recoiled as if she had been slapped. "Tori, I just lost my virginity a little while ago and now you want me to be a part of this?"

"Easy, easy, you don't have to go all the way with them. Just play with them a little while you watch."

As they spoke, a sudden shifting of the raft alerted Tori that her next lover had arrived. To her surprise, she saw Kenta clambering onto the raft, his cock once more at full erectness. "While she makes up her mind, do you mind if we continue? I'd like to try out that pussy this time," he said, as he fell to his knees in front of Tori.

"Kenta? Weren't there more people in front of you?" Tori asked ruefully, as she spread her legs for the big tanuki man.

"Well, one of the perks of being a leader in this village is you get to cut in line once in a while," he explained, lining the tip of his dick up with her pussy. "Ready?" Without waiting for a response, Kenta thrust forward burying all twelve inches of his manhood in Tori's pussy. Her back arched off the raft as a silent scream escaped from her lungs. Not interested in giving her time to get used to his girth, Kenta began thrusting away at a swift but steady pace, coaxing more and more cries from Tori.

Kaelys wasn't sure what to do. As she stood there watching Kenta hammer away at Tori, she could feel herself flush with excitement. So engrossed was she that she didn't even notice as several bodies crept up behind her. She nearly jumped out of her skin when a pair of hands came to rest on her hips. Turning her head, she found a tanuki woman with short red hair resting her chin on her shoulder.

"Hey there, cutie, enjoying the show?" the woman asked.

"I know I am," came a voice from behind them as two tanuki men came up to stand on either side of Kaelys.

"Feel like lightening your friend's work load a little bit." The woman purred into Kaelys's ear, as she ran her hands up and down her sides.

"I-I don't, I mean..." Kaelys trailed off as she looked down at the two men's dicks, already half erect. At the same time, she felt something hard prodding at her tailbone.

"Shh, we don't bite," the woman cooed. "Unless you're into that," she giggled.

As she looked down at Tori, and then to the two men beside her, Kaelys began to feel her resistance fade. Slowly, tentatively, she reached out and took one of the men's dicks in her hand. It was soft, and warm to the touch, and she could feel the man's pulse through it when she squeezed, he member getting a little bit harder with each beat of the man's heart.

"How is she, John?" the woman asked.

"Oh, the stories are true, Connie" John said, placing a hand on Kaelys's shoulder to steady himself. "Elves really do have the softest hands."

"Come on, sweety, don't play favorites now," said Connie, as her hands slowly worked their way up to cup Kaelys's breasts. "Jeremy is still waiting."

Glancing to her left, Kaelys saw the other tanuki man smiling at her expectantly. Without breaking eye contact she reached out and wrapped her free hand around his penis, feeling it swell immediately in her grasp.

"And now for me," said Connie.

Kaelys suddenly felt the poking sensation on her back moving lower, down over her ass, until Connie's dick slid between her legs. For a moment Kaelys though the woman was going to take her the same way Dan had, but to her surprise the penetration never came. Instead Connie's dick slid over her anus to tickle her pussy before drawing back to do so again. The feeling of being fucked without being penetrated was strange to Kaelys, but not unpleasant, and she soon felt herself falling into a rhythm as she ministered the three cocks.

Meanwhile, from the edge of the pool, Larek couldn't believe his eyes. There in the middle of the spring, lying on what looked like a bed of water, was Tori getting the business from the big tanuki Kenta, while Kaelys was busy getting fondled by three complete strangers. All around the strange water raft was a crowd of spectators eagerly chattering among themselves, and shouting out the occasional word of encouragement to the big man, who was currently thrusting away like mad, amidst a chorus of scrams and squeals coming from Tori. "When did this happen, and why was I not invited?" he said aloud.

"Damn, look at Kenta go," Whitney exclaimed.

"That girl can certainly take a fucking," added Uta. "She might even be able to handle all of you, Dillon.

"She might at that," agreed Dillon, taking Larek's arm and giving it a gentle tug. "What do you say, Larry, shall we find a spot in line?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Kaelys could feel their gaze burning trails all over her flower clad body and they seemed to come from everywhere, not only from the tenuki Tori had asked her to entertain, many others looked at her petite body and fair skin with lust written all over their faces. Even Larek and Uta now stared at both her and Tori along with more tenukis she had never met. The elf couldn't say what was giving her more thrills: the looks, the cocks she now masturbated or the female tenuki's constant whispering on her ears as she gently ran her large cock against the elf's labia. Whatever it was, it was doing work because she felt divine, much like a fertility goddess blessing the village people.

"Mmmm... if you keep teasing me like that I might want a little more then just the caress." She said to Connie as the female cupped her firm breasts and pulled teasingly on her nipples. The elf's hands now pumped John's and Jeremy's cocks much harder, as if trying to milk them for Tori. A devious plan surging on her mind.

"Come on, boys, pick up the slack." Kae kept caressing the shaft constantly even tossing a kiss and a quick tongue lash on their glans here and there until she started feeling like they could cum at any time but she knew she was not the star of the show and was content to play second fiddle to Tori. As the tenuki cocks started to shiver and contract, the elf aimed them both towards the cowgirl, letting it rain white cum all over her as if it were fresh milk.

Kae could tell that both males were a little disappointed by not having cummed in a proper hole, but they would have to live with it, the image of the white glazed ranger being fucked wildly by Kenta burnt itself on the elf's mind. "That's just too hot."

"You're not wrong." Added John.

"Not wrong at all." Concluded Jeremy.

Kae suddenly turned her head to face Connie and planted a wild kiss on the female's lips letting her tongue savor the tenuki's taste. "Yes... so... feel like taking this a step further?"

Connie smiled wickedly. "Who knows? Maybe you will have to beg me to fuck you."

The elf felt a little shocked but her hormones and her lust drive were already way past a little shyness now.

"Yes, ma'am. Would you please fuck my needy pussy?"

Connie laughed pushing the petite elf to the floor of the raft, raising only her buttocks to the air, positioning her plentiful cock on the elf's already drenched pussy. "Yes, little dove. How could I not once you've sang me such a nice tune." And she pushed into the tight gash without mercy, starting to pump her more then ready cock in and out of the slutty elf.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Tori was startled as the cum of two backed-up tanukis came raining down upon her face and breasts, with more than a little of it ending up in her mouth. Turning to see what had happened, she was stunned to see Kaelys on her hands and knees with Connie happily thrusting away behind her. Reaching over she grabbed the elf's chin and turned her head to face her. "Really? One group? You couldn't make it through one grooohhhh!" Tori cried out as Kenta suddenly began hammering her as hard and fast as he could. "Kenta, slow down."

"Can't, gunna cum!" Kenta roared, as he pulled out of Tori's pussy and began furiously jacking himself. Within a second the first ropes of cum began firing off to plaster Tori's stomach and tits, a few bursts even making it up to her face. "Phew, that's an amazing pussy, you got there, miss," he said, squeezing the last few drops of cum from his shaft, and smearing it into her bush. "Most girls can't take it that hard."

"Well, aren't you a flatterer," Tori quipped. "Now are you good for the night, or are we going to have to go for round three?"

"Heh-heh, maybe after a few more beers," replied Kenta, as he got up and made his way off the raft.

No sooner had Kenta gotten up to leave than another tanuki man took his place between Tori's legs and thrust into her. This one didn't even bother to introduce himself, he simply closed his eyes and smiled as he fucked her surprisingly gently. Not one for small talk are you, buddy? Taking advantage of the current lover's relaxed pace, Tori reached over to Kaelys and cupped her hands on the elf's cheeks, before pulling her into a deep kiss. As their tongues danced around each other, she was surprised by how eagerly Kaelys kissed back. Breaking the kiss, Tori looked into her friends eyes. "Somebody is needy tonight, isn't she?"

"Uh-huh," was all Kaelys could manage between grunts and purrs as Connie refused to slow her thrusting while the two talked.

"Well, let's see if we can do something about that?" Tori pulled Kaelys forward, urging her to begin crawling down her body. She guided the elf until her head was right above Tori's pussy, and she was getting an eyeful of Connie's cock driving in and out of her friends twat, the tanuki's heavy balls swinging just inches above her nose. Reaching up, Tori gently took Connie's sack in her hands, cradling the balls in one hand and lifting them to the side before giving the woman a small slap on her backside to get her attention. Connie paused in her thrusting just long enough to look down and see what Tori wanted. A mischievous grin spread across Tori's face as she looked up at the woman; the head of her dick still stuck inside Kaelys's pussy. "Let's see how loud we can make her squeal," said Tori, as she leaned her head forward and wrapped her lips around Kaelys's clit.  


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Kaelys would never forget this night, that much was certain but she had no idea one could experience such intense pleasure as the one Tori and Connie both submitted her to. The female tenuki had moved on from being gentle and now pistoned the elf's cunt with her considerable girth, rocking her pelvis against Kae's buttocks with each trust making the most lascivious of sounds. Tori giggled taking pleasure in torturing the small elf by sucking and tonguing the girl's clit relentlesly as she rubbed her cum ladden hot body against Kae's, the warm seed making both bodies slide on each other with every move of Connie's hips.

Tori herself was also rhythmically fucked by an unknown male tenuki. His tool was not one of the biggest but the way he gyrated it on each in and out was quite pleasing to the vessel of Epona and it wasn't long before his body began to jerk and he pulled out of the cowgirl's pussy, letting his whit seed fly freely only to fall all over Kae's face. The elf looked at him barely registering what had just happened and he gave her a creepy smile before he went away.

"Easy come, easy go." Tori added remarking how he had come announced at both the start and the end which made Sophie laugh. "Sam was never one for formalities but that was new."

Kae's body kept trembling, she had lost count of how many times Connie and Tori had made her cum but Connie herself had been moaning the loudest. "I'm... cumming!" She announced as she kept trusting, now more violently then ever and soon she started pumping hot seed inside Kae's pussy without so much of a mention to pulling out. The female tenuki seemed intent in gushing as much cum as she could in the lithe elf's body. Her motions slowed and she let herself soak in the hotspring's water once she pulled her cock out, warm semen dripping out of Kaelys.

"That was something." She sighed contently. "I'll punch whoever tells an elf can't fuck properly from now on."

Kaelys tried to sit on her legs, almost out of strength and Tori helped her up. The elf launched herself towards the ranger's lips on a passionate kiss before pulling away. "Sorry." She apologized blushing with her face glazed in the stranger's cum. Tori smiled at the shy girl's outburst. That night had really been one of many firsts it seemed.

Someone the elf didn't quite know but looked like a very slender female approached the duo. "Quite a show the two of you just put up. It was almost as thrilling as the play itself."

"Thanks, Dillon." Tori inspected the effeminate tenuki closely letting her gaze linger slightly too long on Dillon's oversized cock. "Say, want a part in our next act, beautiful?"

She giggled at the notion. "I could be persuaded, yes. Why don't your friend here help us get ready?"

While she was still slightly out of it, Kae understood the request and since Tori seemed to be looking forward to it she would gladly accept it. She moved slowly towards the edge of the float, letting her lower body into the water as Tori sat up and opened her legs, letting the elf lick her pussy clean for a minute or so only to get the blood running. Then it became time to make sure Dillon himself would be able to get her huge mast up to fully.

The druid caressed the girl from starting from her legs and massaging her way up as she stood up too. Her lithe touch teasing Dillon's tights as she kissed and licked her stomach always moving up slowly. Her hands now caressed D's behind, running her fingers around her buttocks and even circling her tail-hole teasingly. Kae sucked on the other's almost non-existing nipples and gently bit them on occasion until she decided to attack Dillon's neck and ear. She could the tailor's cock straining against her lower body and decided she should give the best a little care as well. Kaelys took a knee and faced at the large phallus with a mix of hunger and curiosity, she gently licked it's tip before starting to move up and down it's length, her hands working carefully Dillan's large testes. When she felt it probably could not became any larger and harder then it already was she sighed and lead the monster cock to Tori's waiting pussy.

Dillon did not rush it even though Tori was clearly wet enough neither had to worry but she knew how hard it could be for a girl to take her cock regardless so she slowly slid her pulsating phallus inside. Tori's face did not hide either her anticipation nor her slight worry at taking in such a huge member. Kae took that as a hint to help her out. The elf moved herself right beside the cowgirl, massaging her pelvis as she alternated between sucking on either of Tori's milk laden tits and she soon started to play with the girl's clit. Dillon took her cue and pushed as far as she could. The ranger's pussy enveloped her cock hard as if made customized to fit  her dick and only her dick, there was no room left for a whisper but she could feel her tip pushing gently against the girl's cervix. They were both as far as either could go.

Dillon and Tori both smiled at each other. The tailor proceeded to pull her cock out halfway only to slowly push it in again. Her movement's started to build up momentum but it was not long until the trio heard a loud huff. They all saw Larek moving towards them with an impatient look on his face. "That's not how you fuck a girl like Tori." He said as he pushed D's upper body down a little making his round ass stick out. "Let me show you guys how it's done." The orc laughed loudly as he thrusted both of his cocks into Dillon's twitching and anticipating asshole. Tori moaned hard as the large orc's movement transferred through D's cock into her. Larek did not wait before he forcefully began to fuck the effeminate tailor's behind HARD forcing her to fuck Tori back just as hard. It was like the three were pieces of a moving jigsaw puzzled as each of them were intrinsically connected to each other.Kaelys kept furiously masturbating the Tori as she could not contain herself, the elf took the again the girl's lips on a frenzied kiss, her free hand now masturbating herself in concert.

The whole crowd that had formed around all them looked at the four in wonder. Whitney and Reyia too started fucking like dogs on the edge of the crowd as Sophie kept a look on the boys, her own hands working her own horse cock. The orgy spread out from there and it was said to have enveloped almost all of the hotsprings. Many tenuki babies were conceived and not a single person went unsatisfied that night. For a long time not a single night went by without someone offering a toast in the tavern in memory of it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As the gathering of villagers around her began to devolve into a full blown orgy, Tori realized that it was time to leave. Planting her feet on Larek's thighs, she pushed herself off Dillon's cock just as the slender boy and Larek came, and yet another load of thick jizz splattered her chest and face. Tori looked around for Kaelys, only to find that she had gotten drawn into a spit-roast with Gabe and Niccole. Seeing the look of bliss on her friend's face, Tori decided to leave her with her new playmates for the time being, she had more pressing matters to deal with.

Slipping of the side of the raft, Tori made her way towards the edge of the spring where Dan, Rocky, and Sophie still sat. The three youths were completely silent as Tori stood before them, the cum from almost a dozen people slowly dripping from her body. To her surprise, it looked like the boys had actually managed to keep their hands off their dicks the entire time, and to her delight the show she had put on had the desired effect; both boys nuts had swollen to the size of grapefruits. Meanwhile, Sophie had clearly been giving her balls a much-needed draining; they were now barely bigger than kiwis. Smiling at the three, Tori stepped out of the spring. "Come on, you three, we have a lot to talk about."

Tori lead them back to the small secluded spring they had started in. Stopping just short of stepping of the edge into the water, she turned to her three companions. "So, now do you all get it?" she asked, eyeing Dan and Rocky in particular.

"Yes!" cried Dan.

"We promise, we'll never fuck anyone but you, Tori," Rocky added.

"That isn't what this was about!" Tori snapped, causing the three tanuki to jump. "I don't care if you three have sex with other people. Hells, watching you two go to town on Kaelys was one of the hottest things I've ever done. What concerns me is that you were more than willing to do so without asking if I was okay with it."

"Uh, we're sorry, Tori," Dan began.

"We just sort of assumed-" Rocky continued.

"Well, boys, if you really want to be with me, then you can't just assume something like that," Tori cut them off, although they were relieved to hear her tone lighten somewhat. "Look, I realize that the world has changed a lot since I was locked away in that fort, and people are a lot more open with physical intimacy, but even in an open relationship, if we can't pause to consider what the others will think about what we're doing, then somebody is going to get hurt. I don't want that, and I'm pretty sure none of you do either."

Her three lovers were silent for a long moment as what she said sank in, and for a moment Tori started grow nervous. Then Dan stepped forward. "You're right, Tori. I'm sorry I wasn't thinking."

"Me to," said Rock.

"We'll make sure that we don't just think with our dicks from now on," Sophie finished for the group.

"Thank you." Tori leaned back, letting herself fall into the hot spring behind her. She came up slowly, letting most of the cum rinse off of her. "Now come help me get cleaned off," she said.

Dan, Rocky, and Sophie all looked around until they spotted a basket of soap. Taking one in hand, they climbed into the water and surrounded Tori. Sophie crept up behind her and gently rubbed the soap through Tori's hair, working up a thick lather and rinsing away the stubborn strands of cum that still stuck to it. Meanwhile, Dan and Rocky stood beside her slowly working their way from Tori's shoulders, down over her four breasts, before reaching her nethers.

Tori just stood there, reveling in the sensation of being cleaned. Eventually it was time to rinse, and she let herself be pushed slowly into the water. When she poked her head back up, she found her three attendants standing in front of her, cocks at attention, and smiles on their faces. "Well," said Sophie from her spot in the middle of the trio. "Don't you think it's about time you cleaned us off?" Tori just smiled back before leaning forward and taking the flare of Sophie's dick into her mouth, before reaching up to gently grasp Dan and Rock in her hands.

"Mmm, gods, you're even better than Kelly at that," groaned Sophie, as Tori slowly bobbed her head up and down her cock, pausing now and then to probe the tip with her tongue.

For their part, Dan and Rocky could only moan as rivers of pre began flowing from their tips to coat both their shafts, and Tori's hands. "Okay, that's enough of that," said Tori, as she stood and made her way to the edge of the spring. Taking a seat, she spread her legs wide. "Dan, Rocky, you first. I think you've been patient long enough."

Dan was the first to reach her, and wasted no time positioning the head of his cock at her entrance. With one swift thrust he drove forward, burying himself to the hilt in her soft folds. "Gods, Tori, how can you stretch so much and still be so damn tight?" he asked, through clenched teeth.

"Just lucky I guess," she replied, clamping down on him as hard as she could. "Speaking of stretching." Tori wrapped her legs around Dan, and rolled until he was on his back with her on top of him. Reaching back she grabbed her ass and spread her cheeks as wide as she could, before looking back at Rocky. "Rocky, you know what I like. Why don't you come join your friend."

Both boys knew what she liked, and Rocky needed no more encouragement. Coming up behind Tori, her pressed his head against her opening and leaned forward letting gravity do the work as he slowly slid into her alongside Dan. "I never met a girl who actually enjoyed doing this. Maybe mom was right about you being a slut," he whispered into her ear, causing her to shiver.

Tori was wallowing in the pleasure of being impaled by the boys. Alone they were pretty small by the villages standards, but together they were wider than any dick she had taken so far, and she reveled in the feeling of being pulled tight around them. The feeling only intensified as the two fell into their well practiced rhythm, one pulling out as the other pushed in; fucking her without her ever being empty. As they picked up their pace Tori began seeing stars, as lightning shot though her with each thrust of the dicks pummeling her already well fucked pussy. She quickly felt her orgasm building.

"Tori, I'm gonna cum!" cried Dan.

"Me to," groaned Rocky.

"Give it to me! Give me everything you've got!" Tori cried.

Both boys buried themselves as deep as they could inside Tori as the pleasure overwhelmed them and they released their seed inside her. Tori could feel the pressure building inside her as a veritable flood of cum was forced into her womb. On and on the boys came, clutching Tori as tight as they could as they emptied their swollen balls into her. The steadily building pressure inside her forced Tori over the edge of her own climax, and she clenched down even harder on her two lovers, forcing the cum inside her out around their cocks in a thick white blast.

Eventually, the three of them came down from their blissful high, and Dan and Rocky untangled themselves from Tori. She lay on her back gasping for a while, before a sudden prodding at her pussy caught her attention. Looking up she saw Sophie between her legs slowly rubbing her entrance with the flare of her equine cock. "I hope you don't think you're done," said Sophie, forcing the first few inched of her dick into Tori. "It's going to take a lot more than that to satisfy three riled up tanuki teenagers."

Tori looked to Dan and Rocky for help, only to find them both at full erectness again. Groaning she laid her head back as Sophie began to fuck her in earnest. She clearly still had a long night ahead of her, but she couldn't help but smile. With any luck, she'd get to enjoy many more just like it. 

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
[Wow, so that all happened, every one take 3 SeXp and then I want Kaelys and Tori to give me some rolls for bun in the oven. I'll narrate what happens the following morning at the appropriate time]

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
[I'll say the offspring takes after the sire, also gain 1 Xp for the failed roll.]

The following mourning the villagers slept in late, still blissed out in a half dazed stupor from the night's revelry,

but their rest was short lived, as the smell of smoke and the sound of distant calls entered the village.

Gnoll raiders bearing scarlet banners and flinging alchemist's fire flooded into the village, led by a commander with a reptilian tail and a fierce countenance. she gave the order to take as many slaves as they could, but to especially hunt down the humans,

the villagers not caught off guard scattered in all directions but it wasn't enough to save them,

Reiya managed to trigger a fireball killing a number of Gnolls before she and Whitney were subdued

As you all come to your senses and grab your weapons you see many familiar faces being mobbed and scooped up into nets.

Uta, Dillon, Dan, Rocky, and Sophie are all in the midst of being accosted separately,

What do you do?


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The sound of battle brought Tori running from her treehouse. Bursting from the treeline, she beheld the sight in front of her.

No! Not again!

Her arms were a blur of motion as she began firing arrow after arrow at the gnolls accosting her lovers. One caught the gnoll standing over Sophie before he even knew what was happening [5 Damage]. A second snap of her arm sent an arrow at a gnoll that was trying to wrestle Rocky into a sack, [volley 11] striking him in the back [4 damage]. Turning to see Dan squaring off with two gnolls, she loosed a barrage of arrows [volley 7] at them grazing one across the leg [3 damage] most of the arrows went wide, and she realized that she was beginning to run low. Still, she seemed to have gotten their attention off of Dan. "Help your sister!" she cried to Dan.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
It took Kae but a moment to get her senses together. Her body still felt sore from the night's revelry but the sounds of panic and the screams were great catalysts for her to shift into gear. The elf opened the window of her inn room and jumped out of it. Much before she hit the ground she was already shifting between forms into a large grizzly bear. There was no time for subtlety and she knew no other form suited best for dealing with a mob, granted it was slow but it was also big, strong and usually very easy to get mad as and that at the moment was important. [2 holds, what is my special move?]