Nimin - Brainstorming / bouncing ideas


May 8, 2016
Anyway I don't try to overthink it, because mpreg unrealistic trait, as well many others (like dongs bigger then characters, for example). I treat it as magic: it's simply that way, no need to question. 

Overthinking is what I do, lol. Being able to really think through it and imagine it allows me to better articulate it so others can get a fuller and more appealing imagining of it as well. So yeah, it can be easy to say "it's magic", but you can also go with things like "males could have a womb connected to their ass like a cloaca" or "the male body pushes the baby through the analogous vagina, the urethra", which in turn can be described as "you feel the child push out from your womb into your rectum" or "the child squeeze into your urethra", etc.

I'm seconding the ability to turn off some of the more extreme kinks. I had a love-hate relationship with the unbirth prostitution encounter because it gets you a lot of money, but the only way it could be further from "my thing" is if it was rapey and/or bloody. How opting out generally works is that scenes are tagged/flagged with their contents (watersports, anal, etc) and if the user encounters a scene with a blocked fetish, a generic replacement is given, possibly even just a message saying "Scene was skipped for containing ____, which you have blocked".

The problem with that is it can really ruin the "atmosphere" and "pacing" of the game. It's totally possible, sure, but if the Mistress is half about unbirthing, it's either more difficult to segment the paths for her, or I would have to remove her entirely which means if she has an item you'd need elsewhere, I'll have to figure out another way to add that item. It's just a lot of overhead for something that the player can just click "Next" through and never return to again.

Something that might be cool to add is affinity/rep for the various cities. You automatically start out with some points in your hometown, so the events will have people regard you with familiarity; go to a new town, and people may act differently towards the outsider, but if you keep doing stuff there and helping out, you might become something of a celebrity

That does sound cool, but unfortunately would take a lot more work to implement. There's a lot of things like that; followers, dynamic townspeople, new features that completely alter half the scenes in the game, all of which would take a lot more than I can currently put into the game. As it is I'm mostly just dabbling with game mechanics as I'm having a hard time bringing myself to write new full events xD


May 8, 2016
So, here's another question for people. How do you imagine things like breast size and penis size? Does the "inches beyond chest" (a direct correlation to cup size) work? Or would people like diameters and weights or something? Do the current descriptions paint a good enough picture, or do you find yourself wishing "I wish this were explained in terms of X, I could imagine that more easily"?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I like it when breast, balls and penis size/thickness is compared to items one could find in real life but have a reason to be in the game, such as fruits or what-have-you. Consider that, even if people can understand English because it's a modern lingua franca of sorts, not everyone knows of imperial measures and might not want to do an internet search whilst they play.

Ah, here's a game suggestion: could there be a way to be a chimera of sorts? I just would like to play as a lizard-pig-insect-any other race which catches my fancy one day :p


Oct 14, 2015
Honestly anything more specific than "big" "medium" "small" or similar adjectives is just noise to me. Especially once you get to larger-than-humanly-possible I just start glossing over the numbers.


May 8, 2016
I like it when breast, balls and penis size/thickness is compared to items one could find in real life but have a reason to be in the game, such as fruits or what-have-you. Consider that, even if people can understand English because it's a modern lingua franca of sorts, not everyone knows of imperial measures and might not want to do an internet search whilst they play.

I do agree that is preferred, but there is some difficulty when size change is taken into account. For instance "apple-sized" breasts on a normal woman is way different than "apple-sized breasts" on a 6" tall fairy, and even more different on an 50' tall giant. So I'd need something that can handle relative sizes, which so far has been imperial measurements. I could use metric, but metric doesn't lend itself to easy conversions with bra sizes and is difficult for most Americans (who I assume is the larger group playing here) to visualize. Although, I might consider adding an option to display measurements in metric vs imperial...

Ah, here's a game suggestion: could there be a way to be a chimera of sorts? I just would like to play as a lizard-pig-insect-any other race which catches my fancy one day :p

You pretty much already can? There's a super-perk that can freeze attributes, I think, allowing you to mix and match to a certain degree. It just takes a bit of work to achieve.

Honestly anything more specific than "big" "medium" "small" or similar adjectives is just noise to me. Especially once you get to larger-than-humanly-possible I just start glossing over the numbers.

Yeah, I know some people like the simpler stuff, but I also know some like more distinct measurements (for self-comparison and personal goals and whatnot).


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015

  • I've never liked the idea of prostitution in the game, it was just necessary to fill some of the game's emptiness. So I'm going to get rid of it. Going to rethink the whole market system to have a better use for money,

I must admit I did tent to grind this option for cash to get on (so just like actual prostitution) 

so what are you thinking about cash wise more jobs or less need for cash?

PS Nimin stuff -Yeah (frankly I never thought I would see the day)


  • Redoing combat.

The idea of a world where Cain never happened is interesting [no harm no foul place]

One would reckon such a world would have a range of toys to win

It's pretty much a womb and such connected to your butt, at least the only version I know of is and I have no inclination to go check for any other.

Aha, okay, so butt-babies.

FOE has a strong drive in this direction basicaly you take a TF that gives you a coacha like a duck, the original mpreg stuff was on the old forum but here is something


  • The game has a plot

Yeah I always felt Nimin had a certain down-the-rabbit-hole element, you just accepted what was going on as you just sort of wandered around 


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
Metric isn't dead in America. I use it frequently since I used to rebuild Japanese motorcycles for a hobby and I also fix things around the house as well as build computers for a hobby. It's true that "Imperial" is what most of us use on a daily basis but several of us know the metric system like technicians, mechanics, the medical field, engineers, etc. So you feel comfortable with going metric then by all means, do so. I'm sure some of us would need to write conversions on a piece of paper or use an app and just go from there. Nimin's a great and unique game and I think most of us would overlook the measurement issue. It's the writing you do, the adventures to be had, and the fun of causing mischief and mayhem in the game is what we're all really after. 


Active Member
Sep 1, 2015
How bout just fixing the bugs and finishing the game as is? Finish the npcs, and the underground. Then start NEW game.


New Member
May 25, 2016
The Netherlands, Groningen
maybe it would be tricky to do, but how about a list of moves one can do which depend on certain stats from the enemy. a leg-sweep works better on larger creatures then smaller creatures, a judo-throw works better on lighter creatures then heavy ones and actually wrestling someone works on a low stamina rather then a high one.

maybe this would also add some tact to the combat, trying to do a good followup, but may not work as well for beat-em-up-and-hump people.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015

Well that means that nimin has some special meaning to you,as the suggested alternative option is simpler and easier.

So you must find what this special significance is and us it as your muse.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
From what I'm seeing posted about the combat mechanics, it seems that it's mostly sexual moves and teasing. I'm thinking 2 kinds of moves where you either tease or torture the opponent. Teasing could be touching your opponent with the tip of your dick and moving just out of reach to piss them off, jumping jacks to mesmerize them, taunting them verbally, grabbing your tits and dancing while singing about how your milkshake brings all the boys into the yard, etc. Then we could have torture moves like titty twisters, anal probing, and playing the bongo with the opponents nuts. Then you'd have sexual moves like rubbing, grinding, licking, etc. There's a lot you can do with that but I'm guessing the hard part is actually putting it in the game.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015

  • Redoing combat. I don't like the idea of the whole injuring-your-opponent in a game based around sex and kinkiness, so I'm going to get rid of weapons and damage and HP
  • Thinking about a "Stamina" mechanic to replace HP, which would function similarly, except more thematic to sexual/physical exhaustion instead of sustaining injuries.
  • Going to replace "attacking" with a list of "attacks" that drain the enemy's stamina instead of hitting them. Attacks available will be based off your features, so something like big tits would mean you can sandwich the enemy in some forced motor-boating that'll tire them out/sexually frustrate them.
  • Does that sound good or does it make the game suddenly more boring somehow?

Sex battles are always bad. Always. You are going to spam the stuff you do not like and do not want to see because they are effective and works, you also have to overuse and they become repetitive and boring. If you have the luxury of using whatever sex attacks you want, the the combat itself is meaningless easy. Combat should be completely separate from the sex because otherwise it's ruined.

However, that doesn't mean that there aren't other alternatives to weapons and wounds. You could have seduction battles of inducing lust in the opponent without actual sex via teasing, you could use some sort cultural wrestling that is non injurious, you could use mental battles because everyone is a psyker. You could have breakdancing competitions or some other contest. Just whatever you do, don't make it a sex battle where sexual moves are attacks
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May 8, 2016
From what I'm seeing posted about the combat mechanics...
maybe it would be tricky to do...
Sex battles are always bad...

I didn't quite wanna give anything away, but you guys seem to have some valid opinions.

What I was actually thinking was having attacks based on a character's characteristics. There would be a generic "Slap" attack that anybody could do, but from there the way you construct your character would present you with more "attacks". The Skunk Spray special attack is an example. Another would be breast size in comparison to the opponent; big-ish breasts could force-motorboat your opponent, or huge breasts could sandwich them for a moment, each resulting in stamina drain from being teased so hard. Grinding up against an enemy with your cock, or slapping them around with it if it's big enough; sandwiching them in your lips or quickly unbirthing them; spraying them down with milk or cum; etc. Even things like tickling them with a fluffy tail or thwapping them with a harder tail. Some things will decrease their stamina, increase their lust, both, maybe even "heal" you in some ways. No actual sexings, and is basically just a list of things that populates based on how you've built your character.


New Member
Jan 15, 2016
First time I've posted on a forum before, but I couldn't help myself.

Anyways, I've been playing Nimin for a while now (a couple years, at the very least) and I've got to say, I like the game.

I'm really into transformation themes, and this is one of the games that started that, but back on topic.

I'm glad you've decided to start working on the game again.

One of the things that has frustrated me about the game is the exploration system. I don't really enjoy having to press a button ten to twenty time just to visit a particular npc or visit a specific place. Would it be any trouble to take some of the randomness out of exploration by adding a CoClike exploration tab for random stuff like encouters, finding items etc, location tab for dicovered places, and a location specific npc tab to visit discovered npcs in the area.

Also, are you plannig anything specific for offspring?

-Off Topic -

Seriously people, whats up with the Mpreg fetish. What's so appealing about it? Frankly the idea of a male getting pergnant and giving birth kind of freaks me out really. Given there are certian animals in real life that do this (I'm looking at you seahorse) however it is still freaky.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
Seriously people, whats up with the Mpreg fetish. What's so appealing about it? Frankly the idea of a male getting pergnant and giving birth kind of freaks me out really. Given there are certian animals in real life that do this (I'm looking at you seahorse) however it is still freaky.

I think its more of insisting that a man who is transformed into a hairy hermaphrodite with a completely ordinary bird pussy (look up cloaca) is somehow not a hermaphrodite

I didn't quite wanna give anything away, but you guys seem to have some valid opinions.

What I was actually thinking was having attacks based on a character's characteristics. There would be a generic "Slap" attack that anybody could do, but from there the way you construct your character would present you with more "attacks". The Skunk Spray special attack is an example. Another would be breast size in comparison to the opponent; big-ish breasts could force-motorboat your opponent, or huge breasts could sandwich them for a moment, each resulting in stamina drain from being teased so hard. Grinding up against an enemy with your cock, or slapping them around with it if it's big enough; sandwiching them in your lips or quickly unbirthing them; spraying them down with milk or cum; etc. Even things like tickling them with a fluffy tail or thwapping them with a harder tail. Some things will decrease their stamina, increase their lust, both, maybe even "heal" you in some ways. No actual sexings, and is basically just a list of things that populates based on how you've built your character.

its better, but its still pretty fetishy. and you are still going to be repeating the same thing over and over, and doing the ability that works not the ability you want. "I really want to deal good damage, but I think ability X is disgusting, but it's objectively superior..."


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
There are a few ways I can see sex battles getting around the issues mrttao brings up.  With the issue of turn offs, you can have the game be dedicated to a specific set of fetishes/pairings, so you don't have to worry about being forced into stuff you don't like.  Being sufficiently vanilla is also a good way to make this work, though with the way that Nimin has been before now I'm not sure this particular is workable.  If everything is sex straight off the top, you can even win (or run from) every fight that involves an enemy that you wouldn't be interested in and say no to after battle sex to avoid turn offs.  Instead you'd have to quarter off areas of the game for each specific fetish and make everything optional or let the player selectively disable content through menus (never a good choice for level and story design).

To help avoid content being stale, one easy option is to have lots of different variations for attacks, but make them all short little one sentence affairs.  Make sure it's not something that's a chore to read, but also make it so that the text is relevant.  So you can find out if your opponent has a certain status effect from your attack or what position the two of you currently are in.  To make sure that you don't run into the issue of players needing to optimally play with skills and abilities that are turn offs, you could make sexual abilities be tied to a class or leveling system.  If someone likes kissing, they can take the kissing class/skills.  If someone likes diaper play, they can take the abilities tied to that.  Try to balance each so that one isn't inherently stronger than another and there are lots of options that do similar things covering lots of fetishes.  So abilities tied to having giant breasts work similarly to skills tied to semen spraying and hypnosis skills, for example.  Kissing, pillow/dirty talking, and genital torture all accomplish similar things.  Rutting, ridding, frotting, and tribadism are all similar.  Pick the skill set for the sexual content you want your character to experience and you never have to worry about being forced into doing something you don't want to see.  The only thing to make sure is that there's a fairly vanilla option for each rough area of abilities.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Rubber suit dollification.


May 8, 2016
So, spent some time thinking about things, about how changing the battle system would just be another click-a-thon if it's not implemented right, and even if done right it would be a nebulous feature if I didn't actually make good use of it in the whole of the game. Thus I actually sat down and contemplated where the plot is going to go and what kind of system I'd want in place to make the end-game feasible and meaningful. Which got me thinking about 3 things.

1) How annoying is it to cross between towns? Does it feel appropriate, or is it just a pointless barrier? I do want the towns to feel isolated from each other, but I may need to find another way.

2) How important is being able to choose a starting race? Does it feel like it adds more to the game? On one hand, it does make it easier to write for me. But on the other hand, if, say, you were forced to start as a human, then I could actually write more plot and whatnot that involve the player actually transforming away from a human and them being an outsider to most locales, and make the game more of a journey rather than a sandbox.

3) I haven't played the other text games much, beyond the original UTG. I actually haven't played CoC past a few minutes, and I've barely touched TiTs. I've been avoiding them to prevent myself from gravitating towards things they're already doing. Yet, now that I think I know where I'm going with Nimin (where I've only had a vague idea before), I'm probably going to be playing them over the next couple days to get an idea of what feels right as a player and what might not. As players yourselves, what are your opinions on what each has done "well" and what each has "lacked"? And what have you thought of their endings? Did the endings seem worth it, or was the sandbox nature more interesting?

I honestly have not gotten much done since posting this thread. I mean, I managed to calculate the density of a baby and made Nimin dynamically grow pregnancies, but otherwise this has been really good feedback so I can actually think more holistically about the game. The problem I ran into years ago is that, while I could keep tacking more and more onto the game, it wasn't making the game seem good and I wound up pushing myself into a creative-corner where I felt like I ignored things to get something done rather than making something good. Now that I haven't released an update in like 3 years, nobody's expecting anything so even if I don't do anything nobody will know the difference :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I actually like traveling between the towns. Feels more like a place if I have to walk to it instead of clicking a button and 'poof' I'm there. I'd say keep it, if only make it slightly more likely to reach said towns.

I also like the variety of races, and like being able to choose which one to start at. Different races start in different towns, and I'd say if you can make it more worthwhile to actually pick which one you're starting out in order to get different reactions or encounters.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2015
Traveling between towns is pretty annoying. Not just because it can be frustrating to get to the town you want but I feel like every time I'm looking for a new or specific encounter I'm spammed with the one scene trying to get me to change areas.

- I think CoC had a pretty good system with their places menu. Once you find a place and visit it a few times it's added to the menu. It makes discovering them a challenge but doesn't make you go through the same click spree every time you want to go there. 

And I like starting out as just a human. It makes transforming more fun if you're not already close to what you want to look like.

I like TiTs and CoC's loss scenes. And I like the depth of TiT's characters. One of my problems with CoC was all paths led to sex, though that wasn't always clear until it was too late. So like if say you've made a friend with a futa character (and that's not really your thing fetish-wise) you're suddenly thrown into scene with them even though you purposefully chose all non-sex chat options. Like telling them you're not interested/turning down propositions. It' s not taken into account.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015

1) For me, it's only annoying when I want to trigger a certain output which won't happen. But I wouldn't change it unless I found a better way to deal with it. It kinda reflects how traversing through places is not uneventful.

2) It's important in a way that it gives you a basis you are interested in until you start fiddling with transformatives.

3) Both CoC and TiTS need more guys and less hyper endowments :p As someone who isn't interested in pregnacy, I also found a lack of ways to avoid being pregnant. I really like bad ends in both games. TiTS has learned about the waifu problem CoC was flooded with in its last days and gave characters lives of their own.


Mar 2, 2016
Rubber suit dollification.

Sorry to go off the topic of travel between towns, but this has some possibilities. The plush suit thing is there, why not expand on the idea? For example:

#1 Tentacle parasite that basically fucks you and lives off your "milk". doubles as clothing/armor.

#2 All kinds of suits. We could go with latex like taboo-sho said, and that opens up hypnotism as well. If I was a well endowed female encased in latex, what reason would i have to believe the suit isn't brainwashing me to be: A slut/ milk cow/ bimbo/ maid/ whatever. The same idea with a robot suit. From the outside you seem to be an aloof warrior who likes to have sex. But on the inside you are erotically tortured for the amusement of someone/something else.

#3 hypnotism. This could be more a random event, but I was thinking like what if you were hypnotized to prostitute. You get a lust reduction from the fucking, but none of the money! Anger ensues, and you go on a quest to bring the hypnotizer to justice!... or take over his/her/herm operation. Also a possibility are being hypnotized into being a bimbo, which i found appealing. You know in the back of your mind its important you have to escape this, but big tits are importanter!

#4 Bimbofication. This would mostly be flavor I think. It doesn't need to be TG, there can be Himbos. Anyway, the title people know you as would change to "Giggling bimbo" or "Gorgeous man whore" . One place i think it could be implemented is with the fisherman, a bimbo would get inflamed with lust at someone so much smarter than them. 

Back to the topic of travelling, I thought of a few ideas. The player will always find their way to their home city, but they don't know the way to say, softlik. You can either keep rolling for random events to find it, or buy a map. An exception I think would be the horse city, since I can't imagine horses as being very sedentary and stable. So you would have to complete a quest to find the herd's new home. Say, for example, taking the biggest dick in town/ knocking up the least fertile woman in town/ bribing someone. 

I also thought there was a bit of a missed connection with the lake area, where are the mermaids man? Also, where are the elephants? Please don't tell me you saw two ton tina by karno, and you said "I don't want to put my penis in that"


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
#2 All kinds of suits. We could go with latex like taboo-sho said, and that opens up hypnotism as well. If I was a well endowed female encased in latex, what reason would i have to believe the suit isn't brainwashing me to be: A slut/ milk cow/ bimbo/ maid/ whatever. The same idea with a robot suit. From the outside you seem to be an aloof warrior who likes to have sex. But on the inside you are erotically tortured for the amusement of someone/something else.

WEll the suit idea I had in mind as kinda like one in a MOD on skyrim where  it starts as a collar then becomes a body suit. Legs, Arms then a hood, and then finally binds the arms.  Basically Progressive suit expansion, slowly turning the player more and more into a sex doll type of thing.

The Silver Bard

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
I don't mean to shill my own game too hard, but based on what you're saying about redoing the combat system, I strongly recommend you play Night Games as a reference. I don't suggest anything that complex, unless you want to rebuild your entire game around it, but it's a good example of how to implement non-hostile combat.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I don't mean to shill my own game too hard, but based on what you're saying about redoing the combat system, I strongly recommend you play Night Games as a reference. I don't suggest anything that complex, unless you want to rebuild your entire game around it, but it's a good example of how to implement non-hostile combat.

Game thread link.


Jun 16, 2016
maybe feature an npc/ love interest who focusus on BE and could give her red mushrooms and the other expansion items and make her reach bust sizes on level with the player can reach


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
I loved the original game, but if you redo the game perhaps starting the game as human and making the story from there is the best way to go about it. That way if you want to be certain race then can work towards saving up toward the transformation items or the scenes that add to the racial score.

Are the other transformations staying in that were added later? Once it got added I always been going bird now (still working toward making a gryphon character).
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