Nimin - Brainstorming / bouncing ideas


May 8, 2016
Got in the mood to start working on Nimin a bit. Before any excitement comes up, no, there hasn't been much progress with it and I'm not gearing up for a release anytime soon, just trying to work on it when I'm into it, since I'm still looking for assistance anyways.

So, I'm looking to revamp some of the game's mechanics and I'd like some feedback from people that are interested. Not looking to get flooded with random ideas, just some specific things. I figured this is a good board for that sorta thing, considering Fen is like the leader of the pack now.

  1. Pregancy

    • Looking to re-write birthing scenes pretty much across the board, taking into account relative sizes of the "mother", from height to vag-size to vulva-size.
    • Potentially going to add birth-weights, as a measure of how big the child actually was and so there can be an overall weight stated for the character. Birth weight will be a calculation around the duration of the pregnancy and number of children, and I'm thinking a weight modifier for heavier/lighter children/pregnancies?
    • Before I start rewriting all of that, are there other things I might want to take into account with pregnancy that people would like?
  2. Combat

    • Redoing combat. I don't like the idea of the whole injuring-your-opponent in a game based around sex and kinkiness, so I'm going to get rid of weapons and damage and HP
    • Thinking about a "Stamina" mechanic to replace HP, which would function similarly, except more thematic to sexual/physical exhaustion instead of sustaining injuries.
    • Going to replace "attacking" with a list of "attacks" that drain the enemy's stamina instead of hitting them. Attacks available will be based off your features, so something like big tits would mean you can sandwich the enemy in some forced motor-boating that'll tire them out/sexually frustrate them.
    • Does that sound good or does it make the game suddenly more boring somehow?
  3. Prostitution

    • I've never liked the idea of prostitution in the game, it was just necessary to fill some of the game's emptiness. So I'm going to get rid of it. Going to rethink the whole market system to have a better use for money, especially with combat being redone. Also going to fill in other parts of the game to fill the sexual-needs, such as masturbation and dreams.
    • In replacement of the prostitution action, I was thinking of a "Gossip" or similar button where the player could listen around town and get some hints on how to play the game. When paths to other towns open, where hidden content is, etc.
    • Thoughts?
  4. Plot

    • The game has a plot that I'm gearing towards, though I'm not gonna mention it here. I might be a little fuzzy on the details though, so if people could tell me what kind of plots they think are good or they'd like to see in a text-based sex game like Nimin, I'd like to hear them, just to get some thoughts.

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May 8, 2016
*wheezes* MPREG!!!!!!

I'm not entirely sure of the logistics of that :p Not in the business of butt babies.

However, I have considered adding testicle pregnancy with cock-birthing eventually, but I'm nowhere near that at the moment. Otherwise, only MPreg I can think of doing is a forced pregnancy that results in a vag being grown when the birth comes, which can already kinda be achieved by getting pregnant with a vagoo and then removing the vagoo (the pregnancy continues until ready for birth, then you re-grow the vagoo).


May 8, 2016
Regarding pregnancy, some way of impregnating others?

There's a few characters you can already impregnate? Can't set it up so every female you encounter has dynamic pregnancy though, because either they'll all just seem the same or writing pregnancy scenes for every one will take forever.


May 4, 2016
Just my two cents, but I personally think removing the fisticuffs combat would detract from the game. I like how in CoC and TiTS you can beat people up OR tease them 'til they collapse. But the whole stamina sexy combat sounds interesting. I wouldn't mind overmuch if you decided to go that route.


May 8, 2016
Regarding combat, I don't think you should get too caught up with the details of injuring your opponents or getting injured. Both CoC and TiTS have proven that you can kind of handwave that and people will accept it. A purely lust-attack focused system, to me, seems like it might actually be a little too simple. If you feel strongly about not wanting to have "violent" combat, though, that's different. Nothing but sexual moves could be a hard sell in terms of plot or "boss" encounters, though.
Just my two cents, but I personally think removing the fisticuffs combat would detract from the game. I like how in CoC and TiTS you can beat people up OR tease them 'til they collapse. But the whole stamina sexy combat sounds interesting. I wouldn't mind overmuch if you decided to go that route.

Yeah, removing it detracting from the game is something I was concerned with. But at the same time, I feel violent combat already feels "tacked on" by being an rpg trope. It might make more sense in CoC or TiTs due to the more "unfriendly" environment, but in Nimin's case it doesn't seem to make much sense with the world being "nicer". Plot and bosses are definitely something I need to think about before making the change though... With the current combat system, I already see problems with the more-difficult battles being rather grindy and repetitive, so I'd still have to come up with something for plot and boss battles to not feel "meh".

Speaking of plot, my opinion is that an adult game is bettered by a decent story so long as it's not incredibly intricate or overbearing. I think that, first and foremost, people are going to play the game to get off, and a cumbersome story is going to be largely ignored or might even turn people off to the game. A simple story with straightforward and decently compelling conflict is a positive thing, though. I think so, at least.

Yep, I agree. It's kinda my goal as a writer to be able to bring a "good" plot to the game, something that enhances the experience rather than acting as filler. It won't be easy, but if I can do it then it will be a milestone to eventually writing a real novel someday.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Optional kinks options? that way people can see scenes they want to see. Don't know how much work that would take though. It's an idea to throw out there though. Another one I would think of would be Sexualized perks sort of like what CoC and TiTS has.


May 8, 2016
Optional kinks options? that way people can see scenes they want to see. Don't know how much work that would take though. It's an idea to throw out there though. Another one I would think of would be Sexualized perks sort of like what CoC and TiTS has.

Optional kinks isn't entirely easy. If there were a couple "extreme" things that people really didn't like, I might add options to have those, but otherwise it would just be removing large chunks of the game to try and make it work.

What are the Sexualized perks? It's been a while since I've played CoC and I've been avoiding TiTS to keep myself motivated with making my own game.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
TiTS Examples -

CoC Examples -

There's a good deal of them between the two games.

Take for example you have a small stature character with a tight pussy but you don't want that character to get flabby stomach or stretched pussy lips you have a perk that allows this.

Only problem I see is how you would need to restructure your game engine, do you use leveling perks or would you have a sexual experience system where when you reach certain milestones you gain perk points you can later learn or even get as rewards from special events.

Just tossing out ideas though.


May 8, 2016
TiTS Examples -

CoC Examples -

There's a good deal of them between the two games.

Take for example you have a small stature character with a tight pussy but you don't want that character to get flabby stomach or stretched pussy lips you have a perk that allows this.

Only problem I see is how you would need to restructure your game engine, do you use leveling perks or would you have a sexual experience system where when you reach certain milestones you gain perk points you can later learn or even get as rewards from special events.

Just tossing out ideas though.

Yeah, Nimin already has a leveling system and several ways to get "perks" like that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I was actually a fan of the Prostitution mechanic, because I found some of the encounters quite interesting actually. But maybe selling yourself for sex might be an odd thing to do in a place like Nimin, and you can probably just tack interesting events and encounters into an explore or wander-type action. I would like a gossip function to know how the game works, however.

As for combat, you could probably do something closer to what Night Games does if you don't want it too violent. Most of the attacks there drain stamina, and are things like arm bars or spankings or the like. So you could have a set of teases or attacks that do lust damage, and a set of attacks or abilities that drain stamina. Could be an interesting way to do things, particularly if you want to deviate from the 'fighting' aspect of most RPG-type games.

I second an MPreg function, just because that's a thing I'd like to say, but I haven't the foggiest idea how to manage that through ball-pregnancy. Perhaps a certain type of race or something has the ability to transfer the pregnancy to the sire? Going the butt-route however, there are a few ways around that. I wouldn't know how the mechanics would work in the game, but Flexible Survival gives a male character a womb-type organ that allows for it. I think the logic for something like the satyr pregnancy in Coc was along the lines of 'the fluid forms a sac in the belly with an embryo inside to protect it from the stomach. . . or something along those lines.


Active Member
Oct 12, 2015
I rather keep the violent combat, rather i like killing them raping the people who try and attack me first


May 8, 2016
I was actually a fan of the Prostitution mechanic, because I found some of the encounters quite interesting actually. But maybe selling yourself for sex might be an odd thing to do in a place like Nimin, and you can probably just tack interesting events and encounters into an explore or wander-type action. I would like a gossip function to know how the game works, however.

Yeah, the prostitution is filler for actual encounters. I'll probably be moving the ones I think fit to normal encounters, which would keep them around, but they won't be as easy to access as "click button, get bacon".

As for combat, you could probably do something closer to what Night Games does if you don't want it too violent. Most of the attacks there drain stamina, and are things like arm bars or spankings or the like. So you could have a set of teases or attacks that do lust damage, and a set of attacks or abilities that drain stamina. Could be an interesting way to do things, particularly if you want to deviate from the 'fighting' aspect of most RPG-type games.

I was considering that. Instead of swords and hammers, have tranquilizers or magical draining items. I'd just really like to get away from the "search out best gear and pwn everything" feel, it's just so trope-ish and overdone.

I second an MPreg function, just because that's a thing I'd like to say, but I haven't the foggiest idea how to manage that through ball-pregnancy. Perhaps a certain type of race or something has the ability to transfer the pregnancy to the sire? Going the butt-route however, there are a few ways around that. I wouldn't know how the mechanics would work in the game, but Flexible Survival gives a male character a womb-type organ that allows for it. I think the logic for something like the satyr pregnancy in Coc was along the lines of 'the fluid forms a sac in the belly with an embryo inside to protect it from the stomach. . . or something along those lines.

A sac in the belly... like a uterus? lol. The question is, male has baby inside, but how does baby come out? If it's just birthing through the penis, I can see that, and kinda goes along with the ball-pregnancy. I'm not a fan of mpreg myself though, so I really don't know what those who enjoy it think. Do they like the idea of pooping out a baby or something? (I'm not a fan of anal either, so that probably doesn't help my imaginings XD)


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
My thoughts..

Pregnancy.. I agree that lots and lots of preggo scenes could bog the game down. I like the modifiers your'e considering. I'd suggest adding a trait to the offspring where their reception to the player character is equal to the relationship between its parents at birth. For example, a close relationship yields offspring that will follow and protect you. But if you have a bad relationship then the offspring will react negatively to your presence.

Combat.. Try using submission and wrestling moves? Those involve close contact and can lead to numerous sexual situations. I can enter combat, take the opponent down and wear them down with submission moves and grapples or even slams. Then I'd play with them or even have sex. You can even put them in a submission move then they give up and have to "service you" to get away.

Prostitution.. your call. It's your game. But who wouldn't enjoy a game of strip poker every now and again? If you lose, it's both your clothes and money that go missing!

Plot.. I've played the game extensively. I think it would make sense that the player has the goal of complete self-sufficiency where he would no longer rely on anything. That could fork into good, neutral, and bad endings and could even involve obtaining land, houses, or even entire villages.

Edited.. to add that wrestling does not require any armor but only toughness, strength, speed, and intelligence (to spot opportunities and weaknesses quicker). And to say If I won a strip game, I'd get a nice bit of info and possibly a teasing dance before they resume normal activities.

About mpreg.. not a fan of it but like the idea that if you are forced to get preggo, the kid will just have to claw its way out. It's a good bad end scenario.
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May 8, 2016
Pregnancy.. I agree that lots and lots of preggo scenes could bog the game down. I like the modifiers your'e considering. I'd suggest adding a trait to the offspring where their reception to the player character is equal to the relationship between its parents at birth. For example, a close relationship yields offspring that will follow and protect you. But if you have a bad relationship then the offspring will react negatively to your presence.

Probably not going to get that in depth with the pregnancy. I just felt it didn't emphasize the best parts of being pregnant, so I wanna rework that. There's a bunch of things I wanna rework for similar reasons, down the road.

Combat.. Try using submission and wrestling moves? Those involve close contact and can lead to numerous sexual situations. I can enter combat, take the opponent down and wear them down with submission moves and grapples or even slams. Then I'd play with them or even have sex. You can even put them in a submission move then they give up and have to "service you" to get away.

A grapple mechanic would be a bit too complex for me to go that much into it, I think. Rape is about the closest I get with some strength checking for success.

Plot.. I've played the game extensively. I think it would make sense that the player has the goal of complete self-sufficiency where he would no longer rely on anything. That could fork into good, neutral, and bad endings and could even involve obtaining land, houses, or even entire villages.

Self-sufficiency might be a thing, especially for a more neutral end. Though I don't know if I could do a "bad-end", it's not quite my style.


Sep 1, 2015
I'm not entirely sure of the logistics of that :p Not in the business of butt babies.

However, I have considered adding testicle pregnancy with cock-birthing eventually, but I'm nowhere near that at the moment. Otherwise, only MPreg I can think of doing is a forced pregnancy that results in a vag being grown when the birth comes, which can already kinda be achieved by getting pregnant with a vagoo and then removing the vagoo (the pregnancy continues until ready for birth, then you re-grow the vagoo).

Ew, not interested in that at all......damn, worth a shot......


May 8, 2016
Ew, not interested in that at all......damn, worth a shot......

lol. I am actually curious what people want with MPreg, besides a swollen belly on a guy. While that's achievable, I need to figure out the "completion" of an MPreg and what people enjoy about it. Cock-birthing, vaginal growth for birthing, butt-birthing, some other kind of birthing? I really have no idea.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Combat wise, methinks items should be refocused to nonlethal but still violent objects like clubs, blunted swords and darts with nonlethal poisons.  Something where you could realistically knock a humanoid enemy unconscious, without dealing permanent damage.  Form wise, if you going to offer a specific advantage to a specific form or body part of a specific form, i would like a way to acquire this benefit permanently without needing to continue to use a specific form.  Even if it requires a unreasonable, endgame level cost. I've heard that CoC was originally inspired by Nimin, maybe you could look at CoC for ideas for what to build in Nimin.  Who knows, maybe with Fenoxo's permission you could recycle ideas and even NPCs from CoC.  Also, i would like to see MPreg, but if your not into it you should probably find someone who is to write it for you. 

Thats just my 0.02$.  Give or take..  Nimin is an old favorite, i would love to see it grow. 
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
Just a stray thought but you could handle combat as bounties and just toss in non-lethal weapons for that, keeps the combat you have and you can effectively turn bosses and rare/one-offs into high bounties either found or requested. I mean it wasn't uncommon for a frontier to have bounty hunters who sold themselves and did other odd tasks and it feels like a good fit for Nimin.


May 8, 2016
Combat wise, methinks items should be refocused to nonlethal but still violent objects like clubs, blunted swords and darts with nonlethal poisons.  Something where you could realistically knock a humanoid enemy unconscious, without dealing permanent damage.

Think I can go with the stamina mechanic and have "nonlethal" weapons that drain one's stamina, not actually inflicting pain but making the opponent have to exert more energy to continue (like nets and other encumbering things).

Form wise, if you going to offer a specific advantage to a specific form or body part of a specific form, i would like a way to acquire this benefit permanently without needing to continue to use a specific form.

Any examples you can provide? There's currently some perk that allows you to "freeze" an attribute, like ears or a tail, to prevent it from changing, but I can't quite allow tons of udder-milking when you don't have an udder anymore.

I've heard that CoC was originally inspired by Nimin, maybe you could look at CoC for ideas for what to build in Nimin.

Nimin was inspired by UTG (Unnamed Text Game), which was the precursor to CoC. Though, you could say Nimin inspired Fen to go further with developing UTG into CoC.

Also, i would like to see MPreg, but if your not into it you should probably find someone who is to write it for you. 

Can somebody please tell me how MPreg works? I've stated it multiple times that I'm not sure what it is, exactly, for those that are interested in it. Though I suppose I wasn't quite as blunt about the question. How does the birthing work in MPreg, for those that like it?

Just a stray thought but you could handle combat as bounties and just toss in non-lethal weapons for that, keeps the combat you have and you can effectively turn bosses and rare/one-offs into high bounties either found or requested.

Bounties seem cool, for later-game stuff, though I've barely got a beginning-game going xD


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
Can somebody please tell me how MPreg works? I've stated it multiple times that I'm not sure what it is, exactly, for those that are interested in it. Though I suppose I wasn't quite as blunt about the question. How does the birthing work in MPreg, for those that like it?

It's pretty much a womb and such connected to your butt, at least the only version I know of is and I have no inclination to go check for any other.

Bounties seem cool, for later-game stuff, though I've barely got a beginning-game going xD

Later game stuff definitely, for early stuff I was just thinking it gave people a good reason for attacking you. Also speaking of barely going, how many words would you consider a good writing example to be?


May 8, 2016
It's pretty much a womb and such connected to your butt, at least the only version I know of is and I have no inclination to go check for any other.

Aha, okay, so butt-babies.

Also speaking of barely going, how many words would you consider a good writing example to be?

I updated the journal to specify like 8+ pages. A page is about 500 words, so that'd be 4000+ words total.


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2016
I would advocate 'soft' combat ie no blood. Weapons are always batons, entangling chains, bolos, fowling arrows and other things that hurt but don't actually cause injury in a boner-killing fashion.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
I updated the journal to specify like 8+ pages. A page is about 500 words, so that'd be 4000+ words total.

I'll get back to you on that then once my housing situation stablises, although would an RP character serve as an example so long as the collective lore surpasses the word count?


May 8, 2016
I'll get back to you on that then once my housing situation stablises, although would an RP character serve as an example so long as the collective lore surpasses the word count?

Sorry, but not really. The goal isn't to meet the word count quota. The goal is to show you can create a story with flow and structure and appeal. That link provides more information.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
Sorry, but not really. The goal isn't to meet the word count quota. The goal is to show you can create a story with flow and structure and appeal. That link provides more information.

By lore I mean backstory, not that that's the only example I have. It's just the largest and a constant work in progress over the last decade.


Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
I love MPreg. I like more the way of egg pregnancy in it's case, there eggs stored in ball's sack or belly. They can be fertilised through anal sex. In time of birth they can come out through butt (or dick). In my imagination it's pretty close to the way chickens has babies =)

Anyway I don't try to overthink it, because mpreg unrealistic trait, as well many others (like dongs bigger then characters, for example). I treat it as magic: it's simply that way, no need to question. 

P.S. I love your game Xadera. 
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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
All the interest for a text game that was started years ago speaks volumes about Xadera's abilities, doesn't it?  :perfect:


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
I'm seconding the ability to turn off some of the more extreme kinks. I had a love-hate relationship with the unbirth prostitution encounter because it gets you a lot of money, but the only way it could be further from "my thing" is if it was rapey and/or bloody. How opting out generally works is that scenes are tagged/flagged with their contents (watersports, anal, etc) and if the user encounters a scene with a blocked fetish, a generic replacement is given, possibly even just a message saying "Scene was skipped for containing ____, which you have blocked".

Something that might be cool to add is affinity/rep for the various cities. You automatically start out with some points in your hometown, so the events will have people regard you with familiarity; go to a new town, and people may act differently towards the outsider, but if you keep doing stuff there and helping out, you might become something of a celebrity
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