CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


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May 7, 2016
I'll try and put together a preset point system, and message you the link when i have something.  
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
So, first of all, I decided to try the mod, and it turned ot great. Congrats Ormael.

I dunno if I should direct this request to you or to Stadler, but I've had some itch from quite a long ago, and is the lack of a head TF for avian and lagomorphs. Since the Revamp mod is in hiatus, I'd like to know if a work over said TF is planned. I was working on a avian TF for the Revamp, but had to interrupt my work because college, so if you'd like to reuse part of my doc, to finish said TF, I'll be more than happy.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
So, first of all, I decided to try the mod, and it turned ot great. Congrats Ormael.

I dunno if I should direct this request to you or to Stadler, but I've had some itch from quite a long ago, and is the lack of a head TF for avian and lagomorphs. Since the Revamp mod is in hiatus, I'd like to know if a work over said TF is planned. I was working on a avian TF for the Revamp, but had to interrupt my work because college, so if you'd like to reuse part of my doc, to finish said TF, I'll be more than happy.

I'm Ormael personnal writer and I'm reading you here. At the time an avian/bunny head wasn't planned but we sure can add one as part of 0.7f wich is the tf update. 

0.7f was to include the fellowing changes

- Kraken tf and kraken sex scenes (giantess)

- Alraune tf and a new scene with bee girl featuring 1 vs 5 Yuri

- Possible turtle/Kappa tf

- Gargoyle tf and temple of the divine religion expension

- Siren revamp

- Gorgon revamp

- Partial scale body part (Ever felt being covered entirely was maybe overkill just for thst one racial point? We understand your dilema between fashion and stat and wish to offer you the compromise of having armored scales and racial point witheout having to look like an overgrown lizard)

- TF stats revision (lower level TF will now scale depending on the number of body parts having several stage same as Fenrir and plant TF. As such many TF will get a massive stat boost or get a huge nerf depending on their score vs body parts relationship.)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm Ormael personnal writer and I'm reading you here. At the time an avian/bunny head wasn't planned but we sure can add one as part of 0.7f wich is the tf update.

Thanks! I'll be waiting it expectantly, and again, congratulations for a great job


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
 My work so far includes

- Archery revamp and perk list design (Most of wich will happen in 0.7e)

- Demon morph ability design

- Gorgon concept

- Scylla/Kraken tf text and design

- Many utility ability such as blademaster, shield bash and natural jouster

- Eromancer perk list design

- Fenrir text design and tf

- Gargoyle TF and the temple of the divine (unreleased)

- Manticore true TF and Etna the manticore (To be released in 0.7e)

- Alraune tf and design (To be released in 0.7f)

- Sea and high sea encounters design (unreleased content so far)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'll try and put together a preset point system, and message you the link when i have something.  

Yeah sure when you will feel you're ready jsut send me PM with link so I can look at it.

So, first of all, I decided to try the mod, and it turned ot great. Congrats Ormael.

I dunno if I should direct this request to you or to Stadler, but I've had some itch from quite a long ago, and is the lack of a head TF for avian and lagomorphs. Since the Revamp mod is in hiatus, I'd like to know if a work over said TF is planned. I was working on a avian TF for the Revamp, but had to interrupt my work because college, so if you'd like to reuse part of my doc, to finish said TF, I'll be more than happy.

*bow lowly*Thank you for your kind words

Stadler mostly work on his own Dragon Mod but he do few times helped me and some of ideas from one of threads he started I used under his approval.

As Liadri kinda already agreed on my behalf *chuckle* yes I would be interested in do my best to finish this bird/avain TF. ALso as Liadri said it will be done after 0.7e will be done which will be more than one subversions (current worked version I named 0.7e1). Of course I count if I would need some clarification on some matter regarding this TF can I send you PM to ask about it? Since you started it you should have more clear vision what this TF suppose to be than me who will be jsut taking over from point you stopped to finish it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Of course, well here's the link

I finished the leg, head, hair and wing Tf to some extent, as well as some basic things like the race's bonus and an special attack idea. It still lacks the tail, skin(feathers), arms and penis Tf, though the last one already exists on his own as a part of the harpy TF, as well as the matching descriptors in the "appareance" page.

The TF is supposed to give the PC a full cloak of feathers, besides the curret skin/fur/scales types.

If you have any doubt, feel free of PM me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ok then once again my thanks for you leaving link. Not soon but I think in next few weeks max I would move to version where I will be changing things in mutation system so then I would also work to complete avian TF.

Nice avator too you got atm. For a moment I not realize it's you as I get used to old one avator.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well given I thinking about making nekomanta TF and race itself having some special abilities tanuki could be also added there. Thou I would probably need to check on what usualy tanuki got as powers. I thinik their also pranksters like kitsune and always protraited as almost mortal enemies to kitsunes (so due to my more liking kitsunes never put much interest to know what tanuki are in myths).
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Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
Oh. I know we have wolf tfs but what about a npc who's like a werewolf with hyper cock or breasts depending on the gender 


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Oh. I know we have wolf tfs but what about a npc who's like a werewolf with hyper cock or breasts depending on the gender 

Uh... that's... out of my lines of work.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Oh. I know we have wolf tfs but what about a npc who's like a werewolf with hyper cock or breasts depending on the gender 

We got already winter wolfs to drop wolf tf plus shrine to get even deeper into wolf side by been fenrir bowl.

On this npc it wouldn't be something that switching genders too easy even if at all. Plus I not sure when I could think about working on such chara :/

I got atm some minor trouble I spending most energy to solve :D

Uh... thats... out of my lines of work.

Well even female (were)wolf with hyper breasts? It may be used for some yuri scenes.......
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Um... remember that scene about a giant female furry with 6 breast and a huge dick on youtube? Truthfully I'm not that much into hermaprodites and uber endowment. I'm sure however someone else might be good at these.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
A couple of questions

-The Urta fertility route isn't currently supported by the mod?

-The same question goes with Nieve

-What does the bag of cosmos? It does allow to use an item in combat without wasting a turn?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
A couple of questions

-The Urta fertility route isn't currently supported by the mod?

-The same question goes with Nieve

-What does the bag of cosmos? It does allow to use an item in combat without wasting a turn?

UtraQuest is disabled cuz of bugs.  

Not sure

Its a extra container you can access from your inventory.  So you can hold more stuffs.  
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Liadri I only meantioned big titted female werewolf not herm one -_-'

@Coalsack Urta Quest at some time in past get bugged and I for safetly tempraly made it unable to be started. IN few next version I expect it to be fixed.

For Nieve I not change nothing to her so I take this one is some kind of bug (would put in on bug to check in near future)

Bag of Cosmos is jsut another way for PC to carry around more amount of items without need to put them into stash or warehouse. SIilary like Pearl that is also serving purpose of been additional storage space. And both of them are based on storage items found in some of Xianxia novels.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Interesting, is there some way to use items without spending a turn, or that would make the player too op?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It would probably make PC too op but I never really have thought on this possibility. As you meantioned I would give it a think over next few days in spare moments from working strictly on current version.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
In TiTs we have a perk that allows something similar, and well since it seems llike I'm throwing suggestions, I'd like to trow one more:

-A perk/thing that allows access the sex scenes witout min lust, or a flag similar to "meaningless corruption" with the same function


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
In TiTs we have a perk that allows something similar, and well since it seems llike I'm throwing suggestions, I'd like to trow one more:

-A perk/thing that allows access the sex scenes witout min lust, or a flag similar to "meaningless corruption" with the same function

Wouldn't that in theory be a useless perk? At this point just make a button in the option menu that allows for sex scene to ignore current lust.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Wouldn't that in theory be a useless perk?

Not exactly, I have to use a lust draft (or wait 8-12h) each time that I want to see one with the camp NPC, since my lust usualy is around 10-11, and most of them require 35+ lust.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Not exactly, I have to use a lust draft (or wait 8-12h) each time that I want to see one with the camp NPC, since my lust usualy is around 10-11, and most of them require 35+ lust.

I take it you don't actualy use the Omnibus blessing or the bimbo body. I mean I'm surprised since Omnibus is a massive boost rather then a curse in Xiangxia and revamp especialy due to the increased lust bar.

Consider the fellowing fact

- Omnibus raise minimum lust to 30

- Omnibus raise maximum lust by a fair amount

- Omnibus massively increase lust resistance

- In xiangxia in particular max lust can reach up to 400 and above thanks to the various perks as well as to demonic desire wich increases PC lust bar by an amount based on libido similar to toughness.

How is that not a bonus?
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Omnibus Gift + Purity Blessing leaves your minimum lust bellow sex threshold.  
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
----Daily news----

We finaly managed to compile the next testing build. A first ranged weapon with an attack modifier of 1 was added to the closed beta with its own slot. To resume bow no longuer are misc items but actual true weapon with their own unique slot in the game. Of course having nothing in said slot prevents the player from using the ranged attack option.
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