Your favourite husbando in TiTS

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Futas are popular as husbandos. But I see all futas as female. wat do


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
You make them ultimate bros banging whom aren't all that gay and expect people not to pair their fem!Steeles with them?  o_O

Less that and more "They're ladies, so shouldn't they be considered waifus?"

A lady can have a waifu of her own, after all. See: Anno and Kaede. Or Cass and Kaede.

Really a lot of people with Kaede. Kaede is best community property waifu.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Less that and more "They're ladies, so shouldn't they be considered waifus?"

A lady can have a waifu of her own, after all. See: Anno and Kaede. Or Cass and Kaede.

Really a lot of people with Kaede. Kaede is best community property waifu.

Potential Dad/Pants Wearing Person of the relationship equals husbando in my weirdly deformed traditionally oriented worldview. So characters like Kaede or Syri are both wifus and husbandos at the same time.


Aug 27, 2015
Less that and more "They're ladies, so shouldn't they be considered waifus?"

A lady can have a waifu of her own, after all. See: Anno and Kaede. Or Cass and Kaede.

Really a lot of people with Kaede. Kaede is best community property waifu.

It's not unusual in forbidden love for one partner to take on the more masculine role. See: Every lesbian couple you will ever meet. So your slacking goofball but occasionally quite sweet dickwolf being considered a husbando isn't exactly surprising. Particularly given this game's notable dearth of actual males.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Particularly given this game's notable dearth of actual males.

Males with any sort of relationship-building or hooks for potential relationship-building would be more correct IMO. Even if the worldcount for it isn't as large, PC can have lots of random sex with random dudes. 

As a semi-relevant tangent, I've always meant to ask you if your descision to expand so much on Sera instead of, for example, Gene was the result of your own prefernces at work or comission/public demand?


Aug 27, 2015
As a semi-relevant tangent, I've always meant to ask you if your descision to expand so much on Sera instead of, for example, Gene was the result of your own prefernces at work or comission/public demand?

Commissioning, definitely. If you look at how Sera has been developed it's all over the place, added to as and when it's gotten funded. I certainly wouldn't have considered her a candidate for fatherhood in particular.

That's not to say Sera isn't my jam - her original expansion was a labour of love, and looking back I think the most fun I've ever had writing smut was her party event - but for balance's sake, do I wish some of that work had gone into properly making let's say Fazian into a good relationship-able character? Yes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Males with any sort of relationship-building or hooks for potential relationship-building would be more correct IMO. Even if the worldcount for it isn't as large, PC can have lots of random sex with random dudes.

It's not that many. There is 133 feminine and 53 masculine characters. Most of the feminine characters are sexable, while little over half of the masculine ones are sexable.

I also agree with you, I can't remember any of them going into a relationship.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
I'm probably gonna end up repeating what the above are saying. But yeah, even I can't think of any other male characters (Excluding Ben entirely) that I could qualify as husbandos. There's not many in the game that are sexable like Lash said, given the smaller roster. Little over half? Damn. And heck even those that are sexable aren't all that.... uh.. what's the word I'm looking for..?


Yeah, developed. Getting to sex the small few is one thing, but I personally don't think there's really any actual character development in most -if any that is- male characters in the game right now compared to the female and futa characters (I'm only gonna blame lack of interest entirely for that). When I saw this thread my mind blanked immediately trying to think of a good candidate for the title, went "...Uhh..." and just defaulted to the two futa puppy girls Syri and Kaede despite them being more 'waifu' than husbando because, well, I can't think of any fully male NPCs to take their place. The guys have too little content right now (Stressing the 'right now' bit like crazy because that COULD change) for me to really end up LIKING them as actual characters at the moment. There's not really any relationship building you can have going on with them or anything. They're just, well.. I feel many are just there. >.<;

My opinion miiiiiiight change later the further we get into the game's content, but for now Idk, I'm just being honest. I'm really hoping I don't sound like an ass in this. >.>
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Jun 24, 2016
Vahn. He pretty much takes as decent as he can give. With the absurd amounts of herms, he is perfecto husbando
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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
I have to say . . . Vahn comes to mind, dependable always there in the background technically he's the second interactable character in the game :p Sweet, but not naive.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
I would say that I might adopt him, but even if I can get myself to engage with my writing, I'm not sure that a person can write about what they personally idolotrize without screwing it up >.<


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm probably gonna end up repeating what the above are saying. But yeah, even I can't think of any other male characters (Excluding Ben entirely) that I could qualify as husbandos. There's not many in the game that are sexable like Lash said, given the smaller roster. Little over half? Damn. And heck even those that are sexable aren't all that.... uh.. what's the word I'm looking for..?


Yeah, developed. Getting to sex the small few is one thing, but I personally don't think there's really any actual character development in most -if any that is- male characters in the game right now compared to the female and futa characters (I'm only gonna blame lack of interest entirely for that). When I saw this thread my mind blanked immediately trying to think of a good candidate for the title, went "...Uhh..." and just defaulted to the two futa puppy girls Syri and Kaede despite them being more 'waifu' than husbando because, well, I can't think of any fully male NPCs to take their place. The guys have too little content right now (Stressing the 'right now' bit like crazy because that COULD change) for me to really end up LIKING them as actual characters at the moment. There's not really any relationship building you can have going on with them or anything. They're just, well.. I feel many are just there. >w<;

My opinion miiiiiiight change later the further we get into the game's content, but for now Idk, I'm just being honest. I'm really hoping I don't sound like an ass in this. >.>

A quick check on the wiki shows that 21 out of 53 masculine characters are not sexable, meaning that only 32 of them are.

You're right in that they aren't well developed and that is also one of the reasons I haven't posted anything in this thread. So far only Dane seems to have any development.

The lack of interest is because the developers make content for gynophiles, which attracts more gynophiles, which want more content for gynophiles. I don't say straight males because there is far more lesbian content(scarce as it may be) than males, just from having more females in the game.

But this is beating a dead horse, since this particular topic has come up before and the results were less than positive.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Less that and more "They're ladies, so shouldn't they be considered waifus?"

A lady can have a waifu of her own, after all.

Apparently, a female who behaves in a "traditional" male behaviour and might or might not have a penis will be treated as "less feminine" even if it's the future in which sex change is a relatively easy thing to perform and gender role might be abolished or flipped. That makes me feel sad, both for my own Steele and my IRL self who loathes stereotypes -i.e. the "butch lesbian" one- and has never really cared for girly things save from plushies and Barbie dolls. Good old Terran players and our biased views (because I want to use male pronouns when talking to the likes of Del or Seifyn!).

Still, it's quite the surprise that two of those waifubandos are, respectively, a trans and someone who lost her female bits AND two of the most developed characters, story wise. "I'm not going to say it's aliens, but I'd say it's aliens" can be used as a good line here, in more ways than one.


Mar 28, 2016
Every time I land on Tavros it feels like I'm going back home with my loving husbando Vahn waiting for me at the front door. Needless to say he's my #1, Ben being a close second. Dane will most likely top my list too once he's got some more content. Almost every sexable male character can be added to my list since there aren't a whole lot of them and my thirst for sexy men is too real.

Also really fucked up but when Jack's lover route gets implemented he'd be 1st on my list automatically (incest ftw).


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Apparently, a female who behaves in a "traditional" male behaviour and might or might not have a penis will be treated as "less feminine" even if it's the future in which sex change is a relatively easy thing to perform and gender role might be abolished or flipped. That makes me feel sad, both for my own Steele and my IRL self who loathes stereotypes -i.e. the "butch lesbian" one- and has never really cared for girly things save from plushies and Barbie dolls. Good old Terran players and our biased views (because I want to use male pronouns when talking to the likes of Del or Seifyn!).

Sorry if this thread is upsetting you, KS. It shouldn't be taken too seriously, since the whole concept of waifus and husbandos, at least when it doesn't cross into the territory of unhealthy obsession, is just dumb harmless fun.

Nobody denies Syri's or Kaede's femeninity, but in the course of aforementioned dumb fun we just go: "Syri will look stunningly in a tuxedo alongside Anno and Captain Steele in wedding dresses, and she will be a great dad, and they will have lots of sexy fun with her playing the husband." 

And yeah, many of us are looking forward to busting the Del out and treating him with respect, even though Savin certainly won't have time to write it in the near future. Seyfin is a much less straightforward case, what with nyrea not having masculine pronouns and their males being the traditionally femenine gender.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm not going to cry bloody murder, don't worry. As you well stated, it's just harmless fun. It's just that I'm not one for stereotypes of any kind and bits like that one from the Puppyxmas event (which I proc-ed several times to read every possible outcome) made me raise a brow.


Syri probably, followed closely by Vahn. I'd slip Kaede in there somewhere but I'm not sure she'd qualify. Amara definitely could make top three though, kinda depends on what she's like when she's not trying to kill me. (and me her.)

Amara expansion wen?