Embry, Space Princess (X-Pac Discussion)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm glad to see that someone has taken the liberty to salvage some great content that would have either been on one of the currently existing writers backlog due to their own projects that they have to work on, or scrapped and had it's loose ends tied off, thus becoming what I call a dead end character. That said I am a bit skeptical regarding the quality of the content when the new author comes into play. Reading the current content in the document Jim left off with there isn't a lot of new content that needs to be written, especially regarding the fact that some of the unfinished content was taken out.

This isn't an insult. I'm sure plenty of people would want to know how good of a writer someone was before they (hypothetically) replace someone they know is a great writer. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
I'm glad to see that someone has taken the liberty to salvage some great content that would have either been on one of the currently existing writers backlog due to their own projects that they have to work on, or scrapped and had it's loose ends tied off, thus becoming what I call a dead end character. That said I am a bit skeptical regarding the quality of the content when the new author comes into play. Reading the current content in the document Jim left off with there isn't a lot of new content that needs to be written, especially regarding the fact that some of the unfinished content was taken out.

This isn't an insult. I'm sure plenty of people would want to know how good of a writer someone was before they (hypothetically) replace someone they know is a great writer. 

I'm subject to the same quality standards as any other writer for TiTs. Fen & Co. won't let me ruin Embry for you.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF

In addition to Eva's point above, I'd recommend you to take a look at her other projects, specifically Zil Stealing and Tasha's bits of her Brothel.

For what it's worth, I think that the general tone and feel of her writing is an excellent match for Embry.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
I've also been in contact with JimT casually for advisory purposes, as well as his original source for the character. I'm sorry if my writing is slow, but I want to be very sure to get this expansion right.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
slow and steady wins in the case of writing. Better to do a little bit at a time than all of it at once. Gives you the chance to go back over what you've written to change things more to your liking. Something I used to do before I stopped writing, I got 2/3rds through writing a 500+ page novel I had wanted to write when I was younger and then got hit with writers block like you wouldn't believe add that with life in general and plans go all fucking ta hell.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yes, as much as we the fans of Embry would love to have her X-pac, it is much better if you do not rush yourself. Like you said, this is a very big project.


New Member
Apr 2, 2016
I'm a novice writer with a bit too much time on her hands (a lot) that wants to improve and practice writing. I know it's not a huge priority, but could I potentially write some excerpts of Embry's for her romantic writing? I think it might improve the immersion feel to see her work start off at sort of a novice level like mine and slowly improve (as I hope mine will) over the course of that. I probably wouldn't touch any PC or Embry dialogue and just let you copy & paste anything you like into it. I can type up a few examples for you to consider if you're thinking about considering my offer.


Apr 1, 2016
I'm a novice writer with a bit too much time on her hands (a lot) that wants to improve and practice writing. I know it's not a huge priority, but could I potentially write some excerpts of Embry's for her romantic writing? I think it might improve the immersion feel to see her work start off at sort of a novice level like mine and slowly improve (as I hope mine will) over the course of that. I probably wouldn't touch any PC or Embry dialogue and just let you copy & paste anything you like into it. I can type up a few examples for you to consider if you're thinking about considering my offer.

Such a cute username for this thread. :D

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm a novice writer with a bit too much time on her hands (a lot) that wants to improve and practice writing. I know it's not a huge priority, but could I potentially write some excerpts of Embry's for her romantic writing? I think it might improve the immersion feel to see her work start off at sort of a novice level like mine and slowly improve (as I hope mine will) over the course of that. I probably wouldn't touch any PC or Embry dialogue and just let you copy & paste anything you like into it. I can type up a few examples for you to consider if you're thinking about considering my offer.

adding more fiction within the game? FUCK yes... go for it, I'm sure Fen would be more than happy to add more fics to be read inside the game.


Apr 1, 2016
So here's some questions about what other folks would like to see in Embry's x-pack. I know what I'd like, but I'm curious about everyone else!

* How would you like to propose to Embry? I mean, you've got to go about getting the ring first, right? My thoughts were some kind of fetch quest. Like, you go out and look for the shiniest gemerald there is, asking Embry first what she thinks is the prettiest sone there is (being a gem nut). And then you go get it for her, and either get a pro to polish it up for ring use, or get HER to do it and not tell her why. (At the end be all like "Okay, and now we put it in a ring so I can give it to you". "Wuh-what?!?!")

* Princess Aurora in Embry's story. Do you think she should have originally been a Prince, like Embry was? That'd make for some sweet ass feminize/trans storytelling, about a shy, highly feminine prince who becomes a princess, much like Embry. Or maybe people are all like "Thefuckstoprubbingitinmyfacethatshestransshutup" and that's a bad idea, who knows.

* How many people would want her to become a writer, or stay at home? Or maybe something else, like a seamstress? Or STAY AT HOME AND MAKE BEBBIES.

* Speaking of babies; what's more important, a broodmother Embry (Lookin' at you, CoC Sophie) or a quality individual child time Embry (Helspawn woo)?

* How many people would opt to teach Embry to fight, or keep her in a snuggle-bubble of protective shipwarmth?

* And who would seperate her from her kids on Tavros once they're born just to have her on the ship? Nuu she MINE.

EDIT: Assuming of course anyone was crazypants enough to write any of this.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I feel like the proposal bit would need some interaction with Taivira if you choose to get married to her. Also I'm not even sure if I've seen anything that goes one way or another on the legal status of polygamy.


Apr 1, 2016
I feel like the proposal bit would need some interaction with Taivira if you choose to get married to her. Also I'm not even sure if I've seen anything that goes one way or another on the legal status of polygamy.

Well, only if you're married to Taivra. I mean, what are the odds of Embry interacting with an underground bunch of aliens? I mean, before the end game... then it'd be a problem if you were hiding your two-timing.

If incest and the treatment are okay, I'm pretty sure polygamy's pretty ace.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Well, only if you're married to Taivra. I mean, what are the odds of Embry interacting with an underground bunch of aliens? I mean, before the end game... then it'd be a problem if you were hiding your two-timing.

If incest and the treatment are okay, I'm pretty sure polygamy's pretty ace.

Jim T's notes indicate that Embry is suppose to find out real easy due to a bit a mail you get congratulating you on your marriage if you tell her you want to be exclusive. Or somethign like that.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Jim T's notes indicate that Embry is suppose to find out real easy due to a bit a mail you get congratulating you on your marriage if you tell her you want to be exclusive. Or somethign like that.

In my headcanon, the message is sent by the cousin, just for some quick gloating.


Bear in mind that almost everything you've listed probably isn't planned for this x-pack. Engagement and hobbies/carrier - maybe, babies - definitely not. So as pure speculations about ideal monkey-wify content:

  • I'm in favor of fetch quest and Embry's involvement. Probably not as someone who will actually cut and polish the stone, 'cause I'd want to pick the rarest and the most expensive damn gem in the Galaxy and Embry isn't a professional jeweler. Going with some pretty stone with purely sentimental value may also be good.
  • Embry's early amateur writing should definitely be focused more on wish fulfillment and cheesy-yet-adorable romance plots. Processing her experiences through writing, with or without PC's help, sounds like a great idea for Professional Writer Embry though.
  • Writer and Housewife, with both of her extra hobbies still intact. It's the damn future, after all
  • Individual child time. Best Mom of every year.
  • Safety bubble full-stop.
  • Translation: who's gonna be a heartless selfish bastard? Hopefully, not me.
I'm a novice writer with a bit too much time on her hands (a lot) that wants to improve and practice writing. I know it's not a huge priority, but could I potentially write some excerpts of Embry's for her romantic writing? I think it might improve the immersion feel to see her work start off at sort of a novice level like mine and slowly improve (as I hope mine will) over the course of that. I probably wouldn't touch any PC or Embry dialogue and just let you copy & paste anything you like into it. I can type up a few examples for you to consider if you're thinking about considering my offer.

IMO the desired effect of making Embry's early works 'cheesy yet enjoyable and adorable' can be acheived more easily by an experienced writer. If you can do that though, then more power to ya.


Apr 1, 2016
In my headcanon, the message is sent by the cousin, just for some quick gloating.


Bear in mind that almost everything you've listed probably isn't planned for this x-pack. Engagement and hobbies/carrier - maybe, babies - definitely not. So as pure speculations about ideal monkey-wify content:

  • I'm in favor of fetch quest and Embry's involvement. Probably not as someone who will actually cut and polish the stone, 'cause I'd want to pick the rarest and the most expensive damn gem in the Galaxy and Embry isn't a professional jeweler. Going with some pretty stone with purely sentimental value may also be good.
  • Embry's early amateur writing should definitely be focused more on wish fulfillment and cheesy-yet-adorable romance plots. Processing her experiences through writing, with or without PC's help, sounds like a great idea for Professional Writer Embry though.
  • Writer and Housewife, with both of her extra hobbies still intact. It's the damn future, after all
  • Individual child time. Best Mom of every year.
  • Safety bubble full-stop.
  • Translation: who's gonna be a heartless selfish bastard? Hopefully, not me.

IMO the desired effect of making Embry's early works 'cheesy yet enjoyable and adorable' can be acheived more easily by an experienced writer. If you can do that though, then more power to ya.

All those Embry pregnancy busts though! :3 #SoSad. Ah well, you can only do what you can do, right?

The problem I see with actually writing Embry's stories in plot, as opposed to just referring to them as a thing, is that everyone probably has a different idea of what Embry would write, which means 50% of people might be disappointed with what she DOES write for Princess Aurora. Should they then be able to tell her they don't like her Princess story, or should the PC be forced to say 'yeah it was great' despite what the player thinks of it? And then, you know, that whole can of worms. Ambiguously referring to what she's writing as 'Cheesy yet adorable' with tiny excerpts leaves a lot more to people's individual imaginations. I mean, you could actually write Embry's scenes, but it's a risk vs reward scenario IMO. Or maybe I'm making a mountain out of a molehill here.


New Member
Apr 2, 2016
IMO the desired effect of making Embry's early works 'cheesy yet enjoyable and adorable' can be acheived more easily by an experienced writer. If you can do that though, then more power to ya.

True enough. But considering the amount of effort that would have to go into writing everything for the expansion, getting some help would probably be necessary anyways. Or at the very least, it would speed things up a bit. It's just something I feel more experienced writers could defer to the more inexperienced so that they can focus on more important things. There's going to be a ton of work to do even before the writing part of her character is explored given how low it was on the to-do list. Figured someone could step up and get a head start on it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
It's occurred to me that if Embry does start writing and we do end up getting to read it, Steele is likely going to be the basis for a character in the writing.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2016
Embry is an interesting character, and it's great someone is willing to write more of her story. It will be interesting to see what stuff is added when all's said and done - even if it's not everything I'd like.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Will you change the reaction to taviras marage. This is in part because it clashes with some of the previous conversations when you agree to be polygamous and she accepts


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Will you change the reaction to taviras marage. This is in part because it clashes with some of the previous conversations when you agree to be polygamous and she accepts

Embry's reaction to PC's marrying Taivra was supposed to be set up in a way that would require previously promising her to be faithful in monogamous realtionships and then betraying that promise. 


Aug 26, 2015
I don't see what would make you say it lives beyond pure wishful thinking.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
It's not that surprising. There's loads of projects that have been picked up and dropped by multiple people. Just look at the gynomorphs, this is the fifth time it's been dropped. Say what you like about LD and QB, at least they had the decency to announce when they were dropping a project.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
As long someone not make whole project finished in secret not bragging around that he or she writing it it would happen. Otherwise seems that "bragging" on forum about picking X or Y project leading to it dropping again quite soon :/